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**Some** new games. It took a few months for the first Q2-specific title to be announced too. It's inevitable but doesn't mean no new games will come to Q2, at least while there is money in it for the developers. Judging by the bleating from people saying AC:Nexus or AW2 don't run well enough on Q2, it's probably a good thing that devs aren't compelled to force their high-end, demanding game into old hardware.


Really? I played Nexus on the q2 and it was amazing aside from few bugs.


You are clearly not one of the bleaters. However, a lot of people look at the performance on Q2 vs Q3 and say it's not good enough because Q3 is quantifiably better, even though getting the game to run acceptably on Q2 is a huge technical achievement. Conversely, Q3 players look at the game on Q2 and say it's not enhanced enough for them because it looks the same. Gamers can be hugely entitled. I can absolutely see why developers would only want to support one platform if it's financially viable.


Yeah I mean I am a bit biased because I love the AC Franchise in general but personal likes aside Nexus was a really fantastic game. I am kinda suprised people have disregarded Q2 so much now after Q3 has come out.


Yup. That's what happened when the 2 released. There's no way to expect it to go any different this time around.


Arguably there is. Quest 2 isn't shrinking, it's still holding, maybe even growing. On Steam hardware report from last month, Quest 2s still outnumber 3s at least 2:1. Quest 2 still makes up nearly 40% of all VR headsets Steam detected. So if you're going to make software for a specific VR headset, Quest 2 is a much smarter play. Quest 3 is much lower value per dollar than Quest 2 was. Whereas Quest 2 was much better value per dollar than Quest was. So ditching Quest 2 isn't a smart move at this point.


The thing is, if they don't start doing apps/games that really push the quest 3, then it never will be as popular than quest 2. If we want better stand alone games, we can't simply expect the quest 2 to be around, forever.


The thing is nobody is going after some technical excellence these days, they're mostly out to make money or simply a good product and both can be done on the Q2 as well, if anybody should be pushing apps further to sell more 3s it's Meta.  Idealist VR developers are all centered around PCVR.


Well, Batman is a game made by a Meta studio, so they are doing it lol. And about PCVR, if you pull the numbers, the most are using quests in it, because obviously, the graphics in PC are way superior than mobile. That is why Meta is trying to push the quest 3, so other developers see what is possible, and start doing it too.


Lol, that's one game. You seem to have completely missed the point, we're not talking about Quest vs the rest of the market, we're talking Q2 vs Q3 because overall Meta is clearly the dominant force in this space and rightfully so. As a sidenote, PCVR is exactly where you can see that the difference is not that great between Q2 and Q3 and graphics on PCVR aren't even Q3s strong suit, you can get an HP Reverb and have much better visual clarity.  When it comes to PCVR Quests are peerless in one thing and that's wireless capability. Anyways, sure, Q3 is better in all aspects, but it also costs almost twice as much for something most people use occasionally. For many, me included, it's too small of an upgrade compared to Q2 to spend 600 euros on and furthermore, they undermine their own sales by continuing to offer Q2. Then again, the VR market is probably too small to remove a big hitter like Q2 in favour of it's more expensive cousin.  That's why they fucked up the launch by having literally no exclusive content, apart from a few MR apps. Products don't have an indefinite lifecycle so they've got around a year or two to develop for Q3, which is not a lot. After that, they'll have to release Q4 because the competition will almost definitely release their next gen competitors.  They probably want to get off this path by announcing the Meta Horizon, but we'll see how well it goes. Then again, they make some really strange choices, like releasing Quest Pro only to undermine it a few months later by releasing Q3 cheaper and with a better SoC. So yeah, nobody's going to put their money on the line to release for Q3 exclusively when it can be superceeded in a fairly short time and when they can get a much larger user base by toning down the graphics. Pushing Quests limits is in Metas hands right now and facts are, contrary to what you're saying, they're not too keen on it.


