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The pilot was pretty buff


Super buff! Check out those legs.


Yea...look at that flight attendant checking out his cakes


You weren't kidding, she is like šŸ˜®


She looks like she had a revelation! šŸŒžšŸŒ„


This phrase reminds me of a song called Gone Guru on the game dead rising. Lol


Ok... Made me look again and was totally worth it...


Just look at that arse




Her eyebrows were pretty buff too


Never skip leg day


Dude doesnt skip leg day.


i was legit thinking i wish my lats were like that


On investigation by the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch it was discovered the maintenance crew had replaced the window panels with incorrect bolts. The bolts which were of a too small diameter had been hanging on by their threads until the fateful moment when cabin pressure blew the windows out. The Captain's name is Tim Lancaster. This is him in the hospital after the incident. [Picture](https://imgur.com/a/2lCf7ej)


Lol it looks like the dude on the right is holding up his head like it's weekend at bernies 2


Could just be a candid moment, but it also looks like Susan Prince isn't super thrilled with his arm around her like that.


Weekend at Tim's


Arenā€™t all bolts hanging on by their threads by definition?


When I opened that picture, for a split second I thought he had lost his arms.


Do airplanes even have an inspection team anymore? crazy.


This was in 1990.. It wasn't just one bolt, several had been fitted incorrectly during previous maintenance and there were several other contributing factors. After the incident there was a change in procedures. [Accident Report](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5422faa7e5274a131400078d/1-1992_G-BJRT.pdf)


>After the incident there was a change in procedures Step 1: No more eye-balling for screws in the dark.


"An M3 is not 'basically an M4'"


Essentially, yeah.. So they use this incident as a training guide on what not to do and the "12 Human Factors for Aircraft Maintenance"


There are now stringent requirements. Materials for one. Cardboard is out, so are any cardboard derivatives


Shhh Boeing is listening


Don't wanna get suicided


When "these days" is 34 years ago...


Hey! For some of us it feels that way :(


[Surprised you didn't post the other pictures](https://images.app.goo.gl/k3mMmtGanBGgybkH7)


Might be a stupid question, but how do they have the overhead picture of him splattered on the airplane?


Because they're pictures of the reenactment, not the actual event. Not a stupid question at all.


Might be a stupid question, but why would they reenact this? Seems pretty dangerous, already got lucky the first time.


Please take my upvote


Those arenā€™t pictures of the actual incident lol




lol how in the ever loving fuck do you even thread in bolts of the incorrect diameter? I couldnā€™t do that if I tired


Every thing is self threading if you try hard enough.


Holy shit I thought this was one of those AI generated scripts. Insane that he survived that


Stiff upper lip old chap!


Man that is such a 90s photo there.


Same crew that works for Boeing?


Theres an air crash investigation episode of this too which is way better than this animation. https://youtu.be/6uyUTQTVSOw?feature=shared


I mean it must have been a horrifying experience, but somehow I find this animation amusingly hilarious.


We have to watch this video in every orientation I have ever been in. I am an aircraft mechanic. They show it in schools. After seeing it so many times, I just giggle throughout. The animation takes away from how serious the problem of not following the manuals can be.


I work in ticket sales and I completely understand


That lady was altogether too casual about that


I mean. She thought he was dead. Soooo. I'd causally walk up too.


His head bouncing on the plane was like "BOEING! BOEING! BOEING!"


_It's just a little silly_


it was just like a never ending drop in a roller coaster ride


your should check his other videos. good shit.


For some reason the visuals are hilarious to me


The flight attendant holding pilot like it's regular, boring part of her job.


"Monday's am I right?"


When you already nut and she keeps holding your ankles.


20 min of extreme. I wouldā€™ve have passed out


Iā€™m pretty sure he had to have passed out. Going that fast you would probably suffocate.


In an interview I believe he said he had to turn his head away from the wind and basically gulp air to breathe


I gotta do this when I lay down after a Thanksgiving dinner.


No, he survived and retired


He better had a hell of a retirement party then.


I hear they had wacky inflatable arm guys at the entrance.


