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As if that was the problem with Etsy right now. That site seems like it's about %80 drop shipped garbage straight from a sweat shop. If it was all artists making bespoke butt plugs and whips it would be much more respectable in my book


It's honestly just aliexpress, but more expensive now.


I saw a post where someone was selling at TV. It was listed as handmade.


All the Disney pins on the Disney backings being listed as handmade… ugh.


You can buy pallets of returned Amazon items. [Advertised as a way to restock your store.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1486174848/amazon-return-pallet-boxes-mixed-item?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=most+expensive+items&ref=sr_gallery-1-39&content_source=894033e744081da3bc74868d78a64e4c6d3f3081%253A1486174848&organic_search_click=1) Also called "Hand Made"


Dude the reviews on that product. It doesn’t even show up once you buy it!


and they've been running the scam for a year+


Well no one claimed they were "their" hands. I'm sure Chinese hands count.


Handmade by Chinese toddlers.


And if you file a complaint about the TV not being hand-made, Etsy will ignore your complaint because you didn't order the item first. I reported a factory mass-produced item, linking the manufacturer's website product page and Etsy didn't give a damn because I didn't buy it first. The one successful report I made worked out only because the dumb dropshipper admitted what he was doing, but claimed the factory in Asia was his partner. I knew the damn thing was mass-produced and sold by many retailers, but I foolishly trusted that he was shipping from within the US, which was his public claim with delivery within 10 days. Nope, he dropshipped from Asia and shipping took a month when I needed it in under 2 weeks. Etsy shut his shop down and he let me keep the item because WTF is a dropshipper going to do when faced with storing merchandise?


Almost 20 years ago, they used to have a report shop button for any shop that was not selling handmade goods. Guess what? When you clicked it and made a report, they ignored it. This was one of several points of contention that came to a head with sellers...it all got aired in the forums. But instead of listening to complaints, Etsy would blacklist sellers and shut their shops down for absolutely no reason except for that they complained. It got really ugly, and Etsy never backed down. That was a long winded way of saying they've been this way for two decades. It's just gotten worse over time.


We JUST saw one yesterday, it's was listed as a "vintage item /for crafts" or some shit 😂


Prices goes up 20% when you add “hand made” or “artisan”


Artisan hand made gives 40%


Make it an organic artisan hand made for a 60%


But is it fair-trade?


Literally saw a bunch of super cute ceramic rose drawer pulls on Etsy for $35 but it seemed a bit steep for 2 items. I reverse image searched them. You can get a pack of 8 for $9 from Temu. You can report sellers for this type of baloney but it’s tears in the rain.


A report will only be successful if you order the item first.


They still don't care. Manufactured goods is how they make all their money.


FYI sellers on Temu steal images all the time so it’s hard to determine who is the original source of the photos. I’ve seen official LEGO images - with the LEGO logo cut out, of course - on TEMU listings for “plastic brick flower set.” Who knows what you’ll actually get but it 100% won’t be LEGO.


Don't forget all the AI generated art you can buy!


Agreed - Etsy used to be a cool place to get stuff from artists and craftspeople. It’s now littered with garbage Chinese crap. I feel like this happened during Covid.


It started 20 years ago. They were blacklisting sellers and shutting their shops down for complaining about manufactured goods and other things. It's only gotten worse since then.


Etsy launched in 2005


Yeah. It's been going on almost the entire time they've existed. I joined in 2006.


Unfortunately this problem extends far further than Etsy, my dad is very into woodturning and as a result has taken his stuff to sell at markets that are specifically for handmade items, half the stuff at these things are off the boat yesterday, made by some kid in a sweatshop and somehow they get away with it. The term “handmade” has been taken over by companies trying to make a quick buck by using cheap or forced labour and then tricking people into thinking their stuff isn’t mass produced, and there’s more than enough people willing to share in that profit by selling it for them. Thinking about it now, in the age we live in surely it would be easy, and cheap, for Etsy to employ the use of an AI that can scan thousands of listings in a few seconds and remove any items that are duplicates because if that’s the case they obviously aren’t handmade. Etsy could single handedly topple this empire of mass produced “handmade” crap that infests the internet.


Which is exactly why they don’t, the revenue loss would bankrupt them


BRB searching for a bespoke butt plug


The taxidermy ones are my favorite


Taxidermy butt plugs?




My custom phone case that i got on sale seemed way too cheap even for the sale price.


Check out uncommongoods. Been thrilled with that site


I really respect and appreciate that 😂


Yeah anytime I see something I want on there I do a reverse image search on AliExpress and 90% of the time I find it there for 1/10 the price.


Or mis-tagged on purpose. I search Steampunk and I get neon colored wigs.


