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There was no ill intent on your part and getting pee on you is a known risk of the job. She'll look like a dumbass if she writes you up. 


If you haven't gotten a pt's piss or shit on your skin by accident, you're not a nurse. It's called a baptism of fire for a reason.


One of my nursing school friends was working in the OR, literally ended up **COVERED** in blood one day. Head to toe, from her curly mop top to her socks, everything was bloody. I think she was more bothered that the patient nearly died, and probably more bothered by the mountains of red tape she knew she'd be working on after, than she was bothered by the bodily fluids. Shit happens. Blood happens. Piss happens. How is a bedside nurse so upset at a couple drops of piss????


Back in the day....before AIDS had been identified, and gi bleeding, hepatitis, pretty common in the group of pts I worked with, among other things....can't imagine having a sissy fit for a bit of urine....what a jerk! I am quite sure we were exposed to all of the various viruses known and unknown.


My friend once accidentally had a bag of donor blood spill all over her while hanging it


I had a doc squeeze a blood bag so hard (on a patient with busted esophageal varices) that the bag blew OUT THE TOP and rained down on everyone in the room. I was like well at least it's donor blood. Patient didn't make it and it took us hours to get the room clean so family could say their goodbyes while I literally held a yankauer to his mouth barely keeping up with the blood. That was my first code, too. Fun times


Been there done that in a plane.


I was literally just telling my labor patient how many different body fluids I’ve had on me before - it’s a hazard of the job, and urine is far from the worst thing I’ve been splashed with lmao


When my sister (also a nurse) was doing her L&D rotation she was standing between the legs of a laboring woman when her water bag EXPLODED out of her and completely soaked my sister, head to toe. It was then that I decided not to work in L&D 🤣


Lol!! On my second baby, the doctor had left the hospital but I was progressing kind of fast and he had to turn around and come back. It seemed like an eternity, maybe a half an hour and I was right at the pushing stage and had to not push. So when he came in there he saw what was going on. He knew it was time and he didn't even put his gown on, only his gloves, cuz he didn't think he had any time! 😆 So with my first push, the bag of waters exploded all over him! 💦💦 Luckily it didn't seem to hit him in the face.I felt so bad and he said, sheepishly with a side smile, "I should have known!" 🤣


Was she my nurse!?!?! That happened with my 3rd, the fluids were trapped behind my son. When we came out the fluids exploded on everyone.


I’m a psych nurse. Same fluids but usually intentional. Lol


Our baptism is quite often an actual *baptism*.


Urine is by far the bodily fluid I'm the least upset about being splashed with


Came here to say this.


Yesterday I tripped emptying and ileostomy and splashed my shoes and the bottom of my pants with the contents 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same, all over my shoes. The smell ☠️


That was the exact moment that I switched from wearing sneakers at work to wearing easily wipeable clogs.


I did this except to my patient’s feet, not mine 😭


Ya know, I honestly don't think I've ever gotten anything on me. I even worked as a CNA too. I'm reallllyyyy careful when it comes to that and have good reflexes. Borderline paranoid perhaps. I've definitely dodged a few in my day though.


I was the same for a long time— I had never gotten bodily fluids on me. I’ve still only had it happen once, and it just so happened to be on the ONE DAY I came to work sick… and I had a patient projectile vomit tube feed INTO MY OPEN MOUTH. I still have PTSD from it lmao


Omg 😭😭😭 im so sorry you had to experience that


Sheesh, and I thought I had it bad when a patient vomited on top of my head. Emptying the foley bag just as a bout of projectile vomiting started, and the patient didn’t want to soil the bed. Vomit is by far one the most challenging body fluids for me. I shudder just imagining a splash in the mouth!


😳 yeah that's bad!!! 


😳 I would lose my shit if this ever happened to me. Omg...new fear unlocked


Wow this nurse sucks. Sorry you have to deal with that. Here’s the thing.. you are gonna make mistakes … hopefully never one that is life threatening… like this one. And the other thing is once you make them… you will never make them again… like this one. She sucks. It sounds like you already know what you could have done differently and will prepare better next time. And well that’s all folks 😝


I forgot to hook a foley up to the bag once. Never did that again.


