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They can do no wrong right now. Darling of the entire market.


Nvidia has always been undervalued. I'm surprised it took this many years/this long (A.I garbage fake hype buzz) for large fat wall street cats / "investors" to wake up.


eh, it's been priced at around 50 p/e for a long time. It's just that nobody saw this AI boom coming so fast. But still it's been steadily priced at around that since I at least 2016.


They already dominate two markets with the 40 Series and Grace/Hopper. Now they're going to dominate a third (AI) with Blackwell. I dont see them bursting like the dot com bubble either, theyre totally different contexts. That bubble burst because of oversaturation, too many players in the game. Nvidia is in the completely opposite context. I dont know if this is a wild take or not, but I could see them passing Apple or MS to move into 2nd place in the near future.


Not bursting, but they'll be unable to keep growth at this pace. AMD (with the help of the big ones that want competition in the segment) is not gonna let nvidia dominate the datacenter GPU space forever. Growth is already stagnating in the space. Yeah, demand stills is high and increasing, but it's not accelerating like the past 2 Qs.


Thats a fair rebuttal.




What, what?


In the butt.


darling of the entire market? what a joke they are screwing us and you praise them? bruh


of the stock market, not gaming market. Nvidia is not a gaming company anymore. Gamers are lucky nvidia is still bother with making gaming cards.




This is a stock performance thread 


Screwing who? Gamers? Who cares? They’re an AI hw company that also happens to make gaming hardware.


screwing who? professionals? who cares? they have a monopoly so they can do whatever they want.


They’re not screwing professionals though. Professionals are the reason they’re doing so well.


professionals are being screwed because the prices for data center GPUs is extremely high


It’s the companies themselves that are being screwed, not individuals. I don’t care how much other faceless companies are being screwed, that’s just the cost of having the best in class.


but the companies are run by individuals, if the costs are too high someone may be fired.


amd gaming was down 48% yoy, citing weak gaming market yet nvidia is up 18%.


Amd is too reliant in console sales.


nvidia might have more upside next year too with the inevitable 5000 series based on blackwell and Switch 2 stuff....we'll see.


AMD doesn’t have enough to offer, this generation was one of the worst value Nvidia cards in years and AMD didn’t capitalize.


Market sentiment from buyers has improved especially with 4070S and 4080S


RX 7000 series has been disastrous for AMD, and they aren't even planning on contesting the high end with the RX 8000 series. I don't see AMD's gaming GPU segment doing better anytime soon unfortunately


Nvidia has established itself way beyond gaming at this point, AMD is console-dependant


Yeah, people just like green more, and most pre builds are green too and a large portion of gamers buy pre builds.


The functionality and maturity plays a huge part in the decision too. AMD is simply lagging behind on every launch in terms of hardware, ai/rt and software. I need certain technologies like Optix (Denoising), RT (RT is not just helpful for games), CUDA Toolkit etc. For me it's an easy choice.


10 to 1 stock split wew lads No one can complain about not being able to afford to get in on this now, even if your broker doesn't offer Fractional Shares If only you could buy Fractional 4090's


>If only you could buy Fractional 4090's They're called 4070s


Super Ti - ouche!


Or if the price is right older generation. The 3000 series is still exceptional if you come from < 3000. Depends on the new market and used market aka price but you can snatch a pretty good deal and still get an incredible GPU that was exceptional not so long ago and will still be considered powerful many years down the road.


I'm confused by the dividend, so it's $800/share but dividend is $.04/share/quarter? Isn't that low (at least it's anything at all unlike some others)


It is low because it is not a dividend stock. Nvidia doesn't pay out much dividend because they invest their cash back into R&D or other sources to generate even more money. Nvidia stock is a growth stock (a massive one at that) so no one cares if they don't get dividend, people will still buy nvidia stock en masse. Usually, dividend stocks don't grow much, growth stocks don't pay much dividend.


What exactly can you do with the stocks then? Is it like owning a useless NFT? You just get bragging rights?


You build up your wealth thanks to stock price appreciation. You buy stocks and hold long term, when you reach your financial goal, you sell them to get your profit. Your financial goal could be 1 million or buying a house or to fund your life style when you retire, whatever. It's a long term investment. For example, if you bought 1 million worth of nvidia stock in 2014, your nvidia stock would be worth 250 millions in 2024. So 25000% return in 10 years. Of course it's impossible to predict which unicorn company will give you hundreds of times return in 10 years, so most people will invest in an index fund like sp 500, which will give you around 300% return in the same 10 years. Historically SP500 has an annual return around 10%.


But the stock only goes up when people buy more of it. So it‘s just a race to see who is the greater fool, considering there is nothing else that one can do with the stock (no income generated)


While it's true that if no one buys, the price will stagnate, in practice there are always buying, the economy is always growing on average, people get richer investing in stocks. That's just the reality of the world. The greatest fools are the one not buying.