And that is why Batman is coming out. It is supposed to be a killer app for the Q3. And they didn’t do anything exclusive for the Q3 because almost a year after it launched, and people still complain that the Q2 will not have some games. Q3 is better than the Q2, but they simply didn’t showed it yet, it is 2.5x more potent. And you need to remember that we have at least 2-3 years before Q4 is out, that is enough time for Meta and devs to launch exclusive content for Q3 to make it more appealing. And we also have the Q3 lite coming out, possibly at the price of the Q2 when it launched, so people will not have to pay 600 euros on it.


Game optimizer is worth $12 bucks for quest 3 those graphics wow!


You’re talking PCVR numbers. OP is talking about standalone. Quest 2 is still a solid PCVR headset. Hell I picked up a Quest 1 for dirt cheap a while back and it works in PCVR through Virtual Desktop. It’s not nearly as nice as my Quest 3, but it’s useable. Quest 2 will be a PCVR headset long after they don’t make standalone games for it.


As a Q3 owner, Q2 totally is the dominant, by far, platform. In the end it is up to the developers to continue supporting it, if they don't then something numbers wise is telling them not to. I wonder if Q2 outsold Q3 during the time period after Q3's launch because of the deep discounts.


thats like saying the PS3 should have never gotten exclusives when it came out because the PS2 was a lot more popular. sooner or later the older tech has to be cut loose, even if the userbase is bigger.


You need to tell that to developers who chase the edge, not me.


Amd its good , enough of holding q3 back.


Exactly. There will be plenty of titles available for both but I’m elated that content is being released that takes full advantage of Quest 3


I have a Quest2, 3, and a Pro, and use my Pro 90% of the time. But anything that pushes VR forward right now is good, we need to be happy that it is progressing.


It's unfortunate, but as a side effect many users are going to be left behind. I know myself and the 4 people I play with can't afford to upgrade to a new headset. I know that in order for the medium to evolve the older headsets need to be out but it still sucks. At least there's still steamvr I'll probably try to upgrade again maybe quest 4


I feel your pain. A bit nostalgic, but I remember writing to Sierra games asking why they no longer make games for IBM 4 color CGA and Tandy 16 color TGA graphics. I couldn't afford a new Intel 286 with 256 color VGA graphics. I bought Liesure Suit Larry 5 and couldn't even play it.


"Why are they no longer releasing games for PS2 now that the PS3 has been out a year?" Progress demands SACRIFICE!


This is no different than console generations. You'll see some developers leave the old hardware behind, while some continue to support all revisions.


It's no different but 3 years is a very short run for a console. So in that aspect it is different.


They did keep making NES games for awhile after SNES came out, but not for too long.


Kirby came out in 1993. It’s one of the best games that takes the nes to it’s limits


Console generations last way longer. What are you going on about?


I say it's about time. Q3 offers more potential if you build a game for it from the ground up


The games made for my Q3 use far less battery thats for sure


citation needed on "most" of the new games being Q3 exclusive.


This. Obviously there are Quest 3 exclusives coming but I assume there is still a decent list of Quest 2 games set for release.


I knew this day would come eventually, and I'm sad about it, because I don't own a Quest 3.


Keeping up with new technology can sometimes be challenging, and even if you don't have a Quest 3 yet, perhaps this is an opportunity to think about and be prepared for what's right for you next. In the meantime, remember that Quest 2 still offers many great games and experiences!


I just bought an $80 strap for the Quest 2. I doubled down, so to speak. Lol. I also just bought some prescription inserts for the Quest 2, but they were only about $20 off Ali Express. They're ok, but not perfect. That's still an extra $100 for accessories that can't go towards a Quest 3, and I feel like I should try to get my money's worth out of them. I should probably get a better source of income, but it is what it is.


It looks like you've invested a lot in enhancing your Quest 2 experience with these accessories! It's understandable that you want to get the most out of these purchases, especially considering the cost. While upgrading to the Quest 3 is not currently possible, enjoying the enhanced comfort and convenience provided by the strap and prescription attachments can still add value to your gaming sessions. In the meantime, enjoy your improved Quest 2 setup and make the most of your gaming experience with the accessories you invested in! Sometimes the little things can make a big difference in how we enjoy our hobbies and free time.


