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The overwhelming majority of religious people, I can't even drive to work without 3 billboards telling me to find Jesus.


I thought North Dakota was embarrassing until I drove through Tennessee to Charlotte. Cant even imagine Mississippi and Alabama.




I just came through Vermont on a solo motorcycle trip. Wanted to stop and grab some local syrup but my better judgement said no. People looked like zombies.


Mainer here. What's trashy about this state? And I've lived in both Mississippi and Alabama. That's definitely trash central.


Maine is glorious no idea what he's on about


Yes, scratching my head. And I live in far northern Maine in the boonies. Even the people here are good folks for the most part.


At least down there they alternate with porn store/strip club billboards. 


What was embarrassing about Tennessee and Charlotte.


Well, on topic, JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS every half mile between Knoxville and the Smokey Mountains. And then when I got within 20 miles of Charlotte, BILLY GRAHAM BILLY GRAHAM BILLY GRAHAM BILLY GRAHAM That's fucking embarrassing.


Yeah I'm familiar with the Old God of Asheville Billy G, but there's a lot of new people in Asheville, so they need a new god.


Now TBF. You'd think they would have found him by now. And a better use for that money would be to put into actually locating him instead of spending money on billboards. It's very silly.


I found him on one of the construction crews. Great work, could tie rebar and build forms faster than anyone else.


On a related note… https://youtu.be/_-8PgPoCyeE?si=Mp9xMOJL4NIpk5Sw


I bet he’s not from fargo


You'll find him there for sure tho


Oh the flip side of that the excessive binge drinking. I don’t have any moral problems with people drinking but such a detriment to people’s health physically and mentally. But I’m with you on the fundamentalism, it’s very invasive


You sound like you need a drink. ;)




You sound like you need some Jesus in your life.


Oh, I moved here from Mississippi and found it quite the breath of fresh air not to have a church on every literal block of every incorporated area. Billboards are often funded by non-local groups looking for a political push in the area. In Mississippi, the majority of people actually believe that the Bible is a literal text on how to live provided by their lord and savior.


But have you found him yet? Lol sorry had to do it... The way you wrote it made me think of where's Waldo I don't know why


I have found other states much worse for that, Texas, Tennessee, and Alabama were very much in my face the entire time I was in each.


Let me know where you find him so I don’t have to look for him.


Shackled by Lust?


Must live north of Bismarck. Abortion valley is ridiculous.


I've been in ND my whole life, my grandpa was an over the top Catholic and went to church like every day. It's pretty easy to ignore a billboard... I don't really even remember seeing that many my whole life here. A few abortion ones and like a "Jesus is here" or something. But it's not overwhelming at all lol. And nobody I've ever encountered has asked me about my religion or coming to church except ppl I know already and they were super respectful about it.


Everything is so alcohol focused.


This! As someone who doesn’t drink, it’s so frustrating that local events seem to always focus on drinking


I've missed many events because they charge a cover in exchange for all you can drink. I'm not gonna pay $30 to just hang out.


I can't say I see many of those events on the eastern part of the state. I'm guessing this is a western thing? Grand Forks banned all you can drink specials about a decade ago because of the debauchery taking place downtown.


I live in Fargo and they do a few but it was more frequent in Minot


Interesting. I can't say I've ran into any of those specials down in Fargo. I tend to stick to the live music and brewery circles. I'm surprised the all you can drink places don't just do some option for the designated drivers. Maybe I'm thinking too logically.


Windbreak, Brewtus, and The Northern all have unlimited drink deals for ladies night with like a $25 entry


Ah, Well the Northern makes sense for an entry fee. Windbreak is live music as well, so I would expect a bit of a cover. Brewtus is one I can't say I've frequented. But if its just a straight drinking night, it is odd they don't have a DD option for a discount.


Not true! The cover at the Windbreak is usually determined by the quality of the band. Cover for the ladies on ladies night, is usually no more than $5.


Where are these all you can drink events for $30? Asking for a friend. 😂


That makes YOU the bad guy, too. Shits fucked


100%, you can quickly find yourself with few friends if you're not one to spend all night at the bars. I also don't drink and haven't been to the "bar" (not counting bar and grill style restaurants during normal dinner hours) for years, lots of people quit hanging out around me after that switch. Which is OK with, I'm not one to need a big community and spend a lot of my free time alone in or with just 1 or 2 other people in the fields, hunting, fishing, farming etc. But lots of people would go crazy living the way I do.


