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Confronting him would accomplish nothing. He has displayed that he does not care about how you feel anyway, so it would be an exercise in futility. The best thing you can do in this situation is starve this person of any more attention. Protect your peace, and stay far away from this person. You were a child, dealing with someone “way older” than you, and your lack of experience and maturity was exploited. That, *in and of itself* is a massive red flag. It was not your fault. You have learned what people in the world are capable of, and hopefully, you emerge from this wiser.


Your suggestions does make sense. Thank you


You r dumb, but that guy dated a minor ,you could destroy his life if you want, but don't repeat the mistake of dating someone way older to you, atleast start earning something before doing that.


Fun fact. I have been earning for about 3 years now. Started my small biz with my mom during COVID and it's not exactly a significant amount but it put me through one hell of a costly school l whose fees was still a lot after a merit scholarship. When i met him, oddly i was the one who was interested in him... And who pursued him, he wasn't a bad person or anything, just a indifferent manchild (still lives off of his parents). The age difference thing will never be on him. Never. I would never blame him for that as i was the one who insisted on using the logic that i anyway i turn 18 in a couple of months... Idk if I'm being delusional... probably but i don't want to put something so harsh him when i was fully aware that consented to everything. I mean if you think about i am the same person a day before and after i turn 18... Didn't feel much difference... Quick question, does it exempt me from any responsibility just because i was 17 when i insisted to be treated like an adult? I genuinely want to know what you guys think 😭 don't mean to be rude but i wanna know. If we keep the law aside, or not (i would wanna know both sides)


Legally yes, and and ofcourse we all had relationships when we were younger right? Like I had one when i was into one when i was 16, problem comes when u don't own it, the way u r talking, you are far from a mature independent adult, sorry it has nothing to do with your age.


By the way you're talking neither do you. And most of adults aren't even mature let alone independent 😂 but we all try... I think that's what matters. tho i respect your opinion. So thank you ❤️☺️


Well I said it right, it ain't depend on the age , many unfortunate kids had to start working since they r 10 and they r the one who are handling real responsibility with maturity coz they have no other choice and to in the other end of spectrum there are many child's who still depend on their parents while they r 30, btw I didn't understand the first line of your comment.