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I would say the Union Jack Sheraton is the most iconic Oasis guitar.


Yeah there is probably a big difference between Noel’s favorite guitar and the one people most associate with the band. I’d agree with the Union Jack for the latter.


Yeah, I don't see how the answer to the OP could be anything but this.


Definitely. Although thinking about it how often was it actually used - there was the DLBIA top of the pops performance and Maine Road soon afterwards, but did it last longer? From memory it wasn't used at Knebworth or into the Be Here Now era was it?


I don't think he's used it since 1996 or 1997, and if I recall correctly, he sold it or donated it years ago.


I can't remember where I saw it now but in a video (maybe print) Noel said he only used the guitar twice and didn't like the guitar. It may have been the That Pedal Show interview. The Union Jack guitar was the guitar that I thought was Noel's main guitar for years. I still want one of the Union Jack Epiphones.


agreed 100%


I’m not even an oasis fan (the timeline decided I should see this) and even I would say the Union Jack Sheraton


Not a chance. There’s the J200 Noel’s toured with for thirty years and the les Paul both himself and Johnny Marr wrote some of the best tunes of the last fifty years on for a start.


Everything you just said proves the Union Jack is the most iconic.....most people dont know that about Noel's guitars, but most people have seen Noel in a picture holding the Union Jack onstage with Oasis. The guitars you mentioned are definitely historic memorabilia, but the Union Jack is what a lot of people think of when they think of Oasis.


Ultimately dependent on what you see as iconic oasis; a guitar with the butchers apron or one with historical connotations. It’s subjective anyway but I suspect the more into guitars someone is the more a guitar with real pedigree will appeal.


Wich one was the one used in the Funko Pop figures? No further questions, your honor


If you showed a J200 or a black les paul to the average person, would they recognise them as being Noel Gallaghers guitars? I really don't think they would. If you showed them the Union Jack Sheraton, a lot more people would recognise it and associate it with Noel and Oasis. For something to iconic, it needs to be widely recognised to a lot of people. Geri Halliwell only wore a union jack dress once but its still the dress she is most associated with. It's not about how often she wore it, it's about the fact that the majority of people remember it and associate her with it. That's what makes it iconic.


I don't think any guitar captures the "moment" of Oasis at their peak quite like the Union Jack Sheraton, although it didn't have longevity as his chosen stage guitar. You could make a case for the Epiphone Riviera he used throughout the late-DM and early-WTSMG days and at major gigs like Earl's Court as well. I would say that Gibson ES-355 is the guitar most people think of when you say "Noel Gallagher's guitar". It's been damn near attached to his hip since 2002 after making occasional appearances as early as the Be Here Now tour.




Boneheads epiphone.




For sure, the master of the barre chords


In agreement the Union Jack is the one.


Union Jack Sheraton, and the ES355 No 1 for the latter years


In my opinion THE oasis guitar is either Noel’s riviera or his 60’ Les Paul Burst.


Sunburst Les Paul for me.


The most iconic Oasis guitar is the Union Jack one. Noel's favourite is that one, the Gibson ES-335. I find it amusing that Noel has no idea where the Union Jack one is. He talked about it on Matt's podcast and someone said it's in a museum, but he hasn't got a clue. He also said the guitar played like shit and constantly went out of tune, so he'd never want to play it again.




The Takamine he recorded Talk Tonight on


For everyone getting it wrong, it’s a 355, not a 335, but he also has at least one of both


The Gibson J200 is, maybe thw Epiphone Sheraton, I don’t know. But gimme a break with the Union Jack one please.


[Noel Gallagher Funko Pop](https://funkoeurope.com/products/noel-gallagher-oasis) I think this says it all...


Union Jack


Union Jack Sheraton. If you lived through it it was very very special


His Union Jack guitar is in the British Music Experience museum in Liverpool.


Perhaps. But Man City Blue is my all-time favorite


Union Jack. Epiphone released a replica some years ago. All the marketing was about celebrating the 50th anniversary of the British Invasion but it was pretty much the Union Jack Maine Road guitar.




For me, the Epiphone Riviera used by both Noel & Bonehead is the definitive Oasis guitar followed closely by the 2x Nashville USA Sheratons used by Noel (Maine Road & Knebworth / Be Here Now tour)


Nope 🇬🇧


Id say the one his brother broke that ended the band….id say the gibson with the union jack on it more maybe? So many good options


The Union Jack Sheraton is unmistakably Oasis. It’s just cool as can be


some people of this sub really do some amount of shite haha its Townsend's old UJ Sheraton ffs


I’d say the two/three guitars I think he used at Wembley 2000


Nope, the MIJ Epiphone Riviera's, or his union jack custom


Boneheads guitar


Here’s what immediately comes to mind: Union Jack Sheraton Tobacco burst Epiphone Casino Gibson acoustic from WW video Johnny Marr’s ‘60 Les Paul Silver LP florentine


That’s Johnny Marrs guitar.


1. Union Jack Sheraton 2. Acoustic J200 Epiphone from MTV's Most Wanted


Nope, Bonehead's Epiphone Sheraton!


Sunburst Les Paul. Second place - Wine Riviera. Both consistently used and in videos. The union jack guitar was played less than a handful of times, it was just noticeable and at an iconic gig. If the Oasis music of the 90's is what they are known by then it has be a guitar from that era.


No way. Second place is his famous cherry Gibson ES-335.


I’m gonna be a smart ass and say it’s his either epiphone or Gibson acoustic not an electric guitar