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Can everyone PLEASE stop referring to this as a car meet. Or the “car scene” or anything related to that. This is a street takeover. They are two very distinct and different things.  These are criminals, hoodlums, and losers. In the Instagram posted in the other thread, they are thrashing challengers and chargers with 4-5 people in masks hanging on/out of the cars…… why are they hiding their faces for the video??? Because those are NOT their personal vehicles, they were stolen likely earlier that evening.    This is straight up criminal activity, not a bunch guys at a car meet who got out of control. 


Right, this is a banger / take over. Not a car meet


The "events" on the street itself like at a middle of a 4-way intersection are a takeover. But the "events" in parking lots, industrial areas, or in this case behind a warehouse are [Sideshows](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sideshow) . Both illegal, only difference is one is commandeering public traffic as opposed to a private business.


Point taken. Thanks for correcting this middle-aged cracker.  Neither one is a car meet tho, or a reflection on the car community, or the car scene, or car culture in general 


Unfortunately to the avg person there is no difference and usually it's how it goes down. No one cares to really differentiate, the mass will pay for the crimes of the few. Katie's Cars and Coffee is already under some pressure and other cars and coffees have shut down due to similar hooligan activities. Unfortunately it's gonna get worse until the car community steps up to eradicate and address these issues.


How is the car community supposed to eradicate criminals stealing cars from driveways at midnight and using social media to plan 2am meet ups? That’s LEOs job. This is gonna get worse until PDs have the ability to stop them and prosecutors have the teeth to lock them up 


To me there’s no difference because the impact on me doesn’t change. If it’s a bunch of shitheads being reckless in their *own* cars as opposed to stolen ones, what is the difference to me? In both cases I see a bunch of assholes inconveniencing everyone else and putting innocent bystanders in danger. At the same time, I acknowledge that there are car clubs that don’t pull this nonsense (I reckon this is the majority). I’m not sure what these people could/should be doing to help. It sucks that they end up looking bad by association, but it’s not their fault imo.


It will affect all of us bc our car insurance rates will continue to rise in addition to making areas unsafe.


This is why I commute by train/metro. 😎


If only they hadn't closed all of the local race tracks..


Wonder if they caught the idiot going 130 on gallows at 3am fleeing from the million cop cars chasing him.


Ahhh gallows, one of the many reasons I'm glad I don't live in dunn Loring.


I was listening to the police radio at this time. Bro had the entire police force coming after him. I heard the helicopters pass over


Did they catch him?


he died




I was driving on 495 when it happened, saw the whole thing. hope they catch the idiot eventually and burn his cheap shitbox nissan in front of his eyes


When was this?


“The Fairfax County Police Helicopter Division joined the pursuit of the Nissan as it headed into Maryland.” It’s always the Maryland people who ruin the car meets.


Nissan Behavior and Maryland- that’s a double whammy


The little known fifth horseman of the apocalypse: A Nissan with Maryland plates.


So altima not gtr


Does Maryland just not have traffic laws or something?


They’re not well enforced that’s for sure. Thanks to VA not requiring insurance, we have a lot of uninsured cars driving like complete idiots


I believe a new law is coming to change this if I read the article correctly last week.


I heard it was going to change. I wonder what happens to the cars already tagged. Can VA request either a proof of insurance or a return of the tags? If not I doubt anything will change with the existing vehicles for at least a few years


Presumably it'll come up when they go to renew, so 2 years max once the law goes into effect.


Not only can they request the return of the tags, but the sheriff often comes and removes them from the car, not notifying you until you are stopped for not having plates or someone mentions it.


But would the sheriff come to Maryland to do it?


I was uninsured for 1 month and the DMV threatened to revoke my license…


Did you pay the uninsured motorist fee?


Damn. I went nearly 2.5 years being uninsured and never heard a peep outta them.