Did he retire immediately? I certainly would have


No, he continued his career :)))


You can suffocate and not die. *puts on Batman mask*


These 5 gum commercials are getting wild


I was working in the Orthopedic unit at that time. Not that ward, but the one next to it. He caused quite a stir!


I think being sucked out of an airplane is straight up terrifying! Nothing odd about finding that scary.


The animation is oddly terrifying though.


Thatā€™s some impressive shirt-tucking thereā€¦


Excerpt below is from a book called "Humble Pi" by Matt Parker, discussing this incident and what caused it. \--- So I certainly feel sorry for the shift maintenance manager working the night shift on 8 June 1990 for British Airways in Birmingham Airport. He removed ninety bolts from the windscreen of a BAC 1-11 jet airliner and noticed they would need replacing, but they were unmarked. Taking one bolt with him, he climbed back down the safety raiser (an elevated platform) used to reach the front of the plane and headed off to the storeroom. After painstakingly comparing the bolt he was holding to all the other various bolts in the parts carousel, he correctly identified it as an A211-7D bolt. I now appreciate what a feat that was. He reached in to get more and discovered there were only four or five left. I can really empathize with the guy. It wasnā€™t even his job to replace the windscreen but, because they were short-staffed that night, and he was the manager, he stepped in to avoid further delays. It had been a few years, but he had done these windscreen changes before while working for BA and a quick flick through the aircraft maintenance manual had assured him it was as straightforward as he remembered. In the aircraft accident report which was published just over a year and a half later, our friend the shift maintenance manager is never named (and rightly so). I like to think of him as Sam (Shift mAintenance Manager). I imagine Sam standing there at 3 a.m., working on a job that wasnā€™t really his to do, holding about four of the bolts he needed ninety of. So Sam gets into a car and drives out of the hangar and over to a second parts store under the International Pier across the airport. Itā€™s raining. Heā€™s still clutching one of the bolts he removed from the windscreen. Unlike the main storeroom, which has a stores supervisor, this second store is unstaffed. Sam pulls up and finds the carousel, but the whole area is dimly lit. He would normally wear glasses for close-up reading, but he didnā€™t bother at work because his eyesight was good enough, but now, to access the bolt drawers, he blocks the only light source. The drawers are not even properly labelled. Sam resorts to comparing bolts manually. Eventually he manages to find some matching bolts. They must be A211-7Ds. Spoiler: they were not. Wait, Sam thinks, part of the windscreen has an extra ā€˜fairing stripā€™ of metal to improve aerodynamics, making it slightly thicker. Six of the bolts have to be longer. Damn it, why did he bring only one random bolt! Sam makes a call and grabs enough of what he thinks are A211-7Ds, along with six A211-9Ds, which are a bit longer. Back in the car and back out in the rain. He gets to the main hangar and goes to grab the torque wrench he needs to put the bolts in with. Torque wrenches are designed to disengage when a bolt has reached the correct tightness, to avoid overtightening. But itā€™s not on the tool board. It has gone missing. Sam, if you ever read this, I feel for you, man. The store manager does have a torque-limiting screwdriver, though, except it has not been properly calibrated and so they are not supposed to use it. Sam and the stores supervisor set it to release at 20 foot-pounds of turning force and give it a few test goes. It seems fine. Sam can finally get to work. Except the screwdriver has a socket which does not match the screwdriver bit Sam needs to use. So he has to hold a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver bit into the screwdriverā€™s socket while he works. And it does not clip into place; if he lets go, it will fall out. Several times the screwdriver bit fell to the ground and Sam had to clamber down to retrieve it. Leaning out from the safety raiser, he can just reach the windscreen to screw in the bolts, which is now a two-hand job. Using both hands means that Sam can no longer tell if the screwdriver is releasing because the correct torque has been achieved or slipping because the bolt is the wrong size. Itā€™s nearly 5 a.m. and Sam is almost done. But the longer A211-9D bolts he grabbed for the thicker section donā€™t fit. I like to imagine Sam banging the torque screwdriver against the side of the aircraft as he weeps quietly. Maybe he invented some new swear words. In the end, he decided that the bolts he originally took out were not that bad after all. He grabbed six of them and put them back in. At last, he had finished. Twenty-seven hours after Sam had been (probably) swearing at the BAC 1-11 jet airliner, it was sitting on the runway as flight BA5390, ready to take eighty-one passengers and six members of crew to Malaga in Spain. I donā€™t know if you have ever been to either Birmingham, England, or Malaga, Spain, but I have and I can confirm that Malaga is a significant upgrade. Everyone on board was in high spirits. Thirteen minutes after take-off, the airliner was at around 17,300 feet altitude and the stewards were about to start the food-and-drink service. There is a loud bang as the windscreen fails and explodes outwards, causing the cabin to decompress in under two seconds. The air became foggy from the rapid change in pressure. Steward Nigel Ogden rushed back on to the flight deck, to find the co-pilot trying to regain control of the aircraft because the pilot had been sucked out of the window, colliding with the control column on the way out and disengaging the autopilot. Well, heā€™s almost out of the window. Heā€™s caught on the windscreen frame, so his legs are still inside the aircraft. Ogden managed to grab the pilotā€™s legs to stop him from flying out of the window completely. The co-pilot, Alistair Atcheson, was able to regain control of the aircraft and land it, with Captain Tim Lancaster dangling half out of the window. The crew had taken it in turns to hold on to his legs. Everyone survived, including Captain Lancaster, who spent twenty-two minutes outside the aircraft, made a full recovery and went back to being a pilot. Itā€™s an incredible story. An amazing tale of a crew responding to a sudden and catastrophic disaster and managing to land the aircraft with no lives lost. But Iā€™m equally amazed at how the windscreen could fail in the first place. There are so many checks in place that something like that should not be able to happen. The short and unfair answer is that Sam used the wrong bolts. When he was fumbling around in the unstaffed parts carousel under the International Pier at Birmingham Airport he did not pull out A211-7D bolts, as he thought, but rather A211-8Cs. The 8C bolts had a slightly smaller diameter, which meant they could be ripped out of the thread designed to hold 7D bolts in place. As I look at both bolts in the clear light of day in my office, I could easily make that mistake now, without all the extra pressure Sam was under.


