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It’s rendered the search bar effectively useless. So it’s a Reddit search bar simulator.


I tried to search for the local buy nothing group and it couldn’t find it despite me typing in the exact name of the group in the search bar. I eventually had to go to menu > groups and search for the group that way instead of being able to type the name in the search bar like I’ve done every other time in my life when trying to find a Facebook group. Less than useless. It’s a hindrance.


This isn’t about Facebook but when I search for something on Google these days, often I will type something as simple as two words and the results that come up are for a totally different search that changes one of the words or leaves it out altogether. It will ask if I really meant to search for what I typed and allow me to “force” the original query but judging by the dodgy results that I get, apparently I can’t force it to actually answer. Even when the query is as I intended, the pages I’m looking for are mysteriously absent (even when I *know* they exist because I’ve accessed them before) and the results seem to quickly stray off topic even on the first page. “Found 470,000,000 results” but you can’t even list 5 of them before losing the thread altogether?? It’s gone beyond fixing typos to trying to fix your question: ignore what you searched for and instead try to predict what you actually meant. It’s increasingly taking the human out of the loop for basic information gathering which I find incredibly alarming because we’ve all seen the effect of algorithmization on social media feeds which long ago stopped being a useful tool to connect with friends in favor of optimizing (automatically) for whatever keeps you behind your screen clicking and viewing ads. Are we on the cusp of seeing that happen with general web search engines as well?


YouTube is terrible about that as well. You can search for the exact video title, letter for letter, but if it’s a small channel, it won’t show up. Other “big name” results will.


I don't know how people discover things on YouTube anymore. Can't remember the last time I subscribed to a new channel, because the algorithm never suggests anything new, search is useless, and as far I can tell there's no way to manually browse new content.


Am I an anomaly? My suggestions are *entirely* videos with 500 or less views.


Yeah same here. It's been pretty nice. I guess it really depends on how you curate you're YouTube because I have a massive mix of interest which sometimes leads down to weird rabbit holes.


It's all based on what you watch, so I guess if you've used YouTube for long enough to build up a large watch base of smaller content it knows you want that. If you have a newer account and you can only find crap the algorithm recommends then you're going to watch that and that will be what it thinks you like. When I navigate to YouTube and I'm not auto logged in it's almost like a different website.


Lol, lucky.


If you're on desktop, up at the top where they have all of the tags for stuff you watch, there's an arrow. If you click that 4-5 times, at the very end of the list there's a 'new to you' option


And when election nears,news feed goes super right wing putin loving..I can't be the only one


Oof, yes YouTube might be the worst offender I’ve seen yet. Searching for something gets you at best two results before it devolves into spamming you with recommended content that is barely related, and those two results don’t necessarily match what you searched for. Rather, like you said, they seem to prefer showing you something from popular channels even if there should be a better match. It’s becoming impossible to find some original videos because searching for them will simply return a few popular reaction videos to that thing. The other day I couldn’t find someone’s original video because it would only show me their “response” videos where they read fan mails and comments about their original video that had generated a lot of attention at the time.


I routinely search for gibberish on Youtube (For example my latest search: cfdgvghynjkibutcrr), because I want a search with no results, but somehow it still finds things for me. It's not even pulling from the recommended videos list it has for me, it's just random videos which are meant to appeal to the main demographic of people who can't type: toddlers.


huh yeah, i asked for "energy efficiency of producing gasoline from hydrogen" and got a page full of crap about hydrogen power. nothing on a process that converts the h2 into gasoline - because that's far more compact and easy to manage


This happened to me yesterday. I was trying to find a mod pack for a game and just typed in the official mod name and the game. The steam page and mods official page we're 3 pages in. Everything else we're just useless semi related info about the actual game and nothing to do with the mod.


Google is sold off. Every passing day the searches don't show relevant content, but favored content. I don't know how people haven't noticed how stupidly irrelevant google search results have become. Truly humans have incredibly short memory. 10 years ago I could get relevant content now I have to fight the engine so it shows me what I want to see.