> Thanks to VA not requiring insurance, we have a lot of uninsured cars driving like complete idiots wut


You had an option to pay an extra fee during registration to not have insurance but yes that’s going away as of July


wow, i never knew that. i just never considered driving without insurance. i think insurance is a scam though, it's *required* in (nearly since i heard this) but is run by for-profit companies, abuse is bound to happen. luckily I have USAA and it's the lowest ever, even get bonuses back if it's a year with less payouts. i remember getting $50ish dollar checks a few times just randomly.


Well obviously if you finance your vehicle you still have to provide proof…but there are so many late model cars where I am in VA just banged all to hell driving around I know lots of people take advantage of that option. Probably also part of the reason people drive so poorly here


Since when has va not required insurance? There had min requirements atleast since 2016


Like the other guy said, if they do, they’re not well enforced. Not even doing this for the sake of ripping on Maryland and its drivers, but it does feel like another world as soon as you cross the Potomac. Everyone’s speeding like we’re on a racetrack, people weaving in and out of traffic, driving on the shoulder, etc. And I don’t really see any local PD or state troopers patrolling the interstate (or other streets) either. At least not in the capacity that Virginia cops do. On one hand I don’t like the lawlessness in MD and they bring that crap to DC and VA. On the other hand, when I get into MD I at least can relax and don’t have to be constantly scanning for police who like to pull people over and enforce speed limits that are artificially low for the road it’s on, nor are there gonna be assholes hiding in the dark on the side of the road with their lights off (i.e. going 70 on Route 28, going 80 on I-66 in the dead of the night, etc).


Poorly enforced traffic laws+useless drivers+poorly designed roads=bad time for everyone else. Throw in the fact you also have hoodrats in stolen cars and Nissan drivers and you have get experience Baltimore delivered straight to your doorstep.


PG county has a no chase policy


So MoCo enforces pretty well, used to be 355 Rockville Pike was a street racing area but they really cracked down and installed speed cameras near schools too.. that was way back but the presence is still there just more subtle This just spills over to areas that have less presence..


It's always the Maryland people who ruin everything


I tend to agree, but that is a VERY broad brush.


No no, he’s largely correct, there’s a reason Baltimore is in MD and not NOVA.


Across state lines made things worse Last time was Silver Spring area right Springfield is part of the 495 beltway.. so late night spots near 495 basically Have seen night car gatherings near Annandale Kmarket on a Friday.. easier to spot since drivers are revving while parked.. burble tuned.. would say those are legit and not stolen though Car window break in near Tosokchon open 24/7 Don't park in unlit areas near strange vans.. a piggyback ECU controller was stolen


As we all know it's impossible for a car with VA tags to drive into MD


My brother/sister in Christ this is coming from someone who used to frequent car meets in the area. It’s Maryland people for sure


I see, so the car meet in Springfield is actually all Maryland drivers? This all makes sense now. So the people ripping it down Fairview late night, also Maryland drivers


Lol no not everyone you don’t like is a Maryland driver. The ones who come to car meets and basically turn them into riots almost always are.


It's wild that you wrote the second sentence after the first. I'm sorry but there are virginia car meet assholes whether you want to accept that or not


Yeah i stopped going to car meets because of idiots like this


I remember going to one at night and people were open carrying. I quickly left and never went back. Cars and coffee only now.


I need to make it to one of those. Hopefully my car will be running this weekend. I'm waiting on some gaskets lol


The only good ones are katies and dulles landing. They’re very early in the morning and idiots and unemployed trash people are not awake at the time.


Go to the morning ones. The mass of stupidity usually ain’t awake for those lol


We had horrible car meets down here in Woodbridge at one of the commuter lots a few summers ago. They would meet up every Friday and Saturday night and police allowed it and actually patrolled them to supposedly help if violence broke out. Did nothing about the incessant burnouts or noise. Thankfully it seems the county decided to do something about it because it wasn’t an issue last year. But on the flip side, there is a perfectly well behaved ground of car enthusiasts who get together one some weekend mornings down the street.


key word is "morning". always the morning crowds are 99% well behaved. i cant say 100% because there's been incidents but people who get up at 5-6am to go to a cars n coffee are generally a certain type of person that wont do crappy things with their cars


The worst you will get at a Cars and Coffee is a Mustang becoming sentient and deciding to take out a few people on the sidewalk when leaving. These 'car meets' in Springfield at 3 AM are more of the street racer/burnouts in Chargers and Challengers type of thing.


