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Im here for an update


Imma hook my wagon to your shooting star


What a fascinating turn of phrase


Imma hook my chariot to your wagon


I'll just go ahead and hang on your chariot while sitting on my grade school butt scooter thing. Perhaps a tow rope is in order.


I can’t remember which subreddit it was on, but someone a while ago posted something similar to this, he called the cops for a wellness check for the person inside, and it turned out they’d died some time before then. So….yes. You should be worried. I would call the cops to check.


Yes! Call the cops for a wellness check. Whatever you do, do not try to open that door op. You dont want to see something that may haunt you


You think there might be a ghost in there? Makes sense if there's a dead body. 


The smell alone could traumatize you honestly


Do ghosts smell bad?


Ye but dead people bad also


Do alive people bad?


Alive people very bad but no bad like ghost bad


I meant smell bad. And now my joke, much like my life, is ruined. 


Last winter there was an odd smell in the neighborhood that lasted all day. To me, it smelled like burning rubber or asphalt or maybe sulfur. Whatever it was, I live in a city (as opposed to suburbs/rural) and there are businesses and shops and warehouses, etc within a quarter mile. In the evening, a cop knocked on my door and said that one of my neighbors said they hadn't seen me in a long time (I live by myself) and thought that could be the smell! That's pretty fucked up lol. And pretty stupid on the cop's part because there's no way that was the smell of decomp, and the smell was clearly covering a large area outside.


My neighbor shot himself in his car while it was running and sat there in the AC over the weekend. Vultures were circling the car for days. The smell when they pulled him out of the car was different. A preserved, fresh smell of death, not bad at all. Found it interesting


Meth chefs


Cops were called for a wellness check. It would be idiotic not to do it, regardless of smell matching or not.


What is a wellnesscheck? Or what does they do Edit: thanks guys


A wellness check, you can call the police and say "something isn't right, could you please go check that out?" For example if you haven't seen your neighbor for a few days and then notice this. You'd call the police and request a wellness check. They'll send someone out to go in and either verify that the person is well and fine, or they will find a corpse and say oh no thanks for telling us, sorry about your neighbor


More of a 'deadness' check, tbh


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


The mail carrier in my dad’s neighborhood noticed on a Monday that his mail hadn’t been taken in since Friday, and she called in a wellness check after 3 days of mail not being taken in. Sadly, he was found dead in his bed. It was very unexpected, he was 82, but still active and with it, but he declined a lot after my mom died 4 years earlier. I met the mail carrier several months after, and my sister and I couldn’t thank her enough for caring.


And sometimes they'll shoot the person they're supposed to be checking on.


Deadness confirmed.


And sometimes they’ll shoot you for bothering them.


You can call the police and say that you’re concerned about someone (say, like, an older relative hasn’t answered the phone for a couple weeks, or you see mail piling up outside a house), and they’ll send someone out to see if they can get in touch with the person you’re concerned about. They can’t just go in to a house or whatever but they can also just take a look around outside to see if things seem okay.


They can and will go in the house if they find things pointing to a death or someone in trouble.


I had a roommate who's ex girlfriend wanted to get back at him for not responding, so she called in a wellness check concerned about suicide. Cops walked right into our living room and asked for him directly. Took all of about 15 minutes conversing with the cops and he filed a non-contact order, and they had to note in the system for any future calls for our address.


I didn’t have money to pay my electric bill one month and called to see if I could get it extended they told me it was going to be shut off so I was a touch dramatic and said “cool guess I just go kill myself then” and hung up 15 minutes later the cops came a knocking and I had to explain I didn’t really mean it


I couldn’t help but laugh at this. Sounds like something I would say/would happen to me.


No they won’t. My neighbor told them her mom was diabetic and likely in a coma while the daughter was out of town. They walked around the perimeter and said that they didn’t hear any distress noises inside. No shit guys. Someone in a coma can’t speak! So she tried again and called 911 paramedics who then did break in the door and save her life


In the US at least depending on the circumstances they will go in. I called a wellness check on my dad and there were no external signs but they broke down the door anyway.


The police will come and try to make contact with the resident, to check on their well being and make sure they are safe. Or dead.


Is that the one with the dude that thought his neighbour killed her husband?


The one I read was someone’s elderly neighbour they hadn’t seen in a while, and there were vultures and flies everywhere.


