• By -


Waiting until after 9pm to call people on your cell phone cause free nights and weekends.


Or having to make the life altering decision of which carrier to go with bc it was free to call your friends in your network


And that you couldn’t travel with your cell phone. Using it out of town (roaming) was crazy expensive. 


This just unlocked a memory of mine, because I'm traveling in the same state right now (lying in a hotel room currently) as I was when I was 18 and I remember my mom going into roaming and making the decision to "wing it" with directions since we were on a budget. We wandered Portland for almost 2 additional hours because she didn't want to pay roaming fees to get directions over the phone. Good times.


Hah, I did both of these. I also paid hourly for AOL, though.




Like Tmobile fav 5 people, or the sprint mobile chirp.


Waiting until after 9pm to call people on my rotary phone because it’s cheaper at night.


The $3000 phone bill because I was too young to understand that calling the other side of the country did NOT cost the same as calling the other side of town with your landline... My parents were PISSED. They cancelled our long distance plan after that.


I got my first cell, got unlimited nights and weekends...... Then my first bill was like $185. They said I did NOT have unlimited nights and weekends. Luckily I kept the contract that had "N + W" under other so it was $45 not $185


I remember when cell phones came out in the 90's, I had a motorola StarTAC flip phone in 1996 and one month I had about 30-mins talk time and the bill was $236! That was a lot of money back then, I cancelled on the Verizon contract and got billed a few thousand dollars at the end of the year - it was ridiculously expensive to have a cell back then.




Bob Weahdababy Eetsaboy


Who’s that dear?


Bob! They had a baby! Its a boy…




Everyone is talking about double spacing, while I'm over here glitching out about putting a magnet on a god damn floppy disk!


Absolutely! In third grade I got yelled at for using a magnetic toy on the same desk as our classroom computer. My parents wouldn't allow magnets in the same room as our home computer. 


I still get so nervous putting magnets near electronics, even electronics that already have magnets in them. I found myself worrying about where I was going to put a speaker in a project I'm working on before I realized it wouldn't mess up the screen like it would a CRT.


Man, did my sister get smacked around for putting a huge magnet on our TV


Thank you! I was like did nobody see this?!


I am still wondering about typing out your homework. I never experienced this. Everything was handwritten


That sounds like it's a prank kids would have pulled back in the day.


Dude, do we not double space anymore? I still do


I just found out like last week when I was listening to a podcast or something and they could tell who was older by who double spaced after a sentence. I had the same reaction.


I was watching a mystery where that was used to solve the case a few weeks ago.


Haha that's wild


don’t fuck with cats ?


I think it was "The Good Fight" but I've been watching a lot of shows recently so 🤷‍♀️


Elsbeth :)


I was close!


A few years ago I had a 20 year old ask me why I was hitting space twice after a period. I later looked it up and realized that is no longer the norm. Commas also seen to be less common under today's rules. Having had teachers that were particular about comma usage and it being so ingrained in me, some of what I read on Reddit I have to give a second go to realize what they are trying to say and not take it at face value.


People just don’t know how to use commas. Some use too many in the wrong places and some don’t use them where they’re necessary


I tend towards using too many commas, which is something I'm working on.


There's commas for grammar and commas for effect.


I, never quite, mastered,, the use of commas,.


Alright Mr Shatner, time for your medicine.


Thank you! I’ve been mocked for overly using commas, but I insert them so that the type sounds like how I’m speaking (non formal writing only, of course).


I went through high school, college, and now the corporate world doing this. Nobody said anything


why would they


If you hit the spacebar twice on an iPhone you get a period to end a sentence. So yea... double space


Also double spacing, to me, meant putting 2 lines between each line in your paper that you wrote and handed in. "Students I expect your history papers to be 10 pages double spaced, footnotes included"


That's how I first read it.


I'm guessing it's a dialect thing. In the U.S., saying "double spaced" means the space between lines of text, but I assume in Australia it refers to the spaces after a word or punctuation.


Definitely taught us to double space in high school. By college I had read enough academic articles to see that single space was preferable. Easy enough to adjust.


Yes. I was actually relieved after I found out. I prefer single space myself.


Triple space! That'll show 'em!


Oh no...




That's paragraph format.  This refers to spaces after a period.




Same, I've never heard of adding 2 spaces after a sentence. I'm 37. I even had typing lessons on a type writer. Is it a regional thing? From what I see in the comments that have them, sentences look way more incoherent this way. They don't look part of a paragraph.


It changed from double space to single space about 25-30 years ago when we moved from manual typing to computers. I’m an editor by trade and prefer it but some of my older writers (I’m old too) still can’t drop the habit and it’s just one more detail I have to monitor.


