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I bought a Mini-Disc player before I bought an iPod. I definitely bet on the wrong technology lol


They were pretty damn cool for the time though.


They’re still pretty damn cool, Sony just doesn’t know how to market things without completely hoarding the ideas for themselves, which sometimes pays off, but many times has not.


Could've had more short-lived success but never stood a chance against flash memory.


I had an mp3 player that could hold 30 tracks on it. I thought that was mind blowing tech.


I remember in college buying a small usb stick mp3 player for like $15 just for walking to classes from my apartment (05-06), it was a 128mb usb stick that had a headphone Jack and a couple buttons, held an album. All American Rejects - Move Along album got lots of play time that fall Edit: they still sell [them](https://www.walmart.com/ip/USB-Stick-Mp3-Player-1-3-Inch-Screen-USB-Plug-Adaptor-MP4-Player/441462233), I had this exact same one only 128mb, and it didn’t have a card slot back then. There’s a slim chance it’s sill floating around, possibly in my other car… I should check.


I played golf yesterday with a homie I’ve know for twenty years and remembered he had shorty wanna ride with me on his mini disc and he said he still had it and I’m still jealous


They were a lot cheaper weren't they, I had one. There's also something nice about changing out media similar to a cassette or cd.


Nothing beats that scroll wheel though


I genuinely would pay money for an add-on to Apple Music that gave it a scroll wheel skin.


I would pay to be able to use iTunes the way I used to for my iPod. That current Apple Device app sucks.




Exactly, a perfect combination of convenience and precision. I've tried both physical buttons and touchscreen for fast forwarding long audio files, and they are too slow/unreliable


The disappointment of seeing OP put iPad in the title instead of iPod cannot be described


You mean the pinnacle of music technology?


Y'all out here talking about the Zune?


The “Bing” of MP3 players


I turned 22 in 2000. My first MP3 player was: [This one here from Gateway.](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/49e6bed883656d6f33912ab4497fb0f323293cff/hub/2010/05/06/35424cff-972c-48f9-8ef5-75a73f70c33b/gateway-dmp-200-digital-player-flash-128-mb.jpg?auto=webp&fit=crop&height=1200&width=1200)


My iPod got me through college.


I still use mine everyday.


Where my Zune Bois at?


I had a Creative Zen Micro, but I had it when I was like 18.


My first was a Creative Nomad Muvo. It was honestly pretty cool


Back before iPhone vs Android there was iPod vs Zune... and then of course the Creative Zen, which was like the equivalent of a Windows phone to keep the analogy going, haha. I had the 60gb (I think) model. God I loved that thing. Was able to salvage my music library when a computer died because you could put it in HDD mode and just copy the files back over to a computer. It also supported a bunch of video formats before that was really a thing so as a lad I could save certain files, notably the ones where some gentlemen would offer a nice lady a leisurely drive in their van, and enjoy them at my leisure without having to be sitting at the family computer. It blew the iPods at the time out of the water. Really cool tech.


Creative was by Creative Labs, right? They did the soundblaster sound cards for PCs. That’s how old I am, I had to buy an 8 bit soundblaster for my 486 because it only came with with R2D2 noises


You might be the first person in the world to admit you would beat it using your zune. Congrats!


No one really used Zune It was really ipod vs discman


I used mine all the time. Also the zune hd was one of the first hd portable radios.


You’re a millennial… the internet said so.




I'm technically a Millennial and I grew up with a cassette deck. What a world.


If you had a 5th gen iPod at 7, you didn’t have a Millennial childhood lol—we had pogs and Blockbuster.


I was being sarcastic lol


That’s an iPod 5th generation? You were rocking this as a 6-7 year old?


Well I first had it at 7 but yeah


Yeah a lot of poor kids did too. I used to work with a lot of underprivileged kids and they all grew up playing PS2 games and if they had a mp3/mp4 player they were old ipods/zunes. One kid had a PSP he hacked and loaded a bunch of games to it. The few that did have phones had dumb phones that were only for calls in case of emergencies. So basically the same stuff I had growing up.