Haha. Not funny but yes I get it! Sort of similar I forgot to close the clamp on this gravity feed bag— and so the feeds just came squirting out onto the patient … I changed the bag at 0600 and the next nurse found it 😝. I also do better bedside handoff or should I say more throughout checks before I leave and when I get on these days


Been there, done that!


Been there, done that!


One time a nurse was helping me get a diarrhea filled bedpan out from under my patient. I ran to grab something and told her to hold on . She tried to be a hero and pull the bedpan out on her own. Well it sloshed as she yanked it out and she wore the entire bedpan.  I also once yanked a blanket off a confused patient that had pissed herself and in doing so I slung piss right into the face of a tech. Oh, and it was right as the ball dropped for new years 2013. We took a selfie, piss and all.  I guess what I’m trying to say is OPs coworker would need to write me up basically every shift . 


Yep. It’ll go into the special file…


Gross, but also typical nursing risk. She can write you up, for whatever that is worth, but you're going to get it back and more when you inform your coworkers what a petty bitch she is.


She could have moved the urinal. It was an accident. I suspect most nurses have got urine on them at some time. It's an occupational hazard.


I literally got GI bleed poop on me yesterday… I’m definitely not writing up the tech who gave me the second set of hands. We all help each other at some point or another. Just like you said- it’s part of the job.


I opened a foley once and that motherfucker splashed in my face. Thank god that was during the days of face shields


I had a plugged catheter tube I pushed a little too hard on during an irrigation, and got a good splash in my eyes 🙃. Was homecare nursing, so had to use the patient’s bathroom to clean my face. Was a bad day.


Keep wearing it....


Another reason why I never switched to contacts


Right! Like after the catheter was in, there’s no more need for the penlight.


Yeah- where was she when this procedure started? If she noticed she should have said something. If not, she is as “guilty as you”


Yes! Three people in there for a foley (never happens in the ED unless they’re thrashing, it’s usually 2 max) and the other 2 couldn’t see what else needed to be done? What else were they doing? Bizarre.


I’ve had BM stuck underneath my watch band once and didn’t know about it till i took it off at the end of the day. Fun times 😅


Did the nurse who is threatening to write you up speak up when she saw you beginning to insert a catheter without a urinal being in place?


No she didn’t :(


If all she was doing was holding the light, why wouldn't *she* be the one to make sure the urinal was in place? Did she need 2 hands to hold a penlight? That's what I'd say if I actually got asked about it... "I totally thought penlight nurse had put the urinal in place while I was focused on placing the cath"


“Did she need 2 hands to hold a penlight?” 😂🤣 LOL


IDK sounds like there was three people there who didn't catch that. Its a "Whoospie!" moment. Its not like this was a patient on chemo precautions. Shit (and piss) literally happens, it is a part of our job. Let her file the report, she'll look a little silly and at most you'll explain that while setting up you forgot to set a urinal up. Your coworker sounds like a real drama queen.




And it was clearly an accident. Clearly not malicious.


I personally would just let it go. Apologize & move on. If she writes you up that’s her choice. It was an honest accident most people have done. If she was there to help she easily could have noticed it wasn’t placed & put it there for you.


At my first LTC facility (when I was but a wee babe at 17), I worked with a very sweet, gentle nurse who had probably been practicing for 25-30 yrs. It is super rural where I grew up. We had a local farmer transfer to our facility after spending 6 months in a major trauma center several hours away after getting a spinal cord injury acquired while working the farm. He was depressed, angry at the world and just wanted to die and was mean as f*ck to everyone who walked in his room (I was his regular NAC on swing shift, I got plenty of it). He had contractured BLE’s, skin breakdown on the back of his thighs/buttocks from refusing care, bathing, getting out of bed, etc. at the hospital as well as a catheter and colostomy (I’m an OT now and can only guess he refused to learn self-cathing or bowel management). He also refused to allow anyone to change out his catheter for all that time. He started turning for the better after his grandson was born and allowed the catheter to be changed. The sweet and gentle nurse removed the old one and some urethral tissue that had attached to it—upon removal the tissue became air born and landed in *her hair* 🤢. Makes a little bit of pee seem like not such a big deal. The resident’s story had a happy ending—he found a new lease on life with the grand kiddo and eventually became independent/healthy enough to live in his house again.


