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Kingpin cards back 🤔 don’t screw us PNY!


PNY manufactures the quadro line. I suspect they'll be fine on quality. Just gotta give Vince what he wants on the card


somehow PNY received a terrible reputation in the community. looked up whether i should’ve gotten the pny verto 4090, saw a bunch of people talk about how the vrms are awful and how the cards are terribly binned to the point you can’t even undervolt them in the slightest bit the bullet and have 0 regrets as my first pny card. cheapest 4090 i could find by far, doesn’t whine audibly even at 450w and i was able to do a mix of PL/UV to nearly match the performance (-4%~) at 310w with video editing workloads it does make perfect sense they’ll be good if nvidia lets them get the quadro cards going. seriously unsure where the bad rep came from


Back in the day, and by day I mean 2004 to 2008 PNY cards had a habit of catching fire. when playing World of Warcraft. Personal Experience as I had two of them do it in a row before I got my first ever EVGA card.


The only PNY card I ever owned was a 6600 GT and it would constantly overheat and artifact all over the place. I went EVGA three times after that and the only time I had an issue they replaced the card. It really sucks that they’re out of the business now…


Yeah EVGA were the only company I trusted for build quality and their warranty as it stands now I want to get a 40 or 50 series I Just don't trust anyone making the cards and would go to Sapphire for an amd card before anyone else at this point.


EVGAs used to catch fire a lot too [especially their 1070 and 1080s were notorious](https://wccftech.com/nvidia-gtx-1080-evga-catches-fire-video/). They were still miles ahead of the competition with the customer service though.


People keep forgetting all the issues EVGA had. The only thing they should be known for is customer service and their step up program. Oh and the fact that their CEO kept saying they left the GPU market because of personal disrespect and wanting to spend more time with his family...which I guess is above firing 200+ people, nor pursuing AMD or Intel GPUs. Meanwhile other partners had no issues. None of it makes business sense and it wasnt a financial decision (but like...all those people were made redundant in the GPU business).


I have the very 1070 that needed the pads changed the cards didn't catch fire they just ran insanely hot and EVGA fixed it with a bios update PNY's literally got so hot that they blew caps on the GPU's.


> the cards didn't catch fire I literally have a link in my earlier reply with the title "Nvidia EVGA GTX 1080 Catches Fire On Video, VRM Burn Out Issue Caught On Camera"


And this is how a fanboy looks ladies and gents


I went with a FE card and have zero regrets (I used to exclusively buy EVGA).


Thanks for sharing your experiences! I never knew about that.


I got a PNY 1060 years ago on a whim, it was unusually cheap and looked kind of off-brand. Turned out to be the second most overengineered card i have ever had, nothing, including furmark, could make it go over about 62C, and it overclocked to the peak of pascal speed.


> I got a PNY 1060 years ago That's an awful long time ago.


same, I had a 750yo frp, PNY it was super tiny and never got above 40c and I got it for 50$ in 2015


> looked kind of off-brand It was probably some random design from a major ODM like PCPartner.


That is not exactly how anything works. But no, it was very PNY-branded and not generic looking, just a strange design.


> That is not exactly how anything works It is though? OEMs don't design all their products. PNY and Gainward have shared designs in the past.


That occasionally happens, but almost every major AIB partner does their own designs for modern cards, or at least commissions unique ones.


PNY high end vs low end in terms of quality is very different. They also got better in quality of the desktop cards over the years once nvidia started to put their foot down on quality and managing partners over the years (one of the reasons evga got pissed off at nvidia). Now they are much better than how they used to be. They earned that bad reputation for a good reason. They just got better. But bad reputation is hard to replace.


My Pny 4090 verto epic x is also golden, can undervolt overclock to 2910 mhz and 1000mhz on the vram, stays cool and quiet with no coil whine, had it since launch with 0 issues. Love it.


at what voltage do you maintain 2910mhz?


My buddy just paid $20 less for his PNY 4080 Super than I paid for my 4080 Super FE. It’s been amazing and it’s not a bad looking card either.


I just went to a local PC repair place and chatted the guy up, he also said that, while he hasn't used a lot, the PNY cards he used for customer builds have all been fine so far. I think he said one 4090 and one 4080? I'm not positive though. He did say that historically he didn't trust them but that they seemed to be getting better. 


Is it the one that is power limited below the rest of the 4090 line? I bought it cheap on dell and returned without opening bc I just didn’t wanna drop that much on a card semi limited.


no, it hits around 450w stock


gotcha gotcha. idk what one i got. i just know people on reddit shit on it and i returned it. prob for the best bc my 3080 is still chugging pretty nicely and i'll grab a 5090 eventually. hope the 5090 doesn't make me regret it bc 4090 is a beast.


I do wish it had 500w max.


the cooler is like 90% of the reason to choose one card over another and PNY coolers have always been terrible. them being the manufacturer for quadro cards doesn't say anything about the quality of their consumer cards. they put less money into design R&D for these cards because they know they can still sell them and make money. they could put more into them but then they would lose their niche of being the bottom of the barrel budget AIB. they're also terrible for warranty work, but i guess that's pretty much everyone now that EVGA is gone.