I bought one of these at launch and thought I was the coolest kid around (in fairness, it was pretty damn cool. To me anyways).


Here's the evolution of my portable music: Walkman > Discman > MP3 Discman > cheap MP3 player > iPod mini > iPod Touch > iPhone


I bought my wife a zune (funny auto correct changes that to funeral) . My dad got my wife an ipod. She went with that. I've never thrown it away...every time I find it in the drawer I say "oh look a zune". It's going on 15 years


Zune will rise again


I had the Close ‘n Play Phonograph from Kenner.


I still use iPods. The sound quality is better than iPhones and I find it way more relaxing to use being an offline device.


R u still using it with what u had previously loaded on it or is the programming still there to upload new files onto it. I was thinking iTunes died but maybe I'm wrong. I know I bought a lot of albums on that but I haven't logged in in over a decade or more. If I could resurrect all that and get my kiddo some offline music to carry with her that would be awrsome..


Nah, it’s MUCH better since iTunes was discontinued. Apple baked iPod support into the OSX Finder so you can just drag and drop as if it was an external hard drive or flash drive. You can still use your old iTunes if you still have it on an old computer to retrieve any old music you want to keep.


I miss my iPod video


I had the Nano, then I got the Original iPod Mini.


Pretty sure people who were born in the late 90s knew Ipod from Madagascar movie and Black eyed Peas


I had a blue SanDisk lol


That's in color. That's some advanced and fancy shit right there!


I grew up on mostly cassette and cd players in the 90s-early 2000s.


I loved when they were mountable disks and FireWire


Zune was better


Sorry bro, if you were born before 98 you're a millennial.


I remember installing Rockbox on mine and playing doom during class. Good times


My grandma gave me this exact player but black and it has all kinds of music on it. I used to replay California Love all the time tho


I wanted one music of this as a kid


I still have mine, somewhere. Iv also had WalkMan, CD player with no anti skip, minidisc player, ipod and here we are now with phones. All those devices had their own charms.


I still use an MP3. It's a shame apple stopped producing the I Pod as there was and still is a market for dedicated players.


I still used one of these as a dedicated music player in my car up until a couple of years ago when I got a new car that didn’t play well with it. Directly wired music is better quality than streaming.


I still have this, from 2008. Thousands of songs, works pretty well.


Replace the iPod with Walkman and you’ve got my generation.


Wow that brought back memories!!


It doesn’t make sense to have anymore but I miss the days of the iPod.


I had a discman with anti shuffle technology! It was the future in the 90s.


IPod Touch. The best decision (kinda) I made. I had Apple store access without racking up a phone bill.


These things made trips with the hockey team so much more manageable. I'm jealous of kids now having smart phones now.


I was more a zune kinda guy


I didn’t have shit just used cds in the car


Mr. Fancy pants over here had one with a color screen!


My first MP3 player was a SanDisk Sansa Fuze. It had 1.8 GB of storage space.


I had one of those USB MP3 players with a tiny LCD screen, had maybe 1GB of space, but it was all I needed back then as I was still in high school. I remember how gutted I was when I left it behind one day, and it was gone when I returned to get it.


I’ll never forgive that piece of shit Chris for stealing my U2 Edition iPod when he came over to play Halo 3.


Meanwhile I had a Zune


I bought an 80 gb ipod at a theme park lost and found sale Which is how I got into Spanish music Fanny lu, RBD, Don Omar, etc


I still have mine and it's still functional.


Mine had boomboxes and Walkmen, my fine young person


I still have and sometimes use my iPod classic


So cool untill you plugged it in to a friend’s computer and it deleted all your music


I still have and use my iPod classic.


Mine still works too. Amazing engineering.


I got this after the Sony MP3 stick that held like 9 songs.


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I grew up with an Atari 2600 and three TV channels.


I loved the click-wheel


I remember walking into a circuit city with my dad, and I saw the first iPod, (the button version with the track pad). At that time the personal mp3 world hadn’t really taken off just yet, I still was using my mp3 cd player. It was very expensive compared to a cd player but felt natural and very high end. Cut to a handful of years later and iPods were everywhere.