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> According to an attendee of this year’s meeting for Nintendo’s shareholders, Miyamoto was asked about the issue of creators aging, and whether he will continue to be at the helm of game development projects considering his age. In response, Miyamoto remarked, “I consider (Nintendo’s) generational handover to be progressing smoothly. We have developers that are young and brilliant.” > Expressing gratitude for the inquiry about his wellbeing, Miyamoto notes that he is working comfortably, and that while he is leaving most of the practical development work to younger generations, he is not detached from the process either. The creator also emphasizes that he is fully involved in Pikmin Bloom’s development. > According to Miyamoto, he has successfully transferred know-how to the next generation, but since this generation is also growing older, he wants to make sure generational handover expands to encompass even younger employees.


The more Nintendo rules Japan in terms of Software and Hardware sales, the more up and coming developers will have an interest in work in Nintendo. Mind share in Japan is quite huge in favor of Nintendo, and that will have huge benefits overall.


There is also the danger of too many cynical profiteers wanting a piece of the pie that end up meddling with the formula for short term gain. Nintendo is doing great, but I do see myself worried about the transitional period from the old guard to the new guard.


Nintendo ain’t American bro lol. It don’t work like that over there.


Japan has hedge funds and investment firms, too. It most certainly works like that over there


They do, but most of Nintendo investors/shareholders are Japanese banks and businesses who historically don't want to rock the boat.


And a lot of the shares you can buy overseas are non-voting shares.


Just look at Sony lol




I lived in Japan for a while, and I think it has less to do with intentional consistency and more to do with... Sucking up as a form of working hard? Essentially, you do whatever your boss wants to do, and they do whatever their boss wants to do, etc. You don't question your boss ever, you always just agree with them. Well, your boss's boss is 80 years old and grew up with paper and fax machines and is most comfortable with that and nobody ever told them they're "old and living in the past", that just said "what a cool fax machine, sir. Please show me how to use it." So consistency does exist in Japanese businesses, but it's less as a direct intention for consistency, and more of a byproduct of the culture of never telling your boss no.


Germans are very similar in that regard 😂


Anyone who knows japanese business politics knows they don’t chase trends. They just phases out floppy disks. Just


It's a pretty valid concern imo, look what happened to Sony, they're basically an American company now.


They definitely operate like an Americanized company!!




If you think greedy businessmen arent found in every country with money then you have a very skewed perspective on the topic. Japan is corporate as hell too, moreso than the US in a lot of regards.


The bullshit hoss skillet is referring to is something that is LESS likely to happen in Japan than America. Americans can tend to be short sighted. If Nintendo was short sighted they’d be acting like Sony and you don’t see that.


Nintendo is 10 years younger than the electric light bulb. They’ve been around a minute and have more cash reserves than Jesus. They are not going anywhere


I think Nintendo is known by Japanese standards to be a very good workplace. No layoffs means every new grad wants to work for them


They also have notable brand recognition since there are only a few gaming device companies out there, and one of them (Xbox) is more US-based anyways. So between Sony or Nintendo, I'd imagine Nintendo would almost always be preferred


It's been happening for a while. The veteran developers like Miyamoto, Aonuma, Koizumi and Tezuka are moving to more executive production roles whilst younger people like Fujibayashi, Motokura and Mouri are taking their places as directors


Koizumi is still quite young, I wish he could have directed another couple titles, at least. I would’ve loved to see another open-world Mario with his ability to develop a beautiful world and write fun scenarios.


On the other side, it will be nice to see a younger voice have more sway in overall game direction at Nintendo. Things have been trending in a really great direction during the switch era, with the last direct being one of the best.


Not really. Theyve super stale and lacking the character, interesting elementd, vibe, gamefeel, etc of the older titlez. They need to be retaught how to make games. Newer devs have pumped out a lot of stale garbage


Can you name the “garbage”?


I love how you can instantly know who's a troll as soon as you ask them to elaborate.


I assume Koizumi is making the next 3D mario for the Switch 2 at the moment


Let's all thank Takashi Tezuka for making everything cute.


