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The fact there's no terrible music in the video...how can I believe this is real!?


And they showed the end result in action! Unbelievable


And not in slo-mo either!! This video really has it all.


I just watched it again. Because of it.


I would easily watch the uncut version


There’s a 12 min version on TheFabrik’s youtube channel


Until now, I didn't believe any of them were as flawless as mymechanics! Even mymechanics's buddy 'Mister Patina' has enough little slips that it put me off.


Hand Tool Rescue is also a good one.


Then just stop watching it near the end before he gets to the tomato.


I love uncut! Taste delicious


No black gloves either.


Well, dealing with rust cleaners, they should be wearing some gloves.


And shit actually works


I've got one of these, and I was a bit underwhelmed with how they do. I put it down to being made in the USSR. 


And even showed how the mechanism worked because I couldn’t figure out how the fuck it was working in there and when he opened it, it was like a little orgasm. 


They forgot to put the string around the pins between the gears and holes, but that might be just as well as it provides less stress on the rope bending nearly 90 deg as it enters the box.


It means less of a contact angle on the outer two pulleys though, much more likely to slip.


It tells me these are not very good at sharpening at all as he's sawing with the blade. :)


Yeah, they don't work. My father had one. They don't produce a blade sharp enough to shave with. Neat restoration, though.


Reusing blades was wayyyy back. So it would work well enough for the time period


sharpening blades is not hard and you can make them like new in a minute, it's just not really worth it for these anymore. The contraption in the video, however, probably dulls them.


A new one would be dulled for sure, but these razor blade sharpeners were invented in 1910, patented in 1931, people were reusing razor blades even though disposable razor blades pre-date the sharpeners. So they probably reused them before buying new ones because of cost and diseases like AIDS weren't a giant concern back then.


Sharpening blades dates back way before these contraptions. Cheap “blade sharpeners” that don’t actually work still exist today.


Should he have just been able to press straight down? Genuinely curious. I have a Damascus and I'm any kind of chopping there's some sideways movement of the blade relative to the tomato. Unless it is a fast chop. So the wiggle makes sense to me.


Damascus doesn't really mean anything. Really depends on the manufacturer. The blade steel and edge geometry, too. All that to say, you should be able to cut without "sawing" back and forth. Should just be one smooth, cut down and away (or towards, I'm not your mom) without much resistance. Sounds like your knife is probably just dull. Go have it properly sharpened. The sharper a knife is, the safer it is.


Better off just rubbing this thing against sandpaper glued to a block of wood or a broom handle. Yep. Free hand sharpening, honing and stropping is a basic life skill that everyone should have. "Sharpeners" are just metal eaters. That's literally all they do.


my dad always kept a block of wood with some old scraps of denim stapled onto it. I've done the same, no idea if it actually extends the life of blades or not because I've always done it. Just kind of a habit, get done shaving and swipe each side of the blade maybe a half dozen times. I use a double sided safety razor and a pack of blades lasts me years. I'll admit I hang onto blades a little longer than I should sometimes though.


Yes, denim works as a strop. Lots of materials will work for that so long as it's consistent. Stropping straightens the microscopic bends in the edge which extends the life of the blade before it needs sharpening.


Yeah, denim will work as a strop along with cardboard. It is better to just buy a cheap strop (they're like $10 from Ukraine) and paint the strop with green stropping compound. That'll produce a very fine edge capable of whittling hair, but I've stropped knives on the knee of the jeans I was wearing before and it works.


You can moderately visualize the resistance in between the "saws." I'd say the blade is quite sharp. Maybe not as much as a brand new razer blade but pretty good considering you never need to buy replacement blades and only take a few seconds to sharpen.


