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The unflinching grin of a man who's going to scoop your insides out and use you as a mould for his next chocolate sculpture.


He struck gold with these weird ass videos and is now damned to do them until the end of his days.


I mean, on the one hand, yea it’s probably a hassle to have to make these consistently. But on the other, it’s probably very creatively fulfilling to be able to challenge yourself like that and to expertly execute a vision. But I’m sure these are a time suck for him while trying to run a business.


It's his work, some of these pieces are displayed somewhere and they are commissioned, he also has a Netflix cooking show where he shows other chefs how to use chocolate iirc


Doesn't have a nice job in Las Vegas? Where I imagine his creations are gobbled up.


His goofy ass perma-smile seriously drives me insane..


I think it’s because he’s one of the few people has lips that don’t meet when their mouth is closed. So even a small smile looks scary


He really does look like he has a woman pit sculpted out of the chocolate dreams of children.


I like the flow of that sentence so much that I'm going to print it out, eat it, and absorb it into my very being via anal osmosis.


Wait what


Don't kink shame


Kink shaming IS my kink.


Well in that case.... Hello there 😉


How much kink would a shame kink kink if a kink shame would shame kink.


Awww I thought we were slink shaming


Will the real slink shamy please stand up..


I would never shame a skink. I love lizards.


It rubs the chocolate on its skin, Or else it gets the caramel again.


Did an AI write this sentence?


Yes. Thank you both for being able to extract my exact thoughts about his smile and the possibilities behind it.


... Realizing that he also looks like my ex. Thrice yikes!


His smile never changes so he’s either a robot or a serial killer


Nah, he's just French 🤷🏻‍♀️


That explains a lot


…I mean he could be both.


You said it, this creepy grin is so uncanny


Can't even shout. Can't even cry. The Gentlemen are coming by. Looking in windows, knocking on doors... They need to take seven and they might take yours... Can't call to Mom. Can't say a word. You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard.


Yes!!!! This is exactly what he reminds me of!!!!


Thats how I imagine I looked like in my costumer service job, when my boss told me to smile more


Honestly I'd let him, he's that good


"We've got lots of chocolate down here, Georgie"


He looks like a horror version of Robbie Rotten.


I think he tried to copy that Turkish guy and failed


Reminds me of Slappy.


Oh thank God it wasn't just me that thought it.


This man definitely keeps victims in a basement, and lowers them homemade chocolate treats with a rope.


This is why I popped into the comments. Thank you for being the first one. Moving along


I could see this being used in some Michelin Star restaurant and when the end of the meal comes the waiter says, “you may now eat your furniture for dessert.”


You think the chocolate chair could support my fat ass for more than a millisecond?


I think it's supposed to melt and break off onto your ass. The dessert isn't the chair, it's the chocolate booty.


"u may now lick each other's booty for dessert"


Hnnggg... that isn't chocolate... 🤢


It's stinky chocolate.


Nope. But for the right people, it's a surprise treat.


I mean I could see it. I remember seeing a YouTube video of someone's experience at a Michelin restaurant in my area and they poured chocolate on your hand and you lick it off. Genuinely there's no way I could take that seriously. Like the experience must be just steeped in layers of irony or something. I couldn't be trusted to be an adult. I really think I would just start touching everything with my swamp monster hands.


If we’re going to eat this chair, I should probably stop drilling farts into it.


You may now eat the chair you’ve been farting into for the last hour for dessert. Bon Appetit!


Ass flavored chocolate. My favorite


It's fun to look at but a Michelin star restaurant would never serve this because it probably tastes like ass.


Next, he'll be building affordable housing out of chocolate


"You can either stay homeless or hungry, but I promise you won't be both."


Section Ate housing


He'll *say* it's 'affordable'....but in the end it'll just be high-end condos mixed with retail that only the 1% can afford lol


Not to get serious in a thread about chocolate chairs, but building any kind of housing reduces housing costs for everyone. If wealthy people are moving into new condos, that means they're moving out of older buildings and no longer out-competing middle class people for those homes.


We just had a section 8 apartment in my area converted to condos that go for like 3500/mo. Not congruous to your "new" condos statement, but I feel like for as many new condos/apts in my area, affordable housing is getting mowed down in lieu of expensive housing. Sorry for hijacking a thread on chocolate chairs tho


This guy's permanent grin, and the way he always does things so perfectly always kind of gives me the heebie jeebies. Like he's got some Patrick Bateman vibes going.


