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This is the stuff the NRL should be cracking down on, not the tackle RTS was sin binned for.


It’s interesting hearing how much Johns has changed his tune. Was watching recent season games such as the Rabbits v Roosters sin bin spectacular and both her and Slater had very different views to now.


I think the issue with these commentators is that they have to pick a side, and express a strong opinion. There is no sitting on the fence. They then forget what they said last week. And we are left scratching our heads


Maybe if they hadn't taken so many shots to the head they could remember what they said last week...


Or just not spent most of the 90s/ early-mid-late 2000s getting absolutely drug fucked.


Ease up turbo, you say that like it's a bad thing...what were we on about?


Prolly johns admission that he spent a good chunk of his career on drugs


I dont remember that specific sinbinning, but whenever something like the mentioned hit from the other night happens, Johns is very much against it from what I've seen. Was the Rabbits vs Roosters similar?


why the fuck are you scratching your head? you're relying on these CTE damaged pricks to tell you how to think about foul play and head contact 🤡


Nah i have an unrelated skin condition Also, typical QLDer and their confected outrage, it must be origin season


incoherent response due to the fact a pundit can't tell you what to think or say about the matter




quick champ, better check channel 9s youtube, you need to know what to think and who to blame when you inevitably lose a third consecutive series


Subscribed and notifications so I don't miss a thing.


40,000 weeks is a very long time. I think 39,000 would have been enough.


I’ll back the 40k game ban provided it can be served from next season, for the fans.


I'll back it if it involves Warhammer 40K-esque punishment, like enforced conscription into an Imperial Guard penal battalion


Thought it warranted 8millenniums personally


Just shoot him into the sun at this point eh


>"Four weeks? A million per cent (it should have been more),” Johns said. For the record, the title is a misquote. Saying it needs to be a million percent worse, and saying a million percent it needs to be worse are different.


It's more fun to take shots at Fox's incendiary article titles than take comments in context.


It’s the same as what Sualii got. Exactly what everyone should have expected.


Maybe his shouldve been harsher as well.


Don’t disagree. But that’s not what Fittler and Johns point was.


I think Joeys point was it was worse than Sualiis and he got the same punishment


It wasnt, if anything it was a little less bad.


On first viewing I saw suaalii at 6 and this at 2-3, both ended up at 4. I thought there was more force in the suaalii shot, he didn't lower himself, and the player wasn't falling nearly as much.


I agree with you in terms of sualii’s clearly being worse. But only half the sub hates NSW and like 90% hate the roosters, so can’t see it going over well here.


Yeah, the idea that subjectively evaluating one bad tackle as worse than another warrants downvotes is peak /r/nrl


There's people on this forum saying that John Hopoate sexually assaulting a player on the field is not as bad as what Junior Paunga did on the weekend the hysteria is over the top and the genuine hatred other fans have for our team and players is unreal. People didn't care when Latrell Mitchell rearranged Joseph Manu's face in a tackle and only got 6 weeks suspension because of his prior bad incidents.


do you seriously think Tracey was falling less than Walsh?


Reread mate, though agree it’s a roundabout way of saying it. I said in the suaalii tackle the player (Walsh) was falling less, i.e Tracey was falling more.


well I disagree heavily


Yeah same, Walsh slipped so much you could see the bottom of his shoes


Another round. Another Rooster sent off for a dog shot..


Roosters are the floggiest of the flogs...


Speaking of flogging, good game


huh? don't know what you're speak of..


On a dog


Played the dogs twice this year and had a player sent off both times. Roosters are officially dog cunts.


If it was any other club the blowtorch would be on how the club coaches poor technique


A dog shot implies intention.




He was folded earlier in the match by Jeral Skelton. Fairly. Now, did he intended to stick his arm out. Yes. So did Sam Walker, a little time after this incident. Pauga cocked his arm and collected Connor Tracey. Lights Out. You can't say there was no intention when he has hung his arm out. It wasn't a reflex action. It was reckless and careless, with intent. He needs to sit down for more than a month. Sam Walker got off lightly.


Walker did it earlier in the game too. Hung an arm out, jumped, left the ground, collected high. Lazy, reckless shot. But because it didn't result in injury he got to stay on the field. That set the tone for the rest of the game.


Sam Walker gets away with a lot of shit. Rooster agenda.


Glad others are saying it now.


And your comment implies dipshit


Not intention, but rather disposition. It may not have been intentional, but Roosters players seem to have the disposition of being a *dickhead*


Robbo likes to make sure they don’t fall afoul of the no dickhead policy. Its not called a no dickheads policy.


