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Brother that is messed up, and those are terrible people. You did a good thing by removing yourself from that group. The chick you slept with was trying to be funny to impress the others but the truth is you had sex and she didn’t mind your size while you were in the car. Some women can’t take bigger sizes and it can be painful if they do. You need to get back on the horse my friend. Learn to get good at foreplay and focus on what makes a woman tick with good communication and reaction to her body. Tip. Lay a woman on her back with a pillow under her ass / lower back and you don’t need that much length (2-3 inches) to stimulate the g spot. You can stimulate the G spot with your fingers if you insert your finger and curl your fingers toward your palm in a “come here motion”. If you rocked a woman’s world I’m sure your confidence would come back. It can be easy if you communicate with what they like and if they like something, DON’T STOP OR CHANGE WHAT YOU’RE DOING.


Thanks man! Yes, unfortunately I removed myself too late. Damage was done. They were my childhood friends and I still can't believe how they treated me. There were many red flags before this incident. I was always the group clown and someone who everyone shit on constantly. Yeah I think because of others reaction the girl got embarrassed that she had sex with someone who has a smaller penis. And tried to cover her ass or something by bullying me. Fucked up whatever the real reason is. No good person does something like that. Imagine destroying someones self esteem completely with a snapchat. Though I guess it tells something about me aswell, I take things too personally and generally am very serious person. I have had many girls who very much liked what I did. But that one time destroyed everything and I've never been the same. Idk if its possible to even get back to where I was. This is my reality now. Thanks for the tips though! I appreciate every comment here because this is very sensitive topic for me.


Brother like you said, there have been girls who liked what you did. You’re a capable young man who was the victim of something that’s illegal. A real friend would have covered you up. Fuck terrible friends and garbage people. You need to find your confidence again. One day you’ll be looking back and think it was foolish to allow these people to rob you of your confidence. I think the only way to get that confidence is by meeting new people, talking with women and building healthy relationships. There’s loads of great supportive people out there, just have to find them.


I am a woman, and I will agree to all the tips you gave, it works wonderfully.


As a woman i'm telling you fuck those people. So many men are working with five inches and don't give a damn. Be like them.


Change your narrative. Stop believing what they told you because it’s all bullshit anyway.


Good advice. I will add: 5” is plenty from my and my friends' perspective. It’s what’s known as “boyfriend material” because any bigger and the guy thinks he doesn’t have to have any technique whatsoever. A skilfully wielded smaller peen is most women's preference.


100% this. I'm petite. My ex was packed. It hurt and orgasms were rare. My husband is capable of giving me multiple orgasms. He's probably working with a quarter of the size of my ex and he's fucking amazing. His dick, his fingers, his tongue. He's an absolute god in bed. His smaller size literally doesn't matter.


*Husband material* lmao


Thing is most men dont stimulate a woman well enough so when there is one capable of doing it they pair bond like crazy and the woman gets addicted to you. In a good way ofcourse.


This is such a great comment!


"I found out they took pictures of me" Excuse me...? 🤔 Taking naked pictures of another person without their consent? I don't think that's legal.


The fact that I’ve only seen a couple people mention this is concerning


It's because the OP is a guy and guys are expected to take this kind of abuse in their stride. I'm as violently and virulently Feminist as it is possible to be but it hurts my heart so much to see guys get abused or traumatised and then get expected to just "suck it up" or "man up" because "men don't have emotions". I used to have a work friend who did similar stuff; he had a good foot of height on me and would frequently pick me up and slam me into walls, punch me, or threaten to assault me and then laugh it off because "real men can take it".


an important part of feminism is combating sentiments like “men should man up/not cry/etc”!! you are as feminist as they come BECAUSE it hurts you to see those beliefs echoed!! :)


Why was this down voted? Where's the lie?


Some people think they are fighting the patriarchy but don’t understand the broader implications of it, namely the parts that harm men, and don’t like being confronted with the fact that they play into it in some ways. That would be my guess as to where the downvotes came from.


Yep. People are focusing on his penis not being that small, or how he could please women even with a small penis when the issue isn’t the penis, but the sexual abuse and trauma that followed.


That part itself can be incredibly traumatizing. Combine that with the bullying and that is incredibly messed up. They should definitely face legal repercussions.


yeah but remember.. Hes a man... so By in large society probably dosnt care cuz thats the treatment we get.


It extremely isn’t! And if he was under 18 at the time it was also CP. Very likely a thing they could prosecute.


Double standard


If they took pictures of you while you were exposed or naked without your consent, that counts as sexual harassment. If you have this documented somewhere or any kind of proof that they took those pictures of you, you can legitimately take it to court or the police, and I would suggest to definitely do it, I would be pissed and uncomfortable If someone took pictures of me in that way without my consent. Granted, male victims of SA aren't usually taken seriously in most countries but it's worth a shot imo. Aside from that, it's good that you cut yourself off from those "friends". Hope you recover fully from this.


