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I see if you can save up for the 4070 super. The 3080 seems like a solid price for what it is. But the 4070 super is only slightly more expensive than the 4070, atleast here in the states, and trades blows with the 3090.


Alright thank you i'll take a look


I believe Best Buy has the 4070 and 4070 Super FE in stock currently and it’s only a $50 difference, so the super is def the way to go


We don't have best buy in Australia so that isn't an option for OP


Oh my bad! Missed that completely. Meant to just kind of echo the point above that the super is definitely worth the slight difference in price and hopefully the OP is able to get his hands on one


This is the actual advice, if you can get a 3080 for 600 aud or lower you should 100% go for the 3080. Regardless of what people tell you here the 3080 and 4070 super perform nearly the same, so you're paying a big premium just for DLSS3, which isn't worth it. No clue where people are getting their numbers here.


4070 SUPER beats 3080 with ease. 3080 and 4070 are close, but 3080 uses pretty much double the power and has less VRAM + 3000 series don't support DLSS 3 and Frame Gen. [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-founders-edition/32.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-founders-edition/32.html) 4070 SUPER avg. power in gaming = 218 watts 3080 = 336 watts but custom cards almost hit 400 watts at times [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-founders-edition/41.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-founders-edition/41.html) I suspect you own a 3080. I went from 3090 to 4090 and 4000 series is vastly better. Much higher clockspeeds and much lower power draw. DLSS 3 and Frame Gen is a huge plus in new and demanding games. Samsung 8nm is literally just a renamed 10nm node, which is worse than TSMC 12nm. 3000 series was cheap because of Samsung 8nm. Pretty crappy node. Hence the 1.8-2 GHz clockspeeds and insane powerdraw. 3090 Ti literally peaks at 537 watts as you can see in my last link. 4090 destroys it completely while using 411 watts. That how crappy Samsung 8nm is. The only reason Nvidia went with Samsung, is because of price. It was cheap.


Exactly! 3080 no brainer! In general it is 3080=4070


I didn't read the title I thought he was talking about the 4070S lol. The 4070 base is actually a bit slower than a 3080 pretty much in all benchmarks


Ha ha, as this choice is no brainer, only if OP wants a higher tier he definitely should save money and wait for the next gen cards


Save up for the 4070 ti super


I have that for 700 I'm selling


Get the eBay Zotac deal, just got one for $570 offer and they accepted


I just bought a 4070 super and really love it. I think the 4000 series has the advantage to use dlss 3, so you got more potential to use it maybe a little longer. But I did not compare to the 3080 directly.


The 4070 is basically a 3080 with 2gb more vram and dlss3. So paying 50% more for the 4070 over a 3080 doesn’t seem worth it. Unless power consumption is an issue due to your current psu or unbearable heat in your room I’d say take the 3080.


I sent him pics of my zotac 12gb version 3080 for 400


4070 super man it's to close to the 4070 price not to get it. You can find one for 579. It legit smacks up the 3080 take that from someone who used a 3080 for a while. 1080p and 1440p much bigger lifts then expected In dome games. Now I wouldn't suggest anybody who has a 3080 to upgrade to a 4070 super. But if you don't have either of course go with the 4070 super. 4070 super is more like having a 3090 and even more so in 1080p and 1440p in some games. While utilizing much less watts, better effeciency and giving you better dlss performance.


I don’t have neither but I was wondering if to go with 4070 Super or 4080 Super


Idk what that other guy is talking about but you should wait for a price drop with the 50 series. The 4080 Super is OK performance wise for the future but it's mediocre value as it stands, so wait for price drops. You're not going to be able to run games at super high quality on a 4080 years to come. If you really want futureproofing a 4090 is your best bet


