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No min flair here




To be fair…nobody ever specified what they were lovers of…just that Virginia is for lovers


I like it when they identify themselves so I can avoid interacting with them. This goes for anybody that puts more than two political stickers on their car - from any party or belief.


That's the beauty of the First Amendment.


This is why my dad always asked potential jurors what bumper stickers they had on their cars. You can learn quite a lot. Especially when they need an extra sheet of paper to write 'em all down.


I'm a firm believer in political bumper stickers, but yeah, I only have one at a time. And I always put them on magnets so I can switch them out as needed without messing up my paint.




Imagine renting a beach front town house and you find this parked next door.


Very likely in obx




The conservative version of a liberal activist car.


/r/InfowarriorRides /r/InformedWarriorRides


Just feels sad looking at this. Feel bad for the kids who have to ride in it.


I feel the same way when I see Westboro Baptist Church children protesting with hate-slogan signs. They will either jump right in and go the long haul or they will end up cut off from their family that does not tolerate having conflicting beliefs. It is a terrible waste of an innocent open mind.


for real the kids stand no chance


Guys I think this person might like Trump, idk though, they should add more stickers to make it clear


"More stickers will trigger the libs more." They take pride in their attempts to offend and trigger people. They have no idea that they don't trigger anybody. I pity them as sad immature clowns, mentally ill, or unfortunate cult victims.


Just say no to Socialism; please donate your Social Security check to: Friends of Donald 2024


I wouldn’t want to donate my social security to there. But by the time I need my social security. There probably won’t be any to begin with. Also, social security isn’t socialism. It is a vested program to be used by the people who put money into it.


It is socialism. If you're working today, the fed is taking Social Security and it's going directly to the recipients. How is that not socialism?


How is that not socialism? It’s simple. If you don’t put money into social security for 10 years. You don’t get social security checks. It doesn’t get distrust to everyone even if they didn’t put money into it.


So, public school is socialism, because every kid can go?


No, it would mean it’s public. Socialism definition: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Schools aren’t part if the productive or distribution system. It’s like how a park isn’t socialism, nor is your local community center. It is also not the worker owned socialism either. You can call it a social program, but a social program does not mean socialism.


haha, schools aren't part of the productive system? Where the fuck do you live? Another thing, if someone paid $1 per month into Social Security for the first 36 months (from 1937 to 1940), and they were paid $37, (or $100, or $1,000) in Social Security benefits, surely that's socialism, right? Because they got more than they put in. P.S. Is this your car? I see your comments about the RWNJ culture wars, and your account is 3-days old.


But the money you paid in goes to old people


It also gets paid to young widows or widowers with young children so they can afford to feed those kids when their young spouse dies unexpectedly. It also gets paid to the man hit by a drunk driver who’s permanently disabled and in a wheelchair for life with limited ability to do even some of the basic activities of daily living. It also gets paid the elderly janitor who worked for 50+ years at minimum wage cleaning your school and the school your children and their children attended, who had no retirement plan and his Social Security is how he pays for food and medication and rent, and he gets less than they say because he pays taxes on the full amount and his monthly Medicare comes out of it before he even sees the check and if anything is leftover it helps pay his bus fare so he can get to the school your great grandchildren are attending because he still needs to work at age 85 to keep the electricity on in his apartment.


Old people who put money into social security themselves. Not all old people.


You know, when it started all the recipients had paid exactly $0 into it


This is incorrect. The first check was cut in January 1940. The first payments into social security were made January 1937. So when checks were being cut, there were already 3 years of payments being made. Redditors being willfully ignorant is way too common.


I'm not being willfully ignorant. I just know it had to start at sometime w/ $0. So, 3 years of payments were made starting in 1937, and then monthly payments began in 1940. Seems like those that lived to 68+ would have taken more than they had given.


I never said it was perfect. I just said it isn’t socialism. And people weren’t getting paid where there was $0 into social security. You being willfully ignorant is you just spouting shit that is not true, like it is.


Social security is literally a Ponzi scheme


I wouldn’t call it a ponzi scheme, but it is far from perfect.


A Ponzi scheme is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors. If we take out the words lures investors this is exactly what it does. I'm ok with the government forcing us to save for retirement but this isn't the way to do that.




Social security isn’t socialism. If that was the case, everyone would be getting social security, no matter if you put into it or not. In fact, it isn’t just that you put into social security. You have to put in money for social security for 10 years.


