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The game is very old, all the content has already been exhausted in this subreddit. Just look at r/skyrim - they don't have anything new to say about the game so they just post the same stuff over and over again. It's either a screenshot saying how pretty the game is, hate posts about Nazeem, or a screenshot of the dumb pacman easter egg. So yes, people are gonna be repetitive, there's nothing you can do.


And at least Oblivion wasn’t rehashed over 3 Console Generations. They put it out, let it live, and let it die. Yet for they couldn’t manage to make a proper sequel to Skyrim because they realized people would just buy the same game again and again, so why bother developing a new one? Used to be about half a decade between releases, even got two flagship Elder Scrolls games on the same console... and now? Missed an entire generation with no ne release on PS4/XboxOne. Skyrim is the poster boy of the same stuff over and over again. By the time ES6 comes out it will certainly be digital-only, online-only, microtransaction enabled, main content offered as DLC, several skills/abilities removed (look at what Morrowind offered that was removed in oblivion, then even more skills and abilities removed by Skyrim, god knows what will be left), unnecessary motion controls and VR integration, drm laden, and just a feeling of “we waited for this? This took you a decade and a half to do?” I’d rather see “funny oblivion character face creation” posted a hundred times over than think about the letdown that’s inherently coming with “new stuff”


They have yet to let us down with the elder scrolls, yet yall are almost 100% certain 6 will be awful. It'll rule, we'll all play it for a decade and we'll all love it. I feel like the wait is really making a lot of yall unrealistic in expectations and childish as hell


I swear, at least once a day, someone asks what everyone's favorite race is on r/skyrim, and it always goes to the front of the page


That's what r/OblivionAbominations is for


Ditto. Making a silly character is easy. Making a silly character that's also shows off some effort is hard. Good example is Autism Cat. Looks funny, but it took a bit of effort to make him plausible.