Hmm. Gross.


Did she use to hang out with a guy named R. Kelly?


I'd think she'd ask for more of she did, ijs...


Hahahahahahaha I'm sorry she wants to write you up for hazards of the job?? 🤣 that's absolutely asinine! 😂 what a mean girl bitch thing to want to write you up for that! I'm sorry it's not funny but the ridiculousness of it is. I've dealt with people like her before. Any part of me that would have felt bad does not now. She can get over it. I hope she gets peed on now and has an attitude change. I don't have time for people like her. You are fine


What kind of unit does she normally work where less than 100 mL of pee is even worth mentioning? Maybe peds psych broke me...


Peds am I right lol


Spent threeish hours once trying to keep this rotten little boy from peeing on me. Finally got him to pee in the dang toilet as next shift is rolling in. One nurse asks what I'm doing with my body halfway in this door. Start explaining I'm trying to keep the kid from running through because he wants to wake up the other kids or maybe hurt them. Wet feel. Turns out he grabbed a fistful of paper towels, dunked them in the toilet he didn't flush, and then slapped his fistful of piss-n-paper onto my leg and shoe. Diabolical. But also so unremarkable except for its evil cleverness. There was only about 20 minutes of work left to do, so I didn't even try to change clothes or anything. Just stuck one of those OR shoe bags over my foot so I wouldn't drip.


🤦‍♀️ I'm in peds and peds psych is just... not for me. I don't know what to say or how to deescalate. Good for you.


I dropped my readers into a pile of poop. It was a whole situation. There was 5 of us in there. One of the other nurses noticed they were sliding off my face and tried to yell them back up. “Hey hey hey! No!” but we were 10 hands deep. Some were cleaning the top, some were in charge of preventing a fall, I was doing the bottom (think ambulatory poop tornado). Anyways, this made me think of that, also I work with much better people than you! It was gross and wild but we were all smiling and laughing


Ambulatory poop tornado had me rolling


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve gotten patient urine on my one way or another over the last almost 40 years….id be retired by now lol


Awww she got a little pee on her? I want to tell her to grow up. I’ve gotten a lot more than a few splashes of pee.


Sounds like she is either a charge nurse or manager. Maybe a manager wanna be— they forget all about what its like to be a bedside nurse


It's the responsibility of the nurse to do a hazard assessment before providing care at the bedside. If she was so concerned about it, she should be wearing a face shield and a gown to protect her self.


….. so she put her arm down there and didn’t make sure there was a urinal or somewhere for the urine to go? Sorry, but I’m not going to put myself at risk like that. She should have noticed, too.


Let her. She can be pissed off about being pissed on all she wants, but she's making herself look stupid.


We had a charge RN from Nursery put an incident report in that the operating room warmer wasn’t clean and stocked…. Cleaning and stocking it is the nursery charge’s job lol people are insanely petty


This is nursing where the saying "shit happens" is literal. Tell that nurse to grow up.


Seriously, don’t give this another thought. She is not in the right profession if she thinks she’s never going to get anything gross on her. There’s no re-education called for here.


Another nurse wrote me up for making a chicken butt joke with a patient that I had great rapport with. My manager threw it out.


Work in a newborn nursery, guaranteed you're going to get peed on by a baby boy. We used to have to weigh them daily, you'd put the kiddo on the scale and at least one little boy would take a pee. We had one nurse who was orienting a new nurse to the unit while they were weighing a boy, little fella let fly - right in the preceptor's mouth! The newbie turned kind of green around the gills, the other one excused herself to brush her teeth and rinse out her mouth. We all got a good chuckle out of the kid's aim.