Love cars and coffee meets


Here’s the video if anyone’s interested. It’s shocking to say the least. https://twitter.com/DCNewsLive/status/1774999064418849088


27% interest rate activity. These clowns always ruin the car scene in the area for genuine car enthusiasts.


If your credit score is above 600 I hear they won't let you participate in these kinda car meets.


This reeks of classism. So poor people are not real car enthusiasts but also account for 100% of asshole behavior?


Hey look everyone, its the fucking idiot who posts pictures that they took while driving to comment on other peoples driving


What year Nissan Altima do you own?


I don't own a Nissan


jeez, do you always find a way to make yourself a victim?


where did I ever insinuate I was a victim?


Not exclusively, but you don't see many Aston Martins, Ferraris, or Koenigseggs at those events because those owners more frequently have very strong financial, professional, or personal reasons for not wanting to get arrested or their car impounded / destroyed.


You can build a lot of car for 3 months worth of payments on a hellcat. Taking a huge loan at an awful interest rate just indicates no ability to think ahead.


I didn't say anything about poor people lol. If you own a Lambo and act like this, you are not a car enthusiast either.


Glad we got that understanding out of the way.


yes it does and its a good thing🤣 we must put those peasant hooligans in a different class because that's where they belong


overgrown boys with lame toys


I realize ACAB's or at least many on Reddit say so. Retired NOVA LEO here so I post knowing shit will follow. But back in the 80's when car clubs started meeting in various locations they were the most well behaved group one could imagine. Lawn chairs were set up and hoods were raised for all to examine and admire. Businesses, like one Burger King in particular, would call us saying the crowd is too large. I stopped in and saw they had maybe 100 beautiful cars and this large lot had a large portion of the lot around the store available for food customers only. I told the manager that it appeared that half of his large crowd in the store were part of the car show and they were all buying or had bought food. He agreed and stated they were well behaved and left little litter behind. He welcomed them after this night. THEN. The 90's came in and all the Honda's and so on started coming in and ruined these car meets. The enthusiasts stopped coming and the kids with their loud cars would stay until we were forced to send them packing at closing time of the businesses. These meets became a royal PITA and more action was taken against them of course. They then started meeting in more clandestine locations and would absolutely leave a horrible mess for the property owners to deal with. What was once a good thing went south fairly quickly in the 90's.


As someone who went to those meets in the '90s and early 2000s, the muscle car guys were absolutely doing illegal stuff too, they were just smarter and more clandestine about it. They weren't doing burnouts and making a mess of the parking lot, they would split off in small groups to race way off the beaten path. The import guys who actually had fast cars would do it too. The ricers with stickers and hoop wings and clear taillights causing trouble in populated parking lots were a convenient distraction haha.


No doubt even back in the 80's some of the drivers would go off somewhere to run the cars. But the majority of these cars had some serious money in them and showing them off was what most owners wanted. And at least they respected the property of the businesses that let them meet up.


CarsNCoffee on Sat in Great Falls is still generally this way.




Katie's Cars & Coffee in Great Falls is still this way. People bring their cool cars out, pop hoods, talk, and hang out. Occasionally there are incidents with stupid drivers, but they manage to keep a good check on this. I'm hoping many of the other C&C events are the same way.


Most C&Cs around the country are though some have gone as far as banning certain types of cars (like the ones you see in the video - modern Mustangs, Challengers, Chargers, Camaros) because no one has patience for shenanigans at 7am.


I live down the street from this, and every couple of weeks someone complains about a misbehaving enthusiast revving their engine and getting exhaust everywhere or being too loud. I hope it stays as the occasional goof, and doesn’t become a mess like other meets. I enjoy being able to go to this on occasion.