It's the bottom line Msrp for nvidia. Nvidias price sensitivity makes these price efficient. even though built quality is ok. it's apparent everywhere it's designed cheap. From VRMs to plastic shroud


Thank you for the question, because that is the information I have. PNY creates GPUs, but most of the time you should only buy them, if everything else is out of stock.


[I love gooooold](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNjllaDR6YmFjcjJydG9rY2RvY2tiN2x1aXIwdG9rYzkycnNua2c1cCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/lOiJqCjiEOcmc/giphy.gif)


Wasn't PNY doing those special edition LN2 cards too?






Paris York New


Guess next card will be PNY if KP puts his name behind it and hopefully PNY gives him the freedom/budget to produce a badass card.


Hey Vince, make the VBIOS allow setting the fan speed under 30%, that's all I want. I beg ya.


When do you need this? My 4070TiS just stops the fans entirely when its cool enough and do you really want it run hotter when its working?


> When do you need this? When playing games, or using topaz AI, or video playback with RTX VSR. 30% PWM is about 1100 RPM, which is far too loud for me. My case fans are at 500 RPM, CPU fans at 500 RPM, so when he GPU fans kick in at 1100 RPM, they are by far the loudest thing in my PC, and very audible, which is something I don't want. > and do you really want it run hotter when its working? I'm not concerned about temperature, I have the card undervolted and it would run cool enough even if the fans were spinning much more slowly than they are now. Noise is my only concern. I just want to be able to do what is possible to do on AMD cards, its the only thing that makes me want to buy an AMD GPU - they do not have such artificial limitations in the VBIOS.


Makes you wonder if 30% hard cap is for a reason. Maybe it helps long term?


No idea. I haven't heard of fans having shorter lifespan or anything like that because they run at 500 RPM or something. Case fans and CPU fans don't have such limitations, so i don't see why GPU fans should, especially since GPU's have fan-stop mode and they don't spin all the time, unlike case fans. AMD GPU's don't have such artificial limitation either.


Can you not do this using MSI afterburner?


Nope. 30% is the lowest it goes, at least on 40 series GPU's.


Haven’t heard of this b4 but I trust you. I had a lot of issues with the cooler on my 3080ti so ended up watercooling it.


I have a 4000 series card and initially I could spin the fans down entirely using fancontrol, however after a driver update this is no longer possible.


Have you tried [FanControl](https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases)? It lets me do that no problem.


[If you set the fans to below 30% in FanControl, the fans spin at 30% anyway.](https://i.imgur.com/4XnYdV8.png)


If my next card is nVidia and I don't get Founders it'll be PNY.


My experience with PNY is extremely varied. I had their 4060 dual. It's fine. I had their 4070 Super dual, it had intense coil whine and the fans had a grinding sound. I had a few of their OEM models in the past. I'm sure their OEM and enthusiast models are fine overall, but i don't trust their consumer MSRP model that much.


May I ask why? Is it because of the Kingpin himself? Or is it because you're fond of the PNY brand in general already?


Just interested in them as I haven't heard scummy things like with Asus (warranty shenanigans/boards burning up/overpriced/QC not always there), MSI (scalping cards with a subsidiary company among others I've forgotten about), Gigabyte (QC/warranty issues/bundling bad/mediocre PSU with GPU's during shortage to shift them). PNY are probably no better but it'd be interesting to see what products they can bring to the table, Kingpin getting involved with them is also good, if anything goes wrong and PNY are not supportive he might be able to help. Wouldn't buy Kingpin products myself as I remember how expensive they'd be +50% markup quite often but it's nice we're getting this treatment now for people that do want to spend big money.


Would’ve never guessed PNY. But where were you when Evga ded?


I was playing game on my EVGA RTX 3080 when I heard the news. EVGA ded no


is kill? yes sad


Well its dead for GPU's beyond the 3000 series sadly. My 4090 is my first Non-EVGA GPU in over a decade. They do make motherboards and power supplies as well but dont really hear much about them.


Same, now have gigabyte 4080 super. It is not the same.


You mean the manufacturer only uses reference PCB with the bare minimum VRM setup is all of sudden going hardcore OC? I'm happy about the collab but I'm also just cautiously optimistic. Hope they let the man do his things and wmake something nice rather than some money grabbing gig.


I mean PNY may be gearing up to do more than bare minimum now. With major OEMs having bad reputation they could easily gain market share and brand recognition & loyalty if they channel even part of EVGA spirit. Edit: not to mention kingpin could also easily give them better know how for mid to higher end SKUs for their GPUs so they don’t suck as much.


PNY is an OEM manufacturer. They have been making hardware and cards for companies like dell, hp, etc. From GPUs to DOKs to cables and memory sticks. They are much bigger than people think.