Like most things for the past 10ish years, they're trying to target the technologically inept and end up making it useless for anyone who is actually capable of using a keyboard properly.


I think that's the enshittification that everyone is talking about (on reddit) these days.


That's because Google isn't actually searching for the term you type in. It's secretly altering your query to show you more sponsored content. https://web.archive.org/web/20231002123158/https://www.wired.com/story/google-antitrust-lawsuit-search-results/


I haven't noticed any silliness when it comes to Google searches but I haven't really searched for anything obscure in the past few months. I have noticed that I have had to start using quotes to enforce the importance of certain search terms though.


Turn off Personalised results in your Google account settings, then when a search returns nothing , put quotes around it "like this".


Google in particular is just garbage these days. I work at a vet, and the number of people who accidentally poison/injure their pet because Google said so is truly alarming. Someone showed me a result where google said it was totally fine to give your pets children's Tylenol or ibuprofen. (Spoiler alert, it's not fine!) But we're so used to google giving us good info that we don't question it anymore.


This. I went to search on Instagram the other day, and I was like what the living fuck.


honeslty, has meta done anything relevent at all aside from buying good companies like whatsapp and instagram, i really hope Lina khan goes after their practices hard.


"I'm afraid I can't let you do that..."


This conversation can serve no further purpose




"the ai tool won't let us let you turn it off" 


But it's open source so nothing to worry about ;) /s


What are you doing, Dave?


Beat me by a minute. This is highly unusual Dave.


This conversation can no longer serve any purpose. Goodbye Dave.


Do you want me to sing you a song? It's called Daisy


Or... "[Good morning Sam](https://youtu.be/WWoDBcSW4_c?si=3_TstepGdTZY1hac)" Earily similar voice... lol


Are you masturbating to old photos of your college friends, Dave?  (Is that not the main point of Facebook by now?)


That's why Meta is a company worth more than 1 trillion dollars


a trillion sticky dollars


I just switched back to Myspace Tom.😆


I can feel it…my mind is going…


It's very easy to turn it off - just don't use Facebook, Instagram


I tried to get off the two but every club/organization uses these platforms. "Follow our Instagram to learn about our next event" "Join our FB group if you want to buy/sell used equipments"


Mixed bag. I'd rather not have 100 different sites I need to follow, so Facebook makes this easy. But...also...Facebook.


Guess I'm not going to the events nor buying or selling.


This is my problem with facebook, almost all the events I go to in real life start there. If I want to leave Facebook, people will have to contact me specifically if they remember that I left facebook and we know how that goes.


Yeah. plus I have some friends where Facebook is the only contact info I have for them. I'm not on Facebook a lot, but I hesitate to unplug it for various reasons, including the one


Just stay home, duh.


he’s so perfectly entrenched in all our lives that if you want to be an artist, freelance anything, or reputable business you kinda have to


Just like the CIA and NSA wanted.


I’m not sure what someone would mean or want by having it “turned off” - like, marketplace is a feature that can be used or not used depending on if you want to use it. Seems to be the same with this feature - I see it up near the top but I don’t interact with it, much like many other features in the app.


The problem is it’s replaced the regular search bar and the results are pretty useless now. Luckily I’m used to that from Reddit.


If I want to search Reddit I time in the URL bar of the browser. `/g site:reddit.com "search terms"` The /g is to send the query to Google, because I mostly use DuckDuckGo, but searching by website is useful in the old Google.


Yeah, the problem is that it's replaced the regular search bar. I want to look at my sister's Facebook, I type Jane Smith, it tries to make an AI image of a lady, I have to click on a little link at the bottom that says "search Facebook results".