Wait a minute, I know this story...


Right? I mean who hasn't been in that exact situation?


Happened to my uncle last week and great great great great grandmother in 1874. Pretty crazy


This happens all to often, and we don't even know ow about the incidents before recorded history... smh my head


[What do you mean? It's brand new! ](https://media.tenor.com/sW-ZdgtpZBkAAAAe/back-to-the-future-hey.png)


The animation style made it seem like it was gonna be one of the Galvanized square steel videos lmao


The animation has me rolling. The expressions and the way they move hits uncanny valley so perfectly.


I'd retire after that shit


That co-pilot's eyes are the only real /r/oddlyterrifying aspect of this video. The rest of it is just regular terrifying.


He was two feet taller afterwards.


Saw this one on air crash investigation. They used a smaller size screw on the window than the original, thats why it came loose, iirc


For a second I thought she was going to save him by giving him a rusty trombone


ā€œWhen Iā€™m flailing outside the cockpit holding on by my feet that means Iā€™m down to fuck, got it?ā€


Oh, man. So glad you posted this. I found this channel a year ago and was thinking about it yesterday and couldn't remember what it was called I loved it so much when I found it. I didn't know 3d recreation of plane incidents was even something I would like, and I looooved it. This was one of the first I saw, and the entire channel is amazing. I was wracking my brain! This is serendipitous!


This animation is so fucked. The pilot gets sucked right out, but the flight attendant can just calmly walk up and hold his legs and not also get sucked out? After depressurization, is it just like any open window on a car, then?


Yes after depressurization itā€™s like an open window and air is rushing in not out. The initial burst is what sucked him out


Thanks, hope to never to find that out the hard way!


Also his feet were caught by the yoke probably, but whatever they were caught on, he wasnt only being held by like a dude. He was called into the cockpit afterwards too, its not like he was just there and instantly caught him in under 2 seconds of the window pane popping out.


Longest 20 min of his life. But a nice view.


