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I've had somebody record me playing Beatsaber. Trust me, the second picture is being far too generous.


Yea, I looked like I was having a seizure, but somehow mustered the strength to try to walk to a bathroom while holding in a poop


has your sister ever recorded you playing beat saber in your underwear when you thought you locked your front door?...mine has. She will blackmail me with that video for many years.


Pull a Bezos and release it before she can


Yes. Own that shit!




Fuck it, own that shit! You were comfy playing video games and thought you were alone, then she became a creep and videoed you. Balls in your court good buddy!


the second picture should have been Star Wars kid


Star Wars Kid actually was awesome :) Believe me: we all look worse


Had my friend try Beatsaber. She looked sensual and refined even though she played normal and for the first time. I thought that wow, I must look really cool playing expert/expert+. She was generous enough to take a video of me playing. I looked like I shit my pants while playing whack-a-mole.


On lower difficulties there's a lot of room to make cool, sweeping motions that let you play like you feel like the game *should* be played. Then you load expert and it teaches you to stop doing that and play like you're having seizures instead.


Eh, short of the very fastest of songs, Expert/Expert+ [**should** just look like a faster version of the slower tracks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAVKE38uLsg). You should be maintaining sweeping motions because that's what gets you the most points. You just need to channel your inner Neo and move faster. Alternatively.... [just play it like a wizard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O36MM6qqkAQ)


That doesn't hold true for custom songs at all


I mean I basically get the mechanics of the game. Circular motions for the most part, up, down, left, right, and on and on; more or less. Then I see people like the girl in the first video and think, "damn that's crazy, maybe, with time and a lot of practice, I could possibly do that." Then I watch the second one... Girl is suspended and doing shit I don't believe I could ever do on that game. Truthfully, I've only used a friends oculus, so a headset hasn't been fine-tuned to my head and eyes, which might make some difference, but that's just excuses. Props to them though.


Which difficulty level would let you achieve this best?


At a guess, *probably* hard for some songs, maybe expert for others. My joke was aimed more at expert+ and the occasional song that has really wonky expert timings. My general impression on it is that, depending on song, hard or expert still leaves enough gaps on notes to really go wild on the sweeping motions and cool stuff for the people that want to turn it into dance choreography instead of "arm swinging, the game". You can still get some pretty solid arm movements in on higher difficulties (depending on song, some custom ones not so much) but the initial inclination a lot of new BS players have is to do all these huge whole-body moves that get less viable past a point.


Sometimes I suspect that those "expert+" maps with intentional awkward cuts are training us to play like drunkards in real life.


Tech maps can be fun if they are balanced but many tend to be awful if you aren’t playing like a drummer and want to dance.


The map matters a lot. One reason so many people hate the OST E+ maps is that they have terrible flow and require very awkward movements.


True, they do weird stuff on those just to mess with you. Also helps to be an attractive female, as opposed to me looking like something that hatched in the mines of Moria.


From what I gather, just being an attractive female with a greenscreen showing her whole body doesn't seem to really do the job completely. Quite a few viewers, sure, I mean OF is booming and some people on there shouldn't be, but have a following... Anyways, it's the ones that are actually pretty good at the game that gain a decent amount of viewers. You're right though, shaking dwarvish man ass doesn't do it for a large portion of the population.


> She looked sensual and refined Your friend eh?


> Sensual - relating to or involving gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure Not sure that you picked the right word there


Apparently not D: Elegant or graceful maybe? English isn't my native tongue.


I mean not necessarily. If the person "dancing" evokes a positive emotional, possibly physical response (goosebumps) then it could be considered sensual for that person. He/she/they may not have become aroused, but may have seen or felt some form of gratification from what they witnessed, which fits the definition. I do like the sexual iteration better though. Many other, more fitting words could have been used to describe their feelings for sure.


Why is the comment just a little cringe


He wants to fuck his friend lol


Sensual and refined sounded very "m'lady" old-school reddit lol




this made me laugh


I laughed sensually


That's why me and my spouse both have their own VR headsets. When both look stupid, noone looks stupid...


Can confirm. I thought I looked amazing until someone took video and then had the nerve to show me and destroy my illusion.


Extremely accurate. This is also why I couldn't help myself laughing when I saw competitive VR gaming the other day. Every member of each team looking in another direction, waving their arms around wildly. I mean it took the masses years to accept that gaming has outgrown many other branches in the entertainment branche and that Esports are the real deal... ...and now we're looking at a bunch of nerds flailing their arms around wildly whole staring in random directions. oh man if I was a satirical reporter I'd have a field day with this. Having said that I looooove vr


I never even thought about how unsafe this Jedi preschool is. Don't they have a bigger room to put these younglings in? If I know toddlers, about half of them would have chopped each other in half before Anakin ever showed up.


They aren't real lightsabers. They just sting instead of cut.




Another shameless synthriders plug, but what I like about the game is that it actually forces some choreography that can actually look pretty legit on higher difficulties


Totally agree. I was never too into dancing but the higher difficulties make me feel like a pro :P


Ya it's pretty amazing what a good mapper in that game can make your body do, lol. I actually decided to record myself recently after getting into master just to review....like obviously some still looks kinda "flaily", but I actually impressed myself haha


It’s even more perfect because it looks like they have headsets on


Hey, if I can feel like the top image then the VR experience is a success. Who cares what I look like!


Me in battle talent:


Legit those kids still look way better than I do!


lol . Especially when I kill zombies in after the fall I think I look badass but I prob just look silly :D


When I first got my headset, my son wanted to be like daddy. So, he pulls his hat down over his eyes and starts swinging markers around. 10/10 for accuracy!


Reminds me of the first time my SO played Mario Tennis on the Wii. My son was standing still with his arms as his sides, minimally flicking his wrist. My SO was going side-to-side, jumping in the air, swiping wildly. Priceless. I wish I had gotten it on video. It wasn't too sensual or refined


Spin Eternally on expert + will turn anyone into a Padawan real quick.


This but Sword & Sorcery


Well yeh, beat saber barely involves full body movement, only your arms move


bruh play fitbeat and say that again




This is a very old meme but it checks out. :) Welcome to everyone new in the VR community!


I recorded my wife the first time she played and then asked if she wanted to see how cool she looked.


It's safer this way though you got real into sword and sorcery one day and smashed a TV

