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What a nightmare! You find yourself dead and you’re still in Scarborough!! 😵


Ah, the ol’ Reddit [skibbidy doo.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/L1onyQCCx4)


Hold my toilet, I'm going in.


Hello future poopers!


Yes! I love these! Wheee!


These are rare nowadays holly shit.




[ARTHUR: Perhaps we weren’t rescued after all… Perhaps we… died.](https://youtu.be/czNGbaxXwVA?t=39) FORD:What’s that meant to mean? ARTHUR:When I was young I used to have this nightmare about dying. I used to lie awake at nights screaming. All my school friends went to heaven or hell and I was sent to ~~Scarborough~~ Southend!


Hey, Scarbados isn’t that bad


Oh heaven is a place near York.


In an unofficial way, I had this happen to me. My high school graduation class had its 30th reunion a few years back (yes, I'm old) they had a board with those who had passed away on it. Since I am never on Facebook and had moved as far away as it is geographically possible from my home town, it was decided by the organisers that I was dead. The one person who I was still in touch with sent me a photo. Has nothing to do with this, I just thought I should share a story that I find hilarious.


If you’d found out ahead of time, you could have shown up as your own ghost!


Bummer. Opportunity missed. Sheets, rattle some chains, kick some former bullies in the shins.


Reminds me of the one with Ross’ funeral


I'm so sorry is that a friends reference? For some reason, I have never watched that show.


> the one with Ross’ funeral In fact, all the official episode names were; "The One With...", "The One That...", "The One Where..." and a very brief description. Although this episode was actually named, "The One With The Memorial Service".


It is


Yup. Its worth the watch at least once.


"somehow, I have returned!"


I did that at my reunion. But I didn't die, I just transitioned.


You could’ve caused the rich kid to rethink all those Christmas days, when he was a jerk.


My great great Uncle served on the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor when it was sunk, he showed up at his own memorial service.


The school I went to had a jesuit teacher who had liver problems in his youth that basically meant he has always looked like 70+. A bunch of former students showed up for a 30 year reunion and 2 of them spotted him walking the halls (and his walk was kinda flouty). They were in a total panick and one was taken to the infirmary because they taught they'd seen a ghost...


I always said it'd be over my dead body that I'd go back to that hellhole.


One year I was on vacation first week of the year. Came back and roll call at gym they asked if there was anyone who’s name wasn’t called. Raised my hand, said my name, and the teacher goes….oh….blah blah said you died. I look over to see him cracking up. I find it funny that they believed him


Sort of related story. I was a Sea Cadet as a teenager (1970s). One of the cadets, Ken, had cystic fibrosis. At the time people with CF rarely got much past 21. In the mid or late 90s, working in a retail store, Bob comes in, and we get to talking. He asks after Ken. I haven’t seen or heard from him, I presume he’s dead. A few weeks later Ken comes by the store. “I hear you think I’m dead.” Ken, at that time, was one of the oldest people in Canada with CF. Treatments and technology are doing much better, people with CF now frequently live much longer.


Was it Mark twain or groucho Marx who said "rumours of my passing were greatly exaggerated"


Definitely not. « Passing » is very modern cute speak.


You are correct. I thought I was remembering it wrong, but was to lazy to google it. Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Mark-Twain-say-The-rumours-of-my-death-have-been-greatly-exaggerated#:~:text=Why%20did%20Mark%20Twain%20say%20%22The%20rumours%20of,death%20have%20been%20greatly%20exaggerated%3F%22&text=Mark%20Twain%20was%20in%20London,money%20to%20pay%20it%20off.


Two of my cousins have CF. They're getting on for forty now; when they were diagnosed they were given ten years max (life expectancy age 20). Although one of them is currently waiting for a second set of transplant lungs and also a kidney, since her first set of transplanted lungs is rejecting. We all want to donate a kidney but they won't do it without the lungs at the same time. Anyway, CF still sucks, but modern technology has made a huge difference in lifespans.


Who even organizes HS reunions? I went to a couple of different high schools and I remember a friend invited me to a 10 year reunion at the HS I didn’t graduate from. Then I didn’t even know they had a reunion for the HS I actually graduated from until I saw photos on social media. In either case, I don’t think I got any sort of “official” communication which is fine by me, but it makes me wonder who’s in charge of these things and where they get any potential funding for it.