They aren't though. Miyamoto is more on that role but Koizumi, Tezuka and Aonuma all are still producers active in that role, even if koizumi and tezuka are actually also execs.




lol, Mario is 43 years old now and Zelda is 38.


Honestly a lot of the Nintendo game devs look to be a whole lot younger than they actually are.


So you're saying if I keep my life revolving around video games I'll look young forever eh


Have you seen Sakurai? Dudes 53 and looks 25. Asian people seem to age gracefully.


Nintendo (and Japanese companies in general) have a very specific culture and generally do not change that with time. I imagine nothing will majorly change for Nintendo for a long time other than maybe the younger developers will maybe advocate for a better online infrastructure since they’ve grown up with PSN and Steam being the norm for the last 20 years.


I intend to make a thread about Nintendo's online plans going forward, especially for Switch 2. While plans change, usually due to economically feasibility or technical issues, its absolutely clear Nintendo has massive plans.


What is clear about it? Nothing over the last 20 years of online gaming suggests that Nintendo has any meaningful plans for it.


Nintendo made their plans publically available and laid them out in detail. The caveat is they published them online and if you passed away 28 years ago, your Internet connection might not suffice to open the websites.


What in the world does that mean?


That Nintendo made their plans publically available online and laid them out in detail.


I'm wondering if you could link them? Even if they're in Japanese I'd be curious to have a read of them myself.


Will link them in the upcoming thread. Any ideas in which sub to post it? r/Nintendo tends to be too much of a hot trashfire of trolls to have a even vaguely intelligent conversation


Why not just link it in this thread? Where people are asking for the information?


1. Because this thread is about a different topic. 2. Cause bringing several sources together takes a bit more time than the trolling reactions I triggered. 3. Because " What is clear about it? Nothing over the last 20 years of online gaming suggests that Nintendo has any meaningful plans for it." is not a actual question, it is u/kingapolin 's clever way of saying he died 2004 and his reanimated corpse has no idea what happened since than.


So instead of answering the question you take the asshole route


What is clear about it? Nothing over the last 20 years of online gaming suggests that Nintendo has any meaningful plans for it. That was the """question""", a lowbrow attempt of saying "Nintendo sucks, trolol, I'm smart you guys". Why should that change my eloborate attempt to make a longform thread?


There is a strange unhappiness within you if that’s what you got out of a simple statement and question like that. 


Ignoring the much needed ad hominem.. So what is it, a simple troll statement or a actual genuine question?


Why is it “trolling” to say yeah, Nintendo has been pretty iffy when it comes to online stuff forever? It’s very truthful. 


Nintendo has created a entire company to handle their online plans, with 31 million dollars cash to fuck with. That is what half of what Nintendo itself has in capital and that is massive. Whether or not you wil enjoy their offerings is a entirely different topic and has no bearing on the bearing of their endeavor's size. I didn't enjoy their offerings for 20 years and therefore they have no plans is.... trolling.


Looking at the Splatoon team, I think Nintendo is in good hands.


Splatoon team is the animal crossing team and new horizons doggie doo doo my brother. Splatoon is lame as hell too. Extremely civillian gsme. Casual and boring.


What is the problem with a game being casual? Can't brag about your KDA in it?


In reality he probably doesn't do much game direction or producing anymore, beyond advice or making sure the games are fun to play. So all these S tier Switch games are from other brilliant people. He definitely isn't going to say Nintendo is screwed after retires, though. But I believe him.


A lot of shareholder confidence is in his talent specifically. So they don’t wanna freak them out by saying a generational talent is fading out.


But the Internet told me Miyamoto was some over controlling boogieman. Why would he willingly hand things over to newer employees?


he was already preparing for his successor in early 90s, and internet tends to be overdramatic and reeeeeeeeeeally loves to deify / demonize head people when talking about video games


Who the heck was saying that?


