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“No malarkey after 8pm, cause I’m in bed by then.”


In bed Biden


So he was sleepy Joe :(


The one time Trump told a truth. Gosh dang it.


We should all be sleepy Joe at 9pm, for our physical and mental health.  I am sleepy Joe. 


Biden had 2 European trips in the 2 weeks before the debate and I really think that was an oversight. We need a National 9pm bedtime.


I am Sleepy Joe’s complete lack of surprise. I am Sleepy Joe’s smirking revenge. I am Sleepy Joe’s inflamed sense of rejection.


biding his time


I've printed out these flyers, please hand them out to the other world leaders. Don't be pulling any anti-america crap between the hours of 8 PM and 9 AM. And that's Eastern time, Jack.


So who will answer that 2AM phone call (Hillary makes.)


I’m reminded of Ronald Reagan’s line that in the event of an emergency, his advisors had the instructions to wake him up, even if he was in the middle of a cabinet meeting.


Which is ironic considering they literally didn't wake him up during an airstrike on Libya


It wasn't an emergency. It wasn't even something he cared about


Hard same.


It's a pretty solid self care plan.


For many people, other than the president of the United States.


I mean if everybody did that and the world slowed the fuck down, it is rather a nice plan.


Yeah, but the President gets awoken by staffers about international conflicts at 2:00am... I agree, the world would be a nicer place, but the Earth is not necessarily a nice place.


There’s a difference between getting woken up at 2am for an international incident and having preplanned political engagements that go til midnight. Nothing wrong with setting a boundary for the latter while knowing that the former is likely to happen.


Right. The same concept as with when you have kids. It’s like the difference between waking up in the middle of the night cause your kid needs something vs. intentionally scheduling a midnight tea party.


>midnight tea party Is that what the kids call it these days?


Well, mine are teens now. I have no idea what their secret words mean.


“You are cordially invited to sample my scones and crumpets” has to be code for something!


I have read in r/askhistorians a while ago that big shot leaders in times of crisis could actually be quite lazy and weren't getting more than 6 to 8 hours of real work everyday. I can't find the post right now, but the author used I think Hitler, Roosevelt and Churchill as example. Hitler liked to sleep until late, Roosevelt was old and tired easily, etc. Of course, there are others that worked tirelessly. Napoleon, for example, had an apparent inexhaustible capacity for work. His marshals and aides could barely keep up. Marshal Berthier, nicknamed "Napoleon's wife" because he spent so much time near him, complained once that "Even a lowly private is happier than me; I am being killed by all this work"


If you want to hear about a lazy President, look up Coolidge. He was very, very, very, hands off. I think he was quoted as saying "If you see 10 crisis coming down the road 9 of them will run off the road by the time they get to you." Which isn't a *bad* philosophy persay, but probably not the best one to have as a President. Also considered on of the "founders" of what became the modern Republican party, at least when it came to how it handled businesses/the economy.


For emergencies that would make sense, which is why you should get plenty of rest when it's not an emergency. No need to plan or schedule meetings at 9pm


Right. Would you rather have a president responding to a 2am crisis that wakes him out of a sleep that started at 8pm or 12:30 am?


Which is why it makes sense to cut off *pre-scheduled* events at a reasonable hour.


It’s wild to me how much people think the president does everything as opposed to being the manager of a team that’s actually doing most of the work


I think the president having a good rest is a positive


I think we all can agree the world would have been better off if Trump had slept more while President.


Trump refuses to sleep, he’s constantly having fomo of anything and everything


Reverse fomo, instead of fearing he's missing out on events, he's afraid the events are missing him


He slept a lot. The proof is that we're all still somehow alive.


Given how well established it is that insufficient sleep negatively impacts performance basically regardless of how you measure performance, the president getting enough sleep is pretty important I would say.


100%  I sleep poorly on the regular,  watching the news this week has made it so much worse and I'm not the person everyone expects to do something about it. The pressure must be enormous. 


Just look at the before and after pictures of presidents from the start and end of their term. That job really does a number on them.


All except one...


Most presidents don't put on more makeup and hair than women.