Nvidia's reference design is better than a lot of custom PCBs that are intended for MSRP products. AIBs cut corners with their cheap products because that's better for their margin. Reference designs give the product exactly what it needs to perform in spec, Nvidia don't give a shit about margins on their reference design because they make their money on the GPU die itself. Obviously, non-MSRP models are going to be a cut above, but you're paying more for those, so it's a trade-off.


Kingpin's reasoning for joining up with PNY is precisely *because* they don't do XOC. It gives him the freedom to build his own XOC department from the ground up, instead of being a cog in another company's already existing XOC department.


I'm sure Kingpin can let them know what the requirements are to make a decent OC card, he just needs to be given good control over the process.


If they employed them. they're looking to seperate their low end margins and open an OC luxury limited card lineup. Vincent's name is enough for them to make limited editions for sale. which will be pricy but I don't think Vincent will let his work get gimped. they will just adjust prices


Now, if along with him they could also adopt EVGA warranty and RMA, that would be great. And also drop cringe naming... XLR8 is hilarious.


I saw the Gamers Nexus video on this. I hope the deal works out for him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZQyNvZy5do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZQyNvZy5do)


PC Gamer just ripped off Gamers Nexus's video and put it in an article.


No one tell this guy about GN’s news recaps


At least Steve admits about recaps


Not sure why you are swooping in.


Journalists quote other journalists. It's been like this for over a hundred years.


Exactly, they cited Gamers Nexus as the source in the article too and even linked directly to GN's video on YouTube. It's not like they are claiming to be the ones to break this news.


with this comment i expected to them having wrote the story without mentioning gamers nexus at all. but instead the first thing you see is the video embedded and multiple mentions. This is a regular article. calling this "ripping off" is insane


Yeah. Steve was talking to Kingpin in person so Steve’s content is the original.


Articles mentioning their source is pretty normal.


Incoming... *P*NY GeForce RTX™ 5090 K|NGP|N 


PNY? I always thought they were the bottom of the barrel GPU brand. Maybe the underdawg is rising.


PNY makes all the OEM variants and all of the quadro etc models. They aren't nothin'


Shows the power of marketing


they make the nvidia workstation cards so No


The commenst and article are assuming that the collab is already a real thing. Smh. Kingpin in the video just said it was highly probable. Smh In some of the reddit camera communities. The people have a preference to not pick pny sd cards. Yes Different segment and all that. I'm willing to consider pny in the future but I'm not going to assume they are better than the other big three until proven otherwise. Kingpin collabs are a different matter. But those aren't products for the common person. Those existing wouldn't mean the basic pny cards will be the best


My actual Gpu is a 28080ti from PNY. Bought it for 900€ when all the other custom models were at least 1200. I don't have a single complain to make about the card, everything has been running smooth since the first day I bought it more than 5 years ago


It doesn't change anything. That was back when nvidia allowed for aib to push the cards more. As evga stated they won't allow it anymore so it gave them no edge. So him going here means nothing. Nvidia won't allow it to be much higher so it doesn't make a difference. These cards cannot be released above a certain amount now. This is all to hype pny and make people go oh cool now this is the Brand I will do. It's still not evga. Marketing is key and it's clear kingpin knows how to do it and bring hype.


Even tho he won’t be able to really OC the card (Nvidia doesn’t allow it) I will pick it day one if it has 2 12vhpwr connectors instead of just one




It always perplexes me that pny is considered by people as a budget brand despite being the sole manufacturer of nvidias enterprise class cards.


Time to say goodbye to ASUS


I don't like my power limited PNY 4090. Do you think flashing the 520 watt Suprim with nvflashk might be safe?


I like PNY, but I was hoping he would land at a company that's both an Nvidia and AMD partner. A Kingpin Radeon card would've be cool to see.


I'd probably pick up a PNY card next if that's true. My first big boi gpu was ironically a PNY 980 ti.


I miss EVGA :’(


Looks like EX wife treatment is already on the way for this sub.


Nice, Kingpin cards are epic.


I will go PNY for something like this, I enjoy video card overclocking etc


The 5090 is finally my que to upgrade from my 1080ti and make proper use of my oled tv. PNY 5090 kingpin would be my first choice, followed by gigabytes aero and maybe aorus.


I bought a PNY 1660 super blower for an old x51 R3 and it’s still kicking


Kingpin cards doesn't make any sense to exist since Pascal architecture.


Lol I went with a founders edition 4090 not because I thought it was the best performer, but because it was literally the only model that fit in my case.


Problem is not going to be qc bc kingpin doesn't play around..he would never want a card with less vrm or phases than the best at the time, problem is gonna be 5k dollar gpu's..


The hope, at least for me, is that the designs trickle down into the normal consumer cards and improve the quality. This happened with EVGA - a lot of his R&D was brought over to the regular models. In general, it is usually a win for the consumer.


kp is all about performance no matter what ;)


PNY cards are some of the worst looking GPUs you can buy next to the TUF cards.


my 4090 verto looks absolutely fantastic. no fancy lighting or transformers-like aesthetic


Yeah that one looks fine. The XLR8 shit doesn’t.


If you care about looks, forget kingpin, its not for you peasant


what is he working on, putting his name on the title of the card