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Whoo... The Mechanic must be HOPPING mad now. This little 'game' of his is not going his way. Speaking of the Hunt... Kieran says that a member of it might be swinging by my area soon. Rumors and whispers on the Fey side of things, apparently. He seems... Oddly spooked?


If he didn't want to eviscerate me already, he definitely does, now. The Weeper had hid it well, but she seemed to be afraid of the mechanic, too. I'm thinking that their cruelty doesn't end at humans. Kieran was sweet to warn you, though. He must care about you. Just in case it's not all rumors, get some salt ASAP and avoid going out after the sun sets. They tend to like to disguise themselves as attractive individuals, so beware of any pretty strangers that ask prying questions. If such a stranger presents themselves, don't look in their eyes. Also, on a less stressful note... did you end up convincing Kieran to braid his hair? Edit: bad grammar


I think the worry is more for me? My Grandmother once told me that sometimes when a huntsman makes off with a soul, they don't eat it. I don't know what they do with it then...Do they put the soul into a collection or something? Yep, I did get to braid Kieran's hair! I'd share a picture, but ah... Technology and Fey do not mix, at least when it comes to taking pictures.


I'm learning that they have a variety of horrible things that they like to do to human souls. Judging by what that thorned Hunter said, they can trap them. What happens to those trapped in his thorns or the mechanic's trees afterwards, I don't know. Largely, it appears to depend on the Hunter and their mood. For example, those crows I saw used to be human, at one point. Their bodies were taken apart and put together with different pieces in order to fly. I also read stories about them having hounds. I have yet to see the Cŵn Annwn, but there's a part of me that wonders if they were always dogs, you know?


I'm wondering who prepared the feast? I can't picture one of the Huntsmen doing that...


The dish was essentially some flower petals slapped on top of some viscera. If anything, that's the only meal I *could* see a Hunter assembling. They don't strike me as the Rachel Ray type. That being said, it's entirely possible that they have human hostages in that church somewhere, forced to serve the Hunt in ways that don't require horrific transformations. Could've been a human 'chef' as well. Of course, this is all speculation. I don't think I want to know how that feast came about. I imagine it was violent.


Well, whatever the case may be, I’m gonna be careful. I’ll also give Gabby and Ben a heads up as well.


Okay, I managed to corner Kieran before I had to go to work, I’m writing this during a lull in activity. Kieran IS worried about me being taken! “I can’t see souls like the members of the Hunt can… But I’m certain that if a Huntsman saw your soul, they’d pull out the stops to steal it.” Is what Kieran said. After I had stopped blushing, I told him that I’d already put up protections against Fey intruders in my house, and I have some old iron nails in my pocket if trouble comes up while I’m outside of my home. I also gave him something he can use to fish out any hagstones he finds in the river, if he wants to help me find one.


Speaking as someone who's in that position, it's not fun here, so I'm glad you're taking precautions. Keep me updated if you can so I know that you're not dead/worse. But on the bright side, Kieran is precious and seems more than willing to help his girlfriend- oops, I meant to say FRIEND! 😉


Yeah... I think we're officially in a relationship now.


Good afternoon! I’m currently wearing one of the Hagstones that Kieran found on the riverbed. He retrieved the stones with the help of some bent copper wire. My stone is currently acting as a pendant necklace, which I have tucked under my shirt. Funny thing, mine doesn’t react to Kieran’s presence… Perhaps it recognizes that Kieran means me no harm? Anyway, either the Huntsman is already here, or there are more fey living within the town/city limits than I thought. The Stone has already gone off three different times today, but so far it’s only happened when I’ve been with other people. So I still have no clue about who I should be avoiding…


In my experience, the hagstone only points out Neighbors that mean harm. That just confirms that horsey bae is horsey bae. (I couldn't help myself.) Yeah, once you become aware of them, you realize that they're pretty much everywhere. Most of them are neutral and for the most part, you'd never know that they're anything more than what they seem. But about the 'people' it reacted to, was there anything usual about them?


Why didn't you destroy your documents? Surely that would be safer for you?


I strongly considered burning them, but we determined that destroying them completely would have repercussions that would take years to resolve. The way that they are, he can't get to them or the ledger.


Bureaucracy is a sort of mind-bending system that I think even some fey folk would be proud of… It would be a huge headache to re-obtain those documents though the proper channels if they were needed later. Best to just keep them under lock, key, and salt circle.


Yes! Hope is alive again, despite the grave injuries you suffered. I’m glad you and the Weeper have formed some sort of… friendship, maybe? She seems like a good being, even willing to go to bat for you. You’ll make it out of this and you’ll put that smug sonofabitch in his place yet. Good job keeping on.


Yeah, same here. She definitely saved my ass. I'm hoping that she'll be able to help with the ledger as well. That's the plan. Keep on keeping on and end this once and for all.


Huge props to getting out of that church. I think you're smart enough to notice but the "librarian" didn't seem too clever. He even gave you a big hint in referring to the mechanic as his captain. That narrows the field considerably. The female voice makes me uneasy though, considering you didn't see it's source. I am kicking myself for not thinking that he could use his magic indirectly despite the hagstone. I even said last time that the hagstone isn't infallible, but I didn't think of that. 


I must say, I don't love knowing that a high-ranking Wild Huntsman has made it his mission to destroy my life, but at least that knowledge is something that can be useful. Yeah, that female Hunter was unnerving. She had that maternal voice down pretty well. I hate to wonder how many have fallen for it. Same here. He's a bastard, but he's not stupid, that's for sure.