Honestly I have found that ND is one of the stricter states on alcohol


It still dumbfounds me that beer and wine are not sold in supermarkets or gas stations here and that you instead need to go into an actual liquor store to purchase them.


This is definitely a downside of the culture here. Luckily in our small town it’s getting very active now that everyone is having kids!


It's so dang expensive flying in and out of ND.


I moved here from outside Chicago. I once flew from there to Ireland for $250, mostly because I could. I can't fly from here to ANYwhere for that.


I’m flying to Denver and back in October for $250, so it can happen. Not even a cheap airline either.


That's about the only place you can fly to! Luckily I live 45 mins outside of Denver.


Same here, south west Chicago to minot ND


I’m moving to Denver to save money on airfare. No, I’m not kidding


It's expensive AF down here but there is a lot more to do. There's good and bad here. I live 45 mins southwest of Denver. Let me know if you need anything!


It’s funny because I’ll be fine money wise leaving ND and switching to Denver The difference I will “lose” from my mortgage in Fargo vs rent in Denver but gain with flights. I’m coming out ahead. Which is silly


That's great! Property taxes were lower here than they were in Kansas when we moved. But I think they've gone up in the last year. Denver still hasn't really rebounded business-wise since Covid. A lot of breweries and restaurants closed. But there's so much to do if you like the outdoors. I live in kind of a tourist town. It's small and unincorporated. We have a large herd of elk that hangs out around the town and is often meandering around the neighborhoods. We view wildlife from our home windows mostly. Certainly a different way of life. If you aren't a part of the r/Denver sub yet, you should probably join.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Denver using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Denver/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Go Nuggets! BEAT THE HEAT!!](https://i.redd.it/0yelq46lf83b1.jpg) | [442 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/13wqevj/go_nuggets_beat_the_heat/) \#2: [Which one of you was cruising down I-70 on a Lime scooter during zero visibility???](https://v.redd.it/y9y5tqn7z8za1) | [461 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/13ew11j/which_one_of_you_was_cruising_down_i70_on_a_lime/) \#3: [If you support the LGBTQ+ community, do not go to the new Drip Cafe opening on Santa Fe where Joe Maxx used to be. Their parent company is called Recycle God’s Love. This screenshot is from their website. Please spread the word.](https://i.imgur.com/U2eAuig.jpg) | [657 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/13xkimf/if_you_support_the_lgbtq_community_do_not_go_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That and Bismarck airport sucks to me Especially when traveling in groups.




When it's pushing 90F and humid as fuck in other parts of the country, the wind here isn't so bad unless of course you are trying to have a picnic or something.


Had this kind of conversation from someone south of Minneapolis. He was pleasantly surprised how good the wind felt every day. He only spent two weeks here recently but mentioned it many times.


Having gone from Western ND to Central MN (where my windows are fogging every morning), I can absolutely say that the wind is my favorite thing about ND. Any time there's a breeze here, it's like heaven (so, so rare)


I agree with you, I loved the wind in ND. Brings back so many memories, the wind rustling the trees, our at the farm. One thing ND does need is a lot more trees!


If it's 90 and humid, only a fool would be having a picnic anyway. 


North Walmart parking lot in Bismarck could be the windiest place I've ever been. I've never been there without it being at least 15mph.


It's our major export to the rest of the world.


Living adjacent to South Dakota.


It sucks living next to a state where the people are high on meth. The state government even proclaimed, "Meth, we're on it!"


Trump supporters


He's definitely lost a lot of steam around here, it's getting better


Nah, people will still vote for him. They’re just being a bit quieter about it.


Agreed but, I'm on the eastern side and they are still pretty loud about it


Western side is still vocal about it when they aren't working. But they of course style wear their Trump hats and tShirts daily as well somehow the Trump store stays open.


People are switching their votes because of the trials


While still an accurate answer, your post better completes the *partial* version of question: what are some things that suck. Because boy do they sure suck everywhere.




