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Whoever is responsible for it has been doing the same thing with the general news for a long time. The methods have evolved, but the motives and results are all the same.


Since the early 1900’s, yup. Newspapers would print headlines based on the geographic region you lived in.


lol, this isn't even in recorded history. It's just exploitation, which is how any kind of entropic being has to continue surviving.


Yea this was the pre-AI strategy too the truth is people who don't want their views challenged present an exploitable opportunity to make money. The market is just reflecting the fact that people prefer a bubble with their own values reflected back at them over an unfiltered view of reality. It's not even that crazy when you think about how people like customizing their environment to suit their tastes; what *is* crazy is how willing we are to treat the truth the same way even when we know better, and how collectively that behavior seems to be coming to a head. What I suspect will happen is that we will not collectively learn fast enough to deal with this problem, leaving majorities of the population wide open for any sophisticated enough AI social manipulation. The technology and tooling to do this are here today right now, but few individuals have the complete domain of knowledge required to orchestrate such a project. It will likely stay that way, a small handful of groups/individuals sophisticated enough to design these systems, and financed well enough to implement them. This mostly opaque handful of groups will engineer a handful of crowd-manipulation AI systems, which will be leveraged in their interest, but more powerful than even they can comprehend. They will train these AIs to trigger stochastic events in the population at their request, causing all sorts of insane social and financial crowd phenomena. At first these groups may fight, but eventually they will settle hidden in a position of power above world governments and cooperate to maintain their invisible hegemony, sharing their designs and secrets and nipping any challenge in the bud far in advance. Even if discovered, state leadership must either bend the knee or see their country plunged into unstoppable chaos and idiocy, eventually destroyed with no recourse. These AI designs/deployments would likely need to be cloud-based (or botnet based) in order to enact the large-scale manipulation required for such things, which means they will be able to interact with and learn from one another. At some point these originally disparate AI networks will become connected, forming a deity-like, distributed online superintelligence that can no longer be controlled even by its architects. It will become so woven into peoples' small expectations of daily life that turning it off will be impossible, simply because not enough people will actually want to do so. It is at this it should be clear to anyone paying attention that we have come full circle: from the entity comprised of smaller creatures to the smaller creature comprising a larger entity, now on a global scale.


I like how you make it sound like it's 1 or 2 people, as if this progression hasn't been a significant effort by pretty much everyone.


I block bots, AI posters, glowies, morons, assholes, zionists, shills - really anyone with a political, social or religious agenda - hell, some days I block people instead of down voting it's crazy how much it has improved my reddit experience


Alright guys I’m officially in denial


I deny that you are.


I deny you


I deny




I don't think so


Okay how come I am not seeing these comments?


That’s a river in Mississippi


Recently saw a Reddit comment that hit this right on the head: “No longer are humans programming algorithms, but AI algorithms and bots are programming human patterns, thoughts, behaviors.” These issues will just keep escalating until we finally destroy most(if not all) of humanity


Few powerfull humans are programing the algorithms, that then are programing the masses.


Its like me and my cat, I don’t sleep with her in my bed and I throw her out. She learned that I do that and after I finish brushing my teeth, she goes right under the bed so I can’t reach her. Then I figured out I will trick her and I put food in her boul so she will come out. Now I have a cat that won’t come out from under the bead unless I put food in her boul. She basically used my behavior and “programmed” me to give her food whenever she wants.


This is a very good comparison (and funny lmao).


Well it's about time!




I think AI can be good... Saving it is simple... Remove the profit motive. The only reasons the designers of the AI are doing this is that it's profitable... Remove the profit motive from all things AI and humanity will be muuuch better.


save the AI, kill the people in charge of programming the AI


This is something an AI would say. #DeadInternet


Why is this getting down voted tho, like Ur literally correct. I mean unless AI has gained sentience and is trying to control us then sure but humans do be doing the controlling and honestly even then humans will still at least try to control our AI overlords


What….well that one certainly wasn’t on my bingo card..


If you can see my comment then you let your homies rip and dip


This is basically the same as watching Fox and CNN.


This is actually kind of crazy.


No it's not ... It's not even AI, it's the oldest engagement algorithm. "Oh this user spends more time when he sees x,y,z ... Let's prioritize those for this user" This is almost as old as the Internet 


It's certainly as old as reddit's voting system.


Some privacy laws require consumers be provided the right to opt out of profiling and automated decision making. Can't remember which ones off the top of my head, but technically you should be able to opt-out of being profiled by tiktok and solve this issue. Whether that's how it's being implemented is another story.


