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Actual enforcement of the current limits would have made a bigger difference


The reason is that 25 MPH doesn't trigger any enforcement until the driver goes above 35MPH. At that point a pedestrian struck by a car would be dead. This lowers that to 30MPH for a ticket.


Don't know why you are getting downvoted. It's true.


Do you know how wild it is to be driving at 25 mph from one end of bk to another local? You're asking for highways to be packed and traffic to increase in local streets.


You can issue a ticket for someone going 26 mph in a 25. This law is just an excuse to write people tickets at any speed. To pull people over at any time. Anyone you want. Then search their vehicle, detain them arrest them beat them, whatever. This is just an expansion, of the police state.


Not to mention the dude who got decapitated the other day was from a truck making a right turn not driving fast at all. That video on twitter was insane.


Why enforce current speed limits when we can just lower the limits and continue to not enforce it?


The thing about driving is that you can often not go faster than the person in front of you. If some people adhere to the limits they can prevent others from breaking them. Better enforcement would definitely be welcome, but the city has its hands tied by Albany. They can't expand the camera program. Manual enforcement is much less effective and costly.


Can’t wait so set off all the speed cameras while riding a bike.


Every illegal scooter already sets them off.


Well, at least we have their license plat- wait..


I might be able to hit that on rollerblades.


Even my cheap Segway scooter can do 13 mph lol


Lol, some of these street segments are just like a block or two long. What's the point of reducing speed so selectively on just small segments of longer thru-roads? Edit: Seems like they may be putting them near schools, but I was under the impression that they were already able to reduce the speed limit in front of schools without Sammy's Law.


My take is that it's because this is "easier" and more "palatable" than doing a blanket lowering of the limit city wide (which IMO would actually have been easier and simpler lol). They'll add this as a tool for crash prone areas, per usual as a reaction *after* people are already in danger or getting killed.


They do this for revenue generation, not safety. 20mph city wide would have been the safe bet but no, lets make this st 35, that st 15, that one 25, etc. This is so ppl unknowingly drive into suddenly reduced speed areas and get a ticket either via camera (most often) or police officer.


Yeah pretty sure every school has like a 15 mph speed limit in the city, you can tell who's speeding by who's not getting passed by bikes lol


I love what they have going in SF with "slow streets", there's whole arteries from the haight to the mission that are barricaded for local traffic only, riding a bike down these streets is a great stress free commute  but if the slow down is just for a block then i dont see it doing much to reroute traffic, no


If only the knuckleheads speeding everywhere could read signs


Sammy's Law 2.0 coming next year will authorize biomechanical signs that come to life and assault drivers who ignore them


Ahh some more bullshit. Shocker.


No enforcement on pedestrians is wild.


When is traffic in lower Manhattan light enough to go above 20 MPH? Good to know Hochul can follow through on one thing Manhattan traffic related.


Between 9pm and 6am... but you probably weren't looking for a legit answer.


Troll recognized troll. JK. Yeah, I mostly wanted to dunk on Hochul for something traffic related.


I drive the speed limit and I get everywhere I'm going no problem. You can also find me slowing down when the light is getting close to changing to yellow. Good luck being behind me. I follow rules.


You monster.


There are dozens of us!


You're the guy I go around to actually make the light. Lol I blow right through those yellow lights


"Mother and young child mowed down by hit-and-run driver"


What's that got to do with what I just said?


Fewer mistakes when you don't try to make the light


That doesn't make sense


Great! The Pro Congestion people are going to be so happy about this.


We are!




Sammy's law should punish inattentive parents that allow their kids to run into traffic.


The parents are the ones who taught them


Classic "think of the children" campaigns. The original intent for the cameras were for school zones which I agree with. Now they are fucking everywhere. So Orwellian.


So Orwellian, being compelled to follow the speed limit.


> The original intent for the cameras were for school zones which I agree with. Any normal person called the speed camera program a money grab 10+ years ago when it was just "a few cameras" to "protect kids going outside schools." Many people called us crazy. Think of the kids! Now they're running 24/7, posted every 6 feet on streets like Atlantic Avenue and Ocean Parkway and running at 4 AM because we know how many kids are going to school at that time..


