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How much weight/time can that foam handle before it starts to break down and compress?


it's pretty durable. the main thing is that sunlight does not fall on it


Just like the Titans in the walls.


Oh dude I -just- watched AoT, the timing to understand your reference was spooky, almost Truman-show levels


*To you, in 2000 years*


!Remind me 2000 years


This is the 24AD Roman Imperial Mail reminding you that yes, the imperial province of Judaea is still fighting a war of extermination.


If it helps, I didn't just watch AoT, so the reference means nothing to me.


It's this show about titans attacking but it turns out there are titans in the walls. The whole time. It's pretty self-explanatory.


Maybe the real titans were the friends we made along the way? ...wait.


Technically the truth.


Kinda misses the reference to the importance of sunlight not hitting them.


I just finished AoT yesterday. Don't fuck with the walls bro


Shit, he's on to us


Trueman show? Isnt that the fictional movie based on the hulkmxl show?


Its time to wake up. They know that you became aware enough to notice them. Get out. If you are ever in trouble scream "i'm a little dirty ladybug" and my comrades will be able to locate you. Behave normal but don't think about how to behave normal. That's like remembering to breath; Switches it to manual Mode. You are welcome.


You could say it would be a Collosal failure.


The Boeing killer came after you, you revealed the corporate secret of the sauce


So like 10 years?


At least


The bigger problem is this doesn’t do anything to solve the erosion that’s happening under the driveway so it’s just a temporary fix and going to sink again over time.


This likely isn't erosion. I'd bet it's from pouring the slab on disturbed soil without adequately prepping the site with gravel, tamping, and time for settling. This is why some road projects take so long; they're probing / measuring moisture and compaction and either waiting for settling or accelerating it with heavy machines. Failure to do this leads to roads like this driveway.


While that one person does all those things what are all the other guys standing around doing?


one is to make sure that he's doing it right, two are to make sure that the guy supervising is being supervised etc etc.


Literally everything is just a temporary fix. It's all gonna sink, given a long enough time frame.


Himalayas aren't. They get taller every year! Go Indian subcontinent, go!


For now. Time’s fun like that.


Dreading needing a new roof soon


My parents house is 50 years old and they just had it lifted 1.5-2 inches. That's not bad all things considered. If it lasts half as long that's impressive. So far, 2 years of seasons/snow and holding strong


No but polyurethane is an excellent medium for molds and fungi to grow on, and protecting it from sunlight will make that problem worse.


Polyurethane is pretty good at resisting stress fatigue, meaning unless it’s crushed the first time, it’s gonna last a while. As for how much is too much? A truck’s weight on a single tire will break it, but if it’s spread out over a whole driveway it’ll be fine.


just until after you flipped it.


\~7 years ago I used 5 cans of 'Great Stuff' from Home Depot to lift a part of a concrete apron on the front of my house and it's still perfect. FWIW


Foundation specialist/project manager here. It's definitely a bandaid solution. It depends a lot on soil composition and drainage/moisture. The more moisture in soil that is expensive, i.e. clay based soil, the shorter the bandaid fix will work. Ideally, you would demo and re-pour new concrete and tie it into the existing grade beam via #4 rebar ever 16" on center.


Our solution was just to asphalt up two little wheel ramps to the top of the lip of the garage lmao. Worked like a charm. Before that we used a plank of wood. Probably 1/1000th of the price. Granted we weren't nearly as bad as OP.


It'd be ugly, but would work. Only question is if the additional weight of the asphalt in previously settled areas would cause it to settle more, and throw the unsettled areas up and way.


You just repeat the process at that point.


this man rednecks


Honestly we live in a decent neighborhood and it somehow doesn't actually look that bad. Our driveway is a steep hill anyways and not short so it kind of blends in looking from the road. In all probability, the top of the driveway has settled and rolled up so much any massive renovation would just have to get redone in 20 years anyways.


If it were expansive clays, you'd think you would foundation issues too. But I've seen overexcavations done in areas with those problems, where you had to place the soil at 5% above optimum moisture. So yes, it was slightly pumping. Definitely thin lifts and static rolled. But if you built on that, i wouldn't expect the driveway to have settlement, it would be completely fucked from the live loads, and probably have spiderweb cracking. That thing looks like it settled without cracking. So it was probably shitty compaction during initial construction. Dirt guys are often lazy as hell on things like driveways.