Oh man I mean idc what anybody says I woupd alwyas say 4080 super you are future proofed for like 5+ years with that thing. You can enjoy gaming for many years to come without sacrificing much. We are at the point now where you could keep that thing and 6 yesrs from now just need to lower settings to high and get the same results lol. It's crazy how good that card is. The biggest issue is people getting that card and not having a good enough cpu then going wait why doesn't it feel smooth or why is it stuttering. It's the whole sometimes newer bigger and better isn't actually better. So make sure you get the strongest cpu you can. Because even those have slight bottlenecks with the 4080 super and 4090 they are just that powerful. And being cpu limited even in 1440p is not a fun expereince with a cpu that can't keep up with the data transfer as fast as the gpu. It makes the experience noticeably not as smooth. At least to me it does and I am very very sensitive to micro stutters. I'm cpu limited with my 4070 super using the i5 13400f. And right away I knew I was gonna have to deal with it until I got a new cpu. I can really feel it on cpu intensive games in 1440p. I've hit 100% utilization a few times and it's rough. But luckily I have it dialed in now and it's running fantastic. Funny part is I'm mostly gaming in 4k becaude of it now because 4k really doesn't rely on the cpu as much. I can play every modern title at 60+fps in 4k with high/ultra settings it just depends. But yeah 4080 super with a 7800x3d would be my choice. Tbh I would even maybe go 7950x3d. Yes it's only slightly better then the 7800x3d but the extra power really does help with the bottleneck imo. People just don't talk about the 7950x3d due to the performnace and the uplift isn't as big as one would expect for the price. But it is slightly better even if the 7800x3d is rates as the best gaming cpu. Hardware unboxed did prove it is slightly better though so yeah 7950x3d would be my choice with the 4080super because why not?


oh thanks and yeah I was thinking of pairing it with a 7800X3D and could you rate my build? I don’t know if it’s quite good or not and I don’t have a monitor in mind https://pcpartpicker.com/list/txdGCd


It's crazy someone down voted my comment because I said the 7950x3d is better haha. For price it isn't and the 7800x3d is the smart choice to close in gaming. Your build is great.


I have 0 clue where you got that idea. I tried to switch to a 4070 super to gift my 3080 to my cousin but the performance difference is so small it was pretty much indistinguishable when I overclocked the 3080. I ended up gifting the 4070.


4070 Super if you can swing the extra $50 over the normal 4070. In my opinion it’s the best deal for an NVIDIA card. Mine is extremely capable at 1440p. Paired with a 14600K


U know Anybody who wants a 3080 12gb for 400 or 4070ti ventus 2x for 650


You can always undervolt 3080. Im using mine 1900mhz/0.86v and its drawing 270w of power without losing performance, lower temps made the boost clock dead stable for hours. Also 3080 has 320bit memory bus,and 4070 is 192bit, which can matter in older games that dont have dlss/fg support. Id get 4070 only if wareanty came with it, that would justify the price difference.


trust me brother.. it doesnt matter in OLDER games. bus width mostly a meme at this point with 4000 series atleast. disregard for 3000 and before ofc.


No it is not. 128bit bus width is the main reason why 4060 was a fail and couldnt outperform 3060... So its the real thing. Nvidia gimping their gpus both with vram bus width and an actual amount of vram on their cards.


I’ve got a 3080TI, running a 5120x1440 setup and getting high end graphics with very good frames, the 3080T should only be 10% slower IIRC. Do with this info what you will - I am skipping the 5000 gen upgrade as this’ll sort me out for a while.


I've not seen anyone here mentioning it, but doesn't the brand of card matter? After all, not all GPUs are built equally.




Of those 2 definitely the 4070 if possible. I just upgraded to a 4070 ti super and holy shit it's a beast! I upgraded from a 1660ti.


If I were you I would go with RTX 4070 Super 12GB or RTX 4070Ti Super 16GB. 4000 series is suppior to 3000 series. I personally picked up MSI RTX 4080 Super 16G SUPRIM X in February so far a fantastic video card zero issues. Cheers 🥂 🍻


Obviously 4000 series is better than 3000 series.


For it being in aud and prices do you need to stay with rtx what about amd?? Would go for a 7900xtx just more of 1100 or 7900xt which should be at 1000??


If money doesent matter 4070 same power but frame generation is really good thing.