EVERYTHING is far away. WIND SNOW for 7 months of the year. Lack of diversity (and many No.Daks like it that way) THERES NOTHING TO DO(I don't hunt or snowmobile)


The populated portions of the state are industrial hubs. Not much in the way of entertainment or meaningful/good museums, and the weather is horrific 3/4ths of the year. We routinely risk our lives and costly vehicles driving to work in dangerous conditions and are fully normalized to taking that risk on. which brings me to my next point: horrendously bad public transportation options. But at least MN lakes country, hiking trails, and museums are just a few hours drive away.


The wind. Even when it’s nice outside it’s SO windy!


I've lived in a few other states and everyone in all those states bitches about the wind lol


70mph gusts?


Yes. I'm in the foothills of the Rockies and we have had gusts that bad. It's scary being in a valley at 7700 feet and the wind comes roaring through. I had skylights ripped off our home once. Another time the trampoline was ripped out of the ground in freezing temps and we had to go after it. We had low visibility at that time and it felt like ice ripping through ya. I grew up in Western ND and then I've lived here in CO 9 years and lived in Eastern KS for 7 years. All areas are capable of high winds, but the worst winds I've been through, hands down, have been in CO.


There’s definitely violent winds in the valleys of the Rockies, but there are days of stillness or no wind. In ND, it is constant wind. There’s ALWAYS wind. There’s never not wind. And that is the difference. I’ve lived her for nearly 10 years and I can count on two hands the number of completely still days.


The still days honestly freak me out. 


It is actually disturbing!


ND isn’t abnormal for gusts so much as for 15mph (for what seems like) almost day of the winter.


Honestly, and this might be a personal one for me, but I miss having my family a short drive away. Now, my grandparents are a good 12 - 14 hours away and I have to plan for months in advance in order to see them when I used to just be able to ask to go see them. That and the winters. Been here since middle school and I still hate the winters here. I'm just not a snow person I guess.


I agree with the distance. I’m typing this from Milwaukee where I had to drive 12 hours straight through to get home for a 5 day vacation. The other two will always be spent driving. It sucks. I can’t wait to move back, just don’t have an option yet. Might have to do another winter before I can.


My mom is of the mindset that "distance doesn't matter" and "the jobs here make you good money" but that's easy for her and my stepdad to say when she can work from anywhere - literally - and still make good money, even on vacation? But me and my partner? We had to drop everything to make plans to even go to see my grandparents in AUGUST. And even then, it's a toss up on whether or not we'll even get the time off in order to be able to go. And it's like, sure, in Watford City you can make good money...if you actually work in the oilfield and not a customer service job like I do - and even then, my partner is a mechanic and still only makes so much money doing what he does, with an oilfield company. I love it out here (aside from the Winters) but I only have so much time with my grandparents and would like to be able to see them more often than I do now.


Getting time off is one of the huge things. I have 5 weeks paid vacation… with the caveat of manager approval. It’s hell trying to get a week off any time and it’s the only way to make the travel make sense. This is not a long weekend type of driving situation. Trying to coordinate with friends and family back home poses its own difficulties as well. I do not know if I’ll even be able to make it back for the holidays.


Winter, specifically that stretch in Jan-Feb when it gets stupid cold.


Winter: roads always icy and snow covered. Summer: roads always on construction


There are 2 seasons in North Dakota, winter and road construction




The snot freezing in my nose when walking between classes in the Red River valley. Also the politics are absolutely infused with religious fundamentalism so it’s not thoughtful conservatives, it’s rabid tRumpers.


>The snot freezing in my nose when walking between classes in the Red River valley. You say that but my sinuses have never been as clear as they were during winter at UND it freezes and you can get it out immediately.


Well. That is a more positive outlook on it.


We live in eastern WA, lots of agriculture, and my hubby’s allergies have never been worse. Now we are looking at temps over 104 soon. I miss North Dakota.


The things that don't suck will make a much easier, shorter list lol.


It’s hard to get elsewhere. Plane tickets are expensive and schedules are limited and will most likely involve a layover (unless you’re flying Allegiant or going to MSP or DEN). If you’re not already in a city with an airport, you have to add on that extra travel time, too.


The winters are my least favorite.


The politics. It’s boring. Winter driving is dangerous and stressful and that wears you down over the years.


As a movie lover, sucks that there’s no movies playing at the movie theatre before 4pm on weekdays from mid-August to late May.. but sams club, WAL-MART, target, Costco are all packed every weekday around noon.