I willing to bet there will be issues in the future, if this is expansive clay. In the 9 yrs of me doing foundation work, I've noticed, here in central Tx (512 represent!) we typically begin to see foundation failure starting between the 15-20 year mark. Of course, there are a multitude of variables that can change that. I will say, some newer track homes are failing within the 10 yr foundation warranty, but builders do fuck-all to service them. Company's like Lenner, DR Horton, KB Homes, Meritage and Centex are company's NOT to buy homes from.


I got started in inspection 20 years ago doing QC for mostly Lenner, but also DR Horton and KB. And yep, they're shit. And i can only imagine how much worse they are now. I got into bridges. And thank God, since residential and commercial are a nightmare with quality.


It’s better than the other bandaid, mud jacking


Thanks for confirming, I was super confused at first. That stuff can be durable as hell but not constantly-driving-on-while-supporting-a-concrete-slab durable. I suppose once it raised up by the foam and it has cured that you could insert some kind of supports, although that just seems slightly less temporary than the foam itself. What would be the reason then in paying for this repair (provided it was professionally done) if it would pretty quickly end up cheaper to just have poured a new slab right away?


I'm guessing the biggest customer for this are people flipping houses. Cheapest solution to the problem and it can be easily hidden with a minor landscaping project along the sides of the driveway. 


That's a great question. If your selling a house and it's a time sensitive situation? It's less than half a days worth of work as opposed to 2 or even 3 days. Weather has no bearing on the work either, so this can be done during rain or shine. I don't really know the costs between one or the other as I mainly build new pier and beam foundations and level existing PnB and monolithic slab-on-grade.


From what I've hears, anecdotally, is that none of these firms warranty their work. They could not care how long it lasts


Also put gutters on the house and more importantly direct the water far from the foundation, not just 3 feet away.


If it was done properly, it can last about 5 years before starting to sink, providing you don't park heavy trucks on it constantly. But this doesn't fix the underlying drainage issue that is causing that driveway to sink in the first place, so it'll happen again. Foam jacking is a fairly reliable bandaid, but it's still a bandaid. That said, this wasn't done properly unless they filled the rest of the driveway out of frame. It has to be filled all the way down, otherwise it will eventually crack.


They've started filling approach roads for flyovers with expanded polystyrene and they plan for those to last decades. Different material yes, but the stresses and strains of vehicles are taken into account when engineering a material.




Could u pls post a link


A fair bit. We've used it to reinforce the floor under some fairly heavy machinery at work, many tons of weight. It mostly helped but the floor still moved a tiny bit (a couple tenths of a milimetre) as the machine did its job, so eventually we decided to go for other options.


In NC, we use a similar method to fix settled bridge approaches (basically a concrete ramp on the road that gets you onto the bridge deck). They have lasted for many years successfully on interstate routes.


Ten years so far on my uncle's. He's got some hideous RV on it. Ymmv.


You'd be surprised. This usually ends up being a permanent solution.


Yeah neat video but the cyclic fatigue resistance will be terrible. This will not last.


Do yourself a favor and play this on mute.


I just keep my videos muted by default.


The Internet has sound?




there are parts of the internet that aren't for porn?


are u not on MySpace?


This is the way!


I unmuted and was so confused


The AI program I want is one that knows me and knows what audio is worth listening to and mutes/unmutes on a video to video basis automatically.


I down vote when the musical is garbage


I turned it on after reading this comment. What the actual fuck even


Sounded like Sloth from the Goonies attempting to spark a rap career.


... how many genres have we gone through, and how did they fuck up every one of them?


It wasn't that bad for the first 12 seconds, but holy shit after that it's ridiculous lol. I started laughing for real near the end.


Yeah that slowdown is pretty trash. The actual track goes hard af tho.


I’m usually tolerant of annoying audio, but I physically cringed at this one. This is the first time I’ve ever felt strongly enough about it to comment


Oi this song is pure trash innit m8???


it got blood coming out my ears blud


I played it on mute the first time and after your comment I had to play it without. I still blame you.


I played it on mute and had to check what you meant. I regret that decision deeply.


There were so many comments about how bad the music was, I had to watch it a second time with the sound on. Some kind of sadistic curiosity.


Masochistic\* Sadistic curiosity would be encouraging others to turn the sound on to see how they react.


Turn the sound WAY UP everyone




Plot twist: they’re on a bus


it didnt used to be so bad but has gotten worse in the last couple years i think. oh look, a short clip of a momma cat with kittens, lets add distorted death metal for no reason at all




This music is sensationally terrible.


How much time before the slab starts cracking above the floating areas?