Wait 5 inches erect is small now? Welp! 😂


Just girls getting addicted to huge porn dicks which is far from reality


Yeah 5 inches a perfectly fine size! The OP had stupid inept friends not a small dick by any measure possible. Most girls I know will be perfectly fine maybe thankful for that size. The damage 💔 is done I think a new group of non toxic friends, a loving girlfriend will hopefully go a long way in boosting OP's confidence. And yes porn is one of the things that causes this harm...


The irony is even that the porn dicks aren't even big themselves! They use camera angles and wide zoom shots to suggurate a bigger dick size while they don't have them necessarily!


Just dudes fantasising about having the biggest dick in the world more like. Most women would say they actually DON'T want a meter long dick inside them


Wow ok so firstly all those people were horrid to you, and dumb. Maybe the girls had watched too much porn. Secondly I just googled it and the average penis size is 5.16 inches! You’re almost bang on average! There will be people in the group who were laughing at you who have smaller penises than you. Life isn’t all about penis size and even if it was yours is completely fine. It’s not worth ruining your life and self esteem over something as trivial as penis size especially when you don’t even have a small penis anyway. Even if you did you could still have a great sex life. Sounds like you need some help with this such as therapy because you’re getting yourself in a hole over nothing!


Yeah they were. I have googled it a million times and it won't make me feel any better. And I have seen everyones penis in the group. Everyone was bigger. I get that life is not all about penis size. But relationships and sex sure is big part of life. And if I feel inferior and not good enough, my life is severely hindered. My self esteem is already ruined. I have spent 1 year completely in isolation and now I applied to school and got in and little by little getting my life back maybe. But I get no pleasure out of anything. I used to be confident with girls, now I am too afraid to talk to them if I'm interested in them because I fear they will judge me. I struggle with severe depression and anxiety (diagnosed) Yeah I totally do!! I am seeing a psychiatrist and told her I want therapy but it's incredibly difficult and long process to even get to meet a therapist. But I agree this is very deep trauma or something I have and I'm not gonna get better without some outside help. My world view is so twisted because I got bullied.


I’m sorry your “friends” made you feel this way. Fwiw, my parter has a penis really similar to yours - 1.5 inches flaccid and like 5-6 erect. It took us time to figure each other out, but now he makes me cum pretty much every time just from penetration. I hope that you can work through this trauma and realize your value isn’t related to your size, bc it’s true that confidence is SO much sexier than an actual dick.


First of all, I don’t think 5” erect is considered small. Second, get in a long term relationship. Your penis will immediately become irrelevant.


You saw their dicks hard? My dick is pretty small soft but gets a lot bigger when it's hard. To me, they probably all have their own insecurities about sex/their bodies if this is how they treat you and your body. Definitely get into therapy. Your future partner is not someone who would make fun of you for your dick size. They will love your dick exactly how it is


Also the average depth of a vagina is 3.6 inches


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Those people are truly terrible people and a horrible environment. Your dick is not that small and you will find a girl who likes all of you!


I suffer from pretty severe anxiety too, and it can really do a number on you. Whenever I'm feeling bad about something, I'll just tell myself that everyone has something about themselves that they hate. And also, people will be judgemental about all kinds of stupid things. It's awful to be ostracized socially, but that doesn't mean you did anything wrong, or that there's anything wrong with you. I find that cognitive behavioral therapy helped me deal with a lot of obsessive thoughts I had in the past. It reinforced my ability to separate myself from a lot of the compulsive thought I had. It's a long process, and not super easy, but it can help long-term. Best of luck! It's okay to feel awful about being bullied, but also important to try to work through it.


my boyfriend is like, idk, 4? 5? inches erect? i mean to say, he's right around where you are. and im gonna be real with u ive had the best sex of my life, with him. PIV is more enjoyable with him and his maybe 4 inch penis than with any of the bigger men i've messed around with. your penis doesn't define how well you can entertain someone in bed. you are not inferior, you just had horrible friends who thought you'd be an easy target to make them feel better about themselves.


Yep same! I’m 45 and I’m having the best sexual experiences with my partner who is on the smaller side. He knows what to do with his hands, mouth AND penis to make me feel good. I love giving oral now because it’s not uncomfortable.


Here i thought you had micropenis, bruh come on that is avg and the ladies around the world dont really like 9 or 10 inches bcoz jt hurts them alot, from what i heard.


I make AI chat bots and even in fiction they don’t want em that big lol. Every day I see yet another complaint-post about “why are there so many characters with unrealistic sizes!?! Where the fuck is 8 inches going!?” Consensus seems that most people don’t even want their AI erotica characters to be any bigger than like. 6 maaaaybe 7 tbh lol. 8+ and you’re gonna start getting negative reviews complaining.


It does. Fuck that shit. Actually, no one should fuck that at all unless they're masochists. Anything above 7 isn't enjoyable anymore and is just a session of cervix evasive maneuvers!


Man I know what you are going through first hand honestly I'm a bit smaller than you and while yes it does suck that I will never have that huge dick that some women seek it's about finding the right woman for you man honestly I'm a 43 year man did not meet my wife until I was 35 and she is amazing she squirts everytime we have sex and loves my penis anything bigger hurts her and is just a waste to her did I have to go through a ton of shitty women who break things off the day after we have sex the first time Yes did I have to deal with a ton of rejection Yes but I did and I can honestly say finding your person is worth all the shitty women in the world brother I say this from the bottom of my heart as a man who knows your pain get some counseling and stop putting your worth down to your cock size you are so much more than a penis if you ever need someone to talk to man I am here for you.