Generally, it’s organized by a collection of whoever feels like it. My 20th was a lot of fun and two organizers merged their groups on Facebook, and they found ways to get ahold of people off of Facebook. But for my tenth, it was also organized on Facebook but was canceled because it was to be held at a church and we were supposed to pay a “donation fee” to get in. People got mad instead of organizing something else, we weren’t really ready to start liking each other again at that point.


I remember the invite I got was just an old friend sending me a Facebook link to the reunion. Not sure if that was “official” like school-sponsored. I don’t have any hard feelings from HS, but I didn’t really care since I had already moved away by then and only kept in touch with like 1-2 people from that HS anyway.


Well where I live the schools have nothing to do with the reunions, it’s up to the former students to do the organizing. We had to pay a ten dollar tracking fee in order to graduate and I’m still salty about that because it was money that went to nothing.


Tracking fee? Like they kept tabs on you? I know when I graduated college, they had us fill out these contact info forms which they ended up using to haggle us for donations. I got a weird kick out of declining their calls haha


Something like that— I’m not sure because nothing actually became of it. It was a gimmick the school required us to pay for.


Oh weird. I’ll probably never donate to my college. They have an endowment for a reason. As far as my HS is concerned, I actually did donate to this scholarship fund they created in honor of the long time guidance counselor when she retired since she did help me when I was going thru a bit of a rough patch as the new kid when I first transferred. Outside of that, I may get occasional random emails from the school about random goings on. Though now that I think about it, it’s been forever since I got one of those emails. Wonder if they stopped it or maybe I unsubscribed or blocked them.


the superlative officers for the year (class president etc etc) and they take donations from everyone planning on attending in the year or years leading up to the event source: the facebook group for the event i didn't attend


Haha ours did the 10 year but by year 20 they I guess decided those were lame high school obligations and we didn’t have a reunion.


I have no idea. I hated pretty much everyone in my high school except for a small group of fellow social outcasts. The only way I would attend would be if court ordered because I had committed crimes against humanity and the judge thought that a death sentence was "letting me off easy" I would assume that they are organised by the popular kids who didn't hate themselves and everyone else. Having said that, I saw some pictures of my former peers and they all got hugely fat and bald, and that was just the women, so I would probably enjoyed seeing that up close, simply because I am fairly fit. They also all looked REALLY OLD. I feel 10 years younger than thry looked. So there is that.


I was also hated by my class and went to my reunion. I had a lot of people talk to me and apologize for their high school behavior, so that was nice. that said none of us are friends lol.


That is sweet, and, I hope, very healing for you. As I said, other side of the world for me, so I wouldn't make a special trip over there just for that.


I certainly wouldn’t either!!!


It amazes/saddens me how much older people look nowadays due to poor health choices (mainly obesity, but also smoking) I’m about a decade your junior but already see people in my cohort that look a decade older than me.


I spent a third of a century being obese *and* physically active, so my whole body feels older than it should after so many injuries. However, I'm asian so I look a way younger than I feel; at least I got something going for me.


Well the main thing that separates me from a majority of my age peers is how much work I have done on my mental health. Counselling, therapy, 12 step programs, 25 years as part of a men's group, even hypnotherapy. I've put in a lot of hours recovering from childhood trauma. So I am a hell of a lot happier than most people my age, and younger. Plus my wife has done a similar amount of work. So we are having the time of our lives. Most people get to a certain point and decide that is all there is, and just stay where they are, or get more miserable.


I think the person that organized our 10th is in fact now actually dead (really sad situation), and I’ve not seen or heard anything about our 20th. Not that I’d go.


My graduating class has a Facebook group. But my Facebook is just there so I can check out buy-and-sell groups. So I definitely missed my 10 year in 2019. But I'm fine with that. I didn't like many of my classmates anyway and I didn't particularly want to go to someone's field to drink beer which is what they did if the pictures are anything to judge by.


The student council that was in place during our senior year are the ones who have been organizing ours. Little did they know that class president was appointed for life. 😂 The 20 here was a mess because they trusted one of our class members who had an event company. They claim he swindled them. So he ended up running the reunion without them. On the whole, it's a pretty crappy experience. Makes me want to go buy a Lambo or something, but I don't think anybody would be surprised that their nerdy math tutor made a bunch of money in the market. I'd be better off buying a few more therapy sessions because honestly they aren't going to give a crap 2 days afterwards anyway.


I always wonder how accurate that TV trope of a class reunion is as far as organization goes. Going off the comments from this thread, it seems like these things are actually pretty low quality affairs. Wonder if they were different in the past.


