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I would recommend you give someone the dancer sub-job to boost Hikari’s physical attack with Lion Dance


I chose Hikari as my starting character, but my team consists of Hikari (arms master), Partitio (cleric, I need to change this lol), Throné (merchant, having her BP almost maxed at the start is huge for her imo, plus her night time battle bonuses), and Ochette (Apothecary, I also need to change this) But this party I have hardly any issues with encounters. The occasional fail on a boss, but generally, I wipe most mobs I come across in 3 character turns. Currently level 40 for hikari, 40 for partitio, 39 for throné, and 38 for Ochette. I did get arms master very early though (level 18-ish) so the mid game was a breeze tbh.


As long as you have a good job composition, you will be ok. So Partitio is your main char. -Make sure you have a healer (cleric or apothecary). Having Agnea as an apothecary means you can use single target heals on multiple chars. -damage. Hikari and/or Ochette are great here. -last slot could be a second healer or support, depending on what you need.


Check your weapons and armour. No way you should be that weak unless you’re using, like, starting equipment strength equips.


Ochette. She's an insane shield shaver when you finish her story and get the right monsters. She also does mad damage. Probably the 2nd best Phy DPS


Partitio, Ochette, Hikari, Tenemos.