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Yeah, I'd tell your parents immediately. Odd they would choose to text that too, considering you also now have their number.


My thoughts as well, not hard for the cop shop to find who owns that number.


Let's hope they didn't use a burner phone or a register-free top-up SIM.


If they did then this is very serious


Right! But hopefully just a stupid prank. Definitely go to your parents with this!


I think it's very serious either way, if my kid ever got a text like that I'd do everything to make sure I find the person


What the heck is a top-up SIM?


It's a little sim card in the phone that you use a special card to reload like a tracfone. You just pop the sim card in a phone and when you are done with your illegal shit that day, remove the card and put in a new one.


You'd think the police would be able to find the provider for the Sim's phone number, get the imei number of the device that it was used with, and then cross reference that with service providers to see if there's a match on the main account. Just kidding, they aren't gonna do any of that unless OP's parents are crazy rich and influencial.


It's even worse than them choosing to not do this. Most of them wouldn't understand a word you just spouted.


It’s like your average cop hasn’t even attended The Wire for one season…


Or If op has already been hurt or killed by the stalker


I'm not sure about in the USA, but here in the UK that's actually ridiculously easy for providers to do... I worked for a major network for about 8 years and could do that within about 3 minutes. Obviously if the phone is unlocked you'd then need to check other networks providers too... So about half an hours' work.


Even if they did you could narrow the list of potential suspects using cell site data, i.e. that phone pinged around this tower (near a home) and this one (near a workplace), unless they’re clever enough to isolate the device from the network and go somewhere unconnected to them to send these messages.


You can easily download a free texting app and get as many phone numbers from whatever area code you want. You can get a new number every ten minutes if you want and they are untraceable. My SIM card broke so I got the app and chose a number that was only a couple digits off from my actual phone number


Voip so those app are B.S duh. Unless running data only with dual vpn set up then they do not work ever. Only burner phones work fully in the end.


For 99% of spammy, irritating and annoying texts you want to send anonymously they work just fine. But if you’re going to send death threats or distribute child porn, yeah you’re in trouble. It’s not easy if you are the target to learn where the message comes from. Fastpeoplesearch.com won’t show who owns it. This is probably another kid at their school using pinger, and I would venture a guess to say op isn’t the only one who got texts like this from them.


Seems most likely to me too, but I still think he or she should tell the parents.


Few kids playing these kinds of tricks are that smart.


And let’s be honest it’s one of the other 7th graders playing a game


I mean I hope so! If not this is absolutely terrifying


the cop shop. I love this.


And visual proof. Not just some BS "I got a threatening call". This stands as its own witness and testimony.


That and call the fuckin cops


If op is in 7th grade chances are it's some idiot in their class, still report it though


Almost like its a kid from school who wants to fuck with OP…..


Most likely explanation, regardless, they fucked around so it's time for them to find out.


Had a close friend do something like this to me once immediately went to my mom (the person told me that were stalking my friend) she called my friends parents and my friend ended up admitting that it was them and they were just fuckkng with me through a different email, anyway, fuck them


yeah how do they have your number also?? could it be a friend pranking you


Which makes me think it's another kid trolling.


My guess is that it's a classmate fucking with them but you definitely take something like this to the cops regardless


There's a guy from my area that has been doing this to girls all over the world. He was all talk but got arrested recently because enough of the girls reported it to the police.




He could call and see if there’s a voice mail message with a name lol


Probably someone playing a mean prank but definitely let your parents or a trusted adult know. You can never be too safe


SEVENTH GRADE?!?! People these days, my GOD Edit: it was the brothers friend apparently so phew 😮‍💨 but still a valid observation


When I was in 7th grade I had a girl who was friends with my older sister, take revenge on her by telling the school I had nudes of her on my phone. Never did nor never wanted them. In the end it ended ended up being fake of course, but we were all 7th graders in southern CA. Kicker is I didn’t even have a phone lol


this shit will get sadder and gloomier: when i was in 7th grade i got S.A'd, almost R@ped and bullied(called explicit names, acc's got hacked and dm'd ppl from school sexual content pretending to be me, etc which then led to online bullying) to the point of a 3 month depressive episode that led to 91 days in a residential. all cuz of ppl MY age. middle schoolers r literal MONSTERS.