I'm 3 years off of my 20 year anniversary (holy fuck I'm getting old), and I've not heard a single peep. I wouldn't go anyway, I didn't like any of those people THEN why would that have changed in the last 20 years?


I can't speak for all high schools but for us it was the class president that year. Ours didn't do anything so people took it upon themselves to put something together


Currently, usually a group of happy go lucky. socially extroverted people who still keep in contact with each other through social media. I was part of the group that planned our 10 year reunion, but this was before social media existed. [Classmates.com](http://Classmates.com) was the popular one at the time. A friend and I joined the committee in part because we were two of the more tech savvy guys. We planned a 3 day event, with a formal type dinner on a Friday, an indoor go kart place on Saturday and family picnic on Sunday. It went really well. I never got word of the 20 year reunion and didn't really care. Heard about the 30 year from a former friend but still had zero interest and received no communication about it. Interestingly enough, I still live fairly locally, still have the same cell number I've had for well over 20 years and I'm not hard to find online. I maintain contact with one friend I've had for 40 years. Other than that, I don't talk to any of them. Oh well.


Chandler clearly played a prank on your school reunion at your expense.


Oh please, hit by a blimp!?


Damm. Pranked again.


you gotta go next HS reunion and bust in the door saying: I LIVED BITCHES! and then leave without another word


Point taken. I'm booking my flights now. You have convinced me.


I'm sorry for your loss


How do we know that you aren't?


Shit. You caught me. And would have gotten away with being undead if it weren't for you pesky kids.




I'm so pleased that you are alive. So sad about the other guy. But glad you lived.


>My high school graduation class had its 30th reunion a few years back (yes, I'm old) Hey, I graduated only 10 or 15 years ago too. Really not that long ago...


My high school has me listed as missing. My mother lives in the house I grew up in. I'm a member of my class facebook and chat with members on occasion. Someone didn't work hard at all on that determination.


On the flip side, my wife once received an invite to one of her high school reunions... and just wrote "deceased: return to sender" on the envelope, and dropped it back in the mail. It was some years later that her parents ran into some of her old classmates (smallish town), and they received the general condolences and what-not, etc. Dad calls her after said encounter, just to say, "Hey, if you're going to do that shit, it'd be nice if you'd warn us, first!" Yeah, we can only imagine that awkwardness. LOL


Too bad you didn't show up and see if anyone recognized you 😅




Well now you definitely have to go to the next one


Who assumes you are dead if you don’t use your Facebook?


>My high school graduation class had its 30th reunion a few years back (yes, I'm old) Sit down! you young whippersnapper, you!


saves saying no to future invites!




I've had it happen, in an unofficial and official way at the same time. For a little while anytime a cop would run my info I'd come up as dead but everytime I visited the Social Security office and have them check they couldn't find any reason I should be listed as dead and was absent from the death registry. Eventually it stopped happening but it was really awkward explaining to cops that I'm not dead and that I'm not using a stolen identity.


Hah, I find the opposite to be funny too. The creepy dude choked a girl to death after high school, not totally surprising. One dude that I played soccer with was on testosterone medication from elementary to 14-15 years old. After he graduated and moved out on his own he changed his name to something suited the young woman he's become. If anyone has any reservations about gender identity, dude's body was trying to be female whatever it took. Sad his parents weren't too supportive.


Oh man, you missed the opportunity to come dressed as a zombie


One of my classmates was listed as deceased in the high school's alumni publication. I was sad that Tom had died. I asked on the FB group for our class year how he passed, etc. No one knew and were equally shocked.. Eventually we found it was an error and had a good laugh;)


I came back to an online group I was very active in 5 years before, and everyone was calling me a dick/an insensitive asshole etc. I'm both of those things but I'd hardly even said anything there yet. Turns out that when I went away, someone there spread a rumor that I'd died in a car accident, and they even made abig memorial post for me. Literally everyone there from the old days thought I was a troll pretending to be me.


PLEASE tell us more. I need to hear the full story of you convincing them that you were in fact, not dead and their reaction to finding out


well, the 2016 discord account age was a big factor, and the video call with someone who I'd known there before. I'm sure some still believe I'm a ghosty though.


Now that is funny!


Now that's what I call music


were you able to get them to believe you??


Sometimes I can still hear her voice. "I'm not dead" what could she mean by that, I wonder.


Even as we buried her, it was if we could still hear her whisper…’let me out’…


Spooky. Some said they could hear an ominous pounding as they lowered the casket.