😂😂😂for little boy. My youngest niece was so accurate with her diaper changing pee it was comical.


It sounds like she overreacted because she probably had a bad day, who knows. Any one of y'all could have noticed the lack of urinal, so it's not like you're solely to blame, even if it were that serious lol.


Are you even a nurse if you haven't been covered in bodily fluids at least once a week? She needs to get a life - and a new vocation if this upset her. Unless you have really awful management it won't go anywhere, and if she's going to complain about this, chances are she's complained about plenty of other pointless things and anyone wih any sense would just file it with the rest of her petty complaints.


Don’t worry about it. Some nurses write up other nurses for having a “messy” room aka not organized to their liking.


Meh. Let her do it. Any manager worth their salt would roll their eyes at this.


Whenever this happens at work (daily), we usually look at each other and say "at least it's sterile"


I haven’t worked bedside in almost 8 years now but damn what a bitch. I hate how these “write ups” are being thrown around like it’s a huge severe punishment that will cause you to lose your license and ruin your career. And by coworkers!! Years ago write ups were done by nurses in a supervisory role, not a team member. If she does go ahead with it, don’t sign it. And if there’s a place to comment how to prevent a reoccurrence say yes, if more than one nurse is providing care to a pt all are responsible for any accidents that occur.


How long has she been a nurse? Urine is literally the best option for body fluids getting on you in a hospital


An incident report is not a write up. Let her do that extra paper work and keep it moving. Id start calling her pissy nurse just to be an ass


So…what I’m hearing is that nurse diva opted to forego appropriate PPE? Maybe she needs some re education? Seriously. If a few drops of catheterized urine is the worst thing she’s ever gotten on her, she’s not been doing it right. Give me urine over cdiff diarrhea any day


That was my first thought. If a few drops of penis the worst she’s gotten, then she must not be doing much nursing.


Was it in a sterile field and the nurse was supposed to be sterile ? If not it’s a no issue at all and if she was supposed to be sterile she shouldn’t assist with non sterile tasks.


she can fill out whatever reports she wants, but if someone actual writes you up I would leave that hospital, shit or in this case urine happens everyday in the hospital if she wants to spend her energy that way let her waste it, dont let her poison become your poison (the 4 agreements) keep up the good work!!!


ER here. Wrong job sister if she was upset about urine. Getting through the day with a couple of drops of urine on me? Like IceCube says, "it was a good day".


I have a nurse like this at my hospital. Any time you give a slight push-back, or you are unavailable at the moment, he gets upset and storms away. One week later you’re being brought into the office for a SEMS report being filled out for insubordination or some bs like that. People need to not abuse these systems because they lose their meaning w/ excessive use.


Um if I don’t go home with bodily fluids on me I don’t think I’ve done my job to the best of my ability. She needs to settle.


Crap happens, don’t feel bad 🤷🏼‍♀️ this comes with the job and that person should understand that.


Bet the same nurse doesn't wash her hands after using the bathroom herself


The two other nurses didn’t notice either!!! 😂😂😂


She sounds like an asshole.


She sounds like the kind of nurse all of us hate: the one who wants to report every little thing just because she's pissed off. There are two solutions: ignore it because admin will, or report her for attitude, hostility, and walking out mid procedure.


What? Seriously. It’s not as if you sprayed urine in her eyes. Don’t worry about it. Just move on.


Am I an idiot or aren’t incident reports supposed to be non-punitive? In other words, you don’t write an incident report “on someone,” you write an incident report on the incident? Incident reports are there to document harm or potential harm due to a variation in procedure or protocol so we can improve the care we give, not to get anyone in trouble. They’re there so we can track and trend issues to see if there are process improvements to be made or education issues to be addressed. I scrolled pretty far and didn’t see anyone mention this. Are all of you writing incident reports to be petty?


99% of the reports written in our unit to be petty. Only the one I wrote a few weeks ago was taken seriously because it was written for the right purpose


They’ve dealt with worse I’m sure. Just wash your hands.