Yeah, I've never understood this. I work shift work so i get a lot of time off during the week.Go to Scheels, Wal-Mart, or Sam's on a weekday afternoon and the place is packed. I often wonder what all these people do for work. They can't all be nurses, plant workers, or cops.


And there’s always traffic too at odd hour like 2-3pm


The distance between all the cities for me personally. I can't just go to Fargo or GF from Minot without making it a whole day trip.


I can't imagine being a music fan on the western part of the state. They get such a minimal amount of variety. I already drive to Minneapolis about once a month to see concerts that otherwise I would never be able to see. Fargo is getting a bit better with the club level shows. Also whats with Bismarck not having any late night food options? No pizza delivery after midnight is just weird for a city that size.


Our only option here past 9pm is a truck stop restaurant on the outskirts west of town. It’s literally the only place that’s 24 hours within miles and miles


Yea, I'm down there a few times a year and I'm normally a night owl, so I have to plan ahead because everything closes so early. Grand Forks we have 2 pizza places that delivery until 3am all week, and then another 2 or 3 that extend on the weekends. I thought I saw that the Dennys was open until 2am now? I miss when the Perkins was late night. That was my savior for a few times.


Yeah actually, the Denny’s I think is open till 1 AM?? The Perkins in South Bismarck is open 24 hours but I believe they only do takeout after 11 PM due to staffing issues? I’m not really sure if that’s the case anymore. I went there with a friend about a month ago pretty late at night and it was pretty sketchy. We sat right in front of a tweaking drug addict lol. That’s not a place I would go to on the weekends either late at night. Pretty shitty area. The Rolling hills truckstop restaurant west of Mandan is the place to go.


Yea my thing is that at that time of the night I'm either Ubering or ordering in because I'm being responsible. So its unfortunate that nothing is open to accommodate that.


I’m fairly new to Bismarck, so I’m wondering if you can provide more insight about that area. Are you talking about South Bismarck in general or that particular strip near Perkins? Are there any neighborhoods to avoid living in? Any info you have would be greatly appreciated!


That’s pretty much it. Pizza places close the same time as everywhere else around here as far as I know


It got worse during covid. Before that, a lot of places were adopting later hours. Covid hit that reset button and it's like we jumped 20 years back. Anyone who works nights knows the pain.


Rich ultra-conservative asses in charge.


The people from Minneapolis who came to UND or NDSU for college because they didn’t have the grades for Minnesota or Northwestern, couldn’t afford to move back because their degree doesn’t pay anything, and spend all their time bitching about how they wish Fargo and Grand Forks were more like Minneapolis. Watch all the downvotes I get from exactly the people I’m describing.


The winters are my least favorite.


😆 man I love the winters here.


Lol you're crazy! I don't mind winter but ND winters are on a whole different level of cold 🥶 I've spent 18-19 winters here and still can't get use to it 😅


Something about freezing my fingers off is exhilarating. 😂


The winters keep the riff raff at bay


That use to be the case. Not so much anymore, sadly.


The out of staters that come here for the oil


The plowing is atrocious and they don’t use salt, so you end up with bumpy, compacted snow and ice covered roads all winter if it snows early. Also, WIND, like so many others have said.


If there is no ice melt down, it's either too cold or the wind will just blow it away.


It’s so cold salt doesn’t work…


Not every time it snows.


The trumpers. Not even specific republicans, but the god damn MAGA crowd. Also the lack of diversity and culture.karaoke and covers bands can also just go away


>What are some things that suck about living in North Dakota? Our Reddit forums are filled with people incessantly yapping about how much they hate North Dakota and how awful the people who live here are and how they hate the evil Republicans and the red state people who vote for them but they lack the financial resources and/or desire to pack up and move to a better state and put North Dakota behind them.


Moving is pretty damn expensive. I hate the idea that anyone can simply “just move.” The reality is most people do not have the resources to pack up and move to the place they want to be. There are some things that suck about this state. There are some good things too. I’ve seen threads on both topics.


The state does have some redeeming qualities.  The peace garden and Roosevelt national park are pretty decent.  Much lower number of other ppl hiking on trails here.   Great hunting opportunities especially if you like long range stuff.