It’s almost like she’s testifying against me about it in this very courtroom


["You're not fooling anyone, you know."](https://youtu.be/Jdf5EXo6I68?t=90)


A good friend of mine was told he was dead when he tried to renew his license. Then city hall wanted to charge him $100 to switch his file over to alive lol


Does he pay taxes if he's alive but doesn't pay the $100?


That’s a great point but he was still paying all his taxes and registering his car, it was just a local filing error + clueless clerk. Pretty sure the fee was what you would pay if you had a baby and started a brand new file.


If a public official knowingly continued to tax your estate after registering you as dead, there is a serious case for malfeasance. It is recommended that you seek legal action, as you have no idea if your money was just stolen.


It was several years ago- but if he were to look into this, do you know where he should start? My initial thought is “no way” ..but he had to be in the legally dead pile for one reason or another so you raise some very interesting potentials.


Ask a lawyer. At the very least, check that the payments were accepted and recorded before anything else. You don't want several years of unpaid dues to materialize because no one was keeping check of it for the years that they had the clerical error.


I’ll pass the word, thanks for the help


"I'm dead you say? Hot damn! That could too, be useful." (Stares intently at the clerk for moment.) "I'd like to register my... Son.... Rusty Shackleford... Yes he was just born today and I am him." (Smiles politely at clerk as her brain melts.) "If I'm dead then I'd like to be my son please." (Wait for the men in the clean white coats.)


“I shut down completely. I didn't talk or anything” Exactly what a dead person would do!


Maybe she really is dead and just needs to accept it and move on


Nah, I think it's funnier if she makes it everybody else's problem


I’m getting suspicious here


> It remains unclear who was responsible for sending the instruction to remove Mrs Johnson from her GP's records and who informed DWP. *Bullshit*, everything has an audit trail on it these days. An email address, a login, an account, there will be a name on it.


Audit trail leads to... Generic account that all front end staff use because "logging out takes too long"


Actually, the audit leads to "I'm not wasting any of my life following up on this. Just fill in the form so I can get you switched back to alive."


> Just fill in the form so I can get you switched back to alive. No clue about UK, but we had a case or two of this in Poland and there is no form. At least a few years back there was none. The person needed to get the media involved because every single government institution said it's impossible for "the system" to bring back a dead person and all existing records got archived and there's no un-archiving etc. It was absurd to the point of not being stopped for extended periods of time every time a traffic cop wanted to see documents because they all showed as expired and you can't renew your license when dead.


Account name: staff


Password: staff! Also conveniently located on sticky note attached to monitor


Idk if you've ever used the NHS but this shit is pretty much a daily occurrence. I tried to get my files transferred to a new GP and they required me to get my old GP to print them off, then I had to physically hand them to my new GP who scanned it into his system. Because aparrantly emails don't exist.


Bro I *work* for the nhs. My daily struggle is people leaving paper notes in cupboards instead of sending them to scanning so the rest of us can actually see them, and the patient isn’t a complete mystery. But yeah everything has names and times on it.


Nice to see not much has changed in the ten or so years I’ve not worked for the nhs. There’s probably notes in the cupboard that have been there since before I left. 


I had to get three childhood vaccines re-done in the US because I was unable to get my own medical records sent from Scotland (where I hadn't lived in 10 years) proving that I'd already had those vaccines, for the processing of my green card. I was unable to travel to Scotland to get the records because I was *in the process of getting my green card* and didn't have leave to return yet. A ridiculously paper-heavy system for this century, and I used to live in Japan, where faxes are still used every day and work-from-home didn't work because everyone still has to inkstamp things to sign them.


It’s a good thing that the various agencies and administrators that could provide those answers don’t have to answer to the dead.


This happened to thousands in India, though the reasons tend to be more unpleasant: Next of kin who want your property and bribe officials to declare you dead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uttar_Pradesh_Association_of_Dead_People Obviously the officials tend to be less than helpful when resolving the issue.


>However, when she contacted the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) the bemused call handler told her: "On the computer you're dead". >"I said, 'I'm not, I'm still talking to you'. >"I shut down completely. I didn't talk or anything, I was in my own little bubble," she recalled. I mean *honestly*, give your head a wobble, it's a clerical error not a fucking prophetic premonition. If she was just pissed off because she had to sort out all this bureaucratic shite I'd be understanding.


It takes a lot of work to get your official status changed from "dead" to "not dead"


What if you're only _mostly_ dead?


There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there’s usually only one thing you can do. Go through his clothes and look for loose change.


If you take all their change how are they going to pay for the boat ride?


He's close enough!