U know Anybody who want my 3080 12gb for 400 or 4070ti ventus 2x for 650 I have pics and video of both


10 or 12gb 3080?


Does the FSR mod make going to the 4000 series worthless unless you’re getting a 4090?


If you can save for the 4070ti Super, I just got one and it’s amazing 4k ultra everything and never dips below 80fps


Save some more and go with 4090? I think it’ll be great for a while


4070 super


been there, went for the 3080 because it can do Frame G (sometimes gotta use a mod), rtx, and rasterization just as well as the 4070 for 40% less money where I live, needless to say if not interested in RTX, 6950xt is an absolute beast


3080 if much cheaper but 4070 uses half the power, has 2GB more VRAM and full support for DLSS 3 and Frame Gen. 4070 is the better card for sure but makes no reason to upgrade to 4070 from a 3080. 4070 SUPER is 3090 performance. 4070 is almost similar performance to 3080, but in newer games, runs better overall: [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/assassin-s-creed-mirage-benchmark-test-performance-analysis/5.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/assassin-s-creed-mirage-benchmark-test-performance-analysis/5.html) If you pick 3080, be sure to undervolt it. 3000 series are made on the inferior Samsung 8nm node. 4000 series are made on TSMC 4N which is vastly better and more efficient. Thats why 4000 series runs like 1-1.2 GHz faster in terms of clockspeeds.


Yeah dude like people are saying, get the 4070 super. It's insanely fast and has frame gen too.


If i were you, id save for the 4070 super. SUCH a great card. hope this helps


That price for a 3080 seems little high, in my country 3080s go for around 550 aud. I'll suggest waiting for better offer for a 3080 if you wanna save some money, but if you have the budget, I'll suggest getting 4070 super as that is more efficient and faster than 3080 (might not be the best value but if you have the money then 4070 super is the one to go)


I would prefer 4070 for sure. Newer technology, newer gpu, with DLSS 3 , etc. With 4070 you will be in trend longer for sure. And finally 4070 is more performance.


Is it the normal 3080 or the 12Gb version? You're paying 44% more for similar or a little more performance. If frame generation and AV1 encode is worth that 44% more for you, then go for it, but in that case, a 4070 Super is a better buy IMO.


its the 10gb version


3080, if you have a psu that can run it and the price difference is too much to ignore. If you need to buy a new psu for the 3080 then I would suggest go for the 4070.


well im going to have to buy a psu anyways cuz this is a full build


4070 but if you can Save up for the 4070ti super i got this Card and its so good a real beast


If you are willing to save up for a 4070 super I have one personally and I think it’s a great card I would go with that but if you are stuck with these two the 3080 is going to give you much more fps per dollar you spend but the 3080 is going to draw more power so if this is for a new build you may be spending more money to get a beefier psu. The 4070 is roughly equivalent to the 3080 in pure performance but it has 12 gb of vram compared to the stock 10 of the 3080, better dlss and frame gen, and draws much less power and as a result allows for a smaller psu and smaller cooler models on the card if building a sff system is in your interest, finally if you buy brand new it will have a warranty. Do your research and determine if those factors are worth an extra 300 aud. Cheers man


Thanks for the advice, would you say the 4070 super is much better than the 4070?


100% tbh that should have been the card nvidia released as the 4070 in the first place. If you look at bench videos it is usually 1-2 fps faster than a 3090 and if you plan on playing 1440p it hits the spot with consistent high FPS in most games. I play rdr2 I have the settings set to absolute max in 1440p and it will push 90-100 fps


I would get 4070 because the 30 series was during the chip shortage and some cards where duds go for 4070 or 4070 ti 


If you can, wait for the 5000 series to drop. If it's urgent, I know it's above your budget, but I really recommend going for the 4070 Ti Super


You want my 3080 12gb for 400 or 4070ti ventus 2x for 70 I sent pics in chat


Just sold 3080 and bought a 4070 Super and it’s better. Also frame gen for games that support it is amazing.


I see you got downvoted by 3080 owners 🤣