We need an update


Please OP


That's not going to happen.


The dead body got him.


The post is coming from inside OP's dead body.


The flies have developed Reddit accounts


We are those flies… and these are the days of our lives


The OP is the dead body he's looking at himself dead on the floor


Schrödingers OP?


Soon there will be another post like this and the cycle will continue


He IS the dead body.


What a twist!


!remindme 48 hours


!remindme 48 hours "lazy corpse being lazy"


**reminder set for the corpse to make you lazy.** .felt like it was funny to do a Alexa reminder to defeat the baby but fitted to the corpse.


Im sorry yall but i don't think !remindme bot works anymore. It's been almost 48mins tho Edit: it works. sorry 💀


When I was kid, a man unfortunately offed himself in his garage and that’s exactly what the door looked like. We joked for like a week that there was a dead body in there and it turns out we were right… I’d say to call in a wellness check at least


Yep my neighbour did the same, our house was filling up with flies too and there was… a smell


A kind of smelly smell that smells….smelly?






I think your old buddy is here..




Agreed. Hopefully it’s only one


Don't Dead Open Inside


Inside Don't Dead Open




Sitting there AND judging you while disintegrating.


Sitting there, mEnAcInGlY, and judging you while disintegrating


i would comfortably bet 50 dollars, for real, right now, that there is a dead body in there.


Maybe it's just a mod's bedroom?




Naah. That still won't hurt you. Half a worm in an apple you just bit into is way worse.




Yes you need a wellness check or something.


think that guys wellness has sailed away


Well at least someone will remove a body.


So there appears to be someone living inside and well alive as I saw someone in the window this morning. I got called into night shift last night and ended up doing a double, so I'm only just checking all the comments. I'm about to call the local police department and ask that someone does a welfare check. Something is really not right about that house, and it's bazaar that the flies are only congregating to that one door.


A wellness check is going to be necessary, so thank you for being a good person and making that call! Even if they are alive, they definitely can't be well. They may need a psych evaluation or medical assistance. You might be saving their life at this point!


Or that’s just the murder


Well, I’m just gonna put it out there that my neighbor was murdered last year by another resident of the house. The body was kept in the house for two weeks. Then there was some body tampering, burning, it came back, burned some more, and the fire department got called. It definitely smelled. That’s when the FD called in PD with cadaver dogs. The police came around week 5. Smell started around week 2. Edit: the murderer resided with the body the entire time.


that is absolutely fucking horrifying. i have so many questions but i don't think i want to know the answers


Drugs make people do wacky shit. I believe they were selling (and doing) Fentanyl. Small neighborhood, people talk A LOT.


There's also the sadder angle. During COVID, a number of people became unable to accept their loved one had passed, and lived with the body in their grief/mental unwellness. Hopefully, it's neither of these cases (where someone ends up living with a body) and it's something else.


Oh it's so much creepier now that someone is in there


Yikes- thanks for updating! Although, now you’ll have to update us again after the welfare check!


there is 100% something dead, whether it's human or an animal in the ceiling. someone who doesn't have their mind about them may not even realize what's going on.. definitely make that call


Instincts are instincts for a reason and there are thousands of people agreeing that this is suspicious. I would reach out to do a wellness check either way, because you never know. Murder? Suicide? Alzheimer’s/dementia where one partner dies? Who even knows, but that’s a lot of flies and it only takes a few minutes to call.


DEFINITELY still call. Thank you for the update! Also, your bearded dragon is lovely!


Two years ago one of my elderly neighbors went missing for a couple days. I was looking at his unit and saw flies buzzing like mad on the inside and less on the outside of windows and door frames. I went onto his porch a d took a sniff. Foul. Not so much a decomp smell but certainly a filthy house/hot garbage can stank. Called the cops. He was in there deceased. He was last scene alive three days prior, so he died within that 3 day period. What I though was amazing were the amount of flies though. I wouldn't think that many would have had a chance to develop. I couldn't imagine anybody alive being able to tolerate that many flies even if they were a slob so I have to assume they came after he had died. Call for a wellness check. It's a courtesy from one human to another. Who wants to sit and decay with nobody noticing? I wouldn't want to that's for sure.


I work HVAC and did some work at the local cemetery tombs. Every 8 hours or so the doors get locked and they turn on the ozonators. The ozone kills off all the flies and someone comes in and sweeps them all up. They reproduce very rapidly.