Most?? Oof, man I love your optimism. The reddit population as a whole skews to 25 and below. 


Most users in this sub seem to be actual adults tho, not mostly populated by teenagers and college students.


I get ya, but "actual adult" doesn't mean homeownership. Definitely not anymore. What you're saying is that there's less shitposts and memeing going on here. But 44% of reddit users are between 18 and 29, and that range only exists because they didn't poll before 18 (which I'm sure there's a toooon) of. Even assuming the high range of 23-29, which is typical college grad age and above, the chance of that group owning a home are slim to none. Might type with better grammar and not be idiots, but not homeowners. That's really the only point I wanted to make. 30 year old law graduate over here and I'm still renting next to the family of four doing the same. That's pretty much the majority demographic in my building of over a 1k units.


I didn’t mean adult in terms of home ownership, I was just talking about in general in Reddit’s demographics. As in this sub has a lot of actual adults with life experience instead of being some teenager or young undergrad student with next to none. And also less shitposts and a more nuanced take on politics.


I realize I will sound silly typing this, but what you've described with the Lawn Chair group is similar to the illegal drag racing spots in DC and MD in the late 80's and 90's. People who enjoyed watching illegal drag racing were for the most part well behaved and the races were somewhat organized and respectful. Families would show up to watch track cars race at V. St. in DC and although DC could be rather dangerous at that time, everyone was respectful and there to have a good time. The cops would ride through or flood the street and everyone would run to Metro in Maryland. The police in MD would bust up the racing and everyone would return to V. St. ​ Then the Fast and the Furious movies came out. ​ Everything changed after those dumb movies came out.




Oh here we go. "No TRUE Scotsman would ever attack an officer of the law!" Fuck the "car scene." The rest of us don't care about your excuses. And now, neither do the police.


Hot take. 'Car guys' are just furries in car suits. The behavior is roughly the same when you get a bunch of them together.


These idiots are not car guys. They are hooligans, plain and simple. Real car guys know that you chill out at meet ups, and keep the hard driving to the racetracks.


> Real car guys know that you chill out at meet ups, and keep the hard driving to the racetracks. You guys should stop inviting 'fake' car guys to your meetings then. Or stop having meets in places and formats that encourage and allow fake car guys to come.


These fools don't come to the stuff that happens during the daytime, nor are they invited. If it's after dark, the idiots come out.


Actual responsible adults don't have car meets in the middle of the night. They do things like actual sanctioned track days at an actual race track. Or they hang out at Cars and Coffee in Great Falls every Saturday morning for coffee.


These are things rich white people do. You are so out of touch. it's actually embarrassing. Manassas has been closed since 2012. Where are they supposed to go?


I'm a white person? I also didn't realize you needed to be rich to go to Cars and Coffee, an event which is free. As for where they're supposed to go? Who gives a shit, they're degenerate deadbeats.


dang first time im hearing about having to be a rich white guy to go to cars and coffee lol


Yeah I wonder where I can go now to claim my white male privilege now that I learn that people who go to a free car show event qualify. Maybe I’ll even get a promotion once I’m in the good ol boys club.


People who live in Great Falls go to Katies. There are many other meets on sunday morning. Like the one in Dulles. Great Falls is for old married rich people. The 'Old Brouge' closes at 10pm on Friday. You dont need to be rich to go, but you need to be rich to be welcome in that particular community.


So good job? You answered your own question. And Katie's, like most any car meet, is open to everyone. If you want to stereotype the people who attend, knock yourself out and if going to Katie's makes you feel insecure, sounds like a personal problem.


Most respectable local meets (Katies in Fall Church, Dulles Landing) do not tolerate this bullshit and typically have LEOs present. Early morning meets typically keep these idiots out anyway since god knows they probably wake up at 2pm every day anyway.


Exactly where in Springfield was this?