Why didn’t they notice the urinal wasn’t there? They wanna write you up for that? It’s their fault too for not noticing. That nurse must never make a mistake.


Goodness gracious. I’ve gotten urine down my whole sleeve when I was trying to toilet a confused old man lol.


WTF? Is she a new grad? Welcome to nursing. The other day I attempted to irrigate a foley and it was so blacked disconnected and splashed me. I just washed my face and went on about my day. Did I feel gross? Of course, but that’s nursing.


That nurse needs to get a life. Are you kidding me??? I would have had a hard time not laughing…any of my team would have laughed about it…because it was an ACCIDENT.


I mean… how long has this woman been a nurse? I’m not even a nurse and I know 💩, piss, and puke happen almost on the daily for nurses. God bless all of y’all, by the way! I work at a hospital in the finance department but I have two sisters who are nurses. I used to work in childcare in my you get years and my age group was 18 months to 3 years - so 💩, piss and puke were part of my days too. 🤣


Sounds like she’s in the wrong job


I was cleaning off an ecmo circuit with a perfusionist after a decannularion. The perfusionist was emptying a bag of blood into the biohazard waste and he forgot to clamp it. I had my foot on the trash can holding it open for him and the whole pint of blood spilled down my leg and into my shoe. It’s was disgusting, but an accident. We still laugh about to this day.


I thought I gave my coworker the easier/less messy task of just standing and making sure my pt didn’t fall standing at the bedside while I cleaned her back and then changed the blowout on the bed… Well long story short we suddenly heard water splashing onto the floor. Pt peed all down coworkers leg, shoes, and floor. Shit (and pee) happens.


Probably angry she couldn’t make a TikTok with her super clean Figs


What makes it even better is that we were wearing the sterile scrubs provided by the hospital 😭


A few drops of piss? The other week I noticed I had blood all up my arm. Dunno whose it was. I was halfway through a conversation with another nurse and I was all ‘brb gonna wash this blood off’ and they were like ‘huh, same thing happened to me earlier’


That woulda bugged the crap out of me until I figured out detective style whose blood


that sounds like a complete accident. honest mistake, nothing you did wrong. if she is that upset and wants to report over this then either 1. she’s just one of those dramatic coworkers we all know and work w that explodes at everything or 2. she’s got some kind of a personal vendetta against you. my guess is she’s just pissed she got pee on her and doesn’t know how to deal with shit like this as an adult in our profession. even if she does “report” this, it won’t go anywhere. trust me. being on the end of reading MIDAS (or reports) that some people make have us cackling in the office sometimes. keep your head up OP ☺️ unfortunately there’s just those types all around us 🤦🏼‍♀️


😂😂😂 tell her to write it all caps. The manager will laugh. Not a reputable issue. I'm fact it sounds like bullying to me. Threatening you and intimidating you because she got urine on her by accident. If I were you I'd tell the manager about that.


Intact skin is a wonderful barrier. I’d tell said nurse to get over it.


Let her waste her time. It was an accident. It happens.


If she thinks that's bad, I got some terrible news for her.


I’ve seen someone get shot with pulmonary edema juice during an RSI. Learned a valuable lesson about where to stand that day.


Sounds like she needs to chill. One of my corkers was helping to put a foley in and it went into the vagina. Coworker A took it out and accidentally flung juices into coworker B’s eye. She got eye drops from one of our docs just in case but they had a laugh about it. I make name tags and sell them on the side and another coworker thought the whole story was so funny she had me make a name tag with coworker A’s credentials but asked me to add “VJS” (Vagina Juice Slinger) to the end of her credentials. So it read: Coworker A, RN, IBCLC, VJS 😭 Everyone on the unit died they thought it was so funny.


Last weekend I sat in a resident’s poop.  I have lost track of how many times I’ve gotten urine on me.  It’s just part of the job.  Sorry ur dealing with petty coworkers. 


This nurse needs to chill the F out. Things happen, nobody was hurt. As another nurse said, this person will just make themselves look like an ass.