The idea is that the foam expands and fills all voids under the slab so that doesn't happen. I used to do this for a living. Foam jacking is far superior to mud jacking as you aren't adding weight to the slab and the foam doesn't break down as long as it isn't exposed to sunlight


Personally, I prefer jacking without mud, it gets into my urethra and I would get UTI's on a regular basis. I haven't tried foam, but I think it might just block things up.


Once had a can of foam sealant pop through the bottom of a box on a pallet. Coworker nailed it with a fork, and it exploded all over the front of his forklift. He got pissed and started scraping it off with his hands while it expanded. Later we heard him screaming trying to get it off cause he was too impatient to learn the proper way to release it, and it even took some skin. So yeah, don't apply to yo dick.


Oh man that’s sounds awful. I was using it one day with gloves on and the glove broke and got on the side of my finger. I had to scrape it off with skin. And it took months to heal. It would heal and then the skin would bubble up and reopen again like I kept getting a chemical burn from beneath the healed skin or something. It was literally maybe a half inch patch, but man was it painful.


Why would you type this?


You must be new to reddit.


Until you drive on it!


And this is why we have microplastics in our semen.


Foam jacking taken literally.


Fucking hell this website is cursed.


for real, this stuff desintegrates sooner or later and no way to prevent it spoiling the surroundings. i'd rather have no driveway than this.


🎶Life is plastic, it's fantastic 🎶


That music is the opposite of satisfying.


Fuck your background music!


Fuck that background music


Wtf is this shit music?


what the fuck is that audio


Da ting go skibidi skibidi BANG


The result of giving kids tablets at age 3 and tiktok making 2 second attention spans so they they can't listen to a song without it having 5 million different effects and tape stops every millisecond


but can you drive over it?


Yes, most cold storage warehouses have concrete that sits on a layer of 3 poly sheets and you have racking,product, forklifts driving over it and never deforming unless moisture gets in there, freezes and heaves the concrete. Similar concept but used for leveling rather than thermal insulation. Poly is quite strong.


Those poly sheets don’t provide any structural support and are only to prevent moisture wicking through the slab.


Maybe he’s using the wrong terminology, but putting foam board under concrete is very common. You don’t put anything load bearing on it, but it absolutely can handle the concrete and non-load-bearing walls.  Foam board has compressive strength of 15-25 psi. Which is about 2000 to 3600 psf. For comparison, generally you size a living area at 10-25 psf and a deck at 50-80psf depending on many factors. 4” deep concrete is about 45 psf.


I did use the wrong terminology. Thanks for the correction.


This is it. This actually the worst song I've ever heard. This is the most arrhythmic and hard to follow song I think I've ever heard. Jesus wept.


how can it be satisfying if it's destroying my ears?


I would think rats could get right under that stuff, chew themselves a nice little nest and raise a family.


Is the foam appetizing for the rats? If they weren’t there before this I doubt the foam would attract them.


No, it’s not cheese.


How can you be sure?


The American dream.


Surely they’re taking the piss with background music 🙉


Playing this video with the sound on has ruined my day


why do mfers doing these timelapses always have the most atrocious taste in music


Fucking horrible music


Petition to ban posts that have music that isn't relevant to the video itself


This is how u fix ur driveway right before u put the For Sale sign up.


It’s fine I already have plastic in my balls apparently


Lots of hate here, but when you compare this to mud jacking and concrete replacement (which is also done wrong quite often) then all you can do is let the property owner choose which option works best for them. Cost differences are dramatic Mid jacking ~$400+ Poly foam ~ $2k+ Concrete replacement ~$7k+


Putting things like polyurethan into the ground is why we deserve global warming.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ThingsCutInHalfPorn/comments/dv7hs9/environmentally_unsound_1963_popular_science_used/?rdt=48960 1963, just dig a hole in the ground and pour your dirty oil in it


I can't decide if the music is worse at regular speed or slowed down.


Until the soil underneath starts to erode and wash away and it drops again


No one said it's a permanent fix.... it gets the job done for a decent amount of time at a price WAY less than tearing up the driveway


My last HOA had this done under the sidewalk and it SUCKED. Sidewalk lifted way up and bent my garage siding when the ground contracted and then dropped back down and buckled when it released. So that was my experience and why I would not do this in any place that experiences any kind of seasonal temperature changes. Every year, it was just unbelievable to see. HOA claimed it wasn't effecting anything else, but also couldn't give firm answers about how far the foam extended in any direction.


Wouldn’t it now be more expensive to redo the entire driveway properly once it loses shape & starts cracking in the future.


You already flipped the house and it's someone else's problem now.