If you cant afford to keep up maybe get a cheaper hobby…


It's a bit silly tbh. The market share of quest 2 is much larger than quest 3. But if they want to create something that requires Q3 hardware, then that's the only way. As long as pcvr games exist, I'm fine.


Hi! We're giving away a $25 Steam gift card so you can discover more games! (2 days left until the results are announced) Check out our DC channel to join the fun. Remember, we are here to discover more games together! [https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx](https://discord.gg/kurnmt2ccx)


This has been discussed over and over. The first apps that support the Q3 and not the Q2 came out more than a month ago. The Q3 has 2.5x the horsepower, a depth-sensor, and color passthrough. Anyone who thought there wouldn't be Q3 exclusives is disconnected from reality. > most of the new games will only be played in Quest 3. The **most** part is you editorializing and not reality. More than 20M Q2s have been sold and it is still selling well, there is no way that developers that are working on apps that will run on the Q2 are going to drop Q2 support. They need customers to pay their bills. Q3 exclusives will be limited to apps that need the Q3 hardware. It will be years before that is *most new apps.*


You are right, the points you mentioned are quite valid. Indeed, it is an important fact that current hardware is still showing strong sales performance and many developers continue to develop applications for these devices. It's important to support older hardware to reach as wide a player base as possible. Some developers will develop applications targeting these new technologies. However, this process can take time, and the majority of new applications can actually take years to emerge. As a result, it is important for developers to strike a balance between existing and new hardware. It is important to find a balance between both serving existing customers and investing in new projects while considering future technological advances. Striking this balance can ensure that both developers and players get the best experience.


anyone who thought there wouldn't be Q3 exclusives is disconnected from \*mixed\* reality. OH YEAH.


It's the right thing to do. There's a good argument to be made that dumbing games down just to sell them on older hardware is bad. Most people don't care and won't buy new hardware if the old hardware plays the same games. That holds games back.


This approach may result in games not being able to use their full potential due to technical limitations and some experiences being missing. It can also hinder innovation if developers are forced to stay compatible with older hardware rather than focusing on new technologies and features. However, that said, there may also be some advantages to continuing to have games compatible with older hardware. In particular, it has the potential to reach a wide range of players and provide a more accessible experience. Some gamers may not be financially able to purchase new hardware or may prefer to keep their current device for longer periods of time. As a result, developers may need to balance between old and new hardware.


On the flip side of that. There are millions of people who bought the Quest 3 with the promise of better games. That can't happen without making games Quest 3 exclusive.


Very happy. Idk why I just purchased a $500 headset for it to perform on par with the previous generation.


This was bound to happen I guess


When the Q3 was released, or months after it, *that* was the odd part - it didnt have any exclusives It's not just normal, it's late And no, we cannot compare Q1 to Q2. Q1 had probably less than 1M units sold, and probably less than 100k active users. Q2 is the most popular headset to date, and I doubt Q3 already surpassed it in numbers It is only sensible Meta will push for Q3 exclusives to raise Q3 sales. I'm surprised they didnt do it for AW2 and AC. However, developers that want to hit the biggest market, will keep Q2 compatability People need to stop freaking out about the expected behaviour of a new gen console.. this is not only expected, it was way overdue


its understandable. but what surprised me was the lack of quest pro support. is the hardware difference between the two that big, or does the pro not have enough users to justify it?


The Pro SOC is the Q2 SOC with better heat management. If an app does not run on the Q2 it is not likely to work on the Q-Pro.


got it. kind of wild considering how a product that was originally 1500 bucks and is now 1000 cant even get quest 3 games lol, and the Q3 only came out a year later.


It can't run what, 4 games? When it came out does not change the fact that the Q3 has 2.5x the CPU/GPU horsepower and a depth sensor. Developers are not magic. It goes both ways. The Q-Pro has eye and face tracking so there are things it can do that the Q2 and Q3 can't do.


oh for sure, I know about the horsepower difference. I was just surprised to find out that the pro doesnt have a depth sensor, since it also has color passthrough like quest 3. and while face tracking is cool, its just a bonus. it doesnt prevent apps and games from being accessible, unlike the quest 3 which can play them. odd how a thousand dollar item never got a depth sensor, especially since it was touted as their first true MR headset.