Evidently it means both things now.   But yes it did mean to put a space between lines when typing.    MS Word used to call it that also. 




And Reddit deleted your double space to spite you here.


Reddit doesn't actually delete multiple white spaces - they just display as one space because that's how HTML works. If you insert them in a comment and then edit the comment later, they're still there.


Thanks, knowledge! 🧽🌈 Edit: Oh, so it's basically the whole web spiting double-spacers.


We all must adhere to the single spez


I can't break the habit. It just feels wrong *not* to.


create auto correct for “. “ to “. “ that’s what i did


It's also just clearer and easier to read? I don't know why it should be a habit worthy of breaking rather than training !


I think the idea is that modern word processing software can apply the appropriate spacing between sentences with a single space. The reason we would double space is because typewriters didn't do this.


Oh that's interesting! I've never seen that happen, so I've just manually double spaced once I saw its superiority (I'd literally never heard of the concept of double spacing until my old grade 9 English teacher scolded me about it!)


I started trying to break it after being informed by a guy I was training that the rules had changed. He was actually the same age as me but had gone to college later in life, so he had been forced to switch as well to comply with the new APA guidelines. Then I went back for my masters and was forced to make the change myself in order to not lose points for not following the APA guidelines.


I found out from a guy about my age, if not a little older (I'm 40), but he knew because he had a degree in literature.


Same here. A guy I was training told me. He was about my age but had gone to college a lot later in life, so had been subject to the new APA standards.


I didn’t get a job in 2002 because I didn’t double space on a typing test. I will double space until they take the spacebar from my cold dead hands.


lol…in 2002 the double space would have still been appropriate. However the new APA guidelines specify only one space. I found that out when I went back for my masters and that’s when the double space was pried out of my cold dead hands.


I mix it up to keep them guessing


Same here. Plus Apple automatically puts a period when I double space so it must be right. I’ve been doing it for 48 years, I’m not stopping now. 😂


Taking a business writing class atm. Single space is current convention. Double space originated with typewriters that had fixed with characters. With modern word processors that have variable width characters, the extra space is unnecessary.


Not for decades.


Double spacing used to solve my run on sentence issue in college. When I had a three page paper due, every thought was a short sentence. “Give me all those extra characters you sweet, misguided 90’s grade school education, this paper’s due at midnight!”


Yeah it is why double tapping the spacebar auto types a period.


I graduated college in 2008 and double spacing was done even before then. You’ve been incorrectly double spacing for 20 years.


I 100% do too and I'll even do it when I txt 😆 it just looks so much cleaner


My government agency still double-spaces as official policy so it makes me laugh when I hear that it is an age marker for people


I constantly have to go back through my emails to remove the double spaces. I still do it out of habit, and honestly think it reads easier, but they say not to do it anymore.


Old habits die hard.  Hey that sounds like a good name for a sequel.


Took me forever to break the habit, but I'm glad I did. I did some work for someone who works a lot with movie scripts and they would always want my work for them with a single space after a period. I would still double space everything then replace them with a CTRL-H. I finally got into the habit of just not using the double space, which is good because my current job sees them as pretty major errors.


Agreed. There are some hills worth dying on, double spaces after periods ain’t one of them.


Man. Fuck everybody who doesn't double space. Shits like a runon sentence vibe in Outlook. Especially with these Time New Roman mfers.


Double spacing lives on in court and deposition transcripts! 🤘


The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) was the last style guide that recommended two spaces after a period. They changed to one space in their 2019 update to the manual.


When I wrote my thesis per APA I used double spaces gladly. But at publication time my university press required single. So I submitted my work for final ok with single but when sending to the printer / publication, I switched back to double to see what would happen. It published in double and now exists that way for time immemorial. It was a small but noble protest.


I love that your comment uses double spaces.


Heck, I remember manual typewriters and slide rules. I remember pay phones and “Ma Bell.” I remember punched cards and Pong. I remember black and white TVs and Captain Kangaroo. I was an adult before I learned Captain Kangaroo’s jacket was red. I remember when Phil Donahue was the king of daytime talk.


So... What do you want on your tombstone? Answer quickly.


Pepperoni and sausage.


upvote for the reference, but neutralized by the (mis)spelling


And the first time I saw Mr Green Jeans in color, I was like, "Damn, they really are green!"


I miss Captain Kangaroo...


I remember when I made the conscious decision to convert to the single space. I'm at peace now. I will not give up my oxford comma.


Thankfully most places still prefer the Oxford comma. I, too, have made peace with the single space. I used to be quite the stickler. Now I have to be the opposite stickler as they're considered errors in the project at work.