You give me hope for the future. I appreciate you sharing your story. Makes me feel less lonely with these thoughts. I really hope I find her someday. But I believe I have a alot of work to do before that becomes a possibility. Yes working on it! I hope I will find a good therapist. I really appreciate your comment man!


Ya man I really think counseling will help you love yourself and see you for more than what's between your legs man I know it helped me


Similar story here. I'm 4'75" inches aroused and very thin penis. I was always worried about getting laid like girls would laugh at me and I would never be able to satisfy them. But, my wife can't take anymore than what I have. Even slightly bigger, It hurts her and instant turn off for her.


You're not alone, i'm the same, i don't let anybody see me naked or nobody has seen me naked, that is so embarrasing, even though i'm average(? the shape is weird and disgusting lol


Yeah man, I used to love to go to swimming halls(not sure if they're called that), but I just can't because of the anxiety. But I feel you, anything that involves nudity in public, I'm out and kinda accepted that. Maybe I will get my own pool someday. But as others have pointed out here, there are good women left in this world and that special someone will not care if they love you.


Hi, about the shape, what do you mean? I'm a woman and want to share this with you so maybe you feel less self conscious about this. The first time I saw my ex's I discovered he had a crooked penis, it was really crooked to a side, it was surprising because I never saw one like that before (online I mean, and my other partner, I just had slept with 2 people). I never feel disgusted, it was just like an interesting fact, I got surprised for sure but not disgusted at all. It was actually really good because we learned how to reach my g spot using the crooked part and it was really fun haha, I honestly don't think someone that desires you will be thinking how your penis look, is the same with women, porn have thought us we must be pink down there, have "innies" or being shaved always. But when it comes to real life, a decent human being that really likes you will not care at all, it's dumb and immature. Most important thing is being confident!!


5 inches is average. The term for you is a grower not a shower (not show were but show err for English being a pain). This is absolutely a very normal penis size and should not stop you from pleasing a woman. Frankly? If two women can get off without toys there's no excuse for any man. Learn how your partner likes things and do those things. It will help. My second suggestion is therapy because this should not control your life. You did the right thing by not enduring more of their cruelty and those people are clearly the worst. So invest in getting the trauma processed so you can move on. I have seen a penis so tiny it disappeared into the person as a second belly button when the guy wasn't hard. I have been unable to accommodate poorly used big dicks. Tons of women want a penis that's not terrifying and is perfectly average in size. As long as the guy who it's attached to isn't incompetent it can be an excellent ride.


Yeesh. Well everybody has already said most of what I had to say but let me add a couple things. First and foremost, pretty much everything you need to be great at sex is all on the outside of a woman. There are very, very few sexually-pleasing nerves within the vagina. Porn sells this idea that women love to get pounded and it just feels SO good to have a massive dick inside. Every woman is different but usually if a woman is getting pleasure from that, it's primarily psychological, not physical. Being good at sex has absolutely zero to do with dick size. It has everything to do with learning a woman's erogenous zones and learning her preferences. Even the G spot doesn't do it for every woman. Learn what she likes and then build up those sensations slowly. Think of it like charging up her orgasm and then letting it release at the end. All the erogenous zones and clit are all right there - no big dick needed to reach them. Usually the only people who care about big dicks are guys.


I feel so sorry for you you met these horrible toxic people. 5 inches isn't small at all. I think these people were immature and pressured by the group.


Lysphina is absolutely right!  I'm glad you're seeking help!  Your prior friends and that girl were so in the wrong! And not just in how they behaved but in that 5 inches is not small. I really don't understand how they could think that. Cause a lot of women prefer that size! Just we usually aren't as vocal about it. But stay strong! Definitely keep working on yourself! Good women find that attractive! 


The thing is, my friends only saw me in my flaccid state, which is unusually small compared to average. Thanks, I will try. I have started to see some light in my life but I'm taking baby steps and still deciding if this whole thing is even worth it anymore. I have suicidal thoughts sometimes and during the 1 year isolation I got everything ready and planned everything but didn't go through it because I love my family so much.


Wow...those friends you had were REALLY pathetic! To know that most men are growers and to still judge you is stupid. They are not worth your thoughts.  That's good! I'm glad to hear your seeing some light! Keep on with those baby steps! In the long run they're more sturdy.  Love is such an amazing emotion and incredibly powerful! It's what got me through my dark times too.  Hold on to it as long as you can! Do you have pets? They help lots too! I found my hard days correlate to when I'm low on oxytocin. And animals can be a great way to get that!  