There is a whole genre of restoration channels that are pretty much this though. Down to the neutral white background and even table top in some cases. * TheFabrik channel is where this one comes from. * Old Things Never Die is another and has pretty much 100% the same style down to the black table and white wall. * my mechanics again very og but he's in the middle of restoring a fairlady z and imo it's kind of stalling out his channel but all his stuff before that is this style. Rather I imagine that OTND and TheFabrik are aping his style as his channel is by far the largest.


the oldest channel of that type that I know of is Odd Tinkering he has a nice mix of simple restorations, electronics resotrations (especially old game systems), and some more involved restorations.


There are so many good ones, and I've seen hundreds, but MyMechanics is on another level. The editing is just insane. No fast forwarding. I won't watch someone who does that. Jump cuts all the way. The way he cuts the footage without a jump sometimes too, and you'll see him do 4 or 5 strokes of the file instead of 100 in some kind of jump cut merging, blows me away. He's the best


Yeah my mechanics is my fave.


James May had a brief show where he took apart and rebuilt various old stuff. Called the reassembler. It's the most relaxing thing I've ever watched.


Reading that made me feel old


My Mechanics is by far the best restoration channel hands down.


Hand tool rescue is by far the best one. No music, really interesting restos and just the right amount of humour. Also best intro on YouTube. https://youtu.be/x66xynjmk9o?si=Me0V5qBJ74Ah2DzN


No fake rust neither!!


And none of those annoying seizure-inducing fast, snappy cuts...just raw footage with no commentary and slow parts appropriately sped up. Unbelievable.


Belongs to /r/SVWTCM


With that god awful hi hat rhythm that is reused in every rap song now. _”Ooh! There’s a triplet!”_


I’m looking for the comment claiming they just poured liquid rust and human shit on this the day before and that they didn’t really restore it.


Asian ones yes. This one looks legit.


you should check out my mechanics on YouTube. Dude does amazing restorations and no music.


Was expecting the typical TikTok "and it went like this.." song 


Adam Savage is another one that doesn't use music that I've seen. Granted, it's because he's always yapping (<3) probably, but still


This was an unusually thorough and satisfying restauration! Those sandblasting steps were 'chef's kiss'!


I'm just glad it's finally a real restoration video. There are a surprising amount of fake restoration videos floating around.


If you like these types of videos, this guy is exactly like this, very, very satisfying to watch. I saw 2 videos and subbed.... [(2) Odd Tinkering - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@OddTinkering)


Also shout-out to MyMechanics


I make a new one.


And also DashnerDesignRestoration He works with wood and does a bit of really chill commentary that helps you understand the process


Handtool Rescue too!


TysyTube as well


Mymechanics is awesome. Been waiting for a new video on the Z restoration series.


he is simply perfect. His attention to detail is incredible, and all the stuff he restores he gets from a trash sorting facility, all real


And cool again restoration


That Datsun restoration series... just perfect. I wish I didn't have to wait so long between videos! I understand why tho


Yea, this looks realistic. Not like they bought something and then threw it in a bunch of rusty water or acid for a video. I stopped watching some of them. Just like carpet cleaning videos, where it's a new rug, and they just burry it in mud.


You can't fake the pitting from genuine age and rust. Rapidly rusted metal doesn't normally show pitting.


>You can't fake the pitting from genuine age and rust. He's using one tool that excels at this.


Yeah I wish these videos would tell us where the item came from, they sometimes have old toys that look like they had acid dumped on them to look like it was from an archaeological dig




If I had a sandblaster, EVERYTHING I own would have that blasted matte finish. So satisfying to watch.


When I was in school for welding, we often got to use the sandblaster for things we made. It's so unbelievably satisfying to use in real life. I highly recommend trying one at least once


And one of those laser rust removers. Those things are awesome. Oh, and a powder coating booth, and a...