Patrick Bakeman


He's head chef at Dorsia


Probably because it doesn't feel genuine. Look at his face while he's concentrating and using the lathe, it's the farthest thing from a smile.


I was going to say uncanny valley but yeah I agree he's creepy


He seemed pretty chill in the Netflix series


He did a short- lived reality show competition on Netflix called school of chocolate where you get a little more of his authentic personality. I actually enjoyed the show a lot; not just the format but it’s clear that Amaury cares a lot about the professional growth of the people he mentors. But he definitely also has something akin to OCD, too, since he literally has not a single hair out of place, ever, is the king of constructive criticism, generally runs a tight ship and asks a lot of people on purpose. Watching the show, I can definitely understand why he would want his social media content to look almost effortless and jolly, someone who loves chocolate and pastry and is watching art spring perfectly formed from his fingertips. But I agree, there’s also an unintended uncanny valley, robot human effect because it’s so clearly an act…he’s lucky his videos can rest on the weight of his talent alone. There’s another dude who went viral feeding the needy with this big cheesy smile as he cooked. I watched it, I liked it, these people clearly needed it, but yeah it was weird.


I used to like him but I think he has gone overboard now. I find him irritating now.


I like him more than the other guy who smiles *directly at the camera*


I think because the grin is forced. Smile with your face not just your mouth


Some Hannibal Letchers vibe


His smile is uncanny but his skills will remain one of the best.


Amaury Guichon is god-tier at his craft. His show School of Chocolate is excellent, and he’s so insanely good at what he does that he makes seasoned professional chefs look like amateurs.


He’s so nice! I was expecting a huge ego, but he was so caring in his criticism and actually explained where someone went wrong in a non-condescending way. And the contestants who lost the challenges were allowed to remain and continue to learn from him.


I'm disappointed that they only made one season of this show. One of the "reality TV" shows I actually enjoyed. It was really amazing to see what they could make.




I'll know who to blame when the price of chocolate skyrockets.


Dont forget the gold foil


Dude looks like he's gonna make furniture out of my skin next.


Can someone explain how the chair "cushion" has a very believable give?


I think he replicated the chair he’s sitting on


I think that's got to be it. I cannot believe the joints used to secure the seat structure to the legs are strong enough to hold his weight


There’s no way lol, I was thinking the same thing.


White chocolate would also melt at normal body temp. He may be able to sit down, but those pants would be ruined… Edit: it’s fondant, not white chocolate


It was fondant


I think the only one who can answer that is Amaury Guichon himself.


It does. Can’t tell if my brain is playing tricks on me or if it’s just his legs compressing against the chocolate.


That's what I thought. I'm sure if it showed him standing after it would leave the impression of his legs and probably have some melted residue on his clothes.


Because the last shot is fake. He built a chocolate charge that looks very similar to a real one but then sat on the real one. The cushion shouldn't compress on the chocolate chair and there is no way it would hold his weight. The seat is only "glued" on 4 very small areas without any reinforcement. It would just snap.


Looked like a bread dough when he was forming it, but that is a real chair he is sitting on. No way a chocolate bond is holding him up.


I mean the guy can't be much more than like 150. I could see it for a minute. I mean just thinking of the other sculptures he has done, they can support a *ton* of weight. But I do agree it's not likely.


The legs were bonded half way up, then there were 4 bonded points that were used. That isn't holding a man's weight. Even a small light weight one like this.


At what point do we just accept that this man can do literally anything with chocolate. If he himself was made of chocolate I wouldn’t be surprised at this point. He’s the GOAT. (Also his show was good and he seemed just genuinely to want people to grow as a chef and get better)


This is the first positive comment about this. I don't entirely understand the appeal of *chocolate everything*, because it's not like this piece of art is getting consumed. Rather it gets auctioned to some millionaire with a freezer display? Idk.


He's said before on his TV show that his chocolate centerpieces *are* for eating, and that he usually makes them for parties and events. He's stated that his philosophy is for the stuff he makes to always look AND taste good because it's meant to be eaten in the end.


Or it exists only for this video.


Dude looks like the villain of a Ratatouille sequel being secretly controlled by a cat chocolatier.


Just for clarity; he swapped the chair out before sitting on it, as many of you seem to believe he is sitting on the chocolate one.


Seeing this I finally understand how additional taxes on the wealthy would pose an undue hardship and negatively affect the edible furnishings sector of the economy. Checkmate liberals


The video edits out the part where he is using a chocolate Allan wrench and somehow has extra chocolate at the end that doesn’t go anywhere.