Thank you, you are so kind🥹 I would love to get a dog once my life stabilizes a bit. Now its pretty hectic with school and work. In a couple of days I will be visiting my parents house and there is a furry friend waiting me who i haven't seen in months! I love that dog so much it hurts🥹


Anytime! 😊 I hope the reality you talk about gets changed. Cause I can't see it being the truth.  Why wait tho on getting an animal? Truly, with you being as excited as you sound to see the furry friend at your parents and with life being stressful, I personally think the pet would help with the stress and give you more love to hang onto. 


Now it is definitely starting to look better! I have my dark periods like today, when I struggle with persistant negative thoughts. It is mostly a money thing, but after summer I should have some money saved up and I'm seriously considering getting a dog. They bring so much joy in your life.


Grower not a shower lmao And 5 inches is average not small at all just saying


As a woman, this is horrifying to read and I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. In addition to your completely understandable trauma- taking naked photos without someone’s consent and distributing it is an actual crime. I don’t know if this helps- but your penis is not small, it’s average and there are plenty of women out there and that I know personally who would be happy with what your size. They sound like shit people and they don’t deserve the power to make you doubt yourself, your sexuality, or what you have to offer a woman.


The fact that they think 5 inches is small 😅 or maybe they are making fun of your flaccid length, as if that's even something to laugh about. 5 inches is average my guy, they are just being arseholes. Pretty sure I heard somewhere that cervix to vag is between 3-5 inches which is enough to satisfy any decent woman. You'll find friends and a partner that will appreciate you better than those guys did 💯


Ok but why is everyone in your friend group looking at each others dicks?


Are you keeping your clothes on in the sauna?


hey bro, im 23M and still at uni. I was bullied in different ways by girls who were friends in two different periods in 2020, and in 2023. For very different reasons, same group of people, but ye it forced me to take time out. I'll never be the same again. It's really unique, it was really humiliating, and no amount of rationalising will help it. It also led to isolation for me, and that screwed things up more. I too have underachieved heavily academically because of it. And it's isolating emotionally too - you can't really talk about it to people. And I also had intense suicidal thoughts at one time last year. I'm not really in a place to give advice given I have not gotten out of the rumination rut yet, but I saw your post and thought I may as well give you a comment. Just throwing my own brainstorms and plans for myself out there, but for me, idk if this applies to you, but when I get the time in a month or two, it just comes down to getting my "acceptance by others" need on Maslow's hierarchy of needs met again. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a pyramid I've been staring at for a while. Acceptance by others is the one I'm lacking, and for me to feel secure that other people accept me. I've been trying to get my self esteem back. That's the thing for me. The moment I feel secure again, in the fact that others accept me, I feel, will be the moment that I think this pain lessens. And the rumination won't be necessary for my brain anymore.


You sound like a very wise person, who unfortunately had to go through a bunch of shit to get to this point. That really bugs me sometimes, that there is no going back. Only forward. And the changes that happen during that. I believe you can make this better but because of these experiences it will be harder. Yeah I'm familiar with Maslows hierarchy of needs and I believe I lack the same level as you do. Leaving my group of friends left me quite lonely and I'm struggling to make new ones after the one year isolation. It changed me so much. And not for the better. I got bitter and resentful of other people. Now it is getting better though and I just try to keep an open mind, if someone cool comes my way, I'm ready:) When my thoughts get worse and it's just me thinking about these in my head, it really pushes me towards the final solution. Posting this on reddit was a major success though. I'm amazed by all the support I received and I appreciate all you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I really like your approach to this, sounds very scientific and because of that, it seems there is something to be done about it. Maybe we are not completely lost in this life.


They took naked pictures of you and youd seen all their private parts? You had a weird friend group. Fuck those assholes.


First off, them taking non-consensual pictures of your penis, or you naked is illegal. Second of all plenty of people have smaller dicks than you, 5in is where I believe the average to be around. Hope you the best man.


Me too buddy me too. LITTLE DICK GANG!!!!




I’m sorry those people were awful to you, I don’t know why. If I were you, I’d try to press charges about the take pictures of you naked while asleep, that’s horrible. Those people suck. There’s nothing wrong with you


<3 might be too late for that and it would be difficult to prove they took it if they don't have it anymore. I feel like I have no energy to start any legal processes at this point of my life. I just hope they have a bit of good in them and realised to remove the photos. I should have been stronger when it happened and demanded them to delete those pictures.


I’m sorry. :( Legal proceedings are difficult in like all circumstances. I don’t think you did anything wrong, I have no backbone either but it isn’t your fault. They really do suck. I hate them for you. 🫡


One of my exes would always express how embarrassed he was because of his penis size, I always wished I could get into his head to show him how good he made me feel. No matter how much explaining I did to him he would never believe me it was frustrating. I loved him so I loved everything about him & wouldn’t have changed a thing. Once you find the one you love everything will be fine.


1. Your size is normal 2. Guaranteed half of that friend group have the same size and some even smaller


What they did was atrocious and illegal. Idk if it will make you feel better, but google what an actual micropenis looks like. Spoiler: a lot of them are less than 1inch erect. Also, google the depth of the average vagina. 5inches is PERFECT. Those people are terrible people.