I will give my life defending the Oxford comma. Those anarchist bastards can pry it from my cold, grey, dead hands.


did you go to oxford?


I did not, but my college's comma never took off like we hoped


I remember when it used to be first line indent instead of double space.


Yes, I remember setting the Tab on my typewriter. What was it... 7 spaces?


The rule I remember is 5 spaces, but then setting it for 7 or 8 to try to stretch the paper content out. This being before 1.1 spacing and goosing the font size. 😆


*tab* *space space* *set indents to 1.2* *pull out notes about MLA formatted headers*


So glad that rule died out


Calling your mom collect because you're ready to leave wherever she dropped you off, and giving your name as *Mompickmeup* for the recording so she could decline the call but still get the message. Which lead to the epic [Bob Wehadababyitsaboy](https://youtu.be/9JxhTnWrKYs?feature=shared) commercial


I still double space and always will


I. Can't. Stop.


As someone who develops/processes reports, I will always search and delete all of those double spaces. I was scolded for double-spacing 20+ years ago (by a boomer!) and now I’ve broken the habit.


Me too.


Don't forget having Pluto as a planet. Doing the pledge of allegiance every morning. Thinking that the back of the bus was the cool thing. Mesh/Clear backpacks for school. TI calculators. Those weird S shapes. 5 star brand notebooks or salt and pepper books. Making book covers from paper bags. Going through Y2K The end of the Mayan Calendar.


Australia is wider than Pluto, all I’m gonna say is does it REALLY deserve to be a planet?


Pluto was a planet for 76 years. It's been a planet longer than Australia has been a nation. Australia might be wider than Pluto, but Pluto has more surface area than Australia.


Thank you for setting me straight, I don’t know what my planet-shaming ass was on about


> The end of the Mayan Calendar. Maybe the world did end and we're all in hell


That would explain Covid.


I still catch myself double-spacing between sentences sometimes, very old habit. Being old enough to stay up until midnight and see station sign-offs was a small thrill for a while. I remember it also being disappointing though - TV was over for the night!


I still have a Mead 5 Star (nylon?) insert for a binder from 6th grade that has a pencil pouch on top, a calculator pouch on the bottom and four slots made for 3.5 inch floppies on the back.


Fuck. Im so old it took so much effort for me not to double space this comment


How old are you?


Were you TRYING to 'accidentally' erase the floppy disc, or did you just not know that magnets fuck up the data on magnetism-based data storage devices like a floppy disc or a hard drive?


I didn't have a dog...


I’m 28 and have always double spaced, I didn’t know it wasn’t a thing anymore! Weird.


I'm 39 but the word processing program I grew up with automatically added the double space after a period so I never got into the habit.


Wait, we don't have to double space now? Asking for a friend


I still do. And the Oxford comma


People who don't use an Oxford comma are monsters.


And I always think of this image when the Oxford comma topic comes up. [https://postimg.cc/9zVFTYf3](https://postimg.cc/9zVFTYf3)


I only found out a year ago that you don't double space any longer. Blew my mind. I still do it out of habit and it just seems too close together with a single space.


If my eyes don’t deceive me, you have a single space after your first sentence and a double space after your second. ;-)


Me, but I never did it. I hated double spacing and still do.


I was never taught double spacing. I think it was being phased out when I was young so some people my age were taught it and some weren't.


I was so good with math in 3rd grade (1984) that I was allowed into the computer room, that only the 5th graders got to use. Will be forever grateful for that teacher who saw my potential and introduced 8-year-old me to computers and programming. Led to my 30-year career in IT.


>Double spacing at the start of a new sentence? > Every single messaging and keyboard app out there allows you to double space and it automatically inserts the period.


25c per sms is a goddamn ripoff. It was 10c per sms with Cingular wireless.


Is indenting still a thing?


I was trying to figure out where you were from OP and then it became clearer and clearer as the post went on 🦘


I still double space (where software will allow it). I think it makes a sentence easier on the eye.




Seems like we no longer capitalize the first letter of the first word after a colon, either. I swear that’s how I learned it.


Using first IBM typewriter with auto correct was magic.


I’ve always used double spacing after a period to pinpoint someone’s age. I learned it without anyone telling me and find it fun whenever I see it on the internet. I wonder what will easily out me as an older person in a couple decades.


I remember my plan only allowed for 100 texts a month.


How about not ending statements with a question mark? I see it all the time. One of my coworkers would send me emails like "I talked to Bill? He's on his way? He said he has the paperwork?" and I was always wondering how am I supposed to answer any of that? I don't now who she talked to, I don't know if he's on his way, or if he has the paperwork.