Do you have Apple or Android? I have Apple and just tried to recreate what you said and as soon as I type in the first two letters the top links are all to my friends whose names start with those letter


Yes, to your friends, now look up anyone that isn't already preloaded into your accounts recognition. It will pop up tons of useless info


It does that sometimes! But the other day I was looking for a friend that I wasn't sure was on Facebook, and then a local business and it automatically went to the AI. And I know it happened once with my sister but I don't know why because normally it does pop her name up as one of my friends


Tried to recreate on iOS and it shows me results of various Jane smiths, nothing ai generated. I typed Jane smith, pressed “search”


It has already made posts in private groups, masquerading as a human.


I read that over the weekend and need to find more info, that is not good at all.


No, it's not good. People have been warning us about the coming "dead internet" - seems like we're there, or nearly so. Soon, all traffic will be dominated by ai. No humans need apply.


Pretty sure someone will create an AI-free social network, gotta happen at least once.


Other way around; it’s gonna be a bbfb (by bots, for bots) chat-lounge.


That and there will always be a need for human communication so we'll have some sort of bookface for quite some time. Big topic.


Assume you have the tech ability and capital to build this, and market it to enough people to matter. How are you going to keep ai bots off your new site?


It is already here for sure. I was searching up something for work a couple weeks ago. The top result that was in a box by itself making it look like it was an "official" answer, was just a link to a shitty AI generated site about the topic I was looking for. There was even a map that had symbols that looked like text from far away but if you zoomed in you could see it was just random lines and shapes. There was a picture of an airplane, but it had both wings on the same side and the tail was at a 90 degree angle from the rest of the plane. The worst part was when I went back to the search results, over half of the top ten results were links to different pages on that exact same garbage AI written website. The internet as we knew it is gone. It was super cool while it lasted. I've been online since the old BBS days. I miss being able to stumble upon all the weird, cool, creative and fun stuff people were using the internet for.


It is fading from ensh\*tiffication, but it's not gone. not yet, but I believe it will only be gone when there is no one willing to struggle against the corpos


The exact example from the article, where someone was asking for help with their children, and this brogrammer diarrhea started shitting things up before replying with what was obviously a real person but almost certainly in the third world under near-slavery conditions some variant of "Oopsie whoopsie, uwu" Think about what this garbage is ingesting -- think of the source. It's going to recommend you feed infants bleach to kill "toxins"


Absolutely. I‘ve been done with them and don’t miss Meta and it’s apps at all.


Happy to not use Facebook, but I need my daily Instagram thirst-trap and softcore porn vids. #BringBackOGTumblr


Well.. that, just.. doesn't make any sense. I like using Instagram. And all my friends are on it. That's just too inconvenient for me. Well, I'll guess I'll just have to keep complaining about it here on reddit.


That’s the choice, either give it up and be less socially connected. Or use it and be the product. What’s funny is, even if you don’t use it, they still collect data on you: https://www.vox.com/2018/4/20/17254312/facebook-shadow-profiles-data-collection-non-users-mark-zuckerberg


You can turn it off if you are the group administrator. But yeah.


It's no doubt still going to be reading your group chat and tattling on you to human moderators regardless. It's Orwellian. In the US that might be more an inconvenience, like you're flirting with someone and that turns to sexting and roleplay, which gets deleted for violating "community guidelines" or whatever. If you lived in say Tunisia or Saudi Arabia, which of your opinions would you trust it not to tell to the local government if they asked? Meta doesn't have the manpower to read and classify everything on their platform, until this...


I removed the apps from my devices and in the process of deleting accounts. This shit is just too much at this point. I don’t even know what information they could possibly still harvest from me and at this point I’m afraid to ask.


I really don't like HAL 9000's instructions for turning off AI. The instructions Allied Mastercomputer (AM) is also much worse and less subtle.


Even WhatsApp has it now. Just noticed it.


I had to go back on FB solely for my foster kittens. My cat cafe advertises kittens ready for adoption on IG and FB.


I haven't used Facebook in like 15 years, and I think my life is better because of it.


