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Your Step 1 would go up to the 2025 rate.


You start at the current rate, and in April 2025 you would receive a raise to the 2025 hiring rate.


And then in Oct go up to Step 1 2025 rate?


That would depend on your start date. If you were hired April 15 at the hiring rate, then on April 1 you would move to the hiring rate for that fiscal year. Once April 15 hits and you get satisfactory or better on eval, you are eligible to move to the next step. That only happens twice a year - April 1 or October 1. If you were hired before April 1, then you would get the 3% raise for the new fiscal year PLUS the step increase together in April.


I don’t think so, I’m under CSEA 2024 and I’m at Step 5.


If you had no previous service/promotion you should have been brought in at Hiring Rate for your Salary Grade. Your Step depends on when you are hired. If you are hired after April 1st and prior to October - you won’t see a Step until October 2025. You will get the contractual % in April 2025, but it won’t equate to a Step. And then you would be moved up to the Step in October. If you were hired after October but prior to April 1st you would have seen the 3% in April 2024 and will receive a Step in April 2025. No matter when you receive your step (April or October) in 2025 - it will be the 2025 rate. In 2026 it will be the Step 2 rate for your SG. The Step “includes” the contractual %.


So it goes Hiring Rate -> ‘25 Step 1 -> ‘26 Step 2