Ultimately I think it's a good idea for large-scale projects to become quest 3 only. It allows developers to have more room to create better games. Games that don't need tons of compute should try to remain open though for the time being imo.


Welcome to technology. See also: PCs, game consoles, phones, tablets, …


I dunno man, why couldn't they release ghosts of tsushima for my ps2. They'd have sold at least a dozen more copies!


So ez bro, braindead developers


PC games nowadays still run on hardware from 7 years ago.


you can tinker with PC settings. you cant really tinker quest 3 hardware. it doesnt come with different CPU, GPU, RAM and power supply combinations. its more like a smartphone in terms of hardware.


Game consoles sure, but it’s very rare for any new games to not support somewhat newer hardware. Takes a long time for a new PC or phone to not support almost any new games.


It’s not a big concern right now. The number of quest 2 so outnumbers q3 that mode developers will be supporting it for a long while. We should expect to see meta pushing some big exclusives to keep interest in the q3 growing but outside that q2 owners should have plenty of options for the next few years. One day the q2 will be retired just like the q1 but no one should be to concerned about that right now. Even people looking to buy a q2 right now. $200 is a steal of a deal for what it brings and the future support it will get.


yeah it took like 5 years for the quest 1 to become officially unsupported, and thats with it selling like a million or so units. quest 2 came out less than 4 years ago and has sold more than 20 million. its first party support may be waning but third party support will live for at least a few more years, til meta stops supporting new releases on the store.


It is good.


Good That's the problem the 9th gen consoles had, crossbuy with 8th gen consoles for the first 2 years crippled the momentum.


There's so many Q2s in the wild, that most devs won't drop support anytime soon. VR sales are small enough that it would be stupid to restrict your audience even more. It's only the games that need the extra power of the Q3 that will become exclusive.


Yes, you are absolutely right. The size and potential of Quest2's current user base may enable developers to maintain support for this platform. Especially in a still-growing field like VR, it's important to serve and delight the existing user base. This can enable developers to continue running their games on existing hardware. It is a fact that games that need the extra power of Quest3 will be special. However, such games can often deliver more immersive and innovative experiences by focusing on new technologies and hardware. Therefore, it is important for developers to strategize with Quest3 considering the transition to new technologies and its potential to deliver more powerful experiences. Achieving the proper balance of both can provide the best experience for both current and potential players.


Good Riddance!




That came out in its first year but not at launch.


All breaks down to game devs tend to always aim towards the platform (in the case of walled gardens like consoles) that offers them a combo of the highest capable hardware, the highest potential market share, and the best incentives. Having spent 3 years working on the Rift S, I can say truthfully the quest 3 got me hyped.


It's really impressive that you worked on Rift S for 3 years!


That’s just how consoles work. Heck, that’s how most technology works


so the total is one ?


What games? I just ordered a q3 coming from a q2 but I found it hard to justify the upgrade because I couldn’t find any exclusive games for it. So it was an expensive upgrade for just some QOL upgrades, but hearing this makes it more reasonable. Which games can I look forward to that will use the Q3 extra power??


so far its townsmen VR, the upcoming alien incursion VR, and the upcoming batman arkham shadow. plus all the mixed reality apps, like first encounters for example. Q2 cant do mixed reality because it doesnt have a depth sensor.


And we’ll hear the same story in 3 years when the Quest 4 comes out.


it’s good. the quest 3 is a massive leap in prcessing power from the quest 2 and making games quest 3 exclusive allows them to be bigger, better, and more graphically intensive


I don't pay attention to games on Quest, only PCVR. Now, free programs that run on my Quest 3, that I'm totally interested in, but for gaming, I'm gonna use my graphics card because duh


I wrote a post where I discuss the transition happening between Quest 2 and Quest 3. If you want, you can read it here [https://skarredghost.com/2024/05/02/how-when-transition-quest-2-3/](https://skarredghost.com/2024/05/02/how-when-transition-quest-2-3/)


They are doing the same every console has done, nothing new


So when you say “most new games” do you mean more than 50 out of the next 100 games will be only on Q3? Just looking for you to clarify a bit.