The powder coat process was nice too


Precision and finesse at work. Bravo 👌


Finesse 👌🏻


A french word for a french artist (cf 5:08). 👌


I guess it's a shame that we got so good at making high-quality razors so well. There are all sorts of doodads and whatsits that no longer make sense to produce


I bought a box of 100 of these blades for $8


Probably doesn't make much sense spending a lot of time sharpening them


Generally not a good idea to sharpen them at all. Not only are they too thin to effectively sharpen anyway, but they're almost always coated to help them slide with less irritation and prevent cuts. I use wilkinson sword blades, pretty good for the coating but aren't the sharpest thing ever. But I'd never try one of these things on them for that reason. Beside the double edge razor blades pretty sure they're a rebranded Schick.


Astra platinum for me. Box of 100 costs $9 on Amazon right now. Lasts me several years. Gillette can suck it. Shout out /r/wicked_edge.


I had a testing kit with a selection of 10 different blade manufacturers/products. The ones that felt best were Feather ones, Japanese.


Feather Hi-Stainless are well known for being one of, if not the sharpest DE blades. You gotta be careful with them because they cut so cleanly that it's easy to nick yourself. Weirdly enough, a feather on its 2nd or 3rd shave is my favorite blade, even more than a fresh one.


I've tried the feathers. Scary sharp. I found that the Astra Platinum worked just as well as Feather and I felt about 50% safer using them.


Fuck yeah Astra. I'm on like my 3rd box in 20 years.




Switched to a safety razor last year and, like another person mentioned, got a sample pack of various blades. Gillette Silver Blue seemed to be the best, but Astra superior platinum was right behind it and a better bargain. Spent like $9 on a pack that should last me 2 years. Cheaper than cartridges and I like not having as much waste. I'm still working on getting the whole process just right to not agitate my skin, but it's overall been a great experience.


> I use **wilkinson sword blades**, pretty good for the coating but **aren't the sharpest** thing ever. They are horribly soft and will eat your face alive. Super sharp, but the metal will bend a tiny bit when shaving and pull the hairs. 2/10.


I don't really think that most of the "razor blade sharpeners" actually sharpen the blades. I'm lead to believe they are more of just a hone.


Same result though, that honing will damage the blade


What kind of coating is on the cutting edge of a razor blade?


It's just teflon, same as a nonstick pan


Mmmm, yummy forever chemicals


Oh good just what we needed


Wilkinson sword! The sword in the name isn't just some reference to razors, they only started making those in the 90s. They were making some of the finest British swords of the 19th century.


And they're highly recyclable to boot.


But if you had a sharpener like that, those 100 would last you a life time.


And you could keep them sharp longer by investing…what? $500 of expert time and materials? into restoring a blade sharpener!




I feel like you kind of made my point in the second half there.




I had no idea these razors were ever re-sharpened.


I think that’s true for most people. It’s by far the cleanest shave I’ve ever gotten, and the cheapest too. I’ve stopped using them because I grew a beard though and now I just trim my neck with my beard trimmer. Easier.


“He used a razor blade to cut his tomatoes and they would liquify in the pan with just a little oil. It was a very good system”


Damn, you beat me to it. Just don't use too many onions.


Medium rare? An aristocrat!


Onyo always number one.


How many onions you use? 4 small onions! How many cans of tomatoes? 2 big cans!


i didn't put too many onions, 3 small onions


Nah I thought it was the garlic


it was garlic for sure, no Mandela Effect here


Yes the movie used garlic


Not just the movie, but the dish, Aglio e Olio, can't be made with with tomatoes. I mean, you can try. But someone's Nona is gonna beat the hell out of you with a wooden spoon.


Ya got tomato looking one way, and garlic looking the other way. And Bullshidder is over here like, what do you want from me?


Looks like someone we know 😆


“Don’t put too many onions in the sauce.”


“I..I…didn’t use too many onions, Paul….Tree small onions….”


"Three onions? How many cans of tomatoes you put in there?"


“I put 2 cans, 2 big cans”


3 onions?!


As far back as I could remember I always wanted to be a razor blade sharpener.