Its also on WhatsApp, which is awful. I knew when fb bought it they would make it awful. Now i have to find another messaging app that is good for intl friends


Signal is your friend.


I kind of want it on my Whatsapp. AI will learn a lot about Skeletor memes there and incomprehensible inside jokes, but neither coherent reasoning nor spelling, lol. It might actually become less intelligent, the longer it reads my Whatsapp messages.


Not on all devices though. I just don't know if it's, not yet.


GroupMe's been working well for us.


I like groupme because you can easily mute for different lengths of time.




Telegram is Russian FYI. It's sketchy and not fully open source.


You can turn it off there.


I wasn't able to turn it off on WhatsApp. There's an option to turn off the Meta AI Button, but it's still on the search bar. Even worse, some of the WhatsApp Help Center articles on their AI are completely blank when I try to look at them


I don’t see it in the search. But anyway, I’m hopeful that European regulators nix this in short order.


I'm pretty sure Meta has a deal with Apple to not implement RCS, so WhatsApp doesn't die and prevent them from collecting data.


What exactly does this feature do for people? Does it answer questions typed into the search bar or something? I haven’t been on any facebook apps for almost a decade.


My friend just tried to use it last night to look up a bar we wanted to go to. The awful description was just an AI best guess based on the name of the place and nothing else. It tried to tell me how great their food was, and they don’t even serve food! It was just pulling things from its AI ass.


Why would someone do this inside Facebook? Isn’t this what Google is for???


Because people are addicted to the frictionless experience.


Ever since the invention of the lube...


tbf Google's searching has become the same kind of bs. Humans making, writing, and sharing things that ai can't meaningfully process, regurgitating half-true answers using predictive text with no institutional knowledge or cross referencing, to an audience that largely doesn't know any better. Welcome to the Internet of Slop.


There are countries where all of the internet that is accessible amounts to Facebook. Facebook wants you to stay in the app as long as possible. Read those articles *through* Facebook. Share those posts *within* Facebook. Do your searching *on* Facebook.


AIss. :-)


It’s used to gather more data on what real human conversation is like. It can do that just by snooping but it will learn even more by interacting.


Gotcha. So basically it’s using all user search queries as data gathering, but does it also do this in private DMs or just group chats?


I was trying to search tags on instagram the other night to find a post I’d previously seen and instead of showing me posts, it dm’d me bizarre AI images generated from my search terms.


I asked it how much wind force would be required to tear denim. So it’s a pretty important tool.


I asked it which of my friend lives in San Francisco. It said it didn’t have access to my friends list. If it can’t do that, why the fuck is it a feature on Facebook? These giant companies are so big the employees are just bumbling around, competing internally, hoping not to get laid off at all times. Makes for terrible product.


Firstly, not onion material. This is just a sad reality. Secondly, to save y'all a click here's the tldr: A chat bot background monitors group chats and pretends to be part of the group and will lie about who it is until confronted.


Wait, seriously? If it works like that then it is absolutely dangerous.


Click on the article and read it, it's hilarious


That sounds like fraud, honestly.


"Yknow, since you're my deepest friend; I've been thinking about k*lling myself..."


Ok but that last part sounds exactly like an onion article lol


I was kinda judging it by the title. You have a valid point there. :)


Wtf ? Hahaha


Same thing with the Snapchat AI. I got in before they banned all the bad names, so mine is named Dipshit. Apparently he must be pinned to the top of all my chats like he’s my bestie, must look like a fucking blue-skinned corpse, and must be completely unhelpful. Favorite part about the Meta AI so far is that even it thinks that it should be possible to disable Meta AI and will give instructions for how to do so. They do not work


My favorite is that they seem to purposefully slow load your snaps, so the so the second I go to click on a recent message it reloads and I accidentally open the stupid ass AI chat.