Honestly this feels more like a "whoops!, my bad" mistake. I work as a urology nurse and was told on my orientation that "you have truly made it as a urology nurse when you get a patients pee all over yourself" 🤣 But in all seriousness, learn from the mistake and keep moving forward. I think the nurse holding the penlight is just more upset that she's the one who got splashed instead of you. And if she writes you up, I seriously doubt a manager would be that upset.


Why didn’t either of the TWO licensed nurses assisting you mention the urinal not being in place? Like, wtf? Unless they were trying to make you learn by not correcting you? Seriously, that’s ridiculous of them. If you get written up, state you were nervous but had the chux in place and you had 2 fully qualified nurses and neither of them said a single thing about it. So perhaps they were happy with the idea of YOU getting urine on you? Honestly. This is silly. No, no one wants urine on them. But this happens! It’s why we’re meant to wear PPE. Like, we’re meant to wear gloves, eye protection & some form of apron or gown. That’s for a reason!


I got my hand/arm covered in one once when I worked In Emergency. I had a drunk patient, who needed to pee and I went to grab him a urine bottle and as I was walking back towards him, bottle in hand, I saw him unzipping himself standing beside the gurney ready to pee. My reflex reaction was to dive forward arm out stretched and try to catch the pee in the bottle.....yeah let's say about 70% went on me, 5% in the bottle and the rest on the floor. My daughter used to also get car sick and my reflex reaction would be to catch the vomit in my hands. Also does not work haha. I started keeping vomit bags in the car.


She writes you up.  You go into the office.  Your manager says, ‘so yeah, next time try to remember to do that. Shit happens.’ You go back to work.  Unless your boss hates you or there have been a string of incidents worse than this, I wouldn’t worry too much. 


Is she a new nurse? Being in the splash zone can be a risk of the job. I’m sure she has had a golden shower before.


You know, neither of the other nurses in the room caught the mistake so they are both right there with you. It happens. That is a silly reason to write someone up.


Imagine making an enemy at work over a hazard of the job. I assisted a coworker with a catheter and when she hooked up the urinary bag it was open and spilled over my Crocs. We stared at each other and she goes "you deserved it for wearing Crocs"  I spent the rest of the day telling multiple people she pissed on my Crocs 😂 


So... tell me... is she going report this as "Near Miss?" (duckin) I think your manager is going to have a talk with her. But I would definitely explain to your manager when she pulls you in her office to laugh at this write up that she instruct said reporter to demonstrate correct procedure for you... you get to stand and watch.


I understand that nobody wants to get bodily fluids on them but her reaction was a gross over reaction. It's not like you pulled down your pants and pissed on her foot which I've actually had a patient do to me, it was a fucking accident.


Wait till she gets literal crap on herself. 🤣 I wouldn't worry about it and talk to your supervisor.


You’d think getting pee on you was a part of the job


As a clinical nurse, her reaction is absolutely ridiculous. She ought to be glad that the issue was not bowel-related or vomit. If you are going to freak out over something like that, then maybe you should consider a career switch. And let’s be honest anyone who has cathed someone without a bag attached to the catheter can have that issue. A small volume lost is not a big deal. For her to demand re-education over something like that…? I would never help her again and avoid her like the plague.


She's just being pissy


Tell them to do it and let everyone know. They will look like a moron and get no help in future.


People can report you for whatever trivial reason they want. It's up to your unit educator or manager to decide whether the report is valid or not. I'm pretty sure "I got pee pee on me" is not something they will even follow up on.


At least the patient didn't deliberately wipe shit on her like my patient did. Shit and piss happen.


Honey, we are nurses! We get dirty! We get paid to deal with the stuff that makes everybody else gag! Can you write her up for being an idiot? I honestly wouldn’t worry about it. If there was no harm to the patient and everybody is safe and okay, she ain’t got a leg to stand on, honestly! That’s just foolishness on her part!


Haha it’s pee. She should try working Ob. Every possible body fluid is involved and it’s not unusual to get fluids on yourself.


So you work with Nurse Wratched? Wow.