North Dakota is wonderful to raise a family and to be apart of a community. People are people wherever you go. Politics shouldn’t determine friendships. In my town it doesn’t anyways. Religion is everywhere, yours just may be an ideology. Many implants here and immigrants (I am one). So that can feel isolating without family. The winter is rough but keeps the state humble which I love.


The weather can have a lot of extremes that don’t happen to often in other parts of the country and you often need to travel sometimes hours to see concerts or special events because we don’t have the population to support to many things coming here.


There is no gay community to speak of; religious zealots; extremely isolated.


The fact that everyone literally cannot stop drinking for a week there’s always more than 3 days a week that drinking is what’s goin on and unless you like drinking your basically out of luck until you give in and just get hammered


The biggest and only real complaint I can think of is the poor weather and not being able to properly enjoy most outdoor activities for 5-6 months out of the year. Each year I dislike winter more and more. Other than that I have no real complaints, I’m pretty fortunate to live here. Compared to many states it’s far easier to prosper here.


Our roads are in perpetual construction. I understand that's everywhere but here it just hits different. It's the worst when you see a common road half coned off and nobody actually working on it for weeks.


Born and raised here so I’m very familiar with the winters. And I’m someone that actually likes the changing of the seasons, even into winter. With that said, even I have about had it in February and am ready to be done with it. But alas, there’s still at least another month of it.


Lack of public land access and hunting access compared to MT


The fucking wind!!! I hate the fucking wind!!! The wind can just fuck right off!!! Cut the grass, fucking wind blowing grass clippings all over me!!! Can't hang a fucking flag without it being a 10× triple fucking seamed around the borders and hung from a flagpole that's built to withstand 170mph tornado winds!!! Oh don't even get me started on snowblowing out the fucking driveway only to have it blown in again with 2 foot fucking drifts 20 minutes later!!! Yeah the fucking wind up here can just fuck off in particular!! Otherwise I love this state and the ppl are genuinely great.


Jobs. Lack of jobs. I tried looking for a tech job but the one available was spoken for 1 year before posting (hyperbole). We just don’t have enough jobs. Even remote work. Too many employers won’t hire people living in ND (I’m not saying it’s bad as I’m sure there’s tax reasons and whatnot).


I'm not saying this isn't true, but you know it's hard in Tech in general right? Couples that with the fact that ND is just one of those states that doesn't have a decent tech scene. Much like Louisiana, or Mississippi. Also, your credentials matter. You would have a way easier time finding work if you had, say, Secret clearance.


Yeah tech in general is hard. This is partly why I’ve been planning on moving out of ND. ND is more military-based if that makes sense, so having security clearance, or credentials that qualify you for it, is a plus. I’d rather not start out with government work though personally. Much better chances in tech hubs than rural areas. Not saying it’s a guarantee though.


I'm saying you're missing out. I get general IT experience and make money comparable to O&G. It may or may not be better elsewhere but keep in mind you'll be competing with less people if you open up to military.


Yeah I’ve been thinking about trying again with Northrop in the future. I think largely the thing that held me back was not having a DoD compatible certification. I’d rather build experience here before moving but it’s looking like my chances are very slim. CompTIA has been around a long while and their certifications meet DoD guidelines. I simply would rather not go back to college to create more debt and hope I can manage to get a wage to make it worth it. I’m anticipating taking the first exam to the A+ certificate either this month or next month. But I don’t think landing a tech job without moving is in the foreseeable future for me in ND. I also can’t enlist in the military and I have no desire to even if I could. CompTIA would at least help make me eligible for security clearance but it’d ultimately be up to an employer on if they want to sponsor that.


The most popular activities are to drink or do drugs but to be fair where isn't that the popular thing?


Airline ticket prices


Grew up rural ND - *actually* rural, meaning my parents burned their trash bcuz no one is driving that far for weekly trash pickup. Moved to Fargo in my early 20’s, and moved to MN at 31. First? Isolation. If you aren’t into religion or drinking, NoDak is an extremely isolating place to live. With the advent of the internet, things are easier, but it’s so stark how isolated the state is even compared to its neighbor. WY and MT are likely the only other states that can compare. Second? The weather. I live in the twin cities now and the difference between the winter in MN and the winter in ND is night and day. ND winters somehow perfectly physically describe the way it feels to live there. It’s cold, it’s brutal. We had a frozen carcass pit back on my dad’s farm during winters for a reason. Third? Extreme conservatism that doesn’t fully support the agricultural industry and small time farmers that so doggedly support people like Trump. Merely because they were promised (promises never intended to be kept) that things would be different and that small time farmers would be supported. Fourth? How the isolation spurs on a dogged binge drinking culture. Not much to be said there because ND is often neck and neck with WI for binge drinking. Fifth? Medical monopoly like Sanford. There are certain positives about having everything streamlined through one provider, but… 🤷‍♀️