I'm honestly surprised they didn't have a yellow snake "no me step 🥺" tag.


no step on snek


Subarus are the worst offenders. More often then not those things are covered with stickers. I think they ship from the factory with a Patagonia sticker tucked into the owners manual.


And a kayak attached on top!


Identity political warriors are legit insane. Find a hobby, get some meds and truly fuck off


Why the downvotes lol.... Oh, because it would be perfectly acceptable to your downvoters if the stickers said “I’m with Herrrrr” or Biden/Harris, Bernie Mittens, Kaine and the like. Glad to see there are some of us who think it’s okay not to idolize politicians from any part of the spectrum.


So much hypocrisy on one car. America First, yet no fewer than seven stickers for the Russia-owned Trump and three for the Russia-compromised NRA. Law Enforcement for Trump, one of the most consistently law-breaking politicians in the history of the nation. Say no to socialism, yet pro-military and law enforcement (police, military and fire department are technically socialist programs). University sticker but seven pro-Trump stickers (“I love the poorly educated; they vote for me!”). “Americans Stand for the Flag” (aka respect the flag) but two other stickers altering the flag for self-serving purposes. And of course the L❤️VE sticker along with the NRA and Gun-Owners for Trump stickers.


Very stable person


We're the peace frog and L🤍VE stickers added on by someone else as a joke?


I don't know, but now I want to hear 'Peace Frog' by the Doors


Love 4 herpetology 🐸


Someone needs to tell the car owner that frogs are capable of changing their gender. Let's see how that goes over.


No, no, no; Christian frogs have been converted and they denounce that


[So Alex Jones is right again](https://media.tenor.com/Yhn5_f4wViUAAAAd/sh0eonhead-annoyed.gif).


There's a Prius near me in Loudoun county with a bunch of shit like this on it. He also has a tow attachment with a big fucking "fuck Biden" flag on it. The guy just looks like an incel. It's hilarious.


It's not hilarious that these types of people are generally better at voting than the opposition. These people rally around a few causes (Guns and Abortion for example) and show up in numbers and win lots of elections.


Yeah they ironically love the fascists


I'm picturing the scene from the other guys when he puts his foot on the gas of the Prius and screams America. I'm sad there's not a [gif](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mJyQzMrLVm8/UdNzJvIU9PI/AAAAAAAAQlE/zj62_yyzwFg/s624/wfg29.gif) of it on here.


On a TOYOTA...


I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. You can be a Trumper and still love Toyotas.


Guess I forgot that misogyny and lies are the only mutually exclusives for the 'America First' follower morons.


I'm surprised it wasn't a Nazi loving Ford


Trump 2020... Trump 2024... I mean doesn't Trump hate losers?


I think your downvotes are cute. Someone thought the first part of your comment was an endorsement. So quick with that downvote finger when they see the letters PTURM in a particular sequence. And yes - he hates losers. The irony.


Yeah, I don't think people understood that I was calling Trump a loser. I'll take my down votes though


It’s okay - I got some for sticking up for you lol.




I bet they're fun at school board meetings... EDIT: I'll add a /s since it wasn't clear to some.


Abso-fucking-lutely trash Karen who tips badly drives this


I bet this woman didn’t even serve a day in the Military 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Podiatrist military exemption ftw 💅


What part of NOVA was this monstrosity?


Prince William Hospital


It is everywhere. They're not worth the hassle so I just let them be. Guy that lives near me has these stickers going on. They scream "you will regret interacting with me."


LOL, I now live in West Virginia. You should see some of the houses just over the Potomac in Sharpsburg, MD.


I went hiking at Antietam a year or two ago. Drove by a house around Sharpsburg with a huge Biden flag underneath a large Confederate Navy Jack. I was confused.


There is one on 34 with many anti-Biden signs, right near the elementary school.


OMG that's awful. I'm sorry you have to deal with that near your home 😓


I don't deal with them. I just let them be.




The cheap part. Leaving it vague so that if others guess, then maybe it'll give me suggestions of nicer places to live.


Cheap? 7 Corners???


How could anyone deface a perfectly good 4runner like that.


Love is love




Old people. Partisan media outlets like Fox or CNN easily scare them into voting for whichever politicians are keeping their platforms afloat.