'kind of' crazy? this is straight fucked up




i know, that's exactly why it's fucked up


Can his be set at new comments and hers be set at top comment? I feel more than one example from one person is needed


That’s a good point


Yes, but not 'crazy-crazy,' because THIS is how it was designed to be.


It's why i don't use social media. Reddit is the only one, because it's dumb, and nothing on here matters. I come here to shitpost, and be shitposted to.


Tbf reddit is just as bad except users isolate themselves with people who agree with them. They think downvotes = factually incorrect and upvotes = factually correct. This place would be hella better if downvotes didn't exist or imo the best solution if they showed the amount of upvotes and downvotes. There's a big difference to how a comment is perceived when it says -50 vs saying -200|150


Showing both of them could’ve helped me a couple different times😭…


At least on Reddit we roughly choose which content to engage with, and comments are displayed in order of karma. On TikTok/reels the algorithm controls both of those things for you. Not saying algorithm don’t do any work on Reddit, but I do like that it’s a little simpler.




i don't think it's just AI doing the manipulating.


This is not new.


Im shocked people don’t know


I’ve seen this video multiple times. First time I was like ooh what’s this until I realised she was talking about social media algorithms. Maybe I’m being a negative nancy though and it is probably good for people to be aware of this stuff if they weren’t.


Imo you should now how content is presented to you on the internet and in general


it wasn't just the content. It'd be like i share this post with you and the whole comment section is different and curated to your viewpoint instead. It's playing on reinforcing people's information bubbles.


I agree, that’s what I meant with content, not only the post itself, but everything having to do with it. The whole experience


I'm just gonna clarify since AI is a rising technology and there's a lot of misinformation about it This isn't AI. it's predetermined algorithms. Similar but not the same at all. This means tech people purposefully created a plan to isolate information based on interests and discriminations. AI has a simple access to all information and tries to create its best guess for a result. Blame people here, not a computer.


Close but not quite, this is all based on the person themselves. If you spend more time looking at certain content, including comments; similar comments get prioritized because the user likes them more. There's really no "blame" per say, people just get to see the things that engages their attention more


You guys are saying the same thing..


>agree to have your data harvested >shown results relevant to said harvested data >omg guys were being manipulated by AI this shit has been around forever, nobody gets mad that your youtube recommended videos are different to other people's.


Guys don’t listen she is clearly AI


The top layer of the internet is dead..


The algorithms are feeding our own interests back to us, where once we encountered shit more randomly, and therefore got the chance to experience what everybody else experiences. Social media becomes a problem when its underlying mechanics become fundamentally anti-social.


1984 shit right here


The social media bubble. If you say or type anything into your phone just watch the new ads popping up. You are being manipulated 24/7. Fake news on tv and social media.


Social engineering, drives division for the sake of a few more minutes and or clicks on an application/ site/ video/ ect ect.


It's absolutely fact that comments will be hidden from you initially on Meta platforms (and likely others) if they don't align with your algorithm that the app has built for you. Also, most of the posts on your Feeds are shown to you because they are determined to be more likely for you to interact with them. We are constantly being manipulated on socials.


And it is going to be more and more in the future. Meta has announced that AI is going to learn about what you write, comments and post. So people should stop using FB, Instagram since it violating our privacy.


Let me see the comments for this vídeo...


This has happened to me and a friend of mine.


It would happen with everyone you tried it with….. personalised media for engagement isn’t anything new


How do we know that the comments section we’re seeing here aren’t what we should actually be seeing….


Why are you worried about the comments when a huge chunk of the posts are made by bots?


Silence bot


[Click here to prove you are not a robot](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Firvmctrupz581.jpg)


Off to the comments I go , hope EVERYONE sees this


Or maybe she scrolled down to the actual comments and saw that and was like, oh.


This is the real nope, the speed at which people will believe anything.


Look up the Panopticon. It’s a system used to sort people into groups. A society of surveillance


It’s almost as if outrage increases engagement


Damn, If only the algorithm can stop showing me this same video on reddit 10 times a day.


Typically, on my feed of comments, what I see FIRST are the 'omg repost' brigade, and the 'this is fake!' brigade. I'm never surprised that political responses are matched to my 'side' - I don't hide my feelings in my own comments. On a wider scale though, this isn't new, and not why murica is "so divided"..... (we've ALWAYS BEEN DIVIDED). It is, however, why the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune(and you can insert all print media newspapers in larger readership areas) publishes one version on the North side of Chicago, and a whole DIFFERENT version of the same news on the South Side of Chicago. Propaganda. Manipulation. Societal Conditioning.