Tomato https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/s/bK3C2eXzAn I’ve seen goodfellas at least 200 times. I know it’s garlic. I could write the entire script from the movie from memory and get it at least 90% accurate. However, in this particular video, he is using a tomato….K?


>However, in this particular video, he is using a tomato….K? You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but it's a tomato how, I mean tomato like I'm a chef, I cook for you? I make you food, I'm here to fuckin' talk about tomatoes with you? What do you mean tomato, tomato how? How is it a tomato?


Just…Y’…You know…a tomato…what?


He’s over here cutting tomatoes like how they cut the garlic in prison in Goodfellas


Best scene in the history of motion picture!


Finally presented with one that's not an artificially aged fake restoration.


There are tons of real restoration and repair channels. There's my mechanics, Hand Tool Rescue, Not Terrible Restorations, Odd Tinkering, Old Things Never Die, The Fabrik (this restorer), Stezstix Fix, My Mate Vince, Buy It Fix It, Forgotten Shine Restoration, Rusty Shades Restorations, LADB Restoration, and likely many more. Edit: also Mend it Mark!


Do everyone a favor and never delete this comment.


He definitely fakes the toy trains he restores. I've followed some of the auctions on eBay for items that have ended up in his videos. Things like the screw head orientation were all the same as in the auction photos. The trains might have had some paint loss and some dents, but they definitely weren't rusty and absolutely were not in need of a full restoration. But, this one does appear to be genuine.


How do you know this one is real?


If its fake, more effort was put into rusting it right than usual.


The rust is not a flat, perfectly even coating across the entire piece. The rust isn't just a wash of browns and yellows, instead it has accurate fluctuations in color and even turns green in a couple of places due to bacteria growing. The rust also is shown to have built up in places where parts meet and it holds its shape after the two parts are separated.


The green can also be from things like brass rivets.


Interesting. I didn't know that.


Youtube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@TheFabrik/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@TheFabrik/videos)


And link to full video that’s not cropped. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X_IrJOHK3lA


Wow, so many steps and information edited out. Stoopid vertical video...


And wrong title


You're a hero.


Thanks ! Was wondering. I’ve been a big fan of mymechanics on YouTube for ages and looking for more like it


mymechanics is so good, but one video every couple of months is just... I need more!


Handtoolrestoration is also solid. These are my go-to zen videos


Thank you Mr Queef. We’d be lost without you


What a ripoff. He didn't restore the string! (Very impressive restoration)


[Support the actual creator TheFabrik on YouTube ](https://youtu.be/X_IrJOHK3lA?si=gueU4GNXSz0quoMg) Also OP's title is wrong if they woulda taken 2 seconds to look at the date in the title of the video they took this from.


Thank you. And it is not missing 70% of the video..


Bless you, this was awesome 😂👌


Me: "6 minutes? Man, ain't got time for that." Me 6 minutes later: "What? It's over? I need more!!!!"


I love how these restoration videos keep the original parts. It makes it feel like a true restoration with the OG parts than just using new parts that makes it feel like it’s just building it.


I'm mostly impressed by the ability to remember where each part goes


That's the stuff.


No music, used it at the end, and even showed exactly what it did too.


videos like this remind me that old things were meant to be repaired, new thing are meant to be replaced. the quality of the thing is incredible.


> Videos like this remind me that old things were meant to be repaired, Except you can see they weren't. They would not use use rivets if it was meant to be repaired or taken apart. Having to be destructive to disassmble it usually means no one intended you to do it.


This is the first real restoration video I've seen on this subreddit. Most of the time it's got some guy effectively destroying the original item and rebuilding it. This is how restoration is done. You maintain as much of the original material as possible and do as little damage as possible to the original item while reviving it to the original state.


Outstanding work!!


Yes, cleaning metal in acids with electrodes is truly satisfying. Can’t explain it.


That’s not cleaning. It’s electroplating. They sand blasted the metal clean.


What did they electroplate it with, zinc?


