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Wheatgrass shots? They were extremely trendy about 5 years ago.


maybe like 20 years ago.


They were so so bitter. I usually will eat anything for health sake but that I threw away n man it was expensive .


“That’s fine if we want to puke and be sober”


Wasn’t expecting to see a grandmas boy reference here but I’m here for it


I’ve been drinking them all my life and love them. I agree they are a little WOAH but nothing beats that sweet after taste and idk something about the wonderful summer smell of fresh mowed grass made into a little treat is wonderful. Love it! Seriously love it.


​ Organ meats like liver


That’s it, that’s the one thing I can’t develop a taste for…..


You should try dishes and other products made from organ meat too. I don't like organ meats on their own but haggis is no problem and pate is fine. Pies with a mix of normal and organ meat could also be good, like steak and kidney pie.


Yes! I definitely have- using liver as my primary example. But even some sausages I get a little overwhelmed by! So really truly I just keep trying lots of things. I’ve developed a happy taste for most non meat things, I can certainly develop a taste for other meats!


Maybe you’ve never had it prepared/cooked correctly.


Maybe! I still keep trying because it’s so nutritious- but I’ve had liver a few ways and still can’t quite get the taste of it. I consider myself an adventurous eater, so I’ll keep going! My favorite food is a nice piece of fatty yellow tail sashimi, so I’m always here for good pieces of meat! What’s your favorite way to have liver? Or organs in general?


Definitely stir-fried! https://youtu.be/5jUHNVtbdlc?si=poGLNNw7fisgeZtE You can use the same recipe for gizzards, hearts, liver etc. Or find another one of his recipes that does a stir-fry and experiment with different meats.


Yummmm will look into that!


Psyllium Husk powder supplement. The unflavored stuff is terrible, but that shit works wonders. Sooo, I take it anyway ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


A lot of people say natto is unpalatable, but I love the stuff with some good rice. It’s super healthy for you in moderation.


I don't consider myself a picky eater, but I was literally close to gagging the first time I tried natto. The string of slime it leaves every time I raise it to my mouth with a spoon is so unappetizing. Luckily it got easier to eat, but it was tough.


It’s so fermenty, I love it in a handroll


Sardines…but I personally love them after forcing myself that it was worth it ‘beautiful skin & a healthy brain’ I kept saying , then like a miracle one day I liked them


Natto. tastes and smells like foot, consistency like cum but it truly is a ~superfood~


Celery and Beets are nasty to me, but are one of the few foods that I see noticeable benefits from after consuming them. In my morning juices when I drink beets, carrots, etc with ginger my blood pressure is almost always excellent. When I do my aftnernoon green drink with cucumber, celery, kale, etc my blood glucose is amazing as well. As someone still after a few years recovering from losing a ton of weight that keeps me in check very well.


i used to feel the same about celery but over time i weirdly grew to love the taste


I am getting closer and closer to liking celery! Not quite craving it like I do beets (man I LOVE beets), but I won’t turn it down!


Make sure your celery is organic. That’s one of the few things it needs to be organic.


Try eating them by themselves and I think you'll grow accustomed to their taste if you want to get over it. I used to gag eating natto, kimchi, plain yogurt, or sardines. Now natto just tastes like natto to me and same with the other foods.


French's canned sliced beets I grew up on. loved the color and the taste is mild and earthy and sweet. celery I used to hate like you but I think it's a matter of there being a lot of bad, dry old celery on the market. thin sliced some one time-like really thin to practice knife skills and put it in tuna salad and it was really good and ever since I've really liked celery.plain with peanut butter and finely chopped into soups/stews are also good ways to eat it. still seems like most celery is dry but a good bunch is really good


Celery is basically just crunchy water. I grew up on carrot and celery sticks every day at lunch, so I guess my mom got me started early. I still like ants on a log - celery sticks filled with peanut butter, topped with a few raisins.


Durian! If you really want to mix it up, add Papaya! ‘Nuf said.






shiitake mushrooms make me gag (love all other mushrooms though)


Sardine smoothie


That’s truly evil


I love sardines And I love smoothies But which one is better Blend!


Okra. Actually when I grow okra, I love eating it raw if it’s fresh. Learned from a WWII vet neighbor it makes a great appetizer with gin if it’s fresh. The store bought shit is usually slimmy. HATE stewed okra. Lightly battered and cooked in a little olive oil is good too if fresh.


The difference between fresh raw okra and cooked into a slimey mess is night and day.


I hate Brussel sprouts with a passion


Me too brother. Let's take the fight to them.


Oh brussel sprouts. Love it lightly cooked, smashed then roasted with Parmesan cheese as an appetizer with a little lemon or cut raw added to my spinach/kale salad.


Oh sweetie no.


I hated Brussel sprouts until I tried roasting them. This was a game changer for me. Now I love them.


Cherry tomatoes for meee


So this isn’t a gross food, but it’s strong tasting and using enough would probably be pretty gross. Liquid Aminos is basically a soy sauce replacement that has a more full flavor, and has amino acids in it giving it a gram of protein per teaspoon. I would think a high protein soy jello would work for what you’re doing. ^(bonus points if you use agar instead of gelatin)


Organ meats


Beets in any form, canned beets are even worse for me and I will die on that hill.


Cooked brocolli. They reek. I rather eat it raw and crunchy.


Raw or steamed is good. But once it loses the bright green color, it's all over and ready for the trash.


“Energy bites” gross me out. I would rather take a supplement or eat a nutrient-dense meal than pretend I’m eating a dessert food that tastes like aquarium gravel and raisins.




After eating it 4-5 meals a day for years…chicken breast. Ugh


I am into what I call nutritional supplements. Mostly powders. I use them to expand the breadth of the fiber and vegetable nutrients I eat. Usually, they go in powders I shake over salads, or in my coffee, or I add to soups, chilies, and chowders. One is particularly nasty that I haven't found a good use for yet. It could be the healthiest one. It came from my research of olive oil. It ends up that olive oil isn't that different from canola oil. Olive oil is praised while canola is demonized. Both oils, at least in my mind at this point in time, are not ideal fats for us to be consuming. However, olive oil is considered healthy because of the antioxidant polyphenols in it. Olive leaf extract is loaded with the same antioxidant and polyphenols in olive oil, but without the PUFA oil. but man, does it taste awful.


Butter gourd juice.