Tv commercials for buyimg all sorts of ringtones . Payed chatboxes you phone to. Tv commercials for expensive 'sex lines' you call to with your phone.


I'm gonna add: cleaning the inside of ball mouses to make them good as new.


In the US, there was always something on TV. If it wasn't programming it was infomercials.


Going to the mall to use the arcade was a big one for us. We had an actual arcade in Kirkland, I’m in Washington state by the way, that every Sunday every machine to play only cost $.25 to play. Funny enough the arcade was called quarters. Oh and have to have change in my pocket to use a pay phone.


I live in Kirkland now! Was the arcade downtown or by totem lake? I remember a nickel arcade in my hometown of Salem, OR called Wunderland. I think it is actually still there…


As I was falling asleep last night I suddenly remembered getting a certain amount of minutes of internet per month with AOL. After that I couldn't sleep for like an hour


No area codes when you called people


I would 1.3 space it…..


Not just double spacing, but tabbing in at the start of a new paragraph. I had to take a business writing class in college (around 2000-2001) to learn proper writing formats for emails and printed documents. It was reeeaallyyy hard to phase out those habits as fonts, spacing rules, and computer writing programs were streamlined, printing gave way to digital documents, and everything changed. I’m a tech PM now and I can’t even look at double spacing or tabbed paragraphs as it looks so wrong now. And pleases please, don’t print on paper what you can send me digitally.


I still double space.


I've always double spaced after every period since elementary school. I have never been corrected until I got this new job last month and they started proofreading my work. I'm 33 and was a teacher for 12 years. I tell the new team - listen, this is going to be a hard one to unlearn, double spacing is ingrained in my brain.


I still double space.


I still double spaced after a sentence. I will die on that hill.


Who doesn't double space? It's the proper way to write.


Double spacing is still used and is popular.


Our CEO still insists on double spacing. I said to a new person about it they responded "you do double space" 🤦


I'm pretty sure double spacing is still taught at many schools.


I mean, double-spacing is still a thing. e: oh god im old


I didn’t know it was no longer a thing. 🤷‍♀️


Wait. We're not double spacing anymore?!


I still double space.  


Hey I still double space. See?


I still double space when typing. lol


I remember when the train first came through town


Double space and increasing the font of punctuation is how I made the minimum page requirements for reports.


ME! Why was that a thing?


Free nights and weekends on the cell was IT


In legal documents, you still double space after a period! And I still do it out of habit


I was so confused by some of these until I saw the Australia part. 😆


Tell us about Sputnik.


No matter how I tried, my dad thought for years the charged per letter in sms. Years. It was hilarious


I remember America’s funniest videos, does that count?


So what I do every day?


I still believe each text cost 25c


I hated having to write that way


I saw the title and thought this would be about MS-DOS disk compression!


who had to retrain themselves in college to drop the second space in the double thumbtap


I travelled to the US 25 years ago and there was an advert constantly running where the old lady was dressed as the Statue of Liberty and would say - don’t you buy no ugly truck


Oh my goodness, that takes me back.


I remember Wolfenstein 3d was the first game I played on the old old computers.


Local station still does the end of day National Anthem, but instead of static, it goes to infomercials (I'd prefer the static...).


Remember double spacing? I only just managed to break the habit!


Dude… ..


When £1 bought you a weekend’s worth of sweets, crisps, pop and comics.


>Tania Zaetta and Mike Whitney on Who Dares Wins? I'm obligated to follow Tania Zaetta on social media because she was my first honest-to-God crush. I blame the imports of *Who Dares Wins* that Game Show Network brought to the USA once upon a time.


Some old colleagues of mine double space their emails and word documents......


I miss when actual investigative journalism was able to exist in Australia.... It was such a romantic time....


I still do it, and my boss constantly reprimands me for it. I have to go back and remove the spaces so often.


Most programs, like office and your phone auto put in the double space. It doesn't even matter if you auto-double or if you're young and hip and don't. So yeah, you don't have to technically do it, because the places it matters (office setting jobs) will just do it for you if you type on your computer. I did learn though that most phone text /private messenger phone apps, if you hit space twice, will put the period in for you if you forgot to.


Watching sydney weekender with Mike whitney


Ummm I still do this 😆


I got yelled at for so many things in the beginning of printing papers mid 90s. Also being too poor for a few years and trying to pull off a typewriter written paper. Having to go to the town library was such a hassle. Where’s my janky floppy disc. Trying to fill a page desperately, squeaking in some triple spaces. Never went well. One double tapped letter gave it all away.


I still use double spaces between every sentence. It just seems right.


I still do it


>Who's old enough to remember double spacing? Is this no longer a thing?