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fraud continues to fraud, news at 11, this is not oniony


Who is dumb enough to give him money?


People still give Trump money.




My brain hurts even thinking about the mental gymnastics needed for that to make sense


It’s not that complicated. Republicans loath the poor, and would rather see them gone, than help them, let alone listen to them.


Never mind that the some of the poorest states are red states who by far take in the most federal dollars supplied by blue states who they accuse of always wanting “free stuff”.


That's because the people in the poor states can one day be billionaires. And it's all the lazy people sucking up welfare and illegal immigrants that are keeping them from ever making it big.


Another day, another Poe's Law post where I can't tell which side you're because on the sarcasm is so deep.


Whatever the right says is bad and they hate, they are. It’s maddeningly and comically consistent.


It's Good Old Projection.


Your mindset doesn’t help either.


That's not a mindset, it's factual information. YOUR mindset doesn't help.


Cry more cause you further the left v right mindset I suppose


You teared up first in the face of objective reality https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state Do the math


Ah, the lazy centrist, either too dumb, or too cowardly to have an opinion, so just shits on anyone with an opinion at all. Real good stuff, real productive.🙄🤦🏽‍♂️


Dude what are you on about? It isn't a mindset to point out money flows out of blue states and is fed into red states. Claiming facts you don't like are a mindset because they challenge the false narrative the right likes to push? THAT is a mindset that furthers the left vs right mentality of the country. Maybe if one side of the spectrum actually gave a shit about facts instead of their feelings, we wouldn't have gotten to this awful state we're in as a country. What won't fix it is claiming facts aren't real because they make your team look bad while it's lying about how well they're doing.


That's not a mindset. It's the truth Red states rank lower on average then blue states in pretty much every category.


Continues to ____ v ____ and still doesn’t see the shittt mindset. Wild


Stating reality is not a shitty mindset. Denying reality, however, is.


True. Even the extremely poor that vote Republican are insufferable, self loathing assholes, that see themselves as temporarily embarrassed billionaires. They are content enough with their current situation, so long as they have someone else to look down upon.


Rich republicans love the poor, as long as they stay poor, don't ask for rights, and believe that one day the rich will somehow help them.


Working poor yes, unemployed poor are worse than worthless to them.


A story as old as time


Not sure where they think the poor are going. Even if by some republican miracle all the poor died tomorrow, the ensuing health and sanitation crisis that would cause would probably wipe out most of the rich as well.


A key tenant of conservatism is the "natural" hierarchy. If they're lower in the hierarchy (eg poor), it's because they belong there as a result of their moral failings. They equate being poor with "immorality". That person must be "bad" or else they would have more money. Conversely, if a person is rich, they must be "good", and that's why they have more money. They equate wealth with "morality". You'll notice all the quotation marks. That's because these are all versions of their "good/bad" "moral/immoral", and they can change to fit people however they want. They're not actions people take so much as parts of their identity. If you're wealthy but fit some other categorization they deem lower in their "natural" hierarchy, then you you must have obtained your wealth because of the "bad" things you did associated with that lower tier. Are you wealthy and also Jewish? They think Jews should be lower, so the only reason you are wealthy is because of the "bad" aspects they ascribe to being Jewish (yes, of course this is antisemitic). Insert absurd antisemitic conspiracies here. It works in reverse too! Are you a white straight Christian male that's poor? Well then obviously there's someone else that's making you poor because you deserve to be rich because your identity is a "moral" one and means you should be higher in the hierarchy. So you rage against the diverse/liberal/woke/elite/globalist/socialist/communist/deep state/immigrant/entitlement/satanist/city slicker that are the reason you aren't rich. And of course rich people and corporations should pay less taxes because why should "good" people pay more taxes than the "bad" people?


But then they will be the poor ones.


They've been brainwashed to punch down.


I thought they LOVED the poor, because they are the permanent slave-class they need to do all of the work for them, Republicans just don't see the need to pay for them in any way.


I don’t see any reason why we both can’t be right on this one. Double think is a common thing amongst them.


These kinds of people don't realize there isn't some magical finish line of wealth accumulation you cross and go "I won life. Now I'll be generous". Some people are chasing higher numbers their whole life and will ruin countless lives if it means they can become 1% wealthier compared to their peers. That's where their happiness comes from.


If they were actually happy they wouldn't have to keep going.


That is where the schadenfreude at the fate of those they "beat" and temporary dopamine rush of "victory" come from, which allows them to temporarily dull the sound of their screaming conscience and fill their sense of emptiness with a fleeting sense of superiority. It's not really happiness so much as a temporary drug fix that keeps them from anything resembling introspection, but it's the best they've got.