It’s the first bullet point on their contracts


Walkers should have been worse too. Gets away with it cause he's small


Yep, he actually jumped up to hit him. Walker protected species


According to the ref Sam Walker holding a player’s leg too long was worse than the head high tackle that he made…


Force was pretty minimal and clearly tried to back out of as he realised he was getting him high…


I'm not saying it should've been a send off but he jumped to make direct contact to the head. Sin bin every day of the week


Not all head high tackles are sin bins or send offs.. gotta factor in everything including force. Seemed reasonable to be a penalty and nothing more IMO. Supported by the grade 1 careless charge too - neither wighton or Niukore were binned for the same grade tackles this week..


There was enough force to stop Kiraz in his tracks. Just cause the bloke is weak as piss doesn't change a thing


Seems like a fair decision not to bin a guy for a weak as piss tackle


What about Walkers one ??? Jumped and coat hanger not even sin binned


Roosters player.


Minimal force and attempted to pull out of as he realises he’s got him high


Did uncle Nick give you that defence ??


Think his name was Common Sense


Honestly agree, start handing out 12 week suspensions for this stuff and it'll stop Time the game got serious on this


Give it time. Eventually a bottom 4 player will do it and *then* they'll decide it's time to start handing out lengthy bans and make them the example


This is literally the second worst possible charge they could have given it. I don’t think it’s enough, but it’s sure as hell not a conspiracy.


Can't they send it straight to the Judiciary then they can make up the punishment?


Sort of, but not really. They could refer it straight to the judiciary, and then roosters show up and say it’s a grade 2 reckless, show all the examples of similar, almost identical tackles, get it graded as a grade 2 and then he gets the same punishment but the NRL and the Roosters wasted a bunch of time and money on it. Also not certain on how the charges are negotiated initially, but it’s possible/likely that the NRLPA would take issue with instances of foul play that should have standard charges being referred directly to the judiciary. Might even be in breach of the CBA.


Soliola got referred for his hit on Slater, all those years ago. I know some things change with time, but I feel it’s a relevant addition


That was about 3 hours late and just as bad a high tackle.


Oh, Soliola’s deserved to be sent, don’t get me wrong. Just saying that it wouldn’t be the first time a high tackle is sent to the judiciary straight away. I don’t think Pauga’s tackle was as bad as Sia’s


100% they talk about head injuries and how they're taking it seriously but really fail to act accordingly. Like you say 2 maybe 3, 12 weeks bans and this sort of stuff just stops.


You reckon it just stops immediately after 3x 12 week bans. The nrl could just start to hand out 12 week bans for every single penalty and the game would be flawless lol


Hoppa got 12 for the finger in the bum. These brutal high shots are way worse


Idk man. As a survivor of severe childhood sexual abuse, I would much rather cop a punch to the face than have someone pull that shit on me.


Eliminating play like this is easy. Suspension lasts for X number of weeks based on the offence level, plus any time the player is injured for. Smash a player with an illegal play such that it takes five weeks to recover from concussion, chicken wing, crusher, or knee damage? You serve that initial five weeks as an interim suspension, and then the offence suspension happens after that. Dangerous and reckless play will dry up pretty much overnight.


That's a really dumb idea.  Topped off by the fact you think that will end foul play.


If the punishment is strong enough there will be an actual incentive not to indulge in reckless or dangerous play. You'll still see the occasional brain snap but right now the punishment does not fit the crime.


What makes it dumb?


Penalty could also start to attach proportionally perhaps a factors that mean something. Position on ladder, how long left in the season. We all know they will only make an example of a bottom 8 team player when this next happens.


I totally agree with this. But I'm wondering whether players mind having time out of the game. As far as i know they continue to be paid (?). Long breaks can then extend a players career an extra season, maybe more. I'm convinced Nathan Cleary's suspension for a spear tackle was a deliberate ploy .


