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plusle/minun in emerald. I'm always like "you know these guys are actually pretty underrated" and then I switch one into a tropius and it gets one shot by stomp.


Why would you switch a Minun on a Tropius except for using Encore on a Flying type move ? (or use Fake Tears or Charm)


I sometimes led a counter, sturdy Sudowoodo into something it was weak to. Useful if you just want to delete your opponent's lead (if it's physical). Shame it baits a random move from the next mon but if you plan ahead that might be fine


I had a cofagrigus in bw switch in onto a night slash from drayden’s druddigon, miss a will o wisp and get crit in the second night slash (iirc), live, and the rocky helmet damage was enough for excadrill to come in and earthquake for the KO. I brought him to the elite four where caitlyn’s reuniculus crit focus blast him and he lived on 1 to two shot the reuniculus with shadow ball. I sacked him against shantal’s chandelure for a safe switch to my haxorous.


Parsley my Leavanny has at multiple times been at 1 HP after a battle. It’s got more staying power now that it’s fully evolved but still…


Tentacruel in ORAS