And just like a drug fix, it needs to be bigger and bigger every time to make the same impact.


A billionaire has lots of money and is less greedy , so let's..... give him money that is meaningless to him...for... hm


I would call bullshit on what you said but I have read even dumber reasoning than that.


Ah yes, of course


I bet that same person talks shit about “the billionaires” in the same breath, too


Only one billionaire, specifically George Soros.


That's like the stupidest bastardization and warping of the thought that "Those most deserving of power are the least likely to want it". As I see it, your co-worker legit thinks "Those who want money the least will acquire the most of it".


If he's "billionaire" who doesn't need money, why is he asking for donations for his political campaign?


Prosperity Doctrine was used by a fb acquaintance to explain their support of trump. “God blesses good people with money so we may not see it but trump is good in gods eyes” These people really need to pay more attention to the red letters in the Bible


𓂺 Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw 𓂺


omg "Q-worker" haha that has a ring to it, the ones I've encountered are not productive at their job. I mean a fair number of people are not productive in wildly varying reasons, but the Q-workers have a specific flavor. Pretty dang cool when they openly browse OAN and Newsmax at work.


That’s the national championship of mental gymnastics


> he's rich and that makes him more trustworthy since rich people don't want more money. If Trump were a poor person then he would be more likely to steal. Huh?


By that "logic", Trump can easily afford his own legal defense, but instead asks poor people to pay for it because...?


Tell your Q-worker about how [Trump cashed a 13 cent cheque.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/08/trump-files-spy-magazine-prank/)


Let me guess, he's poor?


A fool and their dollar are quickly separated.


Republicans. Santos is literally playing this exact move right out of Trump's book. 1. Do something outrageous that makes Democrats angry. Republicans like people that upset Democrats. 2. Incur penalties from anyone punishing you for doing what you did. 3. Claim punishment is a result of "Democrat persecution of Republican free speech" or some bullshit and use that line to solicit donations from your constituents. 4. Republicans give their money to the stable genius that owned the libs.


I'm amazed at how perfectly you summed this up.


...and republicans want to remove funding from education. That's how they get more followers.


Don't forget that the Libs are doing this because you love guns and Jesus.


My favorite was when Santos called this a witch hunt in the face of all his lies. Zero accountability, of course, and still spewing the same rhetoric as dumpty.


For those under-estimating Santos and thinking he is a moron-- He could be the most dangerous politician to get in office so far. It's not easy to make a name for yourself in the party which is already saturated with antics of DeSantis, Trump, Boebert, Marjorie, Jim Jordan, etc. And many others He could be a nextfuckinglevel politician in GOP and we won't be able to stop him.


He's been indicted on federal Wire Fraud charges. Quite literally a 99% chance he's going to prison for several years.


5. Repeat


I think you're right. However, in my case Santos doesn't make me angry, he makes me laugh...


This is how you make the big money in GOPLand. All this legal trouble is just the liberal deep state trying to stop all the ways he’s trying to do good things for this country. Give now to help stop the liberal deep state!






People who vote R.




Republicans. Trump has been running a grift on them for 7 years at least and they don't seem on the verge of figuring it out


He doesn’t need money. This is money laundering remember? He can fund his campaign with dirty money and it will be spent like clean money. For Santos, his campaign is like a strip club or bar or laundromat. He just needs enough money to make his money clean.




Well, Bed Bath and Beyond has filed for bankruptcy and there are still idiots buying stock in the company thinking it's going to moon and make them billionaires.


You’d be surprised


Plenty of republicans


Relevant Jim Benton [cartoon](https://www.gocomics.com/jim-benton-cartoons/2023/04/12)


Lots and lots of people. He’s a republican, even though he’s a gay cross dresser, so he should be the devil incarnate to most of them. But he’s not a democrat. No siree Bob.




This should be more of a rhetorical question. Who is dumb enough to give him money!!!


No "!!!" at the end, but rather ":".


I'm am my iq is 000000000000000, that's lots of numbers 🤣🤣🤣🕸️🤣🤣🤣🕸️🕸️🤣🤣🤣🕸️🕸️🤣


They're born every minute


Not sure if ignorant or intentionally obtuse. He will get millions from the millions who support this criminal.




People bought Trump’s trading cards


Don't underestimate just how fucking stupid conservatives are.


The comments under his "WITCH HUNT" tweet have far too many idiots defending him. If you're on team trump and write a few buzzwords in all caps they will gladly rub their two brain cells together and open their wallet.


Have you seen the MAGA crowd lately, they want four more years from a convicted rapist.


The Grifting Old Party.