Unless you literally flung a full urinal at her, she is being ridiculous. Also, if she is that upset about some urine maybe *she* needs some re-education about our jobs. Like bodily fluids are gonna happen. It’s part of the job.


That poor patient. They are already in an awkward position. That nurse just made it ten times worse. I feel if she writes you up she’s just telling on herself for unprofessional conduct. No one was hurt. It was a simple mistake. Who had t forgotten something once in a while. It sounds like you were well prepared by obtaining appropriate staff.


Did the nurse have those long fugly fake nails.... cause that's the issue a lot of times and sounds like a pretentious.... person....


Write you up?? Is she a manager? Otherwise she can't write you up. She can file a complaint or place a safety event. But that's about it. Also, if a few drops of piss getting on your scrubs is the worst thing to happen to you on a shift, that sounds like a pretty damn good shift. This nurse is soft af.


She’s an idiot lol


This is literally why we were scrubs. Sorry you got a few drops of urine on your $200 Figs Karen.


What in the actual fuck? I would let her write it, look like an idiot and you tell every single person what happened so they know what kind of person they’re working with.


Works with bodily fluids….shocked when body fluids gets on them. What a fucking ass clown.


When I worked peds my kids knew if I came home with my scrubs in a bag wearing hospital scrubs it was either puke or poop or both o


Where was her PPE?


Something is up. Maybe she has something going on personally. I find it excessive and the report probably won’t get anywhere. Not saying this is what it is, but a coworker of mine flipped out when a urinal spilled on her when normally (like most people) she is careful. It turned out she was diverting fentanyl for herself.


She will not do well in healthcare lmfao. Nurses will get every bodily fluid on you at some point. She is being ridiculous


If I had a dollar for everytime I got urine on myself in my 29 years of nursing….i would be super rich! Tell that nurse to get over it!


It comes with the territory. We get urine and 💩 on us on the daily. Seems like people don’t know how to screw on a lid correctly.


Bruh, I worked in urology and one of the Drs would always aim the cath at me whenever we knew we'd get a high pressure stream from severe retention. It was always in good fun lol. Urine is part of the job.


She’s ridiculous. Everyone makes mistakes, not everything has to be a write up. I’ve had pee, blood, vomit, shit, sputum and god knows what else on me and I never once blamed anyone else. Unless someone deliberately rubs poop in my face I don’t sweat it.


You may have forgotten to put it down, but, she was in the room, too, and could have taken the opportunity to assist by saying “Ooh let’s not forget this!”.


She sounds insufferable


Tell me she's never changed an ileostomy bag without telling me she's never changed an ileostomy bag


I know it's different, cause babies, but I get piss and/or vomit on me at least once a week. Wash your hands/arms well and move on?


Complete accident and the nurse seems like a piece of work. One time I was placing a foley and literally got betaine queefed on me. I didn’t through a big fit I laughed it off and preformed hand/arm hygiene.


By all means, let that half wit write you up and waste everybody's time. If she's all that, why didn't she remind you to put the urinal in place before the catheter was inserted. She should be written up for being a substandard team player. I have been inadvertently been splashed IN MY EYE with urine. Nobody's fault. Accidents happen. I would never think of writing someone up. I did, however, go to employee health and get an RX for antibiotic eye drops.


The worst I experienced was a lady with a bowel obstruction, which wasn't yet detected, oh the smell of vomiting poop. Think I managed to just dodge it. My 1st catheterisation I had it all ready but I forgot the tray and had to get nurse with me to quickly grab it. Lol. I know how you feel. but to get written up what a joke.


she’s being petty, don’t worry about it. accidents happen


I have that colleague. She is a bitch for the sake of being one. She will write up and write up nothing you can do to change that. Your colleague was in the room with you and a third nurse. It’s on her as well. My colleague got scolded by management for picking on her colleagues ridiculously (literally negligible things). Now she’s “calmer” on the ridiculous reporting but taking it up in form of bitching in staff room.