Yet they still allow psychic readings.


I once saw someone selling a win in court spell. I have a sneaking suspicion anyone who bought it didn't win their case


I saw one shop that just sold various hexes and curses to fuck over your ex boyfriend lol. For the low low price of $25 you can smite him with erectile dysfunction from the astral plane.


Dude! Where do I send my money? An astral plane ride PLUS a smiting? I’m in, baby.


Did you ever deep dive eBay's occult services back in the day? They ended up banning "enhanced" items because of it 😂


And then there are a dozen more sites that tell you how to perform that stuff yourself for free. I dunno if I believe in that stuff but it's still better when they teach you to fish instead of trying to sell you one.


was it a judge?


They have ones where you pay them and they will [light a candle](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/742409076/same-day-protection-candle-burning?click_key=57ddccd693f952d9b695760cf00cd5a94a046c93%3A742409076&click_sum=b63e4f34&ref=search2_top_narrowing_intent_modules_top_rated-2&frs=1) for you.


Jesus fucking Christ. Clicked on one of their options and it said 30 people bought it in the past week. It was only a four dollar thing, but still that adds up.


$50 for a good vibe or $500 for ~~~g○○d v¡bəs~~~~


My roommate once dropped $25 for five "ritual" candies. They were just the same candle dyed different colors. A friend who used to sell similar stuff was like "yeah... Dollar General sells these for a dollar each."


The Etsy ones just send you a video of the candle (well, "a candle") being burned.




No more macrame dildos for nana.


Did they not learn from Tumblr??


Or OnlyFans, to a much more extreme extent.


OnlyFans... That's that cooking education website right?


No you're thinking of OnlyPans. OnlyFans is a support group for men without family or friends.


Ah, yes, LonelyMans.


OnlyFlans was right there, man!




No, your thinking of OnlyMams, the north England site for milfs


To be fair, adult products are less of a significant part of Etsy than porn was of Tumblr. But yeah, still, this is stupid and you can thank Visa and Mastercard for this wave of puritanism flooding the internet the last few years.


They probably got the same threat from credit card companies as tumblr.


That sucks! The best dildo I have was specially made and from Etsy.


Was it artisanal?


I see what you did there.


Etsy is filled with fake shops selling AI generated porn that flood every search result related to digital art. It's basically unusable.


Or stuff bought on Amazon at a fraction of the cost.


you mean bought on aliexpress and temu


That too.


There’s also a wide market for used underwear and socks… discovered that when looking for clothes for my daughter’s doll. Amongst the handmade bloomers for American girls dolls was a woman’s ass with a bright red cheetah thong advertising different prices for how long she would wear it for. Deciding against my better judgment, I made a new search. The amount of people doing like that woman had shocked me. Isn’t there sites for that kind of thing? Why put something like that on Etsy?


My first purchase on Etsy was an Engagement Ring for my partner... It was never shipped, and my money was taken, as well as the store not even existing anymore. Fuck that shit.


An easy scenario for a refund via a chargeback request to your credit card company.


I did eventually chase up a refund, and got it straight away, but for my first experience of the site. Just made me go "Wow..."


Yeah, and the scammer likely got nothing. It was also easy for Etsy to get its money back from the scammer.


Well that kinda sucks. I actually got a NSFW art commission from there once


This is moronic and doesn't make sense. There's nothing inherently immoral about any of that stuff, they're just either A) Exercising control over people in a conservative fashion because they're currently the most popular home-arts site or B) They're too lazy to put proper filtering and age verification functionality on the site Y'know what is also moronic? Filling your site with AI generated tat and drop shipped junk so that it's borderline unusable. About to sacrifice a niche to make that stuff all the more prevalent.


So I have to stop selling my dildos I make out of my own hair?! God damnit!


I loved your dildos. This is devastating!


I loved their hair. This is devastating!


Organic Dreadildos




That's different


Yes, but you can rebrand as hair tampons!


Aww man!!! Dandrulffdos were my fave! I'll have to source local hobos now.


Rapunzel Rapunzel


A clearance sale, you say?


tumblr, gumroad, patreon, etsy... What is is with websites banning nsfw content? The internet is ran by a bunch of prudes, it's so annoying.


my guess is the same radical right hypocrite ‘christian’ groups pushing their ‘moral’ agenda wherever they can and since they make the most noise, corporations will pay attention to them.