Agreed, I had to turn everything off


I've been watching shows about murder. Much less stressful than the news 


Alternative headline: "President outlines better health initiative, leads by example."


Man the president and I have similar life goals and plans.


Fucking A.


Carter would have drank a nice warm glass of buttermilk, taken a nap, then built houses for another 20 years lol.


Oh god warm buttermilk. Who would voluntarily want that punishment?


Jimmy fuckin Carter


I heard he's thrown his name in the ring if Biden drops out.




I’m just not sure he’s old enough. . .


He's only a one termer so technically he could run again.


I mean if we’re voting for borderline dead candidates he’s probably the safest. We can Weekend at Bernies this thing for the next 4 years. It’ll be fine.


Imagine the reaction if the Dems were like "OK we hear you, we'll replace Biden. The new candidate is 100-year-olf Jimmy Carter, currently in palliative care."


We can turn him into Mecha Carter. We have the technology.


Why chose between two old men when you can have Americas the \*oldest\* man. One of these two corpses is getten their second term babyyyy


Death has come for Jimmy 4 times and each time death has left empty handed.


He just drinks a nice warm glass of buttermilk, takes a nap, and walks off brain cancer.


how long has he been on hospice? it's been forever, jesus christ


God, speaking of Bernie, remember when he said he was too old to run again in 2020? He's only a year older than Biden.


Also he seems to have a sharper mind and can actually form coherent sentences unlike the two front runners.


This hurts that this is true


> drank a nice warm glass of buttermilk Do people do that? I try not to be a hater on other people's food choices but goddamn that sounds unpleasant


Carter be like that lol.


Half the country: that's it, I'm gonna vote for the candidate who rage-tweets at 3am


The spray tan really connects with the working folks


Biden got one too the day after the debate lol


Its just a base coat


A little bit of the "Death Becomes Her (him)" makeup treatment.


Biden could show up to the next debate in blackface and it wouldn't crack the top 5 issues this election.


I think that would probably win him more votes than lose


Very few people actually hesitate between the two, the question is more whether they will vote or not.


people wanna pretend that the election is about whether people vote for one guy or the other guy. the reality is that the election is about whether people vote or don't vote. the debate was critically important because it was a huge opportunity for biden to engage and motivate voters -- a mission he catastrophically failed. we're likely looking at historically low turnouts in november and so the election is going to be decided by whichever party has more success in reminding their base than ballots are due


> reality is that the election is about whether people vote or don't vote. Yep, and Its been that way since 2016 too. Because of polarization there are practically no traditional swing voters any more. The modern swing voter does not swing between parties, they swing between voting and not voting. They are intermittent voters. They stay home when they think the stakes are low and they make the effort to vote when they think the stakes are high. Intermittent voters stayed home in 2016. Then in 2018 intermittent voters broke turnout records to make the blue wave happen. Intermittent voters were the reason both parties got their highest ever votes in 2020 (D turnout increased 23% from 66M in 2016 to 81M in 2020). In 2022, intermittent voters stayed home in states where abortion rights were safe (like NY and CA) and where abortion rights were hopeless (like AL and MS) but turned out at blue wave levels in states where abortion was under threat and there was an opportunity to protect it. Which is why all the polling about R vs D is kinda beside the point. They poll registered voters (RV) and likely voters (LV) which are a subset of RVs, but it is extremely rare to see a poll which looks at enthusiasm for voting itself (and almost no pollster tries to examine possible first time voters, partly because its really hard to do). Its also why trying to appeal to the middle is a losing proposition because it tells intermittent voters that both parties are the same, so regardless of who wins, policies will not be substantially different. And if both parties have basically the same policies, then the stakes are low, so its not worth making the effort to vote. Ds need to convince those intermittent voters that the stakes are high in order to bring them to the polls.


If your candidate isn't hopped up on amphetamines at 80 years old... Why even vote?


Who also couldn't manage to stay awake during his own criminal trial.


