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I have a feeling the waste bags had the bodies of your colleague and your friend, they've been replaced. If the shards are multiplying, we're all screwed.


we are all so fucked.


No, no, no, no. You cannot leave us hanging like this! I need to know what happened in files 87-98 and 100-102, I need to know what happened with the GE1 duplicates, I need to know what's going on with Veronica and Zeeland! PLEASE!


I thought I'd taught all of you that knowledge is a curse...


If I’m going to be cursed, I may as well get all of the curses at once like Mr. Burns being held together by every known disease in The Simpsons. Give me all the knowledge! 😭 The way I would sign an NDA so quick in order to know all of the secrets of the universe. I’m nosy!


Ha! I'm with you on that. My inquisitive mind does not know when to quit. It has gotten me in trouble more than a few thousand times. I would do anything for the knowledge of the cosmos. “Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last.”- Samuel Johnson


From the sounds of it we're all cooked anyway so if I'm to be destroyed I'd like to know what's destroying me.




So what do you think the glass is? Some malevolent cosmic…mirror? Transmitting that frequency as a lure for others to come and be copied by it?


Oh snap. The mirror shattered.


Why would you send people on this mission? I thought that nowadays there is no need in people collecting data in space, with Curiosity and other robots that are being sent to do this. On the other hand, I don’t think that absence of humans would stop these glass things from replicating the space craft…


i wondered why this craft was manned too…


The astronauts (replicas) that came back... where are they now? Capture them and make them talk they might know something or have something that clues to their origins. Are these people dangerous or are they living their normal lives now?


They would likely revert to shard form and slice ‘n dice…


Oh damn... How ominous.


So it basically copies one person's existance and then kills the others. They were not the real people who went for the mission


How are you going Dr Odell? Are you still YOU, Earl?


i think the only way to dispose of this ..well, whatever this is, is to shoot it back where it came from. maybe have a robot launch it into space, far far away from earth.




Dang this is scary and also were there a lot of extra pieces in the recovered ship? What does that mean? They brought more back that way? Dang this is scary!!


due to the recent disaster that happen from submarine, is it even possible to dive down and swim there when the water pressure can flat you down ?


I would really love to read more of this story. What happened once the OP confronted the alien imposters from GE1? Did the imposters spread out across the globe, or was the issue quickly contained once it was recognized?










Sending a spaceship outside the solar system and then communicating in real-time via radio, how is that possible when even light takes many hours to travel?


Dozen Minus has developed technology with capabilities beyond what most people currently believe to be possible.


Quantum radio from dozen minus?


This was a really great story and my favorite read of no sleep to date. Cosmic shit is just the best. Awesome work, would love to see this visualized some day.