Bro 5 is plenty my guy your a grower not a shower same as me. Also there is a lot more to pleasing a woman than just your penis


Wait wait wait… 5” erect? Dude. After hearing all that I was expecting 2 inches. Five inches is totally normal. You’ve been had. You don’t even have a small penis. It’s literally ordinary. The global average penis size is something like 5.5”.


I am sorry that happened to you, I feel your pain and it hurts. I was with a woman who was very cruel to me. She laughed at my size. I could not get erect after this and my doctor had to prescribe me with Viagra. I stayed in this abusive relationship for a little over two years. I am smaller than you erect. But before her and after her I have found healthy encounters or relationships and they never once commented on my size. After the relationship I was so worried but the next person I had sex with told me positive things. I learned that frankly penis size doesn't matter. It's communication when you are having sex. It's about finding the right position that works for you and your partner. It's about leaving misconceptions at the door behind. Also, seek therapy and an all male support group. If this is negatively impacting you this much and you've faced this kind of sexual abuse and bullying. Talking to a professional about this and other people who can relate is hugely important. This is what I did in my healing journey. Please don't be too hard on yourself.


I love your comment. I feel like you truly understand what I'm feeling. I'm so sorry that happened to you aswell and glad things are looking better now. I know there are plenty of good women out there but when you have this experience you get very wary of new people. I have had women commenting that I make them feel good etc and of course that feels good. But for me, every negative thing weighs 1000 good things. It's just how my brain is wired. But I am aware I can make some type of change I am working on it. This time I will go through therapy and everything. I'm sick of having to live and feel like this… Thanks for giving me hope!


Firstly, if your friends care that much about your genitals, you need new friends. That’s so weird. Secondly, baby, 5 inches is perfect! Hits all the right spots, and you can go balls deep. Also, love a grower. It’s gratifying to see it get bigger AND you can fit most of it in your mouth so that’s always fun.


I normally am only a lurker on here, but this post infuriated me. Those people are not your friends. That is so horrible and vile to do to a person. People who do this make me so mad. I am so sorry that you experienced this. 😔 Also, that thing (girl) you slept with, gives off major stank coochie energy.


Yeah, don’t let them make you feel low. I had a group of friends I had to stop talking to because their main focus seemed to be how big my male genitalia was…. No one in that friend group had ever heard of or seen my penis so it was kinda weird as to why it was a main concern. It was weird because they were supposed to be straight/ heterosexual males. I changed my friend group because I needed positive and forward thinking people around me. One thing you’ll learn in life is that people will believe anything they hear from someone trying to drag you down and make you look like you’re less than them. Truth is they envy you because you are probably good and they’re despicable. Like someone else said, be comfortable with your size because it’s what you were given. Engage in foreplay and communicate with your partner. There are girls out there that do not like 8, 9, & 10inches. A lot of guys with big penises think they’re doing something but they’re really missing the mark (G-spot).


Um, 5 inches is perfect erect. Flaccid isn't what matters. And thank God you are not friends with those absolutely despicable people! Some men are, "a grower, not a shower", as they say! Which is what gets it done, sweets, I promise you! In fact, the average woman is only 5 inches deep. So 🤷 That's why you are made that way. You are made to fit with us, and you are the perfect size! I can't express to you how perfect that size actually is!


They took photos?! That’s illegal and sick. I’m glad you stopped being friends with those people because it’s very weird to only associate with people based on dick size. I’ve never once been concerned about my friend’s penis size and if I knew, it wouldn’t change that I want to be their friend. I’m sad to hear you were bullied. I’m sorry you experienced that.


First of all, I think I can understand a portion of your pain. And it is incredibly painful. It feels it will never end. And you blame it on yourself. And still here you are, living and breathing, because life intended it to be so, and always finds a way for you to thrive. That is a force superior to any friend or group of friends. If you don't trust the world or yourself, trust in that. Don't expect yourself to fully love or accept your body automatically. Don't put yourself on a deadline either. Emotions tend to make us believe they will remain forever. But there's something superior than them also, and it's that life force that tells you that you are just as important as the stars, the trees and everything else that was created, and you deserve to be here and live with joy and peace of heart and mind. But for now, since that might seem like a possibility very far away, let's start with something slow and gentle. Ask yourself: can I gently open the door to the notion of feeling different? Just a little less pain, just a little less 'insufficient'? Start with that. And if an unbearable feeling arises and takes over, pause and feel your feet, the weight of your body over the chair or floor, come back to what's real. Take your time. Could you give yourself that chance? My opinion of your friends is that they are incredibly stupid and probably envious or threatened by you. They wouldn't need to single you out like that if they weren't. They most likely don't accept themselves and they project that onto you. Stay away from such company. It's not all there is. I, as a woman, wouldn't feel you're not capable of making me feel pleasure sexually. Not at all. And other friends of mine would say the same. We value and appreciate our partners' bodies, and it never occurs to us to make comparisons. We would tell you you're perfect the way you are, and beautiful also. If we exist, many other women and respectful friends also exist. So, can you give yourself the chance to think/feel something different from the lies you were made to believe? I really hope this helps at least a bit. And remember you're not alone. A lot of people are going through the same thing. Society is what's in the wrong. Not you. ♡


So sorry to read this has happened to you.  This was a traumatic experience and should be treated as such. Not necessarily through therapy but there’s tons of resources out there. This needs to be put into perspective.  You’ve suffered abuse, yes, sexual abuse (like, getting your picture taken naked what the actual f**k? ) and it’s made you think you’re less than. This shouldn’t stay like this. 