Yeah with their razor-thin margin I can see why Republicans would want him to stay out of prison and in Congress, even the ones who hate him personally. But finding his *campaign*? Surely no one but the man himself wants him to run again, *especially* his fellow Republicans? His campaign would be DOA regardless of funding


The fact that he wasn't expelled from the House, and continues to participate in Congress and solicit donations, is a disgraceful commentary on the state of our "democracy".


It shows how weak republicans are. They need liars to hold onto power.


They want liars.


Would set the bar too high if they didn't


You're not wrong, but if the GOP had a 20-seat majority, they would have washed their hands of him by now.


I honestly don't know if that's true


I mean, anyone who claims they *definitely do know* about a political counterfactual is probably an idiot... But it does seem like McCarthy: 1. considers Santos a liability 2. needs his vote If #2 were to change while #1 remained the same, it's not crazy to imagine that McCarthy would screech loudly about Dem overreach while tacitly allowing Santos to be removed.


But all Republicans are too stupid to care about the truth so lying in no way hurts the republican party


You're not interested in discussing politics beyond the 8th-grader meme level, so I'm not going to continue after this comment. The GOP is not completely homogeneous. Some of them, including McCarthy, still care about the veneer of democratic legitimacy, and about being taken seriously by the whatever is left of the mainstream. Santos embarrasses McCarthy, generates negative attention among persuadable/turn-out-able voters. McCarthy would love to be rid of him if he could afford to be.


Sorry facts upset you.


They need literally every seat. He’ll be voting on legislation from jail soon.


He’s a Republican. I mean, Trump almost got his own vice president killed, and they still support him. Hell, he almost got his own Senators killed and they still refused to hold him accountable. Republican politicians can do literally anything they want, no matter how debased or illegal or dangerous, and the Republicans will still support them. There is no bottom for these people and apparently no consequences.




/r/Tennessee is leaking


GOP know that seat goes Blue if they had him step down. They've got razor thin margins in congress. They'll use him until he's convicted and sentenced.


You know an awful lot about American politics for a cat…


They want to infringe on rights. What if fishy treats and brushings are next?


Never forget the videos of AOC dancing at a party as a college student that went viral. As proof she’s not fit to be in congress. Because she danced at a party in college. Compare that to…I dunno, his entire existence.


He's trying to pull a complete Trump. Deny deny deny, defer defer defer, and try to make money off of it all. I'd like to be able to say he won't be successful, but I just don't know anything about anything anymore.


This guy never had a terrible tv show that laughably depicted him as smart and competent. He’s fucked.


Like father like illegitimate son.


To be fair, it's all he knows how to do.


Total grifter


I don't think he knows how to tell the truth.


Gotta pay the lawyers somehow…


I'm surprised he needs any donation money. He should be living large off his royalty checks for writing the songs LA Vita Loca, Brave and Freebird.


Brave? I always get that song and Roar mixed up


Loathe this asshole, but I mean, of course he does. He has no shame, he can barely be faulted for continuing not to. Awful person, warmly welcomed by other awful people.


He can be faulted for it, because if he had any morals or ethics, he wouldn't be trying. But, his constituents keep letting him get away with it, so as you said, of course he's going to keep doing it. So it's his and his constituents' fault for letting it continue.


And he’ll get that money cause republican voters are the dumbest fucking people on planet earth.


He’ll get money from the trumpers. They’re easy.


Dumbest people alive


Santosers? Definitely doesn’t have the ring


I vote for "Santosians"


Campaign finance laws need changed. Part of the problem with American politics is that there is far too much money in elections. It becomes more like a team sport than the actual issues. It’s an industry rather than elections


SCOTUS said campaign limits infringed on the "free speech" of corporations spending money. It will be difficult to write narrow laws that avoid Citizens United. Which is still unchallenged 13 years later.


The worst bills have the most positive sounding names. Citizens United. Patriot Act


All you have to do is get the people who benefit the most from the current campaign finance system to change it.


There are a lot of Republicans willing to give him their money. And he isn't going to spend much to run for office again. This money will to into his pockets or used to pay for influence during his criminal trials.


Seems like an easy way to get more charges slapped on.


If you committed crimes at will, got away with most of them, were charged for some of them, tried and punished for ***none*** of them... would you learn a lesson? Yes, the lesson would be one of invincibility. There are scores of Republican criminals who have faced almost zero consequences for their corruption.


Man, if only I didnt have a single shred of dignity....it's so damn easy to make money of right wing morons.


how the F does that guy still have any clout at ALL


GOP does no wrong when it's their guys/gals...


he admitted to fucking lying to EVERYONE about EVERYTHING if he said he was human im not sure i would believe him


The GQP quest for absolute power. They need every vote to corrupt the process so they would have him until he can no longer show up to vote, and even then wont expel him for fear of the seat going blue. Its just like how the tennessee legislature was cool with having a literal pedophile in their ranks just because he was on "their team." And how they are like "I wont support trump for the primary" when asked now, knowing the moment he wins the primary they would join lady g as firmly attached to his taint for power.


he hates the right people and supports their legislation so the GOP will defend him till the end


Why does anyone still listen to him?