She was standing right there with the penlight…why didn’t she say something helpful…she could’ve reminded you about the urinal…and I learned a LONG time ago if you’re doing anything where you might get splashed put on a gown…it’ll get you when you least expect it 🙄🙄🙄


Let her. If it happens a few more times, I would then ask yourself what’s up?


That nurse is a vain jerk! Just wait until she forgets something, then write her up.


That nurse is a c*nt, I’m sorry. It comes with the territory & if it wasn’t intentional or gross negligence she needs to consider a new line of work.


She’s nuts. Friendly fire happens. She should have gowned up


this part of our culture that skips straight to reporting everything is going to be our downfall


She should be written up too for not realizing the urine didn’t have an adequate place to land 🤣 and there was 3 of yall and none of yall realized it. Oh Lordy lol.


She's an idiot. Bodily fluids come with the territory.


Why does it take 3 nurses to catheterise?


Honestly. Unless the BMI was more than 50, I was thinking the same thing.


Seems very undignified for the patient imo


yeah, but so is attempting it on your own, being unsuccessful, and then needing to get more hands to hold back the labia. I've seen plenty of patients large enough to warrant that. I was actually surprised when I learned how much easier cathing larger patients is with multiple people, and was confused why in school we learned this was something we should do on our own. My hospital mandates 2 people for caths now, and I find it a huge relief.


That’s terrible- it was an honest mistake, it happens… Do you work where I work? (joke, some people use our report system as a cudgel to bully people)😂😂


I read this three times, to make sure I was reading it correctly. I cannot even think of what to write. Is this the type of nurses we are turning out in the world now????


Had she never gotten urine on her before?


She is being ridiculous IMHO. There's not a single nurse who I've known that hasn't gotten bodily fluids on them. Hell, yesterday I got shit and piss on me. Sunday, add projectile tube feed vomit 🤦🤷‍♀️. This isn't write up worthy... It should just be, hey please don't do that again. I bet you won't!


I have never used a Coude on a female patient. In my mind it was always for males. Can someone let me in on a potential learning experience?


I came here for this comment as well. I don’t understand the benefit to using a coude over a regular straight cath. Curious to know if there are reasons.


It’s just more comfortable for the patient, at least from my experience using them. I usually use the regular straight catheter that’s attached to the bag but this incident was my first time using a coude


You may be explaining why a couse was used on a female. That is outside of standards of practice with many systems. Most of the places I have worked you need an order for a coude. In fact one system I worked only urology could use them. If I was with you I would have been questioning you.


How do you straight Cath without a straight Cath tray right in front of you? How does 3 people doing a Cath make things easier? The straight cath tray is long and narrow so it can fit right where you need it. Why would you need a urinal? Your forearm holds the leg, your hand holding the labia up and out of the way, your other hand does all the work off your sterile field. You don’t need 3 people to get in your way.


We no longer have straight cath kits. You assemble the things you need to make your own "kit." A urinal is part of that self assembled "kit."


Let her write it. No big deal. She's a bit(h!!


Mate I got sprayed in the head once doing the exact same thing. Tell her to calm down.


Fuck off. If she’s so concerned about bodily fluids, she should have gowned up. It’s not NCLEX world. Quit wasting organizational resources for non issues


Let her do it. She'll just put herself as the bully she is. Unless gross negligence is at play (which this didn't seem to be) there's no need to "write up" anyone. I guess my question to her is, what is the purpose of the write -up? What a waste of time. It'll blow over. Now you know better. Nursing is a profession where we continually learn and grow.


Nurse is on a power trip. Nothing more dangerous than a nurse on a power trip.


Tell her to grow tf up.


The beauty of being a young nurse before gloves were everywhere … they would laugh at her if she wasted their time with writing you up for bodily fluids … if she can’t stand the fluids get out … I worked GI for years …if pee is the worst of it she had a great day


Next time use the whole kit it saves maneuvering


And 3 of you to do a straight cath … I’m on the floor laughing… nurses eat their young … be the change… when you precept someone and you will do better


She better not ever work in labor and delivery. A few drops of urine will be the least of her concerns.