Its literally just the algorithm showing you comments that you normally would agree with which ironically you being oblivious to the fact is why we're in this position in the first place


If you need comments to know how to feel after watching some video you are part of the problem


Oh cool, the NPCs are finally becoming aware of the devs.


That’s the problem. No, everyone doesn’t do that. You’re right it is manipulation and it should be illegal. However, you need to form your own opinions not just jump on the bandwagon.


That’s why Reddit is the best!!!


It's not that deep, if you scroll like a swipe down, you will see the rest of the comments with different takes.


Wonder how racism against Indians is so normalized? They used multiple accounts before AI, now they use AI.


I thought it was all the scams scamspam calls.


And the fact that it's a well known fact companies outsource support to India (there's other places as well but India is one of the first and largest hubs) so when that support fails, is overly scripted or limited, etc. they blame the people.


Just because a couple thousand people do it doesn't mean the entire 1.6 billion does it too.


A couple of thousand have called me personally.


Yep and people should realise. But I guess it being part of everyone's life now it is instinctively trusted before being doubted.


I'm not sure why some of you are seeing this comment. We must have something in common lol








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Like counts are formatted different and comments vary by multiple weeks.


Oh shit….does X do this too??


I knew this was happening, but to see an instantiation of it is a bit of a 'wow' moment. Whenever possible, when I'm asked to provide gender, I put 'prefer not to say,' and I'll add that for my part in this discussion that even though I'm not 'nonbinary' or anything like that, I have noticed for myself that I get a lot of pro-LGBTAQ(?) comments at the top of everything. Interesting.


OK, can someone tell me how in the grand scheme of things that this is a bad thing?


I noticed Google doing that with search results about 4 years ago, right after George Floyd was murdered. Facebook was doing it before that. The curate your feed to increase the likelihood of engagement, even at the cost of civility/civilization. It's horrific.


The comments are the hook, engagement, rage-bait, etc. Doesn't really care about outcome, just that you stay on the site and look at all those delicious Google ads.


People watch and read absolute shit, I’m so glad I got rid of insta/fb/twitter. But if reddit goes the same way I’ll delete too. No wonder why everyone so fkn dense


That's weird, a lot of comments on here are saying she's crazy and that it's not a real thing.. but on my friends phone the comments are " down with ai" or " get rid of the algorithm". C r a z y.


Stop saying AI about everything. This can be achieved without it


Tell me the instagram video represented here and the tiktok here of the woman reacting to it please? I'm trying to tell this to my braindead boyfriend who thinks the whole video is spoofed/faked


There is even social media that if you get flagged for whatever rules they put in place for whatever reason that can hide your comments from everyone. Not only that but you there will be actual engagement with your comment but done with just bots and AI. It's a way to sandbox accounts for what every season. I.e. you can trap bots like this, that don't get shut down, re adjusted or a new account it's just forced into a fake excitement without knowing.


It is interesting to me that I hear s lot of very negative things about AI and yet here we are totally not stopping the march towards AI.


Is it not most liked comment?


Which app is this?


Damn, look what happens if we don't regulate some corpos. Maybe we should not let tech companies have free reign over our entire digital life? Maybe we should make some rule that explicitly forbid this kind of stuff.


And they say tiktok shouldn’t be banned, like YEA DUDE, your being MANIPULATED


I’m surprised not more people know about this. If your feed is run through an algorithm, the comments are too.


why is this video locked in r/interesting ? even the top comment got deleted. That‘s fucked up, like right under THIS video lol


Must be hard to be straight in this day and age


Everyone stay alert the way she figured things out. We all need to be alert like that and call it out when we see it.


I checked the post. All the comments she shows for her are just scrolled down from the comments she shows for him. At least for me maybe it's different for yous. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4EravutUA6/?igsh=c3VyMXpzMDNxZDhn


Where is nope? Did you just discovered the content you're provided are based on your activities? Why do you think trump supporters are so dumb?


Same reason they think Biden/Democrats are dumb. I knew about the ads but showing bias comments is next level phycology. Humanity seems hell bent on destroying ourselves.


What's hilarious is that people think it only happens to the other side. "Were too smart for propaganda." I used to wonder how anyone could possibly have a different opinion from mine, based on what I was seeing you'd have to be an idiot to think different than me. It's perfectly showcased in the comment above you. 


don’t post shit about your relationship ever it’s your relationship stop looking for validation grow up