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They posted on FB that they’re doing high visibility enforcement on 28 today. https://www.facebook.com/share/czFTgDJzzvsUZfbQ/?mibextid=WC7FNe Whether that’s to catch unsafe drivers or because of a protest … I’m not sure


I only saw one group of motorcycle cops doing speed enforcement and the other cops were just kinda standing around, even saw a few groups of officers just chatting on the shoulders. I saw a good 20+ cop cars between NB and SB. The way they were staggered along both sides makes me think they were preparing to respond in case some of the protestors decide to stop their cars on 28 and start a traffic jam.


It seems overkill to catch unsafe drivers. On the way to the airport there might have been about 8 police vehicles when we left there were at least a few dozen.


Honestly I’m glad. Too many times I have people that blow past me going 75+ on 28 and FFX County Parkway. It’s dangerous for those that go that speed and us bystanders on the road. I’m glad they decided to coordinate an effort with LoCo - too many fatal accidents on these roadways that would be otherwise avoidable.


People regularly go 80 on that road. Of tons of presence can freak them out, fine with me.


Luckily I don’t speed.. Dunno bout “high visibility” Spotted Waldo, motorcycle, using radar gun on the ramp before the 28/29 exits, sniper style. Respect the game.


https://twitter.com/FairfaxCountyPD/status/1751297694289531364 "FCPD officers are conducting High Visibility Enforcement (HIVE) to ensure your safety along Rt 28"


Definitely not quotas by another name.


If you get a ticket through there, you deserved it. I saw probably 25 cops there from the toll road entrance to just south of Willard 90% of the cops up there had all of their lights on


I don't mean to imply that people don't deserve it, there's plenty of fish for them to catch. Its just that either it's "High Visibility Enforcement" coincidentally toward the end of the month or it's quotas. I get a kick out of driving FairfaxCo Pkwy around this time of the month and counting the cops from Burke to north of Reston. I've given the regular speed traps names and say hi to them from the right lane at exactly the speed limit..."Hi, Jim!"..."Nice to see you Officer Kyle!", etc.


This amount of police presence is way beyond speed traps and supposed "quotas"


Cops are on 28 every time the weather is nice, get used to it


Because quotas aren't a thing, and this is to make sure access to Dulles isn't affected by potential protestors.


Exactly 😉😉 quotas aren't an *official* thing 😉😉😉


The state codified them as illegal. They don't exist.


Exactly 😉😉 nudge-nudge, no quotas here!


Wow, you are dense, aren't you?


I average about 965 kg/m³. You? No but seriously 😉😉 I get it, there haven't been quotas in years 😉😉


Oh ya, the police would totally never disregard the law. But I suppose ignorance is bliss huh?


As someone who works inside the criminal justice system, I know how things work. I don't know what to tell you, quotas aren't a thing.


As someone who works inside the criminal justice system, I know how things work, and institutional inertia is a cornerstone of every cop's work life whether they want it or not.


Makes even more sense now. Ok, of course they're not 😉


Who do you think is making the decision to secretly enforce a quota? What is the benefit? Breaking the law and risking their own career/freedom to make the county more money? And then that instruction is being flowed all the way down to traffic cops to carry it out? And no one is saying anything? Dumb conspiracy


this is so dumb lmao. what exactly do they think they are accomplishing by doing this? they are trying to make money and nothing more, ticketing people going 5 over the already bullshit 55 speed limit on a 4 lane highway is not going to keep ANYONE safe. why don't they focus on carjackers who are spilling over from DC into VA?


I just drove 28 taking my daughter to the airport and if it's like last weekend the police are there to prevent protestor blocking traffic specifically to dulles.


Praytell, what are they protesting this time?


I believe this one is violence in Gaza based on a splash page I saw earlier in the week.


I fear this ridiculous blocking of access as a means of protest will backfire badly. Like some yahoo with a gun is just going to declare open season .


Oh I was wondering about the larger police presence when I picked up my wife at Dulles this morning. 


People shouldn't be blocking the airport to support terrorists


Maybe we just don't like our tax money going towards killing women and children... crazy right?


If that is your view then it would be far more productive to contact our Senators and your Representative in Congress to tell them that. When protesters block public roads it puts peoples lives in danger and just makes people angry at the protesters. It does absolutely nothing to effectively advocate for the protesters' cause.


There aren't enough of them to make a meaningful impact in a productive manner, so they resort to making everyone around them miserable. It's no different than the Trumpers who were trying to do that freedom caravan bullshit in DC last year.


Yes, they are all just toddlers throwing a tantrum because they can't get the adults to agree with them. I completely disagree with protestors, for any cause, disrupting traffic. There are plenty of places people can peacefully protest with high visibility to show their support or opposition for something without disrupting people's lives or causing harm. It's completely narcissistic when protesters think they or their cause are sooooooooo important that they are justified in negatively impacting innocent bystanders.


imagine thinking peaceful protests do anything. just like that nonsense in 2020 with "BLM".