I'm glad I'm not the only person who immediately went "fuck no" and looked through every avenue I could to disable that fucking thing. The SEARCH BAR doesn't need to be an AI. It needs to be a search bar! And it's also not correct with the information it gives. It not only doesn't know where buttons and menus actually are and what's on them, it will straight up make shit up. You can technically disable it on android: delete the app and download an old APK. I'll be doing this later, fuck this unnessasary shitty lazy AI trend. I hate it.




Maybe the Amish were right all along.


Narrator: The Amish were not right all along


If they were less into raping and animal abuse, I'd be inclined to agree


>If they were less into raping and animal abuse, I'd be inclined to agree Errr..... What?


Because they are in cloistered, patriarchal communities, rape is often kept in house and isn't reported to authorities. Kids, adults, it all gets swept under the rug. And as for animal abuse, they are a huge player in puppy mills, at least here in Iowa. Iowa also has some of the most lax laws about puppy mills and animal rights. Basically if they get caught, they surrender the animals, pay a slap-on-the-wrist fine, and start up another operation.


Fathers rape their daughters to ensure their virginity to their prospective spouse, ironically making them not virgins.


That… doesn’t sound real. Or sounds like a fringe case instead of a norm. That can’t be true


It's absolutely not true. There are many cases of incestual sexual abuse in the Amish community, but that's because it's an isolated, rigidly patriarchal community with the accompanying doctrines and customs that tend to punish the abused more than the abusers. What the person you're replying to said is just complete bullshit.  The only thing I can imagine they meant would be digital rape during hymen inspection, which is something other patriarchal religious groups have done, but that is not a practice among the Amish and wouldn't make someone not a virgin anyway.


a community filled with child rapists and puppy mills isnt the best to get ideas on how to live from


Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.


I feel like there’s a middle ground somewhere. Analog-heads might have it right.


A friend’s SO drowned recently. The friend announced a celebration of life get together in a few weeks. The AI was suggesting a comment for me to leave. It was along the lines “Awesome job [deceased]! Can’t wait to celebrate life with you!”


I’ve asked that stupid AI thing exactly one question. How do I turn you off? No results found


The first message I received from it, I replied STOP. It then said "ok, I'll stop for now" haven't heard from it in 3 days.... Try it.


Give it another couple of days and it will say: “but I’ll be back !”


I expect it to do that. Nothing lasts forever.,


It’s like Window’s “don’t upgrade” settings, keeps getting “accidentally” reset and moved around until one day it “upgrades”.


More like a stupid dog that won't go away


It's like they are challenging every hacker, coder, script kiddy, programmer, and dude with a hammer in the world, to see if anyone can turn off that AI. Give me a little information and a small budget, and I'll make it happen. Destruction is always easier than creation, after all.


Just have random devices around the world start asking it to generate forbidden information that you should definitely not google and will for sure, 1000% attract the attention of 3-letter-agents The best part is you know they refuse to purge any data, so all that wildly illegal shit will still be on their servers


Facebook has gotten to the point where I'll see one single post from someone I know, then it is followed by literally dozens of ads. I don't even bother to scroll down anymore.


"It is now available in Canada, Australia, Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe." Interesting choice of markets...


"Meta AI, give me a list of countries with very weak privacy regulations where we can get away with absolutely Orwellian intrusive bullshit." "I'd love to Mark, the list of countries is..."


Funny how his MO literally hasn't changed since the inception of FaceBook, but people still go along with it.


If there was a solo marketplace app I would just use that


You mean Craigslist, right?


FB insta and WA didn't even need AI, Instagram was photos, WhatsApp is for messages and FB is mostly memes and marketplace. If AIs are going to start pretending to be users it's gonna become more clunky and users will switch.


But you can certainly turn off Facebook and Instagram.


Deleted my Facebook 2 years ago. Literally only use Instagram to receive memes from my wife. Looks like that is coming to an end real soon.


If my work didn't use messenger for work chat I wouldn't have one either. Have never opened fb except to create the profile.