When the 10-1 split occurs, it will be .01 cent. Glad I bought NVDA years ago. Other than my real estate investments, this one individual stock has been an unfreakingbelievable investment amongst all the stocks I hold.


NVDA only pays a token dividend in order to qualify for inclusion in certain mutual funds and ETF's


Can you explain like I’m five for the split? If you don’t have any shares atm, does it simply make it cheaper to purchase brand new shares?


Uh, sure friend. A stock split simply means they will take 1 share and in this case divide it into 10 pieces. So if you have 1 share on June 6th, on June 7th you will have 10 shares. This necessarily means that to maintain the same value, each share's individual value also divides by 10. So if that 1 share is worth $1000 on June 6th, on June 7th you will have 10 shares each worth $100. So on June 7th, you will find it is now 10 times cheaper to buy NVDA shares than it was on June 6th, but each share on June 7th is now worth 10% what 1 share was worth on June 6th. Existing shareholders on June 6th will therefore see no change to the dollar value of their holdings, even as their share count multiplied by 10 on June 7th. Minor accounting footnote: Total number of outstanding shares, or the total number of shares that comprise the company's market valuation, will multiply by 10 to account for this split. Market valuation will therefore not change after the split.


Thank you. I currently dont own any shares so this is a good opportunity for me to purchase some shares.


So should shares be bought now or after the split? (Or does it not matter?)


It does not matter unless you bring options into it. If you only own 10 shares, after splitting it would become 100 shares. The amount remains the same except that 100 shares makes it 1 lot which you can sell 1 call contract


Usually a stock goes up after the split. So buying pre-split is a good idea.


Theoretically, it shouldn't matter. If you buy 1 stock today or 10 stocks on June 7th, the dollar value is the same.


Let's say you owned 225 shares yesterday, the 10-1 split will morph that 225 into 2250 shares. Zero financial gain when this happens. However, 9 times out of 10, doing this acts as a catalyst to bring in more retail investors, along with NVDA employees that want to invest in their company. In effect, the stock becomes more affordable. With a company like NVDA, the AI "build out" by all companies - large and small - will be a decade or more endeavor. Nearest thing I can compare it to is Cisco in the 1990s, where the internet came of age and Cisco was the NVDA of its time. Consequently, we are at the beginning of AI . . . Not the middle or end.


Sure, Dude-5yo. Imagine you have one big chocolate bar. Yummy, right? But it’s too big to eat all at once, right? So, you decide to break it into 10 smaller pieces. Now, it’s easier to share and eat! NVIDIA did something similar with its stock. They had one big “piece” of stock that was worth a lot, and they split it into 10 smaller “pieces.” So, if you had 1 share before the split, now you have 10 shares after the split. But don’t worry, all the pieces together are still worth the same as the big one before; it’s just easier for more people to buy smaller pieces now. And that’s what NVIDIA did with their stock split!


Gonna be getting 200 shares of Nvidia come stock split . Really excited, got super lucky buying in March 2020 for dirt cheap


Buying and holding NVIDIA for over 8 years has given me more than a lifetime supply of XX90 cards.. i'm loving it.


just invest in nvidia stock and get a free 5090 on release date. rinse and repeat


is this for real?


If you had invested $500 in NVDA on october 2022, you'd have $4150 by now. this is without dividends et al.


Yea I already know about that I was only asking about the free 5090 part I thought it real XD


you're such a troll lol


bear with me M just an old man for these modern times


Really puts into context how terrible Radeon is performing for AMD. Gaming down 48% for AMD but up 18% for Nvidia. And to top it off, gaming division for AMD also includes bargain bin console SoC sales.


Good for them, updating via Nvidia Geforce Expierence literally just broke my RTX into a black screen. Thank you Nvidia.


Revenue at 26 billion, Net profit at 14.8 billion. Well done Nvidia fanboys. More leather jackets for Jensen.


Gaming revenue 2.6Billion Sure 14Billion net profit is due to fanboys


That revenue is overwhelmingly coming from gigantic corporation worth billions and trillions buying datacenter chips. Nvidia stopped being a company who primarily relied and focused on b2c customers years ago


Lots of people clapping that their favourite company is basically a monopoly.


Let’s just say it’ll be interesting when it’s time for Blackwell to launch, with no competition in the high end and companies paying top dollar for their AI products. Gamers who?! Can’t wait to read all the incoming shill comments in 3…2…1…


Nvidia isn't a gaming company anymore, and hasn't been for a while. They develop server chips and cut them down for gamers. They make much more money doing this instead of the piddly amount of gamers. Notice how gaming is only 10% of their datacenter revenue. But who cares? This is about Nvidia as a company, not "but mah 4090".


I agree