I think the suffragettes, Ghandi, and MLK would disagree with you.


It’s kind of the only thing that affects change. Even the American Revolution was won more through battles we didn’t fight vs battles we won. Social progress has only been achieved through nonviolent means in my recollection. Can you think of any event to disprove that?


Couldn't agree with you more on that. I'm not a protester, blocking public roads imo wouldn't have any positive effects. In fact, it would most likely hurt public opinion. I just don't like Israel buying off our politicians and using our tax money to kill women and children.


You haven't been paying attention. Haven't you seen the mass protests going on around the world? Maybe not, given U.S. media coverage...The whole world sides with us peace-nicks who want to stop(warning: the forbidden word)- genocide.) I saw it going on in 1982 when I lived on the Israeli-Lebanese border. I saw 500 Israeli bulldozers start the diversion of the Litani River (in Lebanon) into northern Israel. Never reported. I was bombed by U.S. planes and unexploded bombs all say USA on them. I don't think it's smart to have the whole world pull our mask off. I've been contacting my Senators and Representatives since 1972. The war machine is a separate entity from our visible government, don't you get that yet?


Politicians vote to approve the funds that feed the war machine. The only thing politicians care about is whether or not they will be re-elected to retain their power. The only truly effective way to make them change their position is to make them think that's in jeopardy. This is accomplished by their offices receiving a lot of constituent communications and negative poll numbers. Blocking roads to endanger and piss people off does not accomplish this. It actually makes people less sympathetic to the protesters' cause.


we live in the nations capital. blocking people from going to work will catch eyeballs which is the whole point of it. If you don't like it move the fuck out of here


No. There is no reason this should be tolerated in a civilized society. We have the right to use the roads that our taxes pay for. Anyone who blocks them is commiting the crimes of false imprisonment and manslaughter if anyone dies due to the delays they've caused to emergency vehicles. The "protesters" should be prosecuted and imprisoned as the criminals they are.


Imagine thinking blocking a road would cause deaths LMAOO Typical American response. You have a better chance of dying entering an elementary school in this country


When you prevent an ambulance from getting through or prevent fire trucks from getting through, just because of your hissy fit, then yeah, people will get hurt or die.


It already has. It is only common sense that the protests can cause car accidents and delay emergency vehicles. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11339281/Dartford-Bridge-eco-activists-blood-hands-death-two-women-horror-crash.html


You're posting in a subreddit for the most affluent and DC employee populated place in the US. Just keep that in mind with the hate I'm sure you'll get for this.


I’m OOTL, what’s happening


After Hamas terrorists attacked Israel the Israeli army enacted a sustained counter attack into Gaza which is a heavily populated urban area. There are a wide variety of accusations of war crimes ranging from targeting civilian infrastructure to the intentional genocide of the Palestinian people. Israel's military uses an enormous amount of subsidized US military equipment so people are blaming the US for supporting the attacks. It's an incredibly charged political issue (Hamas certainly are guilty of attacking civilians as well) leading to a lot of extreme animosity from people who both support and oppose Israel's actions. This translates into escalating protests and rhetoric from both sides including protestors attempting to disrupt traffic and other activities. I'm doing my absolute best here to be as neutral as possible because it is such a charged issue (and there really are no good guys in this escalation of the 75 year old conflict).


This is an incredibly well done job of summarizing the current situation and what is driving different sentiments at the moment. Take my up vote!


This is a worthwhile summary but it does not mention the vast scale of child casualties in Gaza, a key driver of the protests.


Though you are trying to Neutral here, you fell very short... Primarily through your characterization of Hamas "Terrorists" while not mentioning israel's Us backed State Terrorism. What's Happening did not start on Oct. 7th, which is what western media and israel want to the masses to think These fuckers have a name for their Escalation of death every few years (2008, 2012, 2014, 2021) in gaza, They call it "mowing the lawn"... Please look this up for yourselves because its disgusting US back Israel enacted a blockade of Gaza since 2007 where they control land air and sea borders and effectively put gaza on a "diet" They knew there will be resistance to this. The great march of return in 2018 was an attempt of peaceful resistance that was met with great violence from Israel, Maiming tens of thousands of people. When Every means of peaceful resistance is exhausted to end the Blockade of gaza and people are suffering, really really, what do you think the people of gaza should do? Sorry your'e late to your flight to the Caribbean , maybe you should call your local reps and demand them not to actively fund and support a genocide


I expect them, the Palestinians and Hamas, not to attack civilians and take innocent women and children hostage. Why did you not include mention of Gaza’s border with Egypt? I think this is a shameful characterization of the events of oct. 7th. I agree with you that israel will need to answer internationally about civilian casualties. I have seen some heinous war crimes, allegedly by idf forces. But I am also aware that Hamas is currently holding women and children hostage. I do not agree with any statement about “what would you expect them to do after Israel’s treatment of them?!” Not murder and kidnap and rape. That is what I expect. How Israel conducts its war and answers for war crimes is a separate conversation and shouldn’t be equivocated.