I work bereavement for dwp. It really doesn't. You answer some security questions, agree to a declarations and your reinstated. All done in about 5 minutes


My wife had the same thing with the DWP about a decade ago. It didn't take too long to sort out but was a bit of a shock for her to be told "you're dead".


What probably happened was someone with the same name born on the same or similar day died and accidentally put on her account. It's rare but not unheard of


Imagine if you actually had died, but missed the event. You call the DWP, unknowingly as a ghost. You'd have to entertain the possibility of that, no? A [Beetlejuice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beetlejuice)-meets-[Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirk_Gently%27s_Holistic_Detective_Agency) scenario.


I was confused by her response too. "Shaking like a leaf" seems like a huge overreaction


Honestly speaking it would scare me too. Not because I'd expect it to be a premonition or whatever, but because I would be wondering if somebody had me declared dead on purpose and why.


This was my reaction, too. Why is this even a news story? She was barely even inconvenienced and seems to have brought most of the inconvenience on herself by carryintlg it on after the miatake was quickly fixed. But she needs heads to roll over a beaurcratic mistake? Come on...


She was then transferred to a better hospital where doctors upgraded her condition to "Alive."


'Bob had to steady his wife's nerves with a "strong coffee" after she was told she was dead.' Ah yes, nothing like a huge dose of caffeine to settle someone down.


Well, if she’s ADHD it’ll make her take a nap


Don't sing if you want to live long They have no use for your song You're dead, you're dead, you're dead You're dead and out of this world


For God's sake. Some people just can't let go. Go to the light, Susanne.


I hope when my time finally comes, some anonymous bureaucratic body will do the decent thing and cut off all my benefits so I know when to let go.


She lives in Scarborough. Dead is an upgrade.


...bring out your dead, 9 pence


My father died about 5 years ago. My mother submitted all the documents properly to the bank, government, everything you need to do. Two years later, she gets stopped in a store because her credit card didn’t work. She went to the bank and they called the police, saying that she was an impersonator because she had been marked as dead. Soon we come to learn that the fools in the bank marked her dead on half of her accounts, while leaving the others as alive. Took over a year for it to finally be fixed, and many, many people being called to get it done, up to the regional manager of Scotiabank, for them to fix the issue. Turns out bankers are idiots, the person who read the death certificate read it wrong and cancelled half of the accounts. They didn’t think it was odd that the person in question who is supposedly dead was still getting paid, regular making payments, and had opened a new car and house loan in that time. Moral of the story is to never trust the bank, because it’s run by fools who have no idea what they’re doing.


A bank’s loan officer told me I was dead and so they could not approve my loan. I begged to differ and had to prove that I was still on this earthly plane by bringing in bills, other statements, et cetera. Finally I demanded I be shown the documents used for my initial application. One source of income I had was an educational stipend that I received as the orphan of a Mason. It had my Dad’s SIN (social security) number. So they erased my SIN from my application and wrote his in. (Same bank took over my student loans after graduation, doubling them to over $100,000. Again, I had to give them a basic math lecture; I could not have amassed that much debt in so few semesters. Morons.)


No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.


I feel happy! I feel happyyyyyy!


>I gave them my letter and their first words were, 'ooh you're dead'.


She just refuses to listen to doctors.


My 97 yo MIL went into hospice care but got a lot better. Her Social Security stopped and wouldn’t restart it until we brought her to the SS office and prove she was alive.


Well it's not that complicated ma'am. You're dead because it says so right here in our records. Anything else we can help you with today?


I saw a tiktok about a soldier who wasn’t issued a new CAC because he was listed as deceased in the system. Admin wouldn’t help, medical wouldn’t help, and finance wouldn’t help. Him and his wife went to the same finance office that agreed he was listed as deceased and tried to cash his life insurance…suddenly the system fixed his status and he was issued a new CAC shortly after.


Maybe a medium at a seance could be helpful. I've heard they are good for talking with dead people. /s


Ooh sorry you're dead....have you tired going towards the light? You probably have unfinished business...not here obviously but somewhere else. Anyways looks like you've got forever and I've only got til 5 so you be on your way now. Buh bye ghost lady.


[So you’re dead…Now what?](https://youtu.be/WybYZrhrwdU?si=aEZkgbgbhxe5z20s)


Had a veteran classmate who came in one day and was like "Hey guess what? I'm dead!" We all give him a wtf look, and he holds up a letter from the VA that was a death notice for him. He joked about vandalizing the classroom and denying it was him because "I'm dead, how could I possibly have done it?"