Christ what disgusting people. Fuck them. Did you get therapy? You deserve happiness my friend. You and your magnificent dong. I know people with smaller penises than that who are delighted with life.


Women like confidence, stimulation, and pleasure, when it comes to sex, however, we also have feelings and emotions. If a woman is worried about your size she is not the one, you need to find someone who loves you for you but you need to work on your confidence first OP. Also your “friends” weren’t friends, I joke with friends all the time even over embarrassing stuff but I would never make fun of something my friend is insecure about, I’m glad you know that now. The people I know that do things like that are very unhappy borderline depressed people who just want to bring other people down because they don’t like themselves, the fact that she did that says a lot more about her then you OP.


Some of the best sex I’ve ever had was with someone who was “smaller”. 5 inches is average and that’s more than enough. Anything over 7 starts to hurt anyways, especially if you’re a smaller female. Some of the worst sex I’ve ever had was with someone who was “big”. It honestly is about how you use it. Anyone who mocks you for the beautiful body you were given has some serious, fucked up insecurities deep inside themselves. There is nothing wrong with you.


As a female, I would 100% rather be tickled to death than stabbed to death! Foreplay is a must, and so many men skip it! Learn your craft and get good at it! I work in health care, and let me tell you (in a non weird way that I see male parts daily). 5 inches erect is AVERAGE! Please don't let anyone fool you into thinking it's not! If you need therapy to get over the emotional trauma caused by your friends, that's fine. Do what you need to do for you. You deserve so much more than those people. Best of luck to you!


It's so hard for a female to honestly tell sizes apart. So many guys fit into that average group that anything around 5 inches all mesh together and I can never honestly tell one apart from the other. The complete opposite ends of the spectrum sure, but those are much rarer than what most think. OP you're completely normal and I really hope you someday find the confidence you deserve again.


Women are so quick to say you shouldn’t body shame until it’s about a man and his size. That’s fucked up what she did to you, pretty sure even illegal.


Naaah bro. Any one who makes fun of their friends based on physical just to trash them is not a friend. That's horrible what happened to you. It was harrassment. Remove them from your life dude. And God on living a happy healthy life


I'm not saying size is the most important thing at all etc, but 5" is respectably average and that's just objectively true. Your former friends are shits also. Sorry you had to go through that man... Many men, me included, can appear quite small when flaccid... That's nothing to be ashamed of either, but from the sound of it the whole commotion was about your penis when you were passed out, I assume it was probably soft at the time, naturally... Please try and not let this determine your future. Also consider seeking a therapist to talk to and help you through this


Also, if you really care THAT much there are surgeries for it. But from a girls perspective, when she loves you, just touching her is enough to please her so she will enjoy your penis.


Don't give these people your power and let them convince you that you're inferior. You MUST take your power back and work on your self esteem and self acceptance. If you don't, this will eat you alive and you will live in a state of despair as you live a life that's less than you deserve because these people got to you. Please seek therapy; it can help you heal and move forward. I guarantee you that there are women who would see you as more than enough.


Hmmmh i'm in the same boat, used to get bullied back in school for it and i've always felt incredibly insecure and anxious about even being able to please a woman so i've honestly given up even finding anyone i could have a relationship and fall in love with. The cool part is that nobody will have sympathy for me because i'll just be the butt of the joke always, such is life i suppose, still i'll go to public saunas and swimming pools because I generally just want to.


Doesn’t sound like friends to me, you don’t need those kind of people in your life. You’ll find a good woman brother, learn foreplay and how to satisfy a woman with your touch and she will literally do whatever you want no matter what your size is. And find some better friends


You are perfectly average and even if you weren't, you are fine the way you are. I understand how traumatic this must have been for you. Your former friends are assholes and honestly, they are criminals too. Who takes naked photos of someone that's asleep?? I hope you have gotten support to help you work through this, because you deserve to not feel like this. I wish you all the best.


From a woman’s point of view, you hooked up with a very immature girl and former friends have a lot of growing up to do. 5 inches is more than enough to get the job done. As long as you know how to work it and listen to your partner about what they like and don’t like, you are golden. I hope all these encouraging comments help you and you can go back to being the rock star you are 😊


There are many ways to satisfy a woman without using your penis.


You weren’t surrounded by good people, OP. Not good friends, not good woman. If this is what rock bottom for your intimate circle is, then the only way to go now is up. You did not lose friends, only trash.


I am the wife of a man with almost your exact measurements. My husband and I have been married for 20 years and have 5 kids. Our sex life is amazing. Trust me, your not as small as your friends made you feel.