That's terrible. I'm sorry you went through that. One of my kids is about to start middle school, and I'm so nervous that they will be bullied. Kids are so mean these days and there are so many ways to bully someone. In person, social media, texting....why some kids get off on crushing others is beyond me. A few minutes of laughter could lead to someone not wanting to wake up the next day, dread going to school, being anxious and depressed. It hurts to read about 11 year olds who commit suicide because they are being treated so bad. Self esteem non existent. All because of some asshole. I've always taught my kids to treat others the way they want to be treated. I would be very disappointed if I ever found out they were bullying someone else, and they would be handing over all electronics and wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. I think I would have them apologize too.


its ok! its in the past, i apprecient ur kindness. the only thing i can really say(tho my situation mostly revolves around sexual harrasment/assault irl and online)is teach ur kids to respect a womans and a mans body.. anybodies body in general, no means no, dont make nasty comments, anything like that. teach them a bit about sex ed and how to respect someones body. though im not really good at explaining, i hope this makes sense. best of luck! ohoh also, never let them just stand and watch while others struggle


Joker was right


I hate when shit ended ended up.. Like... Jezz you didn't even have have a phone?


And still doesn't get it get it.


I like to move it move it.


You like to move it move it.


We like to, MOVE IT.


You skipped the "we like to move it move it" therefore I won't like not dislike your comment. That's how repugnant my thoughts are towards you right now. Have a nice day. 😐


Here’s a fun fact that might cheer you up. King Julien is voiced by Borat ( Sasha Baron Cohen ) He purposefully auditioned with an Indian accent.


Nope. I even got suspended for a few days too. Never gave us a reason as to why. They just did it to do it.


Wow getting suspended for a few few days for not not doing bad things... At least you could play play some games... Unless u on top of everything, got grounded xD


Oh yeah it wasn’t my first time either. There was one time I was punched in the mouth, put my hands in the air and said “nope” walked away to a teacher and I was dragged to the office and suspended for a week for fighting. Other kid got 1 day. Welcome to america


Lol... What bs. Should have buried his nose up his thoughts. People ask what fighting gets you. Satisfaction. People that cross the line should have with no doubt a little more then a piece of mind. BTW. I'm sorry dude, I just started replying to you cus you repeated the word ended. I was joking around xD but you seen cool. Have a bunch of stories huh hahah


I have more than I care to admit haha but I’m always open about it especially if it helps inform others. Tbh I wish I would’ve rocked his shit. But if it makes you feel any better the dude is now homeless and addicted to drugs. I think he also lost an arm somehow? Idk I’m not best friends with him 😂😂😂


Believe me. No one is. That's why he's homeless. I hope I end up ur good side tho. Dude punched you and end ended up homeless. Hahaha... That's what my dad used to say. We only harvest what we plant. There's no good thing going our way if we're a douche bag to everyone


I’m 32 now but when I was in seventh grade (13 years old) I got sexually assaulted by a 19 year old who picked up his younger sister after school. I told my mom and therapist, my therapist called the cops, the cops contacted the guy’s parents, the guy’s dad called my mom and told her if we pressed charges he would ruin our lives. Turns out their dad was a dean at Texas Christian University. We lived in poverty and my mom was a single mom working as a nurse and we lived on pennies most of the month. My mom was furious and wanted to press charges anyway, but I begged her not to. Turns out it didn’t matter anyway because school became so hostile for me we had to move to a different district after I was viciously bullied to the point of a suicide attempt in 8th grade. Glad I wasn’t successful tbh. This is the first time i’ve even told this story since it happened, and it felt a lot better telling it than I thought it would. tl;dr it’s always been like this for young girls