This foam has to be some sort of environmental hazard, right? Way worse than the original cement/concrete?


We did this with our driveway and it's SO much better than mudjacking. As long as is not exposed to sunlight, you're all set.


Landlord/flipper special. The savings to risk ratio for this aren't worth it for a homeowner. I had a place that did this before me, and it didn't last. I also had weird cracking in the garage slab which makes me wonder if this caused it.


We had this done last year and it's been great. Would absolutely do it again.


Foam lifting can actually be more expensive than stone slurry or mudjacking. It has it's pros and cons depending on the application, but it's not some cheap con.


It shouldn’t, the foam expands to fill voids specifically. Done correctly there shouldn’t be unsupported spots


Watching this is like watching someone put a band-aid over a cut that would require stitches. The fix will not last


Silly question probably... but why use this instead of raising it by adding more concrete under it or (probably more expensive option) tearing it out and redoing it? Something like a small garage ramp shouldn't be hard to fix compared to like steps or something... right? (I know nothing about this stuff so please educate instead of hate)


Is it strong enough to take cars driving up and down it?


So instead of repairing it correct you use garbage that is toxic to some extend and put that in your ground and hope nothing breaks... Yeah...


It is way faster and cheaper…


The long term cost is having microplastics in your balls.


The reddit brigade doesn't like the truth


Mmmm… PFAS


That's just trillions of little plastics in direct contact with the ground, right?


So we’re going to ignore the underlying issue with the ground underneath?


It's not a good fix. The foam disintegrates. It's foam. Don't waste your time or money.


Not sure why they didn't tear it up and just relay the foundation correctly without crappy foam.


Does this break down into the soil and get in the water or anything like that?


This is why microplastics are inside us




Did it to one of the rentals o own, it was very interesting to watch lol




Why do you people have audio play on default? Half the complaints!


We have a similar need like this. We were told the foam wouldn't last very long compared to completely re-doing the concrete slab in question.


Bot post


Been there, done that—the foam held up for years under a camper. Shade is def your friend on this one.


so what happens to it over time? Recyclable?


Why do people put the worst fucking music on these things. It doesnt fit at all. Fucking mental disorder.


Any lurkers here who can say from experience how much this costs? Typical cost per sqft?


fuck your background music


I'm now convinced that a lot of these videos purposely use shitty music just so they can get people in the comments to talk about it.




Sooo? Same time, next year?


Nice way to level up


So OP took an old as fuck video, reposted it for the 1000th time and put some terrible music on it? I hate to say it OP. But you are beyond useless.


in German this is called 'Pfusch'


This doesn't work as well as it seems. It is very much a band aid. Best thing to do is rip the slab and repour.


I bet this is super good for the environment.


Americans will do anything but to do proper construction


And people wonder why we have micro plastics in every facet of our lives…


yes, let's put plastic straight into the fucking ground. Great idea


injecting micro plastics straight into the earth


sweet sweet microplastics.


This will go to shit after 3-5 years. They didn't pin the concrete to the foundation, there's no compression pad between the driveway and the foundation, and I can tell that concrete was not poured with a proper bed of rebar, mesh, and gravel. Source: have had this done twice and then decided to just replace it.


Our descendants are going to be so, so fucking mad at us.




Fuck. Yes. I’m dumb. My ancestors are disappointed. Our descendants will be disappointed.


So how poisonous is this stuff? Not to be a Debby Downer but every other post is about the micro plastics in everything nook and cranny of our biology so maybe we should chill out? lol who am I kidding, yolo maybe!


Is this just a huge source of environmental microplastics? It's spray foam too so you get atmospheric pollution when you deploy it and environmental pollution when it breaks apart, which it will. We can do better than this as a society!


How good is this for the environment?


That shit's literally toxic and typically full of BPA and leeches it all into the dirt and eventually the ground water, where we drink it and it causes great reproductive harm. This shouldn't even be legal.


Polyurethane was found in seman.


What's the backlash? 


Came here to understand what the material is and how is it used. Instead you guys bamboozled me into unmuting the video.


Nice "music" OP. Did you really edited this under the video yourself? And do you listen to it often? In any of thr cases above, please snip it so you won't reproduce.


Don't turn the audio on in this one...




Terrible music choice


I was so ready for the 180bpm breakdown. Slowing down to 60bpm killed it. It's grime, try to be a dj.


had "mud jacking" done on a similar drive condition years back. worked and looked great after it was done. lasted maybe 1-2y before it collapsed in halfway through the lift pivot.