At the moment, there's a benefit to foul play for the teams whose players do it. Pauga keeps the arm hung out and clotheslines the poor bastard he was charging at. He made no attempt to control that tackle whatsoever and Tracey now has to sit out at least one game. Four weeks for that is weak sauce. Same with Sua'ali'i. At this point it's entirely possible that Walsh will wind up with more games missed than him due to that absolute debacle of a tackle.


at some point, they’ll be causing their team to lose and it will mean something then


You need to make it a certainty. Last night, the game was in the bag. Of the matches they'll be without Pauga, only one will be a probable loss. Or look at Origin- Klein wasn't going to do a damn thing about Sua'ali'i's tackle until the bunker and Carrigan started screaming that he was seizing and unconcious at the other end of the field. If Walsh doesn't recover from concussion this week, he'll have been out for as many games as Sua'ali'i and some he missed would likely have been won by the Broncos. Hardly a fair exchange. At the moment the NRL is playing with fire. We're learning more and more about concussion injuries and unless they actually make moves to stamp out illegal high contact, they may well find themselves liable for some huge law suits.


fully agree. longer bans, taking potential danger and real injury into consideration. it’s an absolute joke that a dangerous tackle can result in the innocent party missing more football than the scumbag who hurt em.


I'd also tack on a one game suspension against the team who they did it against, specifically. Two top contending teams clash but one dude rubs himself out of what could/will be a finals game next time they meet and that'll seriously make players not just limit being careless but actively try to ensure they don't fuck themselves and their teammates out of glory and championships. This also accounts for the times where a player may stay on the field after a bad shot and the team he did it against loses a player and receives nothing at all to compensate the incident. Well this way, they will.


I don't mind the idea but there's a problem if it attaches to players who swap clubs. Their new one didn't do anything wrong.


Good point. I hadn't considered that.


Guess Madge has been cleared of coaching NSW to take out QLD players… it’s just the flog roosters being poorly coached and having no discipline… 3 times now


Pauga dodged a bullet here; I thought this shot was skirting close to being sent straight to the judiciary. If the loose, undisciplined hits continue, we could be heading to an 80s style crackdown - which did take some big scalps to end some ugly facets of the game. Or, alternatively, player-initiated legal action like Brohman took against Boyd in ‘83 which helped drive the change.


Aren’t you automatically referred to the judiciary if you’re sent off?


You can only get cited by the Match Review Committee after the game; sometimes, charges are not picked up in match. Normally a standard grading will be applied for an offence, with a scaled penalty taking into consideration prior offences. The player can the plead guilty or contest the charge at the judiciary; the punishment for an offence is typically more severe than a guiilty plea, but the charge itself can also be dismissed, or up-/downgraded. No contest is the other option. For some on-field incidents, however, you can be sent directly to judiciary for a determination on guilt and the penalty to be applied. It happens - usually - where there is a lack of precedent or where an act of foul play is particularly egregious. If the player is found guilty, typically suspensions start to run into months; there is no limit on the time a suspension that can be apply for. For an infamous example in the NRL era, Danny Williams was suspended for 18 weeks for a coward punch in 2004.


What's the difference between guilty & no contest?


No contest is where the player decides not to contest the charge or the grading for whatever reason; however, it is not an admission of guilt and will not have the early guilt plea discount for any penalty that is applicable.


Is there any reason to do that? Seems kind of silly to my uneducated legal ass.


Every time I watch this little shit he has a howler. I don’t understand why he gets selected. This match he gets folded fair and square by Skelton and he’s dirty about it so he goes after someone a lot smaller. Little dickhead. Hope he struggles to get back into the side and we don’t see the kunt again.


Pretty big assumption that he waited until the second half to get revenge on someone for that tackle lol he’s clearly not smart enough to have that kind of measured reaction.


Bulldogs fans are brain dead, they never have any reasonable opinions


Mabye we are just pissed off because we have now lost 2 players to concussion and lost game 1 of origin due to a shit club with low grade shit cunt players


We took out two average players who wouldn’t even make our shit side, you should be happy.


3 send offs this year, all Roosters. deadshit club with deadshit players and deadshit fans.


I didn't know Andrew loked Tracy Jordan movies


Imo 4 weeks was sufficient, and this one was not as bad as Suaalii's. Suaalii imo was reckless wheras this one was just careless, hanging the arm out, after he was wrong footed and catching him smack bang in the head after he slipped. Wheras Suaalii was coming in with force and lined him up


agreed. suaalii had a lot of time to line his shot up


Remember Joeys golden rule, brains are more important and protected in club land!


It’s almost like they’re training to tackle like this at the roosters. But I guess, if they were training like this we would see concussion issues within the club due to the training. Oh wait a minute…


Bush league footy! Surprised he didn’t get 5-6


FMD. Joey, the same cunt who was suggesting Sua'ali'i shouldn't have been sent off because it ruined the match.


Just cause you're a fullback doesn't mean I won't stiffy ya!


It was despicable.