At this point, I think this mf can make a whole city by chocolate


somehow the most surprising thing is the shoes he’s wearing


He's young and the fit well with his uniform.


Ummmm, where does one get a food service grade chocolate lathe??!!.... Edit: The amount of trust he has in that chair made of chocolate, to actually sit on it, leaning back, while itself is sitting on a table, is astounding. My nether regions actually puckered watching that...


I imagine it’s very cold in that room. It would have to be in order to keep the chocolate that strong. On the other hand, I know nothing about chocolate so idk.


Its cool and stuff but it’s such a waste


I was thinking, "does anyone eat these?!" Because he totally stood on that counter with his dirty sneakers and used a DRILL


It really bothered me when he stood on the workbench in his sneakers… and then he just SAT on it? I can’t work out if these are supposed to be edible, or they’re works of art using chocolate as a medium. Who is paying for this? What are they doing with it?!


He teaches as a pastry chef and they reuse the chocolate.


Who will eat this and why?


He's smiling like that because he found his true purpose. Deep down we all want that. We'd all have a permanent grin 😁. Inspirational...


Dude has a creepy smile.


I just hope he's sourcing his cocoa powder responsibly. Because otherwise thats a fuck ton of child labor in that washed cocoa powder.


He's so insanely talented and yet so very creepy.


He’s definitely a serial killer right?


I wonder if chocolate has different structural properties based on what percent cocoa it has.


Not sure what he uses but most chocolate sculptures aren’t made from “real” chocolate. They usually use compound chocolate. Basically cocoa powder and vegetable fat. The type of fat and how much is used can drastically change what the chocolate is like once it’s cooled and how it’s tempered. You can raise melting temperatures, increase rigidity and so on. So I doubt this is the best tasting chocolate in the world. But hell, it’s chocolate, I’d eat it.


My brother dated a girl who made chocolate sculptures for competitions and to display in her Dad's shop window. They weren't epic works of art like this fella's, but there were some big and impressive pieces. I went with them to one of the competitions, and was excited when she told me half of the competitors usually just broke their things down there and then after the competition and gave the pieces out to anyone who wanted a little. She was planning to do the same that day, because she'd made a load of delicate things that probably wouldn't have survived the trip back. It was...meh. You know the sort of chocolate you get in an advent calendar? The cheap as shit, slightly weird-tasting chocolate. It was like that, but had a really weird texture. I assumed at the time it was the spray colouring stuff, but it was probably just the type of chocolate you mentioned there. I didn't question it at the time. I had something like three kilos of bits of shattered chocolate in a carrier bag from going round various competitors. It was extremely shitty chocolate, but it was *free* extremely shitty chocolate. And some of it had cool colours.


Yeah it’s definitely not great. But like I said, chocolate is chocolate.


Absolutely. I was hoping to get to go to more events and return with enough chocolate to wipe me out for years to come, but the selfish bastard broke up with her.


That is actually a pretty good analogy on the taste for us who haven't tried a chocolate sculpture so thank you 👍🏻


Yes! Dark chocolate is the hardest, and white chocolate is the softest, with milk chocolate landing somewhere in the middle. With real chocolate, it's also important to temper it properly if you want it to be structurally sound, but as other commenters have pointed out this guy is probably using a chocolate compound that doesn't need to be tempered.


I can’t even with this shit anymore. Stupid waste of chocolate, and I’m sorry but that smile is way scarier than the Lovecraft audio book I listened to all night. Just, fuck off from my internet already.


This is the same dude that did that banana/penis isn't it?


In case of emergency, eat table.


So talented! Love his creations.


Where does all this go when they're done with it? Does any of it get eaten?


From a nostupidquestions reply >My mom has a gastronomy degree and I asked her about it once. She told me that those sculptures are made of compound chocolate, which is a cheaper chocolate that although more resistant to warmer environments, tastes worse than normal chocolate. According to her, these sculptures are expensive, which means that if someone has enough money to spend on one of those they also have enough money to buy higher quality chocolate, so there isn’t a reason why their guests or themselves would eat it. They’re normally meant to be just a very fancy part of the decoration. > >Edit: Now, about their fate, it varies... They might be thrown away but once I went to an event that had one and according to the staffs they were allowed to share it among themselves and take it home after everything was over and every guest had already left. Tastes bad but is still food, I guess.


Damn bro! Save some chocolate for the rest of us.


This dude is awesome


Unbelievably skilled individual


The inane smile really freaks me out.