Biden: "I need to commit to taking care of myself better." Trump, at 3am "MAN I MISS PARTYING ON EPSTINES ISLAND AND I CAN'T WAIT TO BE A BRUTAL DICTATOR WHO IS NEVER LEAVING OFFICE." CNN: Joe Biden needs to go to bed early how this crushes Dem confidence in him


Well CNN, FOX, and the other 3 letter bought media companies buy into the bat-shit crazy just to boost their ratings. I see things haven't changed much since the 2016 election.


Why would they, people keep tuning in for the batshit crazy. They just supply what the people want. Heck majority of reddit want a WWE match between Biden and Trump, They want Biden to call him out and get down in the mud with him and start slinging insults and comebacks. Their ideal candidate is Jon Stewart an entertainer.... Because what we need more in politics is entertainment.....


I remember watching an interview with some CNN executive sometime after the 2016 election, and he said they should not have given Trump as much airtime as they did. I'd say they haven't learned their lesson, but they only ever cared about profit to begin with.


And then doesn’t show up for work until after 11 am.


The previous president didn’t show up for work until the afternoon each day???


If Biden went to bed at 8pm every night of his Presidency he'd still spend twice as much time at work than the last guy.


And most sane people don't consider four straight hours of watching Fox News to be "work"


Trump tweeted an average of 30 times per day during his presidency.


And spent more time golfing… Dude did not work.


He worked… at destroying democracy and manipulating all the racist morons in the country.


Um, haven't you ever heard of *executive time*?


The best time of all. I usually refer to taking a shit as “executive time”. So, I guess he and I use it in the same way.


You forgot his unhinged truth social posts at 1:30 am


Bro, at least some of that time was spent *calling in* to FOX News. If that's not work, I don't know what is! /s


you left out hours of rage tweeting in middle of night. very important, most important presidenting ever all the best people say so big strong men, with tears in their eyes say 'sir, those were the most presidential tweets ever. and i too would choose the battey over the shark! /s


And tbf old people wake up at like 3 am


No joke, my grandma gets up at 4:00 every day. The cruel irony of retirees being up at the crack of dawn while us working stiffs are begging for five more minutes...


I’m pretty sure there was a study on this and a lot of it boils down to lower energy expenditure during the day requiring less sleep to recharge. It’s been a long time since I remember seeing that study though so I could be misremembering.


Gotta get ready for bottomless coffees at McDonald's with the boys


I love seeing Donald rage tweet from 11pm to 2am only for a 13bhour pause to end at 3pm the next day. I love how people forgot how fucking shit he was already. Like he was so fucking bad we all just brushed that trauma back and forgot the fact he golfed more than any other president in the history of the country or raped his ex wife, but whatever. Bidens 4 years older so....


People are dumb and forget the asshole caused a new scandal on an almost weekly basis for four years. We deserve the leaders we have given how lazy and stupid voters are on average. For God’s sake people, turn off the cable news and read an actual book for once on history or basic civics. Happy 4th of July, America!


Remember when people where like "oh he'll surround himself with good people." Then like 60 of his cabinets members where arrested hahahah. But drain the swamp being a line he ran on. God what a douche bag. Or when he made his convit buddy's shit head wife the head of the education department even though she had zero work experience in general. Let alone in education hahahahha. God. Why do people like him hahahahah


He hurts the people that they want him to hurt. That's some of it.


>He hurts the people that they want him to hurt. That's some of it. If I recall, he wasn't hurting the people ge was supposed to hurt.


the people he brought in sort of did though and it's not like they like the dems


I think you understate how often a new scandal would come up. I basically grew numb to them because you could barely get your head around one and the next comes crashing in like a wrecking ball.


Everyone is now numb to the fact that he is a 32x convicted felon. And it might get overturned because he enabled a 6-3 SCOTUS that just gave his official acts immunity. So any tweet he made or any conversation he had with a staffer can’t be used against him.


But I guarantee you they'll twist themselves into knots to prevent Biden from using that immunity.


And the scandals weren't things like puking on the Japanese PM or whatever - they were things like revealing the names and details of America's spies to hostile foreign governments, resulting in those spies being killed (or worse).