Very balanced and you did a good job of being neutral


Don't forget that there are also civilians (reportedly Palestinian) who rushed over and both murdered and kidnapped attendees of the event. Which was about peace in the region. Also, that the Palestinians, whether under threat or their own views, 70+% still support Hamas and their actions that day. While Hamas is getting funding from Hezbollah and mostly Iran, which the US has given billions in cash to. I'm all about being honest in both sides of a conflict, but let's give equal honesty to both! This conflict also has roots that go well beyond ~75yrs


I honestly lost track after like the first week, and I think that's also when people were supporting Israel. Frankly I don't really care enough to bother trying to catch up.


Liberals have nothing better to complain about .


They are not liberals, they are far leftists. The horseshoe theory is now a circle.




Most incompetent genocide ever. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/BmYUkUoSZ6


True statement either way


People shouldn't speak about things they don't know about


That's how I feel about military parades or anything patriotic. So I sympathize.


That’ll be down in Texas.


Backfire doesn't mean what you think it means.


So a normal day in America.


Far from normal here.


They are all the way from chantilly into Ashburn.


Yea it’s crazy. I drive from chantilly to ashburn about 5 days a week and last night and today, there’s police lined up from right as I enter route 28 until i take the exit off the waxpool


28 doesn't go through Ashburn


What would you call the Waxpool Road exit?


Correct, but it goes by it. I was simply trying to note we were coming out of Ashburn on 28.


There were 3-5 MWATA Police parked on the GW near DCA as well. This is all positioning for potential protests.




Last week they were around the airport because of protests


So they can arrest pro Palestinian protesters before the fact for drawing attention to a very real issue, but, they couldn't lift a finger to stop the rednecks on January 6th from storming the capital over a conspiracy theory? They couldn't arrest any of the nazis in the Charlottesville March. I know the Palestinian protests are a problem but these people have families without food, power or medicine and we are the only country on earth with the ability to tell Isreal to back out. It's not unjustified


Protesting and preventing normal people from being able to do the things they need to is not justified. There are other ways to protest; don’t make trouble for everyone except those that are responsible. That’s just being an a-hole.


Agreed. I'm just saying a couple people missing a flight or a parade getting delayed is the biggest threat that Palestinian protests have posed, but, the police response has been pretty strong. White nationalists pose a danger to themselves and everyone around them and it has to turn violent before action is taken? I'm not saying that people shouldn't limit protests to places that don't block traffic, I'm just saying enforcement of laws should apply equally to everyone


Just went down 28 from 7 to the 66 on ramp towards front Royal. Police are present and pulling people over too. Pretty heavy presence.


Just went down 28 and counted about 26 cops . Fairfax and Loundon out. Also on the off ramps. Crazy


Saw a couple troopers as well


The speed limit on 28 is artificially low. No reason it can’t be 65 or 70 north of 66. Ridiculous that it is 55. Far too slow.


That's how most of the highways here feel. You get a 70mph speed limit in the express lanes though, of course!


It absolutely is...and that's the one stretch of road in VA that no one should be speeding on.


Im sure Mr Piracha’s family would disagree that the speed limit is too low: https://www.ffxnow.com/2023/12/19/ashburn-man-charged-with-reckless-driving-for-fatal-route-28-crash/ Mr. Yepez’s family would also probably disagree with you: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/man-dies-from-injuries-suffered-in-fiery-sterling-crash/3436084/?amp=1 And this guy going 130mph on 28 is eligible to get a year in jail. Thank god he didn’t kill anyone. https://www.fox5dc.com/news/driver-going-136-mph-on-fairfax-county-highway-faces-year-in-jail-police.amp These are just the first few articles that came up when I googled “death on Virginia route 28”. I’ve lived here for 25 years and I know there are many many more. I witnessed one 4 years ago that closed both sides at rte 50 and made me 3 hours late for work since I witnessed it and had to stick around. But yeah. The speed limit should be raised because it’s too low.


These people were going much faster than 65 or 70. 55 is dangerously slow. Completely irrelevant articles.


Wrong. By making it 55 they can assume people will be going 65 or 70 since people can’t obey the law as a rule. And since most people are morons and think they’re good drivers when they aren’t, this needs to be the speed limit.


Nope you’re wrong. Very wrong. https://www.centredaily.com/news/local/community/article224025580.html


I was just on 495 south and all up and down the ezpass were state troopers. No lights or anything, but within like a mile from each other on both sides.