I think a lot of normal people also realize why it was tied to school zones. The first authorization for cameras was much more palatable to the public and the legislature being tied to school zones, but also it was very clever because we have so many schools that school zones are de facto most of the city. It doesn't take a political savant to know this was intentional from the getgo lol. That's why they just expanded the definition of a school zone for cameras rather than say "they can be anywhere", it was easier that way, from a policy perspective. It was argued to be made 24/7 because last I checked, people can speed and maim people (who aren't students) at all hours of the day ya know? I think the question is do you feel that adults or the elderly (for example) don't also deserve protections?


Hey hey hey. We gotta protect little Timmy at 3 am for some reason


Many cities are lowering their speed limits to 20 mph / 30 kmph. Examples are Denver, Washington DC, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona. This lady sure must have a lot of money.


Who hurt you, and why didn't they hurt you more?


Dumbasses like this woman. She doesn't live in the city but needs to put more and more restrictions because her son was a dumbass. People like her are worse than people trying to push their religious or political views on everyone else.


>She doesn't live in the city She lives in brooklyn, the fuck are you talking about?


It's just what you do when you have no actual argument. Then you scream about others having an "agenda" all while advertising your own, because he's just a reasonable centrist little guy that thinks nothing should change, and she's evil for.......promoting pedestrian safety measures that work after her son was killed. Every time I hear from people like him I have to imagine what their opinions would've been of earlier social movements.


If there were one thing I could get rid of in all of these discussions, it'd be the, "you disagree with me?! You don't live here or are a transplant" bullshit


“Cash grab,” “agenda,” “anti-car,” etc. Might as well make BINGO cards for comments on anything car-related in the city.


Yea and like, there's plenty of disagreement to be had, but half of em just don't fucking do it, they just name call and insinuate Or just lie outright with stuff like access for the disabled, when they've had an exception from the start, as they should.


I love your spiteful hate against children Women like her are how the Netherlands got to where it is on traffic safety and walkability, yall are so entitled you'd literally prefer dead children than having to drive slightly slower in the densest city in the country. [https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Transportation\_Planning\_Casebook/Stop\_de\_kindermoord](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Transportation_Planning_Casebook/Stop_de_kindermoord)


It's usually people like them who teach their kids to cross like room temperature IQ idiots




J walking should be a minimum $150 fine.


Tin hate theory, politicians are using a tragedy to create more congestion.


Just another scam to give out more tickets


Only for cars?


A car hitting you at 26mph can easily kill you. A bicycle? Not so much. But they should both slow down. It's almost as if you don't need to "what about" speed limits.


A cyclist going 26mph can absolutely kill a pedestrian.


A pedestrian can also absolutely kill a pedestrian, if one bumps into another and causes the other to land on their head. I love disingenuous binary logic Basic physics equation kinetic energy = 0.5 \* mass \* velocity squared. 0.5 \* 3000 lbs \* (20 mph \^2) = 600,000 lbs \* mph \^2 vs 0.5 \* 300 lbs \* (26 mph \^2) = 101,400 lbs \* mph \^ 2 (assuming a fatass on a bicycle or a fat ebike leading to 300 lbs combined) fucked up non metric units but what matters is the magnitude. If we do the math, the same speed that bicycle needs to be at to impart the same amount of kinetic energy is 63.2 mph. Nice try.


They *can* but just given the size and weight difference between a bicycle and a car, they probably won't. But your odds of leaving a 26mph hit alive is slim. But sure. Both sides both sides bikes and cars are the same both sides.


Cyclists end up killing themselves when they run red lights.


you're arguing with people who believe a motorcycle should adhere to the same rules as a pickup truck (probably complains about lane splitting in stopped traffic on the highway when theres so many dumbasses that are constantly using their phone in aforementioned oversized suvs and trucks that would rearend the guy on two wheels)


Smooth brains “this will make it even harder to drive in NYC than it already is”


"You don't understand, I \*need\* to do 45 through Manhattan and any kids that get in my way can blame themselves"


"Anyone who disagrees with this either doesn't live here or is a hipster transplant"


You act like 45 is fast lol. And maybe kids should learn how to properly cross the street


45 kills most pedestrians that get hit And I think adults should learn how to properly drive in cities instead of acting like entitled brats. Pedestrians have ROW


Makeit5mph! Bancars!


Let's just do 10.