And on top of stacking the Supreme Court with right wing extremists and gutting the government he also got tens of thousands of Americans killed with his shitty handling of COVID but apparently he deserves another go at the presidency because Biden is old


For about a quarter of his presidency he was golfing and didn’t show up at all


Those were the days we could breathe.


Those were just the days the likes of the heritage foundation loons were telling his staffers what they wanted him to do.


I work in government. At my agency, it's a big deal if there's a looming shutdown. Lots of people prep for it. And then the day of, we have to come into the office and fill in this online form to acknowledge we're furloughed. It's not unusual for whatever politician is holding things up (GOP, typically) to finally cave at 5AM on the Monday it's set to start. But the thing is, the President has to sign it. So, we all go into work at our typical times and 8AM/9AM rolls around and Trump still hasn't signed it. They just have people sign the online form and go home. I think around 12 Eastern, he finally signs it. They were chasing people in the halls to let them know they could come back to work. Imagine how much money this cost on top of all that's wasted prepping for something that doesn't happen (over and over again). This is just one example of the nonsense that's caused by Trump's overall demeanor, let alone the major stuff he does. There was a sense of confusion regularly because it was never clear at the lower levels what the reactions to his Tweets, etc., might mean for our work, if anything.


Every fucking day too, I remember tracking that shit everyday.




Don't forget Trump only worked as president for 3 years and literally spent 1 year playing golf. What a waste of air trump is


''Executive time.''


He was operating on Moscow's time.


I ain't giving those assholes clicks, is there actually a governor who came out and said this or is it just baseless rumors


They say 8 paragraphs down he was making a joke


> Biden also made a joke to the governors that didn’t go over well: “I’m fine — I don’t know about my brain, though.” Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chairwoman, said the president was “clearly making a joke and then said, ‘All kidding aside.’” That's not what it said.


We live in satire.


You're spreading misinformation and you should feel bad


Not about this part. About the part when he said is health was fine other than his brain. Which is frankly a bit scary.


Wow what a hilarious joke. I'm laughing here.


It's fine. It's a good plan. But after the debates everyone is thinking you're too old. Why on earth would you voice this 8 pm bedtime plan out loud?


Because the dnc is about to revolt and the Biden campaign is too hopelessly out of touch to calm them down


Ok now THAT is an Onion headline if I’ve ever seen one. Maybe more Babylon Bee but it’s still wild to see this on a non-satirical article. Jeez the times we live in


A certain line from Hilary Clinton back in 2016 comes to mind right about now. I swear, the opposition commercials are writing themselves at this point.


“Pokémon go to the polls”?


This is why the presidency should have a top age limit


If you have to retest to drive a car in rural Iowa where there's only cows on the road, you should have to do some pretty rigorous cognitive tests to qualify to be in a leadership role of a nation. That would include every branch and position.


Once you can draw social security you can no longer be eligible


What bothers me is that we're simply talking about his ability to win. After winning, he still has to run a country for four years.


No mention of When Donny wouldn't start working until 1 pm. and told everyone that sleeping in was ' Executive time'.


Don't forget that Trump spent about 1/3rd of his entire time as President playing golf.


And another 1/3 tweeting on the crapper.


So just in the living room?


This must be that "whataboutism" that I keep hearing about on reddit


To be fair I don’t think he was sleeping in, I think he was wide awake doing drugs and yelling at cable news.


Nah I know a lot of meth heads they sleep at weird ass times to recover from all the meth. 10am-noon is normal wake up time 4am-6am is bed time.


That's also normal for me, honestly.


Stop doing meth. 


I meant the hours, not the meth. But I should have clarified, and that's on me.


He blitzkrieged right into that one.


Completely absurd that we have a political system that generates these two elderly men as our “best” candidates.


I remember Biden trying to get the job before I was old enough to vote. I'm 55 now.


It doesnt even pretend to push the best candidates, so thats part of the reason.


I’m not anti Biden but this doesn’t seem helpful. Admitting you aren’t really capable of performing if something comes up that needs your attention all day and night long doesn’t seem like the way to go.