I agree I’m sorry that happened to you. Something similar happened to me. However I can definitely relate to the suicide attempts; I’ve been mentally I’ll and suicidal ever since a little kid since my mom used to abuse me in all three major ways from 3-12. I’m sorry you had to go through that too. ✊


I hope an adult intervenes. A 13 yo girl shouldn’t have to deal with that shit


bruh.. im 24 now, i was going on 4chan when i was 10.. 10 is 4th grade.. i think u may underestimate what the internet does to children


I'm hoping they didn't know they did this to a kid but my hopes aren't that high in this world lol


I'd assume the sender is also in 7th grade but definitely better safe than sorry. Edit: ah the brother, makes sense. Glad it was tomfoolery and not something really sinister :)


Fr it’s getting ridiculous


Brother's friend needs a verbal lashing! Not funny at all!


Im not from America, what is the average age of a seventh grader? Isn't it like 11 or 12?


Agree it’s probably someone you know trying to be funny (to you, or others if they’re just being a jerk) Talk to your parents or a teacher or any adult you trust, just in case. Always cover your bases if you feel uncomfortable, and take care of numero uno first before you worry about anything else.


Do NOT ignore this good advice. Tell your parents and have them report this to police.


I told my mom and it was my brother and his friend, he got his iPad taken away (he’s 10) and got a pretty hefty lecture about it but she thanked me for tell her. Thanks for the advice tho :)


That's all fine and good but your brother doesn't even know how to spell your name.


This reminds me of a bomb threat that was written on the wall of my highschools bathroom. The school called a lockdown over it and we got sent home early. The threat's wording was exactly as follows- "Thare is a bomb I hid in the scool. 1pm bitches." The next day later, we were all asked to write down a list of things we liked about our school, with the header "Things I like about school". They caught the maker of the bomb threat because he is the only person in the whole school who wrote "scool" in his list. Turns out the kid wrote the threat because he had a test that day at 1pm and he didn't feel ready for the test... he didn't have to take it because he got expelled.


That's an incredibly clever way of finding out who did it.


Right? I figured they were going to take a guess off of handwriting, but the misspelling is just as good.


Whst if the person deliberately misspelled words then did it the right way later. Might have just fucked over some dumb kid.


After they found out it was him the stars all started to align. They just had to pull the string a little and he started digging himself deeper into a hot mess of a story that ultimately led to him confessing.


Yeah kids are rarely criminal masterminds


So they’re clever enough to find the culprit, but not quite smart enough to teach their kids how to spell correctly. I think there’s two losses here.


The best way to avoid getting suspicious is to do something that they wouldn't expect


Your brother is a jerk lol


He's 10


Kids are assholes


Can confirm. Source: mom of two boys


I know a nurse with two sons. She's got the thousand-yard stare of a war veteran.


as a sibling from a 4 boys only family my mom was constantly stressed out like lois from malcom in the middle


Can confirm, Source: I was a child once




Half of that subreddit is kids being dumb, the other half seems to be outright child hatred


Well if they weren't so fucking stupid


Yeah I didn't do things like that when I WAS 10


Right? Just cuz he’s 10 doesn’t mean he can’t be a sociopath already.


My brother is 12 and he would never do that.


Good job. Thank goodness it was just them. ♥️


Tell your brother and his friend that too bad, you already called the police, now they are in trouble. Elegant prank back.


Damn your brother cant spell your name


Please remember for all coming interactions... if someone likes you (like the message stated in the beginning), he/she won't scare (in a bad way) or harm you. If he/she does, it's a lie and massive problems and at least a red flag. Stay safe!


That explains the misspelled lol


Sick prank..


Your brother is a fucking dick.


How does your brother spell your name wrong lol


Thank god this was the outcome


He gon be a serial killer fr


I can begin to explain how happy I am your safe


10 yos with iPads...


Probably best that your brother gets his ass handed to him for this. He needs to learn the "responsibility" side of technology. Imagine if you told a teacher first (which would've been absolutely okay and reasonable to do as well), Then his antics would land him in even more of a headache...


