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Those heads scared the fuck out of me as a kid


I watched it for the first time a couple years ago since I was very young (about 4-5) and I don't remember them actually showing the heads when I first watched it when it aired. And funny enough if you look in the background you can just barely see other severed heads too. Looking back on it it was inevitable that I would become a massive horror fan. The stuff they were marketing to kids back in the day🤣


I still think about how much this movie got away with. 3 people who Kenan and Kel meet in this movie literally get murdered and we see their severed heads


This was the official end of the "treating kids more like adults era" in terms of content.


It was still a good movie


I haven’t seen it in years and years, but what sticks out is Kel annoying everyone in the car by singing 99 bottles of orange soda on the wall and then stopping at 1 🤣


99 bottles? Nah, my dude. He sang "One Million Bottles of Orange Soda On the Wall" and stopped at 11! 🤣


HAHA oh man I forgot it was that much. I just remember how ticked off Kenan’s dad was!


It was Kenan who was most ticked off! 🤣 Kenan: You mean we had to sit through A MILLION BOTTLES OF ORANGE SODA ON THE WALL and you just gonna stop at 11?! You ain't even gonna finish?! Kel: Yeah, I'm tired of that song. Kenan's Dad: Well, aint that a -- Kyra: Dad, I'm getting tired. Can we stop? I'm fairly certain Mr. Rockmore was gonna probably say "Well, ain't that a bitch". 🤣


Kel has the funniest comedic timing. I just went and looked it up on YouTube and it’s still hilarious.


Three horror legends in this movie. Ken Foree (Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III and Dawn of the Dead), Bonnie Hellman (Friday the 13th Part IV: the Final Chapter) and Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes and the Hills Have Eyes Part II)


Classic! Rewatched it a few years ago and it holds up!


Acceptable alternate and unofficial titles. The Kels Have Eyes, Kenan & Kel: the Final Chapter and The Rockmore Horror Picture Show.


The Rockmore Horror Picture Show ❤️


…how did I not know about this???


OMG same. I didn’t know they made a movie.. I only saw the tv show. Love the theme song btw. Rip coolio




Yea. September 28, 2022. Died by fentanyl.. I’m sorry you didn’t know


Was a Halloween staple for me! “Hey monkey do you know Superstitious by Stevie Wonder?!”


Man, that monkey's not gonna know no "Superstition"...


I recorded it on vhs when it premiered on tv many years ago. Still have that vhs and actually watched it not long ago. Has all the commercials too. An awesome time capsule and really funny movie.


You should upload the full VHS with commercials and everything!


This movie had me and my siblings hollering when we first saw it 😂😂😂😂


" well kenan I opened the door because it was hot, I didn't want to open the window because who knows a stranger may come through" best line ever 😂




I saw they used to have it in parts on there years ago but they severely cracked down on that being there in ANY capacity. Send me the link please I wanna see it for myself. I just watch it on the Internet Archive site so anything to not have to watch it on the web browser on my console which would give me even more freedom to watch it on my TV YT app if I wanted would be welcome.


Me and my sisters loved watching this movie every year , we had too recorded on vhs and was hooked since !


Was there a man with no eye lids? Am I remembering that right?


The maid had no eyelids 🙂


Tv movie 


Oh I definitely remember watching it when it premiered and being pretty hyped about it. The piano playing primate is one of only two or three things I remember about this movie.