Damn, LE was expecting something all over the place.


Speed trap Saturday


The government is searching for my cat. They insist she goes back to her home planet.


There is an anti-Israel protest planned for Dulles Airport today. Police presence in and around the airport has been pumped way up.


Oh boo hooo not the protesters again. They said the same last week and nothing happened


They're on most of the exits too 😕. Id speculate it's a speed enforcement corridor but the ones sitting off on the exits don't track that theory. For the mods: found the thread. Apologies


Interesting, went to airport for picking up, and there were police cars parked on the shoulders on the toll road to airport


Could they do double duty and kick out the people parking on the sides of the road to wait for people instead of using the cell phone lot…?


I just drove this stretch around 1130 between 50 and 267 and asked about this on another post. Did not consider the protest angle. This tracks.


They are looking for me but ha-ha, I’m not there!






Whether it’s to keep the speed down or prevent a protest from causing a hazard on the road, this should have a positive impact. Sometimes a visual presence - not handing out tickets - is enough to deter people from driving recklessly which benefits everyone else.


Looks like they are coming through Fairfax now. Just had a whole bunch go down Rt. 50


The President and VP were doing conducting events in Manassas 2 days ago, and there were a bunch of officers. Maybe they’re in that area now?


Im going to get backlash likely but wtf does shutting down traffic do if the effected people only see them as a nuance and generally hate this sort of behavior regardless of cause. Im sure theres other means of getting it across. Doing something moronic isnt it. People got lives to live and disruption of those lives would only drive those away from said cause id imagine.


Exactly what I was thinking. The people who drove their trucks around 495 slowly only pissed off people and I don’t even remember what they were protesting - I just remember they caused traffic jams and everyone hated them.


Diplomats that don’t fly into Andrews typically fly out/in at Dulles, as such they generally have an escort from Secret Service and PD


i noticed that last week as well, thought it had something to do with the plane landing on LCPKWY. Now i’m thinking some kind of dignitary’s


Probably a VIP move will take place today.


It's the end of the month, cops have to make quota. That's not a surprise.


Manhunt? It’s on both sides


More that 18 troopers and ffx police from Braddock road on 495 down the toll road to 28. Absurd waste of tax dollars.


Unless they knew something we didn't. I don't think they all were out there just to waste time and money. Fairfax and Loudoun LE were on Rt 28 along with some state troopers.


They are conducting a HIVE (high visibility enforcement) to ensure safety on 28th. It’s basically to fill their month end quota.


This amount of police was way way more than simple monthly quota. We're used to their favorite speed trap locations, but this was different. It's a bit unsettling actually - like memories of the Sniper and 9/11.


I called my dad to ask if he knew what was going on and I said it was like when I was on 66 driving to work on 9/11, except all the cars were marked this time. Although there were quite a few armored cars today which was what made me think it was 9/11 all over again.


They weren’t pulling anyone over on 28. Traffic was slow but I saw a few people fly by me going at least 70 (because I was going 60) and they didn’t get pulled over. So your “month end quota” theory is false.


I saw plenty of people pulled over on 28


Damn ur right I drove on 28 and didn’t see any cars being pulled over. I did see a bunch of bikeR cops at sheetz just having slurpees. Weird Day for FCPD


The government vehiclas on the udvar hazey exit is just common. That's the cia across Wawa.


Apparently more vehicles than usual today - like 6 or so.


I'll see that many parked at Wawa some nights.


Why thumbs down? Dulles Discovery is a federal campus for the CIA. I used to be on that road daily, federal police is common there.


Aren’t Kamala and Joe scheduled to be in Manassas today?


No, they’re in South Carolina today per public schedule


I heard something on the news. Should’ve checked first before posting. Mahalo for the update. 🤙🏼


Toll Road East of 28 as well. Saw a cop just about every mile or so.


We counted at least 20


They do this all the time when the weather gets nice


Not to be argumentative, but I've been driving on 28 at least 3x a week since it was one lane in either direction. I know when and where to anticipate increased police presence and this was not like anything I've ever witnessed.


They’ve always been there, especially on Saturdays (going South during the day). Then at night I’ve seen them on North around that area as well (in a 2-mi stretch), but also on both sides


Not in the numbers they were yesterday and not sitting on the shoulder with all lights flashing. Marked, unmarked cars, marked vans, unmarked vans, motorcycles. Not a radar gun in sight.


Hmm, I’m not sure what the numbers were but I usually see flashing lights and on the shoulder. But usually 1-2 cars. I moved eastwards recently and haven’t been on 28 in a while but I remember driving to/from Ashburn to/from George Mason for events always seeing cops on Saturdays. Not always people being pulled over but they were definitely there Edit: didn’t see the party about the government vehicles near udvar-hazy. Perhaps this has something to do with the NRO which if I recall correctly is around those exits?