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Good idea, got any finished product photos? I've done something similar with biscoff cookies, thanks for another inspiration.


The tiramisu one was so good it didn't last long enough for a photo. Lol The fruity cheesecakeish one looked like this at the tail end of the pint.. This is refrozen and not freshly spun, though. Definitely tastes like cheese cake still. https://preview.redd.it/0uo537xxdm8d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40c76f44aed8346912c190719dc3aa6139bb9cd


Ok fine. I went ahead and spun it again to finish it off. https://preview.redd.it/79ar93ocfm8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc72f8125bc996db5c92ae96f6b99116dd3e8ef


Did you do the biscoff and cookie butter? That's been one of the most decadent batches I've made.


Great idea with the bags!! Guess I don’t need more containers! Does the product spin ok, since it isn’t frozen to the container?


Good question. Seems to spin just fine to me. I did see my pineapple from a can spinning in the bottom of the container, but it still got to it all eventually.


Good to know. I think I’m going to give it a try. Thanks!




Correct. I always hated wasting a perfectly good cake. Especially tiramisu, which gets all soggy after a couple of days. Never again! Hell, I may not even wait until it gets soggy next time. ☺️ But yeah, to those calorie counters... Well, don't buy the cake in the first place! The fruity cheesecake had one draw back, which was all the seeds from the raspberries and blackberries, or whatever was on that cake. They like to find there way into my teeth. But what are ya gonna do!? That's what floss is for.


Lost me at the calorie counter line. Makes no sense. I see I made the tubbies mad.


I'll try to rephrase it. If you are a type of person that counts calories, I recommend not buying the cake in the first place. 😏


Still doesn't make sense. Who are you to dictate what people should or shouldn't eat?


y'all. there's always people that're like "oh my goodness, i'd never eat that. so many calories! diabetes!" OP's saying then you're not the kind of person buying the cake in the first place if thats you. They're not telling you not to eat it. They're saying if you're going to complain about it, don't buy the cakes because they're loaded with calories.


> But yeah, to those calorie counters... Well, don't buy the cake in the first place! I'm not sure I understand this point? Coincidentally,  I used leftover cheesecake as a mixin that turned out great. Now I need to use it in the base! Edit: huh. Why the downvotes? Cake in creami taste so good 


Noooooooo this is not the info I need to see haha. I love tiramisu and this just looks too delectable not to indulge in.


That’s such a good idea! I’ve had cake in my freezer for months waiting to be eaten, I’m going to turn it into ice cream!


Two great ideas! 💡Can I ask where you got the bags?


Just some bags from the butcher at the grocery store. But I've ordered some smaller ones online to try out. These ones are a little too large so they clump up a bit.


Yes! I've done cheesecake, regular cakes, tiramisu and flan. Usually I add about half of my regular protein base and blend so it's not quite so calorically dense but still decadent. Man I love this machine.


love this. doing it with cheesecake one day!!


Thats not going to be good for the machine though in the long run is it? They do warn us its not a blender.


By all means, feel free to blend it. These cakes are full of fat, so there were plenty soft for the machine IMHO. The blender warning thing, again IMHO, is about fatless substances like water(ice).


Wait, that’s genius?! 🙌🏼


Personally I’d rather have the regular cake and ice cream on the side


That's a perfectly sound desire. But once that cake gets s little long in the tooth, spin it!


hey, i font own a creami yet so maybe my question is dumb, but i was wondering about the plastic bags. so you put the plastic bag in the container, measure everything out and then put the plastic bag without the container in the freezer? and when you want to make ice cream you transfer the ice cream mixture from the bag back into a container?


I still freeze it in the bag which is in the container. Once frozen, I remove the bag from the container and label it and store it in the freezer until I'm ready to spin it. Then I take it out of the bag and into the container for spinning. I mentioned using my pool to defrost the edges, but wastefully running water over the outside of the container or bag, depending on which step you're on, will work just as well. Hope that helps.




Great idea dawg. Next time I have leftover cake maybe I’ll split it amongst some containers and see if it works as a flavoring.