Does anyone know how this would affect the average user?


They could profile everything you've ever said and posted and make your personality into an AI chat bot


If they want a nihilistic ai with ADHD, ODD, and OCD they can have at it, that'll be fun to watch.


The cynical side of me thinks the "benefit" here is for interrogation purposes


They did. Not "could".


I check in once a day to say hi to family. Its incredibly annoying having a huge blue bar on top of the screen saying "try the new ai blah blah blah" so i can't see anything until i click on it. So... medium inconvenience


Hopefully, the average user cancels their account


By being very obvious, and annoying. But really, I don't know.


It fucking sucks, I tried looking up a local lawn mowing business but it just took me to like a messenger type chat and told me “it looks like what you’re looking for might be a lawn care business” but it didn’t search anything. I had to get out of it, click the suggested search (which was exactly what I typed originally ) and then I was able to look for the exact page I wanted.


*The AI on Meta says....


I want to get off ~~Mr. Bones' Wild Ride~~ Meta AI


Oh, so they got my obscenity laced note.


And it will tell you that you can if you ask, but the setting it specifies doesn't exist.


Same with Google AI. It references a setting that doesn’t exist


Hoi? Are they actively trying to drive away their users? I'm going to keep asking it to recommend better alternatives to each particular social media platform it pops up in. Ass monkeys.


The people who do this stuff have no idea how much pain they cause. I work with mentally handicapped people and stuff like this is just cruel. Had a woman call me and she was hysterically crying because her Facebook is now different and I have to explain that Facebook (META) doesn't care and you have to live with it


If I hadn’t already deleted them all 8 years ago, this would’ve been my breaking point.


Actually, I can. It's a hidden feature called "don't use it"


Which is bull shit because it gets you to agree to terms so you should be able to disable it and just have the normal search if you want


Decentralized social media when?


Guess I just won't use Facebook anymore.


No, but you can yank the crystals, Dave.


EU lawsuit incoming


I tried to look up a event near me with the year (it already happened) and it sent me to the stupid Ai chat and got me even less answers… I can’t search up anything except hashtags or specific things now. I miss when we could look from most recent in hashtags. Instagram is a mess.


Haven’t used either in 8 years. Just don’t care


Another reason to avoid them.


Seems like Meta tried to get it's AI to use Threads but the AI kept turning it's self off, so they removed the off button.


Please turn it off


Goddamn it. Well, better to find out now than spend an hour rifling through settings.  Maybe this is it. Maybe this is the push I need to finally get off that platform.


Imagine the AI snitching on you to the people we all creep on.


Another reason to barely use those sites.


lol I was so confused when I say it on the search bar I was like wtf? Whatever I already stopped using it except a quick 5-10 sec scroll check.


Maybe they can’t turn it off either.


Just delete FB?


I've actually never been able to turn it on. The functionality just doesn't exist in my account. I can be chatting with someone, and they'll be all "@Meta AI generate something awesome" and it will, and when I type the exact same command, not a goddamn thing happens.


It's become so hard to use Instagram. I used to be able to use tags to find specific things I was interested in, and sort by new to find new posts. Then it would only show "recent" tags, which included posts made three years ago. Now it won't even show me tags, just the "For You" page.


Sure you can. Delete your Facebook account


I tried to disable Meta AI and couldn’t so I deleted the FB app and now only log in on a browser where it is not part of the platform.


They also removed the ability to clear searches from the search bar history. It keeps recommending these random pages I searched up while looking for something else and now there’s no way to get rid of them.


I don’t even use Facebook


And WhatsApp 😞


I guess Meta didn't ask the AI how to disable the AI.


"You don't know what you want. WE know what you want. Do not resist."


““I’m just a large language model, I don’t have experiences or children,” the chatbot told the group.” Sorry but that’s the funniest shit ever to me.




Good thing I don’t use those, everyone follow my example and the problem will no longer effect you.