Based on current trends, it seems that game developers may direct more resources and efforts towards Quest 3 for their new projects. This is because with the launch of a new device, developers often focus on new technologies and improvements. But, there are always exceptions and some games may still support Quest 2. However, the general trend may be that new games tend to move more towards new generation devices.


New games should be made for new hardware and not held back. That's why there are still hardly any exclusively ps5 games. Ps4 compatibility instead of just building for ps5. Let's not do that with VR as well.


They stopped making GameCube games too. Still mad on that one


surprise surprise. why games are not released on ps4 when ps5 come out?


Good, hopefully it’ll give me a reason to fire it back up again


Doesn't playing VR entertain you?


Well yea, or I would have bought it 🤣 I go through phases of it. On again off again etc. Just saying upgrading headsets kinda sucks when everything is made for the old one. We need some AAA type next gen games.


It's just history repeating. Same happened with the Quest 2.


The same thing happens with every system. New tech mean more features and different applications.




So you are saying they should force developers to only make apps that work on the Q2? That makes no sense. The Q3 has 2.5x the horsepower, a depth sensor, and color passthrough. There are going to be apps that work great on the Q3 and don't work on the Q2. Artificially limiting what developers can do on the Q3 to keep Q2 users happy would be dumb as hell. Ignoring the difference in the hardware makes no sense.


So, nearly 4 years in a quickly evolving new tech.  If anything, it was way way longer than expected.


It should be fine, isn't this the reason they are making a quest lite for like 300 bucks? It's time...if you still wanna play the new games but the Q3 is priced out of reach the lite or whatever they call it should be enough for most to eventually upgrade I'd think.


Consoles have been doing this for decades, its the best way to keep progressing. Supporting older consoles such as q2 only limits what the development team can achieve.


Good lets keep pushing the industry forward


I wish ps5 did the same for ps4.


What do you expect? You expect developers to keep making games for previous-generation gaming consoles too? That kind of mindset holds us back from the next-gen games of the future.


This is how it should be. If you wanna play the new games buy the new console, just like any other gaming console on the market.


I'm still pissed they quit making applications that will run on Windows 3. The selfish bastards!


I don't mind, because I almost exclusively use VR for fitness. The only "normal" game I play is Walkabout Mini Golf.


I really want to try fitness. Would you suggest?


For beginners I'd recommend Beat Saber, because it's fun and doesn't give you a heart attack. With some basic level of fitness, Les Mills Bodycombat and the usual boxing games (any will do) are pretty effective in raising your heart rate. I'm only doing this for a month now and my resting heart rate went from ~60 to ~50.


Thank you !


Their loss. I'm not buying the Quest 3 at the moment until there's someone who can buy my Quest 2, and that doesn't seem likely anytime soon. If Meta want generations between Quests, then they should wait longer before releasing a new model. Look at the time between the Quest Pro and the Quest 3's release. It's too short. A lot of people aren't going to be buying 4+ different headsets in the span of 10 years. That's crazy.


the pro doesnt really count because it was intended for business, enterprise, and metaverse fans. it wasn't really intended for gaming. and the price reflected that. plus the quest 3 lite is coming this year and will allegedly cost 200 to 250 bucks. so if you manage to sell your quest 2 then you can pick up the lite with no issues. it probably wont do MR titles cuz it wont have a depth sensor but it'll play all the same VR games just fine.


> If Meta want generations between Quests, then they should wait longer before releasing a new model. Three years is already too long when the underlying technology is changing.


Quest 3 is more of a standalone gaming console than it is a PC, so I don’t really have an issue with it. I guess it’s only been a few years since the last one, but the tech itself is moving forward quickly so new iterations of hardware are to be expected. If the newer tech wasn’t compatible with the old games, then I’d be more upset about it.