Oh, there are definitely people that think [Miyamoto is running Nintendo](https://old.reddit.com/r/gamingnews/comments/1dpt0yw/shigeru_miyamoto_would_like_to_hand_over_nintendo/laj6kjk/).


Literally nobody because I’ve never seen anyone once say that either.


It’s possible his approach has changed with time, especially with growing older and needing to take it easier. Doesn’t change that he was the guiding hand to the homogenization of Mario for a while and the game that essentially killed Star Fox (or put it on indefinite hiatus). He’s done a lot for the industry, so his words carry a lot of weight with other developers, especially those younger than him.


maybe because he doesnt have that amount of control anymore? either that or he fianlly understood fans didn't like every single npc in paper mario or other games being generic toads/goombas/koopas


Yeah, this is no surprise. The directors of all the recent Mario and Zelda games - which have been among the best in those franchises - are all younger folks, for the most part. Nintendo is very, very good at generational knowledge transfer. It helps that even the younger employees have often been at the company for a long time and have had the opportunity to work on multiple games already in their careers. Nintendo is very good at fostering this culture across their business, too, not just in game development (I've seen it first-hand). So, even when Miyamoto is gone, Nintendo will still have a large wellspring of world-beating talent.


>Nintendo is very, very good at generational knowledge transfer. I'd imagine *not* *firing large chunks of their talent* *on a routine basis* probably helps with that.


It does, yes. But also, Nintendo is very deliberate about promoting from within and providing on-the-job training.


I thought he was handing over since the GameCube era


Good for them, Japan lacks the competency crisis with newer generations that the West has.


Man, you created Super Mario you've done enough. Just enjoy your retirement life is too short I swear man you deserve to rest I'll buy you a beer I swear


Yeah, nothing like 7 samey transitional New Super Mario Bros games until you finally hit the nail with Wonder…


Mario wonder was great what are you yapping about


When was the last time miyamoto actually did something good?


Constantly? He overseas pretty much any creative endeavor in his role and took charge of Super Nintendo World / Mario Movie too. I am a bit tired of him getting slammed all the time, just because he makes mistakes and that’s all the internet likes to point out these days. Nobody is perfect, they are not machines.


Miyamoto is the undisputed most influential person in video game history, has created multiple characters that are house hold names, even people that don't play games know who Mario is. He's overseeing development of multiple games, Nintendo continues to dominate the industry. That guy: WhEn Is ThE lAsT tImE hE mAdE sOmEtHiNg GoOd


Ya some people just have a weird hate boner for the guy.


Wait what? Last time I checked everyone loves Miyamoto


We are on a forum aka the minority of a minority of a minority. The hate on here is rather strong. In terms of wider audience, he is very beloved.


Paper Mario fans mostly.


Buzz off, I worship TTYD but Miyamoto's occasionally weird ideas aren't to blame for what happened after that


Miyamoto personally called for all of the things that went wrong with the series after TTYD. No new characters, the new combat system, the lessened focus on RPG mechanics, etc.


In the Iwata Asks the developers said all Miyamoto required was no new characters, but to pull from the vast catalogue of characters in the Mario universe and that story was second to gameplay. That's it.


No, he told them the idea was too similar to the last one and the gameplay was boring and then the director was like "guess I'll just ignore that". He also told them to try reusing old characters more, Tanabe was the one who took that as "only use toads". http://iwataasks.nintendo.com/interviews/#/3ds/papermario/0/0


While completely besides the actual topic, Super Nintendo World and Pikmin 4.


Pikmin 4 and Mario Wonder.


Nice pfp diamond dog.


Miyamoto was not involved on any meaningful level with Mario Wonder.


He’s credited as a supervisor on it.


This is one of the many reasons why 10 year olds should be monitored on the internet.


A handful of bumps do not ruin a legacy. 


Far more recently than you


Edglord dingleberry detected- it’s fools like you that’s gonna get us stuck with trump again. “When’s last time miyamoto did something good” is like saying the economy sucks because everyone is doing better but your orange idiot isn’t in office so the economy sucks. Quit being THAT kind of stupid bro