Well, I guess you don't get to be a Captain of the Hunt without having some wits.


I KNEW IT! I knew it would smell like him. The blood doesn’t lie, and his smelled of black cherries before he gave himself to the Hunt. I wonder *why* he did it. The ones smelling of rot, mildew, dead leaves, etc are signed by those who were already corrupted—if not outright evil—as humans. The smell of his blood makes me think that in his human life, he wasn’t a completely bad person. Knowing as we do about the -********, his circumstances must have been DIRE. Not just him, but all of those whose blood bore pleasant scents…I wonder what horrible things drove them to seek out the Hunt. I wonder if the price they paid was worth what they bought with their souls. Their promises are always tinged with poison. He’d have been better off looking for the Fair Fae—at least they’re known to be more reasonable and less..grotesque—if it was a deal he was looking to make. Glad to see you at least got a good thwack on him. Serves the thorny cretin right.


Just by the way he felt in those memories, I don't think he was ever human. He'd felt contempt for us, like we were something separate from him. Based on that, I think he was always one of the Neighbors.


You're very close to getting your freedom now. We're all rooting for you!


I love where this is set! The nearest “towns” around us was a village. It was a crossroads that included a gas station that also was a bit of a grocery. Back in the day it had more than a gas station, but less than a grocery store. I feel like it was a little more than a convenience store, personally. There was other commercial building a little north and west of the grocery, and. church a little south. They lost the post office there in the 80s. Even though mail actually already came from a nearby borough as rural delivery, the post office stayed as mostly a place for rented mailboxes and to purchase stamps, ship packages, etc. I don’t know at this point if it is still a “village” or if it lost so much population that it only exists in history and memory. Part of me wishes I never left the state. I either have just passed or am very close to having lived in Missouri more than Pennsylvania. Once when I sent pictures here family were shocked there were hills, etc. Their only experience with MO was the airport. 🤣 I love your storytelling. In a market flooded with electronic books, your voice and style would have warranted an agent and publication. I don’t say that often. Types this waits with a suck baby and didn’t get to my glasses first, so apologies for spelling and grammar.


You should have the 2 halves of your car dropped off at his shop!


Or I could just cut his truck in half, somehow. Return the favor. Granted, that'd be a terrible idea, but it doesn't hurt to fantasize.


Please be wary of the Weeper. She may be after your soul too. She may not, and actually wish your safety, but she is a neighbour, and one whose intentions are largely unknown.


While I appreciate her help, I do worry what her angle is. While Weepers haven't been known to have any interest in souls, there's still something else she could want further on down the road.


Hopefully she just wants you to hear her song. 🤞 I generally make it a practice not to trust those of the otherworldly variety. It would be great if you could get her to read/translate the captain's name, for an offer to listen to another of her songs. I really hope that Victor will be okay. Him being tied to the mechanic's whims must be so horrible for him, helping to deliver all those poor souls to their excruciating doom. Hopefully finding the mechanic's name can free you and him.


Wow, that was close. Good job getting the ledger ! The Mechanic appearing with his banjo was terrifying and his real appearance seems nightmares inducing. Do you think the banjo could be a link to his real name ? Maybe a clue to whatever he was before as other hunters do not seem to have an instrument ? On another note, I can't help but keep thinking of the mental connexion you two shared . It reminds me of a story about how by sharing soul, blood and body with another you could be linked forever. I'd be very carefull not to mix your blood with the Mechanic during your fight in case he tries to bind you to him, I find the way he invaded your head then opened himself to you to be extremely suspicious...


I think that the banjo could be a clue to what he was before he became a Hunter. There are numerous Neighbors that use music to enchant humans. I certainly hope not. The last thing I need is to be tied to something like him. I have a feeling that even if I find his name, he's not going to let me go completely. It appears to have gone from being a game to him to a personal grudge. I wouldn't put it past him to try something like that.


He does seem like a sore looser... Good Luck, you're gonna need it. Lets hope you annoy him enough for him not to attempt such a bond : after all he did say you were a pain in the ass.


just in case, you should make sure you aren’t using your real name on here!


Don't worry, Nessa's not my real name.


i’m very glad to hear that


Could you imagine if I died because someone found my Reddit posts? Ugh, that'd be so embarrassing.


I would hate for it to happen, your stories give me life ! plus i wonder if the internet would be considered outside help if he was to find these posts.


Apologies, I’ve been meaning to swing by this place a while back, my bosses have been hounding me to update the rules of the area, and I can understand why. The rules have been manipulated in order to remove a chance of survival, yer lucky that names have power cause otherwise yer more screwed than a building set to be demolished.


If you don't mind me asking, what business do you have in my area? Are you referring to the church or somewhere in Orion's operating area? And uh... you aren't part of the Hunt, are you?


Orion’s area, your section. And for the hunt part I do not participate in it but I am a regulator of sorts, I’m a rule smith. My job is to help existance regulate your less natural pests.


Not to be rude, but yeah, there isn't much 'regulation' going on around here. A certain Hunter seems to be an expert at exploiting loopholes.


That’s why I’m coming by your area to deal with them. I will be coming by later to deal with the problems. Let the mechanic and other neighbors know Karma’s coming by. I go by Karma by the way you know, real names havin power and all that. 


I do think Orion resolved the situation as best as possible, but... if you decide to try something, good luck. Not trying to sound sarcastic, I mean it. That one is a special kind of trouble.


Good luck to you as well.