Looks like brass


That’ll be $999


No music? No AI voice over?? Perfection 🤌


I didn't expect to watch this whole thing. That was excellent.


Please show it working Please show it working OMG - they showed it!


Now you can cut garlic so thin it'll liquify in just a little oil


I’m the perfect amount of high for this right now 😌


Is that co2 blast? Or sand?


Is there a subreddit for this?


I loved the fact that he didn't know what it was when he bought it, he was just like this looks restorable.  I actually discovered this channel a few weeks ago, and I really like it. 


Paulie did the prep work. He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin that it used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil... It was a very good system….




Dude… thank you so much for that MB… I wish I could restore stuff like that bc so damn awesome… but I do have an old school razor sharpener like that… because until I get my knives sharp enough to cut like that double sided razor, it’s not sharp enough haha fr… that’s what compare it to… I love old school stuff like that so much it crazy


I love the end, sharing the freshly sharpened razor cutting the cherry tomatoe paper thin. What better way to convey a successful restoration?! Edit: spelling


He should have thinly sliced some garlic. Paulie would have been proud of him. Great video.


I miss things that were well-made and reusable.


I did not expect the restorer to restore almost all of the original parts. I expected either replacement or re-fabs.


That tomato was a bloody finger for a split second in my mind.


That was AWESOME! All though I’ll say this I got to use a sand blaster in tech class in highschool and the video is no where near as satisfying as sandblasting in real life


I watched this whole thing. I wish there was more content like this on the internet. No annoying music. No annoying people. No useless intro. No filler. What excellent content. I fucking HATE videos of people wrecking brand new usable things or wasting stuff. I’d love to see more videos of people restoring things so they can be used again. How can we as a society bring back an appreciation for fixing things and not wasting things?


I am skeptical that this thing sat rusty since the 1950s and not a single piece of metal broke or was even worn away by rust. All of the pieces were too well kept, just the appearance of age.


Who knew this would turn into the garlic slicing cooking scene in the prison from "Goodfellas"


As a kid, I was endlessly entertained by taking apart pens and putting them back together again. So, obviously videos like this bring me no end of joy.


The sandblasting is the best part


The restoration itself was fantastic. The usefulness of the device today is certainly debatable. However, one thing that I really was awestruck by is the craftsmanship and quality of components that went into that device. I was imagining the factory where these were made, and the people that actually assembled them... "Hey Ralph, what do you do for a living?" "I assemble razor blade sharpeners at the Siemens factory."




Ugh.... imma watch the whole thing aren't I 6 mins later: worth it


Dollar Shave Club hates this one weird trick!


Well worth watching, thanks.


A spectrophotometer would've come in handy for color-matching the outer shell. But that'd probably have been gilding the lily.


That's really cool, but considering that razor blades cost about 10 cents, that should pay for itself in a few decades.


Best one of these kinds of videos I've ever seen


I had no idea how it works until the very ending but the process was so mesmerizing that I didn't skip at all. 10/10 content.


Glad he showed how it works at the end. That was half the reason I stuck around cause I couldn't figure out how the mechanism works.


restoration looks great, but it's surprising how well that thing held up considering it's 70-some years old. they really used to make stuff to last.


Incredible. A true craftsman.


As someone who absolutely loves vintage items, this is perfection


What is amazing to me is the difference between what business back then thought was important compared to what business today think is important. Back then it was quality and product longevity. Hence a device to sharpen something that cost individually a percentage of a penny. Today it's all about planned obsolescence. Making something that breaks shortly after the warranty runs out. Not allowing people the ability to repair something themselves or have a independent repair facility repair it. Crazy how different the business models are now compared to then...


That was super cool


Average day for James may


Best part about this restoration was knowing that Siemens made this product. A current employer.


You could use this faster - and I suspect it was designed to be used this way - by putting the loop end of the cord around something, holding the cord tight, and moving the sharpener up and down the cord.


That was deeply, deeply satisfying!