The old farmers who refuse to put money towards schools, children being fed, women's rights, Healthcare, or improving a town by adding new things to it. I'm so sick of the mentality of fuck you I got mine.


Living in Fargo that Sucks . Otherwise the state is 😎


I don't mind the cold. I do mind the days/weeks stretches where it is so cold that you can't go outside without bundling up because of the danger your skin might freeze in seconds. February, but other times, too. Just, Feb.


Minot has a solid arts community. It's better if you are involved but it can be good as a patron. I dislike the 'vehicle first' mentality. Makes me not want to bike often. I am not conservative but I know plenty and that makes it hard to talk about anything substantive except with close friends. Very pragmatic people and it's implied that you should like: the lake in the summer, hunting, fishing, guns. If you aren't into those then... Winters drag on and the monotony can be depressing. I also have lived in bigger cities (twin cities big), and Fargo. From my viewpoint, there is opportunity to have an active life and find enjoyment wherever you are. My biggest pet peeve is the lack of communication about things to do. If you aren't following the right pages or receive the email, you are clueless.


The wind, the oilfield workers, flat af, and nothing to do but drink.


My only complaint is that more state taxes aren’t allocated to the schools. They have billions in an account in Chicago that’s our tax money pulled from the oil tax that is just accumulating…free school lunches and updated school infrastructure. Then we would have more resident taxes left over to up the teacher pay…


They’re doing their level best to cut funding out there. Make do! Do it for less! Consolidate! (Apparently 60 miles one way to school is fine according to the old people in our legislature)


Not being a smartass at all, but is it may be a shorter list of things that are great about living in North Dakota? That might be the easier of the two.


Bismarck is literally the worst, it’s so cold and you barely get enough snow for the cold to be worth it or make sense, always construction, weed is illegal, there’s nothing to do


I moving from rural ND back to Bismarck cuz there is nothing to do where I live fml


Mosquitos, the wind, the winters, the people.


Probably more you than the people.


I just don't like most of the winter. Not really having a fall season also sucks. And of course the right wing lunatics everywhere


Too many people.


The wind, especially when it's -20 outside. And the insane amount of snow, as well as icy roads almost constantly besides the summer months (most of ND uses sand instead of salt from what I've seen, in contrast their sister state MN uses a lot of salt on their roads in the winter).


The wind.


We were stationed at Minot for 8 years, so definitely familiar with how rural it was. But then our son (who was 9 at the time) got mauled by a loose dog on base, and we had to drive to Bismarck every 2-3 days to the Stanford wound care clinic. I never fully grasped just how rural ND is until that point. 2 hours… one way… for wound care. They’d debride, pack all of his wounds, repeat for what seemed like ever. Always made me wonder what older folks that lived ever further did when they had to make the long drive for medical appointments. There’s a lot I miss, but more that I don’t lol.


There's no city life. You can't go to Bismarck or Fargo and find anything new to do. The populated areas of the state are all copy and pasted. Minot is a big enough town that i should be able to go have a nice meal, do some decent shopping, and have some kind of entertainment for the weekend. It's not like that here. Sure, run by Scheels, Target, or Walmart I'm sure they have such a different stock than any other town in ND.


It wasn’t worth owning a motorcycle when I lived in ND. I sold mine bc of limited riding seasons and all the roads are straight, flat and boring. That’s the best I can do for a gripe. Honestly, I look back on my time in ND with great fondness and if I ever get the chance to move back to Fargo I’d probably jump at it.


Being next to S Dakota and their birdbrain Governor Noem


Name some things that don’t


I lived in Bismarck for 2 years. I had great coworkers, but the rest of town felt like a large cliquey high school.


If you don't listen to country music you're different from most people


I finally moved away to a southern state last year because of the long harsh winters. Best decision of my life.