The good ending


7th grade? YES, tell someone! Even if is some asshole playing a prank, this is not funny.


Am I the only one who thinks a 7th grader shouldn’t be on Reddit? Let alone telling strangers he’s that young?


Isn't reddit 13+? If the OP is 13 it's fine


Guess he could be 13 possibly


she said she is “much” older than most 7th graders. idk what that means, but i was 13 in 7th grade, so i am guessing she is 13-14. either way, telling a kid they shouldn’t be on a website is usually a sure fire way to ensure they will definitely continue to use said website lol


Show your parents


7th graders on a spooky subbribbet


Do not post your age on here bruh. Also just tell a trusted adult and/or a counselor


Agreed. OP , if get any weird messages on here too, please report them.


Tell him you screenshot his messages and called the police.


Don't respond, just report.


Definitely don’t respond, if it’s a genuine risk and the numbers a burner you’ll have no clue who it is and they may either escalate and do something that can put you in extreme danger or they may disappear and either pick some other poor soul or return later.


Let your parents know and if you really feel concerned, go to the police. They'll be able to track the location of the phone


100% some one trolling but always air on the side of caution. Let your guardian know asap


I like how the person is like "Just so you know, you should be scared."


Tell him, i also know where i live


Good job telling your mom. You can never be so safe


Another kid from school. Show it to a teacher or a principal. After you show your parents.


This person almost certainly knows you irl, it's just a matter of finding out who


It’s probably one of your goober friends


7th grade? Probably a classmate trolling you. To properly troll them back, get cops involved and make them unable to trust themselves for years later because they start thinking they are actually a dangerous person. Totally not speaking from experience


Report that junk!


Also send us that person's number so we can all text "I don't know who you are, but I will find you, and rape you"...the creepy guy I mean not the 7th grader


Please report and please share with your parents. This could be a serial child predator. You could be a real target of assault. Already are. Do not mess around with this. Do not engage.


Imagine getting this text But the information is way off


Definitely tell your parents and the authorities. Telling someone that you know where they live and that they should be scared is not something a kid your age should be taking chances with. Just do it. Yesterday.


Oddly terrifying that there are 7th graders on Reddit….


Why tf are there 7th graders on this app?


7th grade? You shouldn’t be on reddit


I sure as shit wouldn’t want my 7th grader on here but if they’re 13 or older not sure if it’s our business


What was the video?


If you have any younger siblings think back to what their voice sounded like at 7 and that what the voice was like: ‘Me and your mother making your brother under the sheets, me and brother making you mother under the sheets.” That’s when I knew I shouldn’t be worried


That’s what the video said?


That’s creepy honestly, him telling you all these personal details. He could’ve just said “hey I know (insert mutual acquaintance here), they said you’re into (insert mutually appreciated hobby here.” This has SO many red flags, avoid that person


What was the video?


Welp uh that's a good sign that you are very much screwed so good luck and don't die!


hey i know you already have the answer you were looking for, but make sure your brother and his “friend” know that this will absolutely get them in trouble with law enforcement if they keep doing it. this kind of thing is not a joke.


Tell an adult! It doesn’t matter if it’s real danger or not. The fact of the matter is you never know. Better safe than sorry!


Yes, it’s alright to be scared though. Let your parents know, they will likely let the police know.


7th grade. What are you doing on reddit?? Def talk to your parents kid.


I see nothing wrong, he clearly likes you and wants you to be scared.


Go to your parents have them go to the police to report asap.


Tell your parents idiot


uhhh no you should be fucking screaming and crying


This has to be a prank. Google your own name in quotes and see what comes up. You’ll be amazed at what comes up! It’s kind of scary.


im more worried about wtf you doing on here at 7th grade. jesus


even if it’s a joke, report it. it’ll teach them a lesson


Show your parents if they don’t freak out too much. But if they contact you again tell them straight away.


Not American here, with the taken opportunity to ask a not so related VERY STUPID question… are you ready? What does it means 7th grade? I think it is a way to indicate your age but how does it convert to a normal number? Why you don’t just say “I’m 15 years old”? Thanks!!