Reminds me of Monty Python 'I'm not dead" "Don't worry, you will be soon"


Start committing crimes and after being arrested tell the judge you are legally dead and common law has prohibited posthumous prosecutions for decades.


M. Night Shyamalan would like a word.


No pay income taxes then?


“Bring out your dead”….”I’m not dead yet”


So I had this happen to me as well So I lost my job and filed for employment insurance (and ironically paternity leave as well since I might as well claim the money for that ) for the first time ever during covid and was waiting and waiting for a response Months go by and it’s not approved (when usually it takes 2-3 weeks maybe) my case is handed off and off and off and I’ve talked to easily 10 different agents for the government in different sectors, half of them see my case just fine and the other half have no file for me. Turns out the government doesn’t share all its data and in one government database I was assumed dead! So I questioned if I’m dead why am I paying taxes! So I had to go to three different locations with all my identification to prove I’m me and I’m not getting weekend at Bernie’s or something to finally sort it all out and got like all the stuff from when I first started as back pay. Then they got upset at me I didn’t do a check up tasks for if I’m actually looking for work or didn’t find work for something I could not even log into and do so had to go back again and fix that and the agent who just couldn’t believe the stupidity of the system wanting responses from me for 2 months before i even could log in


I read this story. The receptionist sorted it straight away. The appointment wasn’t cancelled as far as we know, literally nothing happened to this woman. Some people will do anything for attention.


>A woman who turned up for a hospital scan only to be told she had already died has demanded an explanation. Literally "Omae wa mou shindeiru" "Nani?!"


Can't. She's dead.


This woman needs to be quiet. She is dead and she should start acting like it!


I understand she's upset and all, but I don't think dead people are entitled to answers.


Rumors of me death were greatly exaggerated, innit?


She's in Scarborough, they weren't completely wrong


"But I'm still alive!" *tap tap tap* "Computer says no."


One time I went to vote and they said I was marked on their register as deceased. They let me vote anyway and I never heard that I was dead through any other government entities. That was the year there were claims about “dead people voting,” so I’ve always assumed I was one of the “dead” who voted.


You mean every year?


You take one nap in a ditch in the Park and they start declaring you this and that!


What is this from again?


In my head that's grandpa Simpson edit: close. Professor Farnsworth


The real headline here: Bureaucratic fuck up resolved quickly with minimal inconvenience


Thanks, didn’t even have to click the link. Not all heroes wear capes y’all


They wrote an article about this? Geez, good thing her husband took her out for coffee after the computer glitch was fixed. Truly an international incident.


A little late


She got an answer, it just wasn't the one she wanted.


Im sorry, I dont listen to dead people.


Zombie, RUN!!


If we tell her, will she crumble to dust?


Huh. This article/story is really getting under my nerves. Is the article written poorly? Is Susan a whiny drama Queen? Both? I couldn’t read. 🤮


If you have a generic name like "Susan Johnson" you're probably at higher risk for something like this happening


She got better!


This is what Full Immunity looks like


I was shaking... Husbsnd takes for coffee to calm down.  Am I doing coffee wrong?


everybody that was involved in pulling her out of the system and marking her deceased went out of their way to say it was someone else's fault.


We all die eventually. It was her time. How is that not a sufficient explanation?


If ever there was a time to settle old scores, it would be now.


I think Bob and Susan are the most British looking people I've ever seen


... So we all agree to pretend this is the afterlife, right?


She still seems to be kicking. She must be on Broadway.


I never answer questions from dead people. Just tell 'em, "You're dead now, so shut up!"


"Stop asking questions or we'll fix the mistake.". /s


Us Yellowbeards are never more dangerous than when we're dead.


"You'll get over it."


And then they amputated the wrong leg.


The day is young …


Bob is the most British looking man I've ever seen.


MASH did it first.


Maybe they were trying to gaslight someone into thinking she had sex. You know how orgasm is “little death” in french? What if a group of psychotics were trying to ruin this woman’s relationship based on word play around death and orgasms. Basically, they try to convince her partner she’s dead while endlessly surrounding the partner with metaphors relating sex/orgasms to death. Eventually it would look like she’s been sleeping around by claiming she’s dead. Now who would have motivation to do this to this woman, or why, I have no idea, but people are this petty.


Bring out your dead




The recently deceased often find their situation confusing. Just relax and go into the light, everything will be fine.


[Maybe she was hibernating.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2Pqfi8qbluc?feature=share)


I would think that would be the final answer


To be fair, she is a bit pale and bloated