At 14 mine was the average size for a guy that age and 6 years on I still hate my 14yr-old self for sending a snap to a girl who shared it with her friends since it looked really small. The next 2yrs of high school were the worst of my life. What made it even worse was that the next year, someone else's nude was leaked but because his penis was way above average for a guy he got a lot of good attention from girls and that just rubbed salt in the wound Since then I've always been insecure about my size and whenever I've had my face out in public I have this mini fear of someone from school going on social media and revealing what I did


People who judge you for your appearance and not your character are people who are very small minded. This is coming from a flat chested woman who has self esteem issues as well. But when I start to feel bad, I just remind myself that there are people like myself who find someone beautiful from the inside out. I feel like people who judge you for your appearance also have some sort of self esteem issues of their own that they're just taking out on others.


You were violated and that’s not okay. I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s illegal to take intimate pictures of someone else without their expressed consent. and don’t be in any rush to “get over it” or push yourself past your limits. it sounds like this brought you trauma. and you’re not any less of a person because of your size or whatever. the way you were treated was just ridiculous


You need to press charges. Why are they taking photos of you in such a vulnerable state and distributing it? How old were you when this happened ?


I’m probably the same size erect and I’m a grower, I constantly joke my penis spends more time shrunk inside me than inside others. I’m also fat though. My point is, I never make my memeber seem bigger than he is. I say I’m at least average. If you didn’t know, 5 inches is average. And now to the reality of the situation because I want tug to be able to fuck and jerk off in piece bröther. I’ve gotten girls off one finger, my fingers aren’t even 5 inches long. I’ve gotten girls off with my tongue wjth literally no penetration, you read that right brother 0 inches of penetration just tongue flick her clit. I’m super self conscious about my size. And it sounds like we are similar. Please read this and know that everyone that made fun of you sucks, and it shows their horrible character. You can live a full sexually fulfilling life bröther. I promise you. Fuck those exes and ex friends, move on. My member looks so fucking dumb flaccid bro lmao but that’s ok, he can do the job needed and so can yours.


Homie, that's not a small dick. Idk what else people have to say to convince you of that, and you're gonna believe whatever you wanna believe, but yeah. 5in is average, meaning there's millions of dudes in your country with smaller packages than that. Fuck them friends, you're good.


5.5 is average in America, it’s not that bad. Don’t give up.


Glad to hear you separated yourself from those losers. The best sex I’ve had was with a dude who has a 4 inch penis. My bf is 5 inches as well and I always want to jump his bones. I can never get enough of him. 🫀🫀


5 inches isn’t small my guy. I hope you learn to love yourself again, you are so much more than what you’re packing.


5 inches erect is pretty average man. Global average is 5.16. Take solace in knowing that your friends are porn addicts who expect everyone to be 9 inches.


Normally a lurker here but this post resonated with me. I’m in a similar situation (haven’t been bullied because of it thankfully) and my stereotype doesn’t t lend itself well to my actual size. It sucks because I feel like they have a preconceived notion of me and I fail to live up to that. I’ve been aware and It’s weighed on my mind for many years. I’ve turned down so many girls to avoid the exact situation you’re describing and honestly seeing this post gives me some weird type of validation in my decisions even though I know I was terribly wrong. Its a twisted self fulfilling prophecy of false inadequacy. I want to leave you this quote and I am glad that I came across this post today it made me feel better knowing I’m not alone and hopefully we can both regain our strength little by little :) Quote: When you go out into the woods, and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent, and some of them are straight, and some of them are evergreens, and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it. You see why it is the way it is. You sort of understand that it didn’t get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don’t get all emotional about it. You just allow it. You appreciate the tree. The minute you get near humans, you lose all that. And you are constantly saying ‘You are too this, or I’m too this.’ That judgment mind comes in. And so I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are.


Sorry to hear this man. I'm probably marginally the same and have had girlfriends l my life. What I don't understand is the friendship group like seriously who gives a fuck! What is wrong with them that decide who they like base on penis size. I think you are much better off without these people in your life.


1. It's definitely a crime that carries a prison sentence(definitely here in the uk) 2. I'm normally quite a who gives an F bodybuilder kind of guy, but I'm just going to say that your old friends are absolute lettuces. I was massively overweight as a kid going through my teens, I'm 32 now and have been in the gym for about ten years. I can relate to you. Being overweight made my already on the smaller side manhood look tiny, and was also taken the pi*ss out of for this. It became an obsession, and watching porn only vilified the crushing angst of it all. It became my very being. Before I met my now wife, I went through a transitional stage, lost all my weight, and got jacked. I took my obsession into my penis and focused on myself, changed my personality, and went through a few years of meeting girls. I never said anything beforehand but never received any complaints as I would focus on the "passion" rather than it being just a "quick sex thing" this caused some issues with stalkers and other women coming back because I'd cared about their physical needs as opposed to the other guys not showing them any romance or respect. This, above, means more to any woman than any woman who claims size matters would care to disclose. It's 90% before sex and 10% actual sex. We all want to be wanted, touched, and looked at in Awe, more so during the sex side of the romance, size is 1% of the interaction. Yes, there are men and women who will solely seek out a male based on size, and that's okay, we all have a preference, I'm okay with that, and so should you. Who cares. Also, we ALL have parts of our bodies that instil shame when exposed to others or even ourselves in the mirror. Gone and the days when the size of one's phallus means the choice between the pick of the mates. We're not cavemen anymore, and pornography has destroyed our understanding of what is considered "average." That's not your issue. That's a them issue. And again, it's a serious crime, and I would teach those absolute losers a lesson in what is socially accepted and what is not.