Friend: "Yo where that chocolate furniture go?" Me with a suspiciously shaped throat buldge in the shape of chocolate furniture: "I dunno what you are talking about."


He's a nice man, I'm sure. But jebus, that smile is not comforting.


I’m sorry, but I cannot stand this guy. That smile, that damn smile. It won’t go away, it’s unnatural, it’s creepy. Is he possessed??? MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU!!!


It's like Aphex Twin makes chocolate art


Be thankful he is a chocolate artist and not a serial killer.


His hair is chocolate too.


Serial killer smile


This guy has a seriously creepy smile.


The dude has got some serious skills, but the constant grinning almost makes me believe he's just a robot who made a chocolate skinsuit to wear.


This video is way to creepy I can't watch it all


I always skip these even though I love this type of content. His smile and dead eyes are so creepy.


Creepy dude


This guy has the skills to be the origin of a German fairytale... As he ages he slowly goes insane, eventually creating a whole house with furniture out of chocolate in the middle of a dark forest in order to trap random, lost children...


That AI smile!


I'm scared


As much as I really love this guy and watching his stuff, I can't help but think he needs to plant a whole forest of cocoa trees.


Well I loved this guy when he wasn't posing as a robot. Now he's creepy.


Sure, it’s easy when you have all those fancy tools…and the talent, knowledge, patience, and good looks


So that’s a “Choco Lathe”


This guy is amazing and all, but I bet he would be a nightmare to live with. I bet he Swedish and that coming from Swede. I'm wrong. He's French-Swisse but it still stands.


Im like 95% convinced his hair is also chocolate.


Can't even shout. Can't even cry. The Gentlemen are coming by. Looking in windows, knocking on doors... They need to take seven and they might take yours... Can't call to Mom. Can't say a word. You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard.


I take a bite :)


i’ve had enough of this guys sorcery, bring back the witch trials


If you want to know his name is Amauri (I am not sure if I spelled it right but it is something like that)


God, the dRaMa… 😵‍💫


This wouldn’t last more than 5 minutes if I were there.


I'd be right under that chocolate lathe


That'll be a 75k upcharge for the event.. 😭


giving serial killer


Why does he have that creepy, robotic look on his face?


We Happy Few


Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants


Still the serial killer look? Check.


Something about this man’s blank stare and unmoving smile makes me want to rip my balls off with pliers


This guy is so cool


Get a kid to jump up on it .. strength test


I didn't expect to see a food -grade lathe this morning, but here we are.


Where does he get all his chocolate from?


He will build a house out of chocolate.


What does that even mean?


I always wonder what they do with these objects. Do they eat them? Destroy them? Can you keep them in a museum?


Кондитер Віллі Вонка - шок.. фабрика.


What I find so unnerving with his videos is how clean he and his surroundings are while he’s doing all this. It all adds to this feel he’s not human at all


How many assistants does this guy have for his stuff? His chocolate stuff, not his murdering and chopping up bodies stuff.


long sleeves using a lathe 😬


As I enjoyed this video like you and feel almost guilty ruining your enjoyment with my comment, I can't help but think about how little cocoa farmers get paid sometimes less than they need to sustain their families. Have a nice day everyone.


Rumor has it to this day he's still smiling...


If anybody is wonka approved, it's this guy.


It bugs me how he stands on the same surface he's preparing everything on.


That eye shadow and Jack Nicholson smile though! Giving off some serious serial killer vibes, lol


This is one of my favorite ones of his that I’ve seen


At the risk of sounding boring, why tho? Also, bro's crippling Crest White Strips addiction is manifesting in some bizarre ways.


We're all chocolate down here, Billy.


Imagine if he made a chocolate dog house?


This dudes perpetual smile is fucking creepy.


My guy really pulled out the lathe


My fat ass would eat that in 40 minutes


Just don't put a seat warmer On it 👌😹


That faux marbling he did with the chocolate drizzle was so creative! :0


And to think that no one will eat it, despite there being chocolate shortages right now.


This MF has a chocolate lathe.


His face is sooo creepy. This is very unsettling not satisfying


I have a simple question…why?


Ngl his smile is kinda creepy


He's scary.


his weird ass smile takes a lot away from this


He gives me the creeps.


this guy brings big cereal killer energy


I loved the part where he wasn't smiling like someone who's about to steal your organs


I would believe that everything in that man's house is made of chocolate and you wouldn't know unless you sat in one place for too long.


He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! He moves so gracefully. It’s like watching a dancer. How dare anyone rank on him! 😠