“Continued next car…”


The Reckoning 2022 How did that work out?


The TV mini-series drama about the disgraced late TV personality Jimmy Savile? I haven't seen it. I avoid watching anything dealing with sexual assault.


Two things I don't understand to this day: Women for Trump, and Military (the people specifically, including veterans, not the MIC) for Trump.


Almost reached peak reddit. Just throw in some "voting against their own interests" and maybe a saying about how you know better.


No need for the quotes. Look at what's happening in the straight GOP county where the Ohio train derailment happened. Do you even have a point to your comment?


Trump sucked. And yet the best the democrats could come up with was Hilary and Biden. How anyone in this area thinks either party is that much better than the other just blows my mind. Our schools are supposed to be so much better than this. Lol.


> How anyone in this area thinks either party is that much better than the other just blows my mind. Both sides! Drink!


As opposed to…?


An intelligent, informed opinion rather than this enlightened centrist bullshit that was way past its expiration date pre-Trump, let alone January 6?


Which looks like what?


Why don't you start with "the party that doesn't deny elections and hasn't descended into fascism is leaps and bounds better than the one that does" and we'll go from there?


Ahh, so the enlightened opinion looks like, “My party that cries about fascism when it comes from conservatives but denies any of it on their own side is SOOO much better than our opponents! And we NEVER deny elections!” Truly a superior stance.


LOL, how is the Democratic Party fascist, exactly? Do you actually know what that words means, or are your feelings hurt and you're lashing out?


Andddd this is the level of dialogue we’ve reached, as expected. “My party?’ LOL HOW?!” You’re clearly looking at both parties objectively and not just regurgitating the same rhetoric spewed on CNN everyday the way conservatives do with Fox.


No answer then, huh?


Nobody is running around with Biden merch, the only bumper stickers you may see are ones from 2020. Some fuckers literally think Trump is the second coming of Christ.


They are, though.


That's saying "they all suck" but with more steps. Naming people distracts us from the problem as a whole. I don't have any good answers. An answer that makes everybody happy does not exist.




As a 4Runner owner myself, I’m embarrassed by this dude.


What a weird thing to be personally affected by.Hitler used to drive around in a Mercedes-Benz. You think all the G-Wagon drivers in the area are ashamed of their MBs? Or you think they just go on with their lives without humiliation by proxy?


It’s over relax


I never understand hiding the license plates on these posts. They are on the vehicles, in public…


I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally do not want to expose people on the Internet. But I'll gladly mock their lack of moral integrity.


But... you're not exposing people. The average internet user can't do jackshit with a license plate number. Hell, the above-average internet user can't do jackshit with a license plate number.


I've seen Reddit users find others by tags in this subreddit along with the DC one.


No you haven't. The most you've seen is people checking public records to see what tickets the car has accrued.


Does anyone else hate Trump? I feel like this topic isn’t discussed enough. I never see anyone going on and on about Trump 24/7. It’s weird. He incited an insurrection, destroyed America and walked Scott free and yet, I never see anyone complaining about him. What gives?


Lol destroyed America? Dang and I thought I lived in America


There are dozens of subs devoted to getting our hate on for Cheeto Mussolini. No need to bring that drama here to interrupt our fox pictures.


The fascist semiliterate orange shitgibbon?


Because it is a touchy subject that goes nowhere and doesn't improve/change anybody's views. There is a great division where people criticize those that oppose them and do not tolerate any criticism of those they support. People are dug-in. Those that can change their minds have done so already. It takes two to have a reasonable debate. Reasonable people are in short supply right now. Think about how you respond to this statement and how you alone are participating in this great divide.


Is it possible they just really love guns and don't condone grabbing women by the 🐈?


Lol, they passed that benefit of the doubt after the 3rd Trump sticker.


Fair. That's a lot of stickers.


Hahaha your logic doesn’t hold a candle to the ire (hence your downvotes - cuties).


I hope to never meet OP or this 4runner driver


He'll run again. I have zero faith in our political system anymore - if a mentally-ill man like him can lose an election, be sworn in as Pres anyway, get impeached, stay in office, AND THEN RUN AGAIN, I don't see the point. He did what he set out to do which was overturn the Supreme Court. I honestly couldn't care less about this stuff anymore. It's obviously meant to garner a reaction which is what she did.


Batshit crazy much?


I expect nothing less from people who still buy Toyotas.