People here acting like the president of the united states not being able to function after 8pm eastern time is cool and good when the presidency is a 24 hour job E: big brains telling me that people need to sleep, thanks guys I didn't know Yall are really taking "24 hour job" literally. But idk if an 80+ year old guy can be "on call" 24/7 effectivly. Hope that helps you guys out


It’s madness. How did we get to this point where there’s apparently no viable candidates under 80 to beat Trump.


Every competent democratic politician alive would beat Trump. Don't let them pretend that no one is "viable." There are like five people who aren't viable and one of them is the guy running.


There are tons of viable candidates, but they've been worried that they'll face a backlash if they challenge or criticize the incumbent president from their own party.


It's wild. The leader of the free world just admitted he's so old and incompetent that he can't take meetings after 8 and the entire comment section is like "yeah, but remember Trump?". Ironically, it's this exact type of "bury your head in the sand" mentality that's going to hand Trump the election.


> the entire comment section is like "yeah, but remember Trump?" Or saying "haha relatable" The President of the United States being relatable to *Redditors* is not a mark in his favor


reddit is the only site that keeps defending him, not yt, twitter, insta or even tiktok users are taking him seriously. only here on reddit you could find an opinion that biden won the recent debate, not even barack obama thinks that


There's a lot of astroturfing on social media. When you find accounts saying outlandish, divorced-from-reality, pro-Biden PDRK-style talking points over and over again, don't... Don't take them seriously. Don't give them the same kind of consideration that you would give to a... person.


The fact that those comments regularly get thousands of comments, and sometimes their OP posts get tens of thousands of comments tells you that this place is the most bot-farmed place on the internet. The orgs funding these bots know the majority of reddit skews young and impressionable 18-29.


I mean, we all do. My husband gets up at 5 AM and falls asleep on the couch around 8:30 PM. He’s not even 50.


That's 8 1/2 hours, which is solid but not excessive. Why the hate? 


Because this is America and we worship productivity only :(


Run him for President. He can't be any worse than the 2 we have to pick from. If he's not a fascist and can be woken from a deep sleep in the middle of the night I'll vote for him.


Sleepy Joe isn't real, he can't hurt you. Sleepy Joe 😴


I mean...he couldn't hurt you, he's asleep.


Has anyone tried giving him a snickers? He's not the same when he's hungry.


That’s a deal breaker for me. I’ll rather vote for the felon who’s on Epsteins list /s


Some people just don't vote at all because of stuff like this.


Red Herring. Very few people are flipping for TFG. But we can absolutely still speak out about our legitimate concern that President Biden is not completely there, and is not going to win, and so he should drop out and endorse another candidate.


Not on reddit you can't. Here it's either vote for Biden or you must be a Nazi.


I'm voting for Biden because The Convict is unacceptable. That said, he fucked up by not stepping aside after one term and grooming a successor. We're in a world of shit right now because a guy who has been a political animal for over 50 years couldn't do his one great deed and quietly move on. Well, surprise, surprise...


Reminds me of a certain Supreme Court justice…


Notorious RBG.


> We're in a world of shit right now because a guy who has been a political animal for over 50 years couldn't do his one great deed and quietly step aside. That's how cognitive decline works.


He was supposed to, as he said he was going to be a transition President, but then his ego took over.


Yeah, I know. He said just enough to cultivate the voters - I was one of them - who hoped he would step aside. However, he never made a firm commitment. He handled it quite deftly - just like a career politician. And I was dumb enough to think he might have meant it.


There is absolutely no way that a competent campaign would openly say this. Sure, they might actually do it but they would no way announce that is what they are doing. You want a meeting after 8pm? Sorry, he is busy. This is either complete bullshit or, if true, sabotage. there is no way they are that incompetent.


Bro just retire and sleep as much as you want this is a joke


“Sleepy Joe” hardly feels like a joke at this point.


Well I'm voting for the dictator wannabe then. Sleep is a felony. /s


The people who are going to vote for Trump are going to vote for Trump. The problem is getting people to actually vote for Biden. So much is at stake in this election and several years of Joe struggling to string sentences together, looking like he forgot what planet he's on, and just a genuinely awful media presence makes it feel like running for president is more important than actually holding the presidency to this administration. I just wish they'd treat this election as important as it actually is.