It doesn't have much to do with prudishness, actually. Where it does have to do with prudishness is with regards to advertisers - advertisers are under a lot of pressure to keep their optics family friendly, because most brands don't want to be associated with porn. That said, the majority of the pressure actually comes from payment processors, and in their part, it's purely financial. Chargebacks - reversals of credit transactions - cost a lot of money to handle, hassles to deal with, and they occur significantly often when it comes to NSFW content. Payment processors have two ways to deal with this problem: either they charge higher fees to offset the projected losses from handling the increased volume of chargebacks or they flat-out refuse to work with NSFW content creators (like PayPal does, I believe). If a website that has thus far provided service to NSFW creators is suddenly going clean, it usually means that they've been faced with an ultimatum of either paying higher rates or dropping service to NSFW creators and opted to go for the second option. I can't speak for specific cases, but this is the usual story in the industry.


It’s almost like some people don’t always want to see sexual things when shopping for say a wooden frame to put grandma’s picture in…


It's almost as people have been programmed to feel shame about it, turning it into a giant issue when it should be something we celebrate. (Hint: people did celebrate sex before puritanism became standard.)


I was mostly joking but I’m not sure about the shame part for me personally. There’s a time and place for everything.


Do you feel the same "time and place for everything" if you see a toilet paper ad next to food ads? Because they put those things next to each other in the grocery store mailer. If you didn't feel shame about sex, you would have no problem with a dildo ad next to the toilet paper ad next to the discount beef.


lol do not act like those are remotely the same. Toilet Paper is toilet paper and a dildo is most blatantly a penis. If I saw a dildo as in a grocery store mailer then I’m most definitely not shopping there


> do not act like those are remotely the same We don't treat them as the same because we live in a puritan society. Your responses align with puritan ideology. "Sex is necessary, but the most super extra taboo."


It’s ok we can agree to disagree :)


You believe your feelings about sex have nothing to do with society? No one has influenced you to view sex negatively, just like no one has influenced you to view tomatoes as normal on a sandwich?


Frankly tomatoes don’t belong on sandwiches.


Moral grandstanding is significantly less impressive when you spend years allowing sexual things to bring in customers/a fanbase. They’re not doing it for moral reasons, they’re doing it so they can run ads now that they’ve developed a customer base. They don’t give two shits about what you want or don’t want to see if it doesn’t bring them money.


Ah see I didn’t know the history around them that you said in the first part, I thought this was a recent development


Oh, lovely. "I don't wanna see it so nobody should see it" is an argument we could take a lot further. But I think you get my point. Also, as a webdeveloper, adding a checkbox toggle to enable or disable nsfw content is hardly complicated.


So fucking lame. I've gotten some great erotic art on there before. Oh, well. Society 6 will be happy to take your business.


More right-wing extremism


The puritans are back and they are winning.


Well... I better hurry on over and get them now then.


Don’t believe the hype. Just a digital version of the furniture store “going out of business” sale!


Well that’s fucking stupid


This is how those sites always work. They're fine raking in the cash from all of these fly by night pop up stores full of discount sweatshop garbage right up until it's overwhelmed the whole point of the site to begin with. And then they'll start alienating long time sellers by overcompensating with sweeping bands and restrictions that probably won't actually address the real problems. It was nice knowing you, Etsy.


First they take away my 9/11 shirts now this ,


Probably going through a sale


So one of two things is about to happen. Etsy will backpedal and do age verification, or someone will open a site that will cater to this lost market.


You can not be fucking serious, Etsy has been my go to for small queer shops. Literally everyone is trying to push nsfw off of everything.


Etsy was good the first couple of years. Now it is nothing but a hippied up version of Amazon Marketplace sellers.


Dammit. I was looking for a crochet dildo. Where am I gonna find one now?


It’s Tumblr all over again. The site wasn’t dead because of the porn, the sites just dead


Those aren’t dildos, they’re “art”. You can’t ban art fellas. Those aren’t anal beads, they’re, art. Yes that is a turbo-vibratior.


Only thing I have bought from there where heirloom seeds because it's kind of hard to get some in EU. And the shop needs to be from EU to.


The morality police strike again


Well, where am I gonna sell me giant macrame vaginas?




I’m sure the dildos were drop shipped garbage too


No, y’all are all wrong, Etsy is way BETTER. Better since offering public stock. Remember: The invisible hand of the market fixes everything!


I would’ve guessed that make most up of their sales lol do people actually buy stuff off Etsy?


TRUTH: Etsy is just a “last chance saloon” for resellers who can’t make it on eBay or Amazon.


I'm alarmed anyone would have so little sense of safety for their junk they would buy a sex toy on Etsy.


There are actually quite a few reputable, high-quality sex toy sellers on Etsy. For one, it’s an easy way for small business or individuals to get started selling their sex toys. I purchased a custom made masturbation sleeve off Etsy and I’m very happy with it.


Good on Etsy.