Living an hour from a fricken Walmart. Just moved from Florida to ND. From Michigan originally. Never been more than 20 minutes from a Walmart. I don't even like Walmart. Like that the whole small town feel is nice but there's hardly any convenience to living here and then I just feel like a jackass for ordering everything online for delivery.




It's a RED state!


Blizzard cold winds


Winter definitely


The amount of murders has seemingly gone up. By at least one yesterday




The mother fucking snow drifts


Getting anywhere is painful, expensive, or both. Going out of state? Well, I hope it's in Minnesota, South Dakota, Montana, or Winnipeg, because if it's anywhere else, have fun eating a whole day of driving to get there and another day just to get back. You're gonna fly there? Well, I guess you gotta pay the flyover state tax to escape from one of our puny little regional airports to a real airport that can actually get you somewhere. (Oh, sorry, my mistake. Hector is an ""international"" airport. Because it gets a mail flight from Winnipeg once a week. No, of course *you* can't fly anywhere international.) Or, you can drive to one of those real airports, defeating part of the point of flying, and pay kennel fees for your car to stay there while you're gone. Hm? Amtrak? Sure, if you want to catch the singular train out of here when it passes through at [checks watch] 1 AM. Hell, if you're lucky, it might even get you to where you're headed within three hours of when you wanted to get there! Oh, wait, I see, you're traveling _in_-state? Well, that's not so bad then. Just try not to fall asleep driving for an hour through the dull Minecraft Superflat world to the next town over. I actually don't mind the last one but the other points are quite irritating.


I'm 42, retired Army, single, decent looking and have lived in Grand Forks for nearly 2 years. Can't get a date to save my life. Where are all the single women at in North Dakota?


The weather and long winters for me tbh ❄️😞


The state is very right wing and it’s Trump country. That’s why the youth are leaving. It’s run by big oil and big AG


Not enough gay guys that are my type.


It's fucking COLD for 9 months out of the year. Everything is far away. Everyone is terrified of anything that comes from out of state. The merging of Christianity with Trumpism.


Everything, the wind, the cold, the fucking republicans. I grew up there, I left for 16 years, then moved back for about 5 years and omg, the absolute RWNJ in that, I’m 3rd generation ND, granddaughter of a coal miner and a farmer. The place breaks my heart now.


A lot of cheap booze and cheap cigarettes; but religion infiltrates everything. It can be pretty backward thinking and if you’re not from ND it can be hard to find folks to be friends with sure they’re friendly to an extent but friendships are hard. Plus they’re all related or know each other or both. It can be hard to break into the culture. I wish there was more to do and more amenities, especially seeing as that might help with a lot of the addiction struggles folks face not to mention jobs. But that’s just my two cents.




That's gonna be the mega crowd. It sucks cause I really see a bunch of confused people who would otherwise give a stranger the shirt off their back, but they've been bamboozled by the orange man into being evil when they are not.


Voting for trump doesn’t make you evil. Crazy how divisive you are to someone who would give a short off your back


Supporting the hate that comes with the orange is not something I would have expected the empathetic, sincere, dignified, and honorable people of North dakota to do. The fact of the matter is that trump and his cabinet have never held a position that has helped the people of North dakota. Ever. His policies hurt our neighbors, our workers, our farmers, and ourselves. His policies take money from our land and workers and hand the money to the ceos of the oil companies that don't even live here, and are often owned by overseas companies anyway. If you can name one thing that trump did that helped North dakota citizens, I would be surprised. Acknowledging bad things doesn't make me divisive. If your friend does something bad, do you have enough respect for them to try to point it out, or do you care so little for them you'd rather they hurt themselves?


I see hate from both sides. They are the same. Whether you may think they are uninformed is irrelevant to a person being a person who probably thinks the same of you. The division of writing people off because of what they think or believe in, really needs to stop. When everyone “agrees” on one thing it usually doesn’t end up being a great thing in the long run lol. Let people be. And enjoy your life. It’s you and us. That’s it. For one lifetime.


The conservative republican mega side wants to hang the other and is in the process of trying to make that legal. They are not the same. Take that bullshit false equivalence elsewhere and open your eyes.


The Governor.


1. Low population density hurts dating prospects. 2. No political activism scene on the left. 3. Right wing state with no abortion.