> "...part of an industrial area near Springfield’s Mixing Bowl"


There's an area surrounded by Backlick / Edsall / 395 / 495. The second Maps link that /u/f8Negative shared is that location. I think this is the likely area. I guess technically the area around Costco off of 286 could be considered industrial, but that first area sounds more like this specific crowd's wet dream to do all the dumb stunts they like to show off.


Probably here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/g3LB1tnjkLXfk2nZ9 Or somewhere around here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gazVo8RLC4qhgrK99


Takoma Park, near the Mixing Bowl, as the article clearly states. Edit: lmao I was wrong


That was a separate incident. The Springfield thing only states "an industrial area".


Whoops you right. That’s a good little bit of karma right there, I will now go eat my humble pie.


I blame the nbc site. They were grouping similar stories, but didn't make it clear at all unless you watched the embedded vids.


Not so clear huh


Man, that's wild....not sure of protocol, but one officer (initially) to disperse 100+ people? I know he probably had help on the way, but the whole situation was gonna be a shit show the second he showed up. And it's crazy how they can't find the Nissan that fled into MD.


Why can't they do a full swat deployment on one of these, maybe accidently shoot someone at one of these instead of a random house.


This is why I’ve heard of people going to these things and just littering the whole parking lot with nails… I’m sure this would be horrible to do, and would not discourage people from coming back at all.


I'm a deep blue liberal but shit like this is what turns folks over to the MAGA side. The impunity of these punks and the apparent impotence of law enforcement will inevitably lead to a political overcorrection.


I will never forget walking out of the grocery store around 9pm one night and hearing what I thought were gunshots. I was terrified and I honestly thought there was an active shooter in the parking lot. I was one second away from dialing 911 when I saw the smoke in the distance and realized that while I was shopping, about 100 cars had descended on the lot to make a bunch of noise and do donuts. I was so livid. I shouldn't have to fear for my life when leaving the grocery. I called the cops and they didn't do shit. For the next 2 hours or so, I could hear them from inside my house a mile and a half away. They left a bunch of crap in the lot next day including a lot beer cans and liquor bottles. I hate loud cars, absolutely despise them. They are a public nuisance and the mods they make to jack up the noise should be outlawed. I support LEOs, but I hate cops for not ticketing them.


These groups of misfits are losers and wannabe gang bangers with nothing better to do. It’s here to stay for sure, but laws will need to change in the modern GTA world.


Almost all of them are 18-26 year olds, with maybe 20-25% 27-31 year olds. TO clarify, the one's on the street itself are a takeover. The ones in like a private driveway or private parking lot like the one in this article/newsreel is what's called a [Sideshow](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sideshow) .


There’s basically no reason not to resist arrest and flee anymore. You’ll end up on YouTube and the arresting officer will be fired.


This is what was done in [Los Angeles](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cars+confiscated+los+angeles) at a car meetup.


If I remember these cars are only taken for a month and then given back.  They need to lose them permanently.


I will never understand car guys. Like dude just talk to her


Should’ve made them speed bumps.


Typical Mopar behavior.


It will be interesting to following this saga and examine the actions taken by Steve Descano and his feckless team of prosecuting attorneys who collectively claim to protect the citizenry by upholding the law. In fact, they do not and this street takeover is a result of a pattern of not prosecuting criminals in Fairfax


Embrace the suck in liberal NOVA. Defund & de-criminalize!




Thank you


Thank god it was just a cop




This is what happens when the car scene isn’t allowed to have a place or express themselves. They’re not allowed to enjoy what they want to do so people get hurt. Until there’s an opportunity for the car scene to truly thrive, this will keep happening. Let the car scene be a car scene and this will go away, but keep trying to control it and sh*t is gonna go down. Time to open up and be more accepting of others enjoyment. At least it gives the cops something to do since we fund them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Dumbest shit I've heard lol. Go to the fucking track or legal pits at local drag strips. It ain't that hard.


Bullshit lol. Even when you give legal means, the ones making it like this thread are not showing up to the legal meet.