Wow! Didn't know it was THAT quickly!! 😱


Flies are the epitome of the most basic life cycle: eat, fuck, die


That's the dream


I can 100% assure you that the dead person no longer cares where they rot.


Touche. However their loved ones will certainly care, and to a lesser degree, those tasked with removing the decedent's remains will also care.


Yeah but let’s respect the desires of the living in regards to how their remains are handled


Does it smell like decomp? There is definitely something attracting them.


Not as much as being attracted, they're being breed there.






Now isn't the time to be thinking about a sandwich


It's not a sandwich, it's her school sweetheart


Oh man that got me.


I can't say I know what decomposition smells like.... I'm guessing it's something I'd know if I had smelt it?


You’ll know it when you smell it. It’s like it’s programmed into your DNA. I had a job where I had to clean up remains after the body was removed and I’ll never forget getting my first whiff as I approached the apartment door. You need a tyvek suit and respirator to enter the space or else the smell will seep into your very skin.


Proteins decay into a number of different compounds, but two in particular are called [Putrescene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putrescine?wprov=sfla1) and [Cadaverine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadaverine?wprov=sfla1). These are what contribute to the overall atmosphere around a corpse. As you can imagine, they're a bit whiffy.


Those names are so straightforward i didnt believe you at first


Same, I actually thought they were puns






Scientists like to have fun when they can


^dear ^god


There's more.


I love that [TF2 references](https://youtu.be/GLlLQ3LmZWU?t=180) are still being made.




When I was a new-ish firefighter, I had to help the cops with a forced entry into a townhouse where the bloke hasn't been seen for a week in the middle of summer. Soon as I popped the door, I knew. We had to assist in removing and the smell got into everything. It ended up burning my uniform and underwear, shaved my head and moustache (I could not get the smell out of my hair). It's a unique aroma alright.


It gets into your sinuses too. You’re going about your business a week later and a random sniff will release some of it and bam- you’re smelling it again.


Yep. Even though in those days I was a 2 pack a day smoker, I was scrubbing my nostrils and mainlining vicks inhalers for days afterwards.


It may not be the exact same, as it’s not human, but when my Bearded Dragon died, I had held her for a bit just to make sure (and out of sadness.) At one point, some yellowish fluids seeped from her mouth/nose, and the smell was unforgettable. In this case, it was mostly a sulfuric smell, but I swear certain things the following week(s) would make it reappear in my nose…


>shaved moustache Firefighter confirmed. 


“Middle of summer” Oh dear lord!


Former medic here. We got called to a family member that hasn’t been seen in weeks. We could smell it a block away.


So, as someone who has been lucky enough not to have smelled a rotting human corpse, but is familiar with the god awful smell of a rotting rat carcass... Is it the same smell?


I’m a mitigation contractor and insurance sent a job file for a bio hazmat cleanup once for a murder suicide, never again.


I knew a guy who did this. Thought it would be easy money. Only lasted two weeks before he quit.


I’ll do mold, asbestos, sewage, but I’ll never do dead bodies again, it’s honestly completely fucked most of the time.


I was going to say, I haven’t smelled it, but my understanding was that, uh, you can’t miss it, and you can’t mistake it.


Rotten meat, bile, and a sickly sweet smell that I associate to death. Like a dead mouse in the wall multiplied by 10,000.


And it’s a smell you’ll never forget


It is an *awful* smell and it feels like it literally stains the air around it.


I worked at a funeral home for 8 years 🎉🎉


I was a crime scene cleaner for some time and yep I will never forget that first time. You can just tell immediately even if you haven’t smelled decomp before.


If you don’t think you’ve ever smelled it, then you definitely haven’t. When you do your body will almost shock you with its reaction and there won’t be a question on your mind that what you’re smelling isn’t a decomposing body.


Spot on.