Do as I say not as I do for seatbelts


That look of awe on the attendant's face when she stares into his bum.


Normal for Boeing flights.


Plane was a BAC 111. Boeing aircraft, like most aircraft in the modern era, have their windows fitted from the inside so that the cabin pressure assists in keeping the windows in place, and an incident like this could not happen barring some sort of catastrophic window shattering.


You see the story on youtube with the other airline issues. He was being held in by a male attendant and he lived.


[Sucked out?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EYJbzQdTVw)


and the [goof](https://youtu.be/GPEBaAhIfXs?t=132) for you




What is odd about finding it terrifying to be sucked out of a plane?


What a ride




Another Boeing assassination attempt


Everything is correct except for the flight attendant part, the flight captain was holding him & the co-pilot saved the plane


Let me guess, it was a boeing ?


Would this still be considered leg day?


Ain't the first pilot to get sucked off in the cockpit....KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'


Haha he said sucked out of cock


So she held him so he wouldn't damage a wing or an engine but not cuz his life was in danger lmao


Lmao ikr but honestly, I rather die alone instead of being the reason I and x hundred people die or injured.




I've been sucked off on a plane but never sucked out of one!


Yo, what. I was scrolling by and all I heard before the audio cut as I passed by was ā€œIn 1990, a pilot got sucked out of a cock-ā€œ


Mustā€™ve been a Boeing


I bet it was a Boeing plane


[This](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/image-of-pilot-hanging-out-window-captures-heroic-story-30-years-on/GR2HBBCBUGMOTA7MEYPI7UR54A/) is an actual picture of him outside of the window. If you google, you can find images of the co-pilot holding onto his feet from inside the cockpit. Amazing that he lived.


That link even says the pics are from a 2005 tv show about it!


oops, my bad!


I've met that guy, his name was Tim - known to the rest of the crew as 'Tim out the window'. My Dad used to fly with him. I met him when my dad took me on a flight to Hong Kong, just before it was given back to China. I also met the perser that saved him. They told me the whole story over beers in the hotel bar. Then all those guys went home and the cabin crew took me out on a mad drinking session. This was with BA, back then the cabin crew were so respected, we drank in every bar for free. In the last bar I was chatting up a stewardess from a Scandinavian airline (I forget which) only for her to go cold on me right at the end of the night. But that was fine because a BA Stewardess pointed another girl in my direction, who turned out to be a lap dancer from London. I got lucky with her and the BA stewardess even gave me her hotel room to take the lapdancer back to! She was married to one of the other crew, so they didn't need the extra room. All in all a fantastic fucking night - literally. And every bit of thst story is true. Indecently, when we were approaching Hong Kong, we suddenly lurched upwards while on approach, so we circled round before landing again - apparently the runway was busy. Later on, Tim confessed that he hit the wrong button for the flaps, and they had to abort the landing. Also true. Hope someone reads this.




Seatbelt light off?


Most normal Zack D. Films short.


Typo actually title: A pilot was once sucked off on a plane


All the poopoo


would make for a funny (but senseless) seat belt or "leg day" advertisement.


If he had built the cabin window out of galvanized steel bolts borrowed from his great aunt then John would have been fine.


"Once" It's happened more than once. [It happened again in China in 2019.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sichuan_Airlines_Flight_8633)


No seatbelt?


These early Dreamworks Animation movies were weird. Was this before or after they made Shrek?


one hell of a roller coaster ride. Six flags needs to step up the game.




Surround him with galvanized square steel and wood veneers and he would have been max comfy


That plane got some off-roading tyres fitted.


There was some video I saw the other day with a woman in a small plane and the overhead door came off when she was in the air...she was sitting and strapped in but still imagine scared as shit although her face was fairly calm. This guy lol what the fuck?! How lucky is it that his legs got caught and were able to keep him from flying away. I've willingly jumped out of a plane and my heart was still out my chest lol I think I may have died from shock if that happened to me haha.




All I can see is the graphic from youtube Homedesign


At this rate we can just upload all of Zack videos here, that channel is the pure definition of "oddly terrifying".


if he didnā€™t have ptsd before he probably does now scary stuff


Wasnā€™t the fasten seat belt sign on?