Because the republicans have 9 more seats than democrats, and Santos is republican. Keeping that lead is very important to some people.


There’ll always be people too stupid to see him for who he truly is. Might as well cash in.


And there is someone willing to donate money to this lying thief….ALWAYS


Guy who misuses campaign funds, asks for more campaign funds.


I live in Nassau county where santos represents and i can say that he will probably lose no matter how much money the GOP throws at him.


Definitely! I think the GOP in his district hate him. He's an embarrassment to them. The national GOP is a whole different story, but the people who actually voted for him in his district are disgusted (for the most part).


We have two political parties in the US, and one of them is completely corrupt and batshit crazy (the republicans).


They’re all corrupt. Some individuals may not be


Seriously. Fuck this guy so much.


The grift never ends.


Always Be Grifting


He’s a pile of elephant shit


Oh Georgie, you delusional little liar scumbag. We know what you do with campaign donations dummy. One of the reasons why you are headed for the pokey.


He needs funds he can access for his defense. Im sure he’s convinced he can get campaign donations and channel them to his defense.


People who donated to him after his arrest need to be tested for lead poisoning


Don’t Trumpers hate gay and Brown people? And criminals? I guess they see him as their gay, Latin criminal liar so he’s part of the tribe. Wonder how much he will raise from them? Sadly, if he had killed some people, he probably would be raising twice as much twice as fast.


They're happy to be hypocrites if it means they can keep a fellow Republican in power.


He is basically the house slave, take care of him as long as he does your bidding. You still hate him and think he is less than human, but he is a useful tool. They would love to be rid of him but need his services. The moment he isnt useful to them they would kill him themselves.


The balls on Kitara Ravanche.


Grifters gonna keep on griftin'


And I’m sure morons across the country will give him money. He’s only “felon-ish” after all.


Well, why not? What is there left to lose?


How tf is he not in jail?


3 anons paid his $500k bail.


What campaign is currently being run?


This guy, and anyone supporting him are sick & stupid.


Running for office is a good-paying job, even if you have no realistic chance of winning. Santos just had bills to pay.


What does he need donations for? I thought he was the CEO of Google!


His campaign to stay out of jail?


Guessing it's legal to use campaign funds to pay for defense attorneys...


This "dude" gives all drag queens a bad name.


Why. Would. ANYONE. Give. This. Person. Money?


Because they already bought him?


The bar we have set for our politicians now is just so incredibly low, I’m so disappointed that this idiot has been allowed to not only continue serving, but is able to also continue raising funds. People are such morons if they support this guy.


Yeah, this is him trying to emulate Trump. It’s not gonna work well because he doesn’t have the backing of the alt. Right.


Seems like a judge would look unkindly at this


He looks like the most punch able person on earth


Does this guy own more than one outfit?


No but Kitara Ravache does.


The right: I'M FUCKING STUPID, here is money


George Santos is not to be trusted with money :-)


Pulling the old Donald Trump. Raising campaign funds to pay off your lawyers' fees.


If certain crimes keep you from being able to vote, why the hell can you still run for any sort of elected office?


What’s sad is he will get them because there are A LOT of conservatives who really don’t care about anything other than supporting anyone who the liberals find disagreeable.


Straight out of the trump playbook. Next drop is nfts


Donate all your gently used toilet paper to him 🕸️🤣🤣🤣🕸️🕸️🕸️


I love this guy. I can’t help it. I’d never vote for him or give him money but I look at him like a GOP jester calling attention to various levels of fraud prevalent throughout the party. Please understand I DO NOT believe this is an intentional attempt by Santos to draw attention to the farce that is the GOP but I appreciate it as such all the same. Yes, I absolutely turned off reply notifications for this comment so feel free to roast me if it would make you feel better.


You gotta respect the sheer Moxy and Audacity he's got. He's making a mockery of the laws and process... but nobody in Congress will lift a finger because they're all in on the grift to some degree.


So, how's that working out for you?




Gotta look him up , Queen Isafelon.


I too am seeking campaign donations and have never yet been accused of fraud or laundering!


That’s just more fraud, the money obviously is for lawyers, not campaigning lol.


I'd give him money just so he can spent on his defense and get into more trouble!


He's going to get every single penny, I guarantee it.


Whatever is wrong with this dude, it is no small thing.