If you have ever smelled a dead animal you would be able to recognise it, however a large body that’s been decomposing inside a warm/hot house for a while is a smell you will never forget for the rest of your life. It’s absolutely putrid, you can put Vicks inside your nostrils and it still won’t cover it up. You should report it if you are concerned for someone’s wellbeing. *Speaking from past experience working on an ambulance in the states.*


Humans have a sweet rotten pig smell ex undertaker here


Can I ask you a question about the death business? My dad passed last year and when I went to the funeral home we’d had him sent to, the smell of decomposition hit me as soon as I opened the doors. I recoiled and had to walk back out. When my mum and sisters arrived I said can’t you smell that? And all they could smell was the air freshener misters and an old house smell. I’ve smelt an unattended death scene and know that smell again anywhere. My question is, should a funeral home smell like that? It was even stronger at the back of the building where the carpark was and the bodies were kept(I’m guessing going by the smell and refrigeration fans. ) It was so strong I don’t know how no one else could smell it. Is this all normal?


All depends on the stage of decomp. I mean I have had to knock back a few families on an open casket due to old mate turning translucent green. There is only so much make-up can do. And to mask the smell.i used to use a shit load of pure eucalyptus oil in cotton buds inside the casket helps mask the smell let me emphasise helps , I used to use vicks vapour rup on the inside if my nostrils if they were too bad. But even when the morgue was empty, it still had a lingering smell even when it was cleaned with 35 percent bleach.


Ahh ok. Well that’s a relief to hear. They’re one of the best homes in our area so I was pretty sure they weren’t dodgy operators. guess I just wasn’t expecting to smell “that” smell. We don’t really do open caskets or embalming much in regional Australia, in my experience anyway. I guess I was assuming the fridges kept the decomp to a minimum but if that’s all normal then I’m relieved they looked after my dad properly. Thanks mate!


All good mate I worked in regional aus too , and the morgue is only going to slow down decomp depending on how big you are, the next time you go into the bottle o into the cool room that was the same as our morgue same shit just gernies and a few racks.


Ohh cool. Sorry thought you must’ve been a yank for some reason lol. I used to do catering at our crem years ago. Id sometimes yak to the funeral guys about what the jobs is like. They told me they weren’t even taught much about embalming because it’s only really asked for in big cities and in certain religions. I find it all morbidly fascinating but I have a very weak stomach and gag reflex when it comes to smells lol.


Yeah, I can handle the smell of decomp but not baby shit go figure.


It’s a sickly sweet rotten smell that you’ll instinctively know when you smell it. It’s like road kill but somehow muskier and sweeter, thicker and hits the back of your throat to make your gag reflex go.


Thick and musky, you’re right


It’s like it’s a primal knowledge or something when you smell it. You just know.


Yup. It's one of those smells that you can't forget, no matter how hard you try.


Nothing worse than driving past a dead roo in the middle of a heatwave and you can smell it before you see it from a hundred or so meters away. The smell just lingers in your car for days. Gotta change that cabin filter at the next servo.


I can't remember the smell, but I can remember the *sound*... I don't know if that makes any sense, but it is what it is. It smelled so bad it had a sound.


Damm what Could you try to explain more? I’m so curious now


not who you replied to, but I get what they mean It's like a silent alarm goes off in your whole body, you can hear it with every sense. Its what can happen when some of our primal instincts kick into full force


There's this thing called synesthesia, that causes "involuntary perceptions that cross over between senses (tasting shapes, hearing colors, etc.) sensory triggers that consistently and predictably cause interplay between senses (e.g., every time you see the letter A, you see it in red)" It's most commonly associated with seeing colors when hearing sounds. Many great musicians have this form of synesthesia. This smell was so bad that it turned me into the fuckin Mozart of smelling. It wasn't possible to fathom the scent with smell alone, it had to subsidize part of the information into the hearing department. That's probably the closest I'm ever going to get to describing what I experienced.


Like a loud fart?


No... More like a scream from a haunted Forest... Mixed with getting sat on by a greased up manatee.. It's really really hard to describe, I can't stress that enough.


This is synesthesia.


Yeah, I wrote that to a comment below. When there's to much information for one sense alone it forces some kind of synesthesiatic (word?) response.


Have you ever smelled a rotting tooth? Or really bad breath? It’s like that mixed with rotting meat.


I mean, it literally smells like death. Rotting meat, completely foul 🤢


Yes, I work with decomp cases and we find out a lot of them by people noticing a lot of flies around a building or house and calling it in.


Put it this way, if there ISN'T a dead body in there, someone has done something truly foul with the contents of their refrigerator near that door and they need serious help. It's the definition of "wellness check" either way.


I once had to check the welfare of an elderly lady. There were flies buzzing around the front door, although not as many as the door pictured here. She’d been decomposing for around 6 weeks, during a particularly warm October. It was unpleasant.