More than likely a pilot was once sucked in a place as well : Sack D. Films


Good thing he didnā€™t skip leg day, yea?


Surviving as a vegetable?


Scream if you want to go faster


POP! goes the pilot. šŸ’„


Cocks out for harambe


What it feels like to chew 5 gum.


Which mobile game was this an ad for?


It's a scary situation but I'm laughing my ass off at imagining his head going #"DOONK DOONK DOONK DOONK DOONK DOONK DOONK DOONK"




Wait, thatā€™s not what happened. He went out the side window with half his body out the window.


This pilot is the main character


Gotta believe everything you read on the internet.


Google it.


I didn't read shit, I watched a well made video. Of course I believed it, what are you implying?


Hi, I actually studied this a while back. If it is the same incident, the co-pilot grabbed the captain's legs until they got to a safer altitude. This is not recommended because it could suck both pilots out and then no one is flying the plane. Because of the altitude and decompression the flight attendant didn't come to the front until later once things were stabilized. It took just a few minutes though. After that it's pretty accurate. The captain went back to flying shortly afterwards. Cool right?


We were only holding on to him so the engine or a wing wouldn't get damaged, not to keep him alive. Wtf




[Mentour Pilot did a video on this.](https://youtu.be/rGwHWNFdOvg?si=BBm8lzZ3z8gRvjXe) I highly recommend his channel, especially the newer stuff: the level of production, research, and storytelling are always great.


so im assuming homeboy got P A I D


I don't know what is more unsettling, the story or the graphics.


The flight attendant who held his legs (for 20 minutes!) was a man


Can someone point me in the direction to more videos with this explanation style


Zack D Films on Youtube


Which software was used to visualize it?


Iā€™m admittedly very tired, but I thought the title said ā€œA pilot once sucked off a planeā€ for about three seconds




Thereā€™s a great documentary on this!


This sounds like an AI-generated voice trained on Half As Interestingā€™s videos


That was hilarious actually


10 bucks says it was a Boeing


Looks fake


The windshield failed after being replaced with the wrong lengh screws, the replacement screws wereā‰ˆ3-5mm shorter. I think this was shown on the popular series "Air Crash Investigation" that aired on TV during the 2000's era.


Guy ended up inventing that inflatable arm flapper you see outside Boost mobile shopsā€¦.


20 mins is a long time! Thank goodness the pilot survived this!!


Reverse stuck porn scenario


20 minutes is crazy


there's a much better [Mayday: Air Disaster episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngy17JM71OI) about this on youtube.


Average Boeing Plane


The animation reminds me of TomoNews. I miss TomoNews :/


I donā€™t think thatā€™s a real video of the incidentā€¦


Mustā€™ve been built by Boeing


When the plane hit the tarmac and the brakes were applied, how was he not flung forward at a ridiculous speed and end up as a meat crayon smear on the runway?


This ainā€™t even *oddly* terrifying, this is just straight up terrifying


It is the year of our lord 2024, is it really that hard to find a free 3d model of a 737 or any other airliner that isn't the most cursed animation I have ever seen ? My god look at that front landing gear, it's so bad it would have looked better designed by AI.


Deleted scene from The Polar Express.


You should have attached the real photo


It was a Boeing plane wasnā€™t it?






It would have been so helpful listening to the pilot when asked to tighten the seat belt.. oh, wait!


Where TF was the seatbelt??


I once flew with the pilot as crew with my previous airline, what a lad, he did not mind telling the story (for probably the millionth time) while I visited flight deck during the flight. He said it was hard to breathe because of the wind and that he put his face on the fuselage and sucked air from it. Got frostbite on his face from that. Tim Lancaster is his name.


This is oddlyterrifying?


Nope, just outright terrifying. Unless when the pilot was sucked out he thought to himself, "Hmm, how odd."


Hey Zack, Boeing wants to talk to you


Let me guess, Boeing?


Something something something Boeing....


Wow I forgot how long Boeing has been in business šŸ˜²