You don't have to convince Reddit. But just look at the polls. Pre-debate numbers were in the toilet. Post-debate NYT is now reporting 6 to 8 point deficits nationwide. Forget about battleground math, as that is going to be even grinmer. If Biden  doesn't drop out, Trump is basically guaranteed to win. Biden needs to go. People need massive amounts of denial and cope to justify him continuing to run. His is no longer viable in 2024 America.


People forget that a Democrat polling at +3 still loses. a 6-8 point deficit would be a historic landslide.


Absolutely. Wake up people. He cannot win. The only hope is he steps aside and let an open convention decide the nominee.


Right?  and he's only three years older than Trump.


Both of whom are older than Bill Clinton who was the president in the fucking 1990s.


Aging is weird. When you're young, 3 years is a lot. When you're an adult, 3 years ain't shit. When you're elderly, 3 years can be the difference from being fine and being unable to remember what day it is. That decline can happen fast. Biden isn't even the same person he was in 2020. He wiped the floor with Trump in the last debates but he can't match the energy anymore.


Yet one speaks like he always has, confidently and full of lies. The other? Has trouble putting coherent sentences together. People don't age the same.


As someone who fully plans to vote for him, this is an unacceptable thing to hear from our leader. The free world doesn’t operate on Bob Evans’ early bird special hours.


You can sleep whenever you want if you JUST RETIRE already


Just oozes confidence.


Aaaah, this is a great way to convince the public that you're still fit for one of the most powerful positions on the planet.


BECAUSE HE’S 254 YEARS OLD!!! Get someone under 60 in there.


And they don't see the problem.....


Maybe... We should... Have... YOUNGER... candidates? Putting aside mentality, acuity, awareness, and reaction... why are we putting up with this? Nothing good came from Strom Thurmond achieving 100 years in life AND staying in office until the very end. I believe that he did a lot of good. But I do not believe he accomplished anything at his age, that younger generations could not set out to achieve. George Washington HIMSELF wanted nothing to do with the office, and left after two terms, to enjoy the remainder of your life. You CANNOT be UNAVAILABLE after 8:00PM. The presidency is a TITLE, and it's not an HOURLY job. And of ALL positions in the world, how can you possibly justify asking for this if this request is a fundamental requirement of the job?


Man, I don't want either of these fucking people in office. Fuck


NY times and CNN strike again.


Telling people not to believe their lying eyes just isn't going to work. It'll get Democratic diehards and anyone-but-Trumpers to circle the wagons, but you need more than that to win.


"All reporting that goes against my preconceived bias is fake news." Sounds just like people of another party I know. No amount of loyalty to this, accomplished, well-meaning but ultimately unfit-for-office octogenarian and his handlers, will make undecided/infrequent/uninformed voters vote for him (or down ballot candidates) come Election Day. 


I guess it really is too much for the "I'd vote for Biden's ashes over Trump" crowd to realize there are millions of voters in swing states who think differently. Swing voters who would vote for almost anyone else with a D next to their name


The problem is that the DNC has done fuck all to even suggest there might be a successor for Biden. I don't know if they just can't agree on someone or what but they've fully hitched their wagons to Biden at this point and it's going to be chaos to start up a new campaign. Their best bet might be Kamala but she wasn't super popular in 2020 and being part of the current admin may have tainted her to people who blame Biden for inflation. Bernie's old as shit too and no one else seems poised to take the field. I'd like to think it's a sleeper strategy so that the GOP doesn't have time to smear Biden's replacement, and they can ride the "anyone but Trump or Biden" wave. But that assumes some level of confidence I haven't seen from the Dems since I've been alive.


You guys have exactly the same energy as Trump claiming that Fox News is out to get him if they criticize him even once.


Yeah, as an outsider watching in, this has huge "FAKE NEWS!!!" energy. It's simply the truth and it doesn't look good. Not like it's going to stop any passionate voters on either side, but it will make people stay home on election day.


He's sundowning.