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This is not actually that Oniony. Policies against most vehicle chases exist for a reason. Innocent people get fucking killed. **Over property.**


My state had a situation years back where a cop was pursuing a car for a traffic violation with its lights and sirens off and struck and killed a pedestrian in the crosswalk. To nobody’s surprise, there were no consequences.


Only cops are allowed to endanger the public with impunity. They don’t like when us civvies muscle in on their business.


Cops can even shoot [innocents](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-charges-los-angeles-officer-shot-killed-teen-dressing-room-rcna148298) and get away with it.


Even if they have lights and sirens on, nothing happens to them... [https://apnews.com/article/india-seattle-police-pedestrian-jaahnavi-kandula-bad649068634bea0dcb0515344405520](https://apnews.com/article/india-seattle-police-pedestrian-jaahnavi-kandula-bad649068634bea0dcb0515344405520)


The Pierce county Sheriff's office did a [surprisingly good](https://www.piercecountywa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/120638/Presentation_final_police_pursuit_Performance-Audit?bidId=) analysis of the impact of the restrictive pursuit policy. It turns out that it saved lives, money and avoided accidents.


Police in Toronto just caused 4 fatalities by pursuing a suspected thief into oncoming traffic of a freeway. The accused went head on into a vehicle, killing an innocent pair of grandparents and their grandchild (toddler). The crime: stealing booze and threatening an off duty cop with a knife. Was it worth it: absolutely fucking not.


I must be missing some context here because it sounds like you're blaming police because they didn't stop a violent person from killing 4 people.


The police escalated a minor retail theft into a high speed car chase at the risk of the public. They should have called the chase off and used the appropriate assets (helicopters, planes, cameras, etc) that we spend millions providing them with. Instead, they got 3 bystanders killed and there will likely be little to no repercussions for the inappropriate response from "professionals". They'll probably just get paid leave for the years it spends in the courts going nowhere.


Hopefully soon with the expansion of drone surveillance and other similar tactics, these chases will no longer be necessary. Police will just be able to pull up a live feed and pick these criminals up at their leisure.


So you're not blaming the person that actually killed these people? What the fuck is wrong with you


Obviously he's to blame primarily, but it's not rocket science that pressured drivers drive erratically. That's not by happenstance, that's literally the point of high speed chases, you put enough pressure on them until their either give up or fuck up. And this guy fucked up, taking innocent lives in the process.


I mean don't actively chase anything that's already under duress but is nonviolent isn't a hard policy to figure out. Farmers, AC officers and rescuers have been doing it for decades because you cause more damage if a frightened mammal fucks up themselves and vehicles in oncoming traffic.


That's a reach.


Yeah of course it's fox and I'm very familiar with this area and those people are so conservative and reactionary. They're firmly of the belief Democrats want to prevent cops from doing their jobs or whatever nonsense they're mad about this week.


Get someones car wrecked/stolen in US and you'd probably can destroy someones livehood from ~10% population because without a car you cant go to job or anywherr


And how does this justify risking the lives of innocent bystanders on public streets? Risk your own life: Your decision. But you have **no fucking right whatsoever** to risk the lives of others over your car.


You say “over property” like that property doesn’t represent many days or even years of work for the owner. Screw people that steal. It would be one thing to prevent high speed chases to save the lives of bystanders. But they refuse to take theft seriously and let these jagoffs get off easy for theft.


>You say “over property” like that property doesn’t represent many days or even years of work for the owner. **It's still. A fucking. CAR.** There is **NO SITUATION** in which a stolen car is anywhere near worth risking someone's death over. I don't give a fuck how hard the owner worked for it. That reality doesn't mean I'm not sympathetic to the impact of that loss. But that loss **STILL DOESN'T JUSTIFY RISKING THE DEATH OF OTHERS.** If the owner decides he or she wants to risk their **own life** \- fine. If they're cool with potentially dying over their car, let them go for it. But engaging in a pursuit on public streets where you put others at risk? No. Fuck those people. Fuck the thieves, but fuck those people, too. ​ >But they refuse to take theft seriously and let these jagoffs get off easy for theft. No. They've made the decision that the danger presented by pursuits to innocent bystanders is greater than the benefit of engaging in pursuit. Which it is. >It would be one thing to prevent high speed chases to save the lives of bystanders. That's **exactly what the fuck this policy is intended to do.**


You completely misunderstood my comment. I’m talking about the courts and police after something is stolen. Thieves get off easy for theft and police don’t investigate theft.