The grade you are in refers to what year of school you are in. It goes up to 12th grade. Someone in 7th grade is typically 12-13 years old.


Who really looks out their window everyday? Who leaves their blinds and curtains open where someone could see you walk past a window and look out? If you were really watching me, you’d wonder what was in that big rifle case that I drag to the truck every few days and realize I own a couple of backhoes.


if your in 7th grade prob shouldn’t use reddit


Why are you writing us and not the police?


Probably another kid but you still ought to show your parents. Ask Dad how to throw a punch.


I would take this seriously and inform the police. People are crazy....


Report it to the police. This is not acceptable behaviour


Yes you need to take this seriously. Show your parents and call the police


It's very likely someone from your school who isn't so scary, but on the off chance it's worse, you need to tell someone. If it IS a school mate, they need to learn how badly this can go for them, as well. Better to learn at your age instead of when he's an adult, where he'll get maximum penalties.


no way bro went to reddit before telling his parents... what has this generation come to


Tell your parents and to be safe a police report could be possible too.


How old is your brother? Just a thought...


I would definitely tell parents/cops. Be cautious but not too scared. The "you should be scared" part makes me feel like it's a kid trying to scared you but you can't be too cautious these days


Who’s seventh grade here?


Tell your parents and have them give the number to the cops.


I would go to the police, prank or no prank this isn't okay


Parents and police Don't respond to the messages


Find his car and stalk his wife


Sounds like some stupid kid texting you. I wouldn't be worried, however id tell your parents


I'd hope that it's just your friend trolling you, but I wouldn't take the risk, just say you're calling 911 and see how they respond


Do the Mods actually enforce anything on this sub? On what way is this oddly terrifying? It’s either 1. Clearly a prank, or 2. Legitimately terrifying. There is nothing odd either way.


Nobody else wondering what the video is??


Go to your parents then the police. That is a straight up threat.


I’d be more worried about being on Reddit in 7th grade


Dude (Or Girl). Tell you parent, and CALL. THE. POLICE. I’m not a lawyer but I see a lot of criminal offence in those three texts 1- Private informations leaking 2- Stalking 3- All that on a minor Take action, be careful, and for the sake of our mind, give us update


Or she’s just chasing clout


Probably spam. Either way I'd tell your parents and then block that number. DO NOT ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION WITH THEM.


this isnt "oddly" terrifying, this is straight terrifying to the point you should tell your parents


do what all comments say: call the damn police




If you are in 7th grade, you need to show this to your parents


Dm me his number, I'm going to have a Field day fucking with him


probably some stupid joke played by one of ur friends but i would probably still tell a guardian or trusted adult


Well to be honest, simple information like that is kinda easy to obtain with a little research, but you should tell your parents anyways, cuz who knows? Better not to take the risk


Just respond: "I have your phone number, and passing this onto my parents and police. You should be scared"


Report to your parents. But it could be a bully messing with you, because they are just evil.


Most likely some weirdo in your class but I would definitely bring it to the attention of your parents, and not Reddit. This is something serious and not something that we can really help with. Tell your parents, and if they’re out at work or something tell the police


A classmate who wants to prank you. Btw 7th graders have reddit now ? I am born in 2000 and at 12/13 i only had twitter…


I’d take this super serious, even if it’s a possible joke, don’t be a target


Take it to the police with your parents. Immediately. Guaranteed you are not the only person this creep is bothering.


Nigga call the cops


Tell your parents right now, but also know it’s likely someone you know/at your school thinking it’s a funny mean prank. Had the same thing happen to me when I was around that age, and turned out it was a girl that I was loosely friends with.


I would guess it’s someone from your school as the information is very generic and anyone that knows you/your brother could easily get it. Nonetheless better be safe than sorry, inform your guardian and discuss taking further steps with them. Even if it is just someone messing with you its still a threat with implied violence, which is a crime.


Is there an age requirement for a Reddit account?