OP, your post is 10 hours old. You've posted about your lizard. Give. Us. Updatesssss


I had to go find the lizard post after reading this and I was not disappointed when I saw people have already been asking on that one too 😅


No need to be worried. If there is a dead body, it won't hurt you. It'll just sit there quietly decomposing.


Imagine if decomposition was loud 😳


I remember hearing on a podcast a statement of an officer who got called out for a dead body lying in a field. He said there were so many maggots writhing in the body that it sounded like rolling marbles. So I guess it *can* be loud.


What a terrible day to be able to read lol


I was walking on a beach once and thought someone was burning something toxic on a campfire. Sounded like a camp fire. Turned out it was a dead seal just behind a rock I was next to.


We once acidentally left one of our cats food bowls out on an extremely hot summer day; can confirm that was the sound it made the next day.


My wife told me about the existence of a field in which dead bodies are placed in order to study the effects of decomposition in various stages... I can be squeamish, but this concept legitimately fascinates me. Knowing those people donated their bodies to science somehow lessens the "ick" factor.


Like rice krispies






With the flies, other bugs and body off gassing it can totally be loud sometimes.




!remindme 24 hours Op pls update


DO NOT READ IF YOU GET EASILY SQUICKED PLEASE: ​ ​ >!Entirely possible. I work for a funeral home - and do I hear stories. Recent guy picked up had died immediately after achieving a conclusion to his self pleasuring. And no one missed him for a week. We're in the South. So his exposed flesh (head, face - and his bits) were covered in future flies. Moving future flies. !< What a way to go.




Sorry if it's slang or something but I'm from Australia and have never heard the term, what are future flies? And as I'm typing this I now GET IT IT'S MAGGOTS


Yep. I was trying not to be too gross... there's just no way.


I work as a last responder. We watch our 911 call center dispatches while at work so we can be ready when we see a call might come to us. We usually pay close attention to Check Welfare calls, because a lot of the time those end up as a DOA. One day I was watching a Check Welfare, this person called in because they hadn't seen their elderly neighbor for a couple of weeks and they smelled "decomp" coming from the apartment. This sounded promising, so I started getting ready in case police found a body. I kept watching the call; police arrived, made contact with the person reporting the smell, then they knocked on the elderly neighbor's door and she answered it. Police then had to look for the source of the decomp smell since it wasn't the neighbor. After speaking with other building residents, they found out the building has a really bad mouse problem and the smell was from dead mice in traps. I can't imagine how many mice it would take to smell like a rotting human body.


What's a last responder? I've never heard that term?


Coroner/Medical Examiner. My title is Deputy Coroner.


#Please call the police OP.


any update?


Ahhh yeah, should be worried about something nasty smelling inside. Hopefully it's not a body, but the cops won't blame you for giving 'em a call to check it out.


We had something similar at a place down the street from us, it turns out that the place sold and the old owners did not clear everything out of it and the new owners were offshore flippers. Somehow a freezer full of food got left open and unplugged for months so the place was filled with flies. It looked like a crime scene with hundreds of flies on the front window.


Nah, dont want to hear about your reasonable alternative answer. Reddit wants dead bodies.


So I posted this photo on our local community board asking what to do... the owner got back to me and asked for the post to be taken down as he was away, and he would get someone out to deal with it. Which is weird because someone was seen in the upstairs window. Flies are now somewhat gone but still present.


Yes call for a wellness check Edit:it could be something in the garbage but I would still call for a wellness check or ask a neighbor


#Hey OP I highly recommend calling in for a welfare check or the police in general if the smell of decomp is there.




Hope you call for a wellness check. Although whoever is in there is most likely decomposing by now.


Don't dead open inside




Probably. Hopefully it's not someone you care about.


RemindMe! 48 hours OP will need some time to recover after the shock 👻


After posting this and everyone saying yes, there's a dead body inside... OP just went back to posting and commenting about other random stuff. They're "oddly obsessed with true crime." Someone said the smell of the body would be so strong, they'd smell it even beyond the door... they said "oh so I'd know **if I smelled it?**" How are you this close, didn't smell it, and then just sauntered off back home... and didn't bother to call for a wellness check??? I'm calling bullshit. OP is not going to update bc it's not real (or at least not real to them). Probably a picture from the internet.