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Find this kid’s camera!!


If you think it was lost in the NYC subway system, try the Lost & Found department: [MTA Lost and Found](https://new.mta.info/lost-and-found)


You should pass this along to the New York Nico instagram! He has a massive nyc following and also happened to be there on Ghostbusters day taking footage!


I don't have an Instagram, but if you shot it over to him, I'd really appreciate it.


Sure, I'll be glad to! Is there a place Nicolas/Nico can contact you directly if he gets any leads, apart from the Buffalo Ghostbusters page?


Either me, or contact the Buffalo Ghostbusters on FB


Got it. Sent!


Thanks so much! I really hope someone finds it.


Of course! Hope so too!


Poor kid -I've been there - I lost all the pictures from a place I went last year and didn't even realize it for like a few weeks. It drove me crazy for a bit and now I'll just have to go back and take the pictures over again 😮‍💨


What kind of camera is that? Marketplace may be a good spot to search if the wrong person found it.


Give that boy back his memories right now or so help me 😡😡😡


Did he use a cellphone? The pictures may have automatically uploaded to google photos or apple photos. Log into whatever account the phone had.


He’s wearing it on his neck in the photos and they’re asking for the SIM card only. So no, it’s not an iPhone.


A sim card is not a microsd card. That camera cannot use a sim card.


Just quoting the note.


I see camera in the photo, but what brand is it?


Unfortunately if it was lost on the street its likely gone for good


I was thinking the same, unfortunately.




Probably just means memory card


Do you know what he meant? I cringe when people call a wallpaper a screensaver, but who cares since you know what he meant?


I hope he gets his SIM. Is the Ghostbusters event over? If not, I’d contribute to a Go Fund Me to get him back there. That said, we adults must be a child’s second pair of eyes for their valuables.


Yeah, it was the 40th anniversary of the first movie on June 8th




Kid sucks? What is wrong with you


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.