If we exclude suicide, cars kill more people than guns. The only reason vehicle fatalities aren’t worse is the NHTSA. Most studies show American drivers are getting worse, not better. But you’re against a person retrieving their own property but fully support relaxing driver’s licensing standards, raising the speed limit, and reducing traffic enforcement AND you want us to believe you give a fuck about human life? Meanwhile, the police routinely kill people’s in car chases ***they started***. Even if we assume this guy called the police to report the theft instead of pursuing, the most they would do is fill out a report so insurance could handle it. Which is weird since there is actually a Constitutional duty to protect property. Yeah, I’m not buying you actually give a fuck. I think you just take whatever propaganda you’re fed at face value and run with it as if it were fact. Because if you actually cared, you’d be pushing for stricter licensing standards, lower speed limits, and more traffic enforcement. If you actually cared, you’d be pushing for the government to fulfill their Constitutional duty rather than pass the buck to a privately owned company. Give me a fucking break. This dude just had tens of thousands of dollars stolen from, potentially ruining his life. Show some fucking sympathy instead of virtue signaling like a fucking chode.


You're out of your depth. Stick to what you know.


I mean, even the cops around here have a limited scope in which to initiate a pursuit, so yeah.


funniest thing is him not blaming the police for doing their jobs, coming from the department that has been known not to do their jobs to slight the public for voting in ways they deemed to be against their best interest lmao


One of those cases where it's possible for both sides to be wrong ... a lot of stupid happening on both sides. I get that the police response seemed odd, but it absolutely makes sense if you think about the big picture.


Biggest delusion here is that the owner believes that cops only want to enforce the laws. If the truck belonged to a cop's, the the if wouldn't have gotten very far. And the thief probably wouldn't still be alive either.


Maybe the police should step up and… I don’t know… actually do their jobs?


Washington law forbids them from engaging in car chases except under certain circumstances, because it endangers the public.


Reddit when police engage in a high speed chase that results in injuries or death: "so dangerous!! what were police thinking?" Reddit when police don't engage: "why don't you do your job???"


Cops can still try to pull someone over without leading to a high speed chase… Oh wait, nuance is too hard for your two brain cells to notice, let alone understand.


> According to court documents, law enforcement tried to stop the suspect, Kiliona Hunkin, 28, with their lights and sirens on, however Hunkin drove faster and began to pass other vehicles on the road.


Just so you know, this only backs up my point that cops can both engage suspects while not leading high speed chases…


You said you wanted them to do their job when they did try to pull them over. What else did you want them to do?


You claimed that “Reddit” wants cops to both enforce laws and not go on high speed chases, and you implied this was not possible. I showed you you are incorrect and that it is indeed possible to enforce laws while not engaging in high speed pursuits. Caught up yet?


So do you think the police did their job in this instance or not?


The truck owner thinks he lives in a movie. Lucky for him the truck he was selling broke down.


“While the engine was running” says it all. One bad decision follows another. This is one case where all the blame truly lies with the dumbass victim.


These days, the criminals really run the show.That was a read, Jesus. And it took two years to figure this out? I hate this world so much.


There are two criminals in this story. Imagine if this guy had hit and killed someone while chasing the thief? Totally unnecessary to put the general public at this kind of risk **over a fucking truck**.


For real. The reason the original law was in place was for situations like this. There's already enough yahoos in the department.


A piece of shit truck at that. The chase ended because the engine died, what kind of sleazy ass dealership is this guy running?


This is absurd. They had better not press charges against this guy.


So because this guy had his truck stolen it’s cool that he was driving recklessly? It would be ok if he accidentally killed somebody because his truck was stolen?


yep, then complains about his insurance skyrocking. Duhhh!!! They have you on camera acting a damn fool.


I think the charge is probably speeding and brandishing a firearm in public