Step aside please, I got this Man, I feel like I'm talking to my late teens self from the future. Dude, I promise you, you are going to do great things with your dick and the official name is 'Growers not Show-ers' Like all of us, we all wanted to be show-ers. Just whip that fucker out at parties for Truth or Dare or having no fear to go skinny dipping. It took me a long time to get past my bullying. Here are the things I learned later in life that would have saved me a lot of anxiety if I had known them as a teenager well into my mid twenties. 5 inches is hella normal. As in literally perfectly in the middle of the 4-6. The shrinkage to the 1 inch is just the bodies response to 'You're not horny or excited so redirect the blood from the dick back into upper body. Testes, same thing. They get closer to your body to maintain heat and keep sperm alive. Stop getting pissy with natural body things. The Gatorade Bottle Girth Test or Toilet Paper Roll Girth & Length Test Gatorade Bottle: Not the huge one thats like 2 liters, not the tall skinny one, but the one in the middle thats kinda of husky. Drink the juice till empty, keep the lid off. Get erect and (DO NOT FORCE) just nice and easy attempt to stick the erect head of your dick into the bottle (DO NOT INSERT YOUR DICK ALL THE WAY INTO THE BOTTLE AT ALL). If the head can touch the sides of the rim OR not even fit inside, they will definitely feel you sliding inside because the opening of the bottle is a pretty close comparison to the size of a vaginal opening. Toilet Paper Roll Test: Same exact concept except you can test length (can you see it come out the other side) and girth (does your head and / or shaft touch the inside of the Roll. A ton of mature women never judge a guy on his non-erect penis. They've learned to know that dicks come in all shapes and sizes. A ton of women truly enjoy average size dicks. Even more, women who enjoy Average guys, love Growers. It's like a fun game to them to get it to grow like a Go Go Gadet Dick and they feel like they beat a game and they have a reward to show for it. 5 inches is a great size for oral, vaginal, and anal. Big enough to know you are there and comfortable enough to keep doing it over and over again. Now for the real secret: I know you hear this from everyone, but let's be very clear. They are right, and here's the real reason why. Hone your skills in tongue and finger skills, all your foreplay methods, incorporating vibration toys for clit play, erogenous zones. This is the most important part, so really listen. When you exude the confidence of knowing you can thoroughly please a partner without even having used your dick yet, you will ooze sexual confidence. If you can drive them mad wild with all those skills and get her to the roof aching for you, she will feel every single inch of you and 5 inches is a great fucking number. I mean, that figuratively AND literally. Every relationship I ever had never once ended because I was a grower. It ended because I convinced myself that I wasn't good enough because my whole identity was being based around my dick size. Once I finally let that go and realized I am a Swiss Army Knife of various appendages at my disposal to get her to full arousal and my confidence is through the roof and her libido is rocking, those 5 inches of Go Hard Fury are gonna rock her till she shakes. Seriously, Don't Sweat the Young Years.


Bruv, those people are assholes and you did the right thing removing yourself from them. Lemme give you the hot tip here man. You're a grower not a shower, as they say. And thats just fine. Your dick is just like everyone elses bruv. Average and theres absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you want a more fuller look on the flop there are supplements you can take like black maca, fedogia agrestis and vaso dilators like citrulline and small doses of cialis (5mg daily) or viagra. (Many body builders take these to give themselves a fuller look and increase blood flow.) Your old friend group are fuckwits.


There’s a lot of good advice and good perspectives in these comments. ❤️ I’m constantly disappointed by how people suck. Keep moving forward with your life one day at a time. With all of my mental health and physical issues, someone met me and fell in love with me. When I found the man I wanted to be with, his penis size was a non-factor. (Happily married now for 25 years.)


Those are horrible people and 5 is not even small I promise you you're beating yourself up too hard over their terrible actions


Your friends were horrible to you, 5 inches really isn’t small. You’ll be fine, dude! Sounds to me, like you’re a grower, not a shower, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m really sorry that this happened to you, man. that’s just terrible, and it’s even worse that it’s had such a lasting effect on you. I hope you get over it, because truly, 5 inches is not terrible. You’ll be able to please a woman with practice, it’s not always about size. Just find someone you care about that you can trust, and I’m sure you’ll be just fine. Seems like this comment section is fully of tips for you




I have a lot of questions but no idea where to begin....


That's rough. The first person I was with wasn't that big but did not really stop us. I'm sorry that you had that experience. I've had cruel "friends" too and I can't even imagine having to live with that amount of disrespect/distrust. Some women are mean about that but good women really don't care. It's more about the connection plus there's all kinds of things you can do




Firstly, try and get something done about those images. I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you. Secondly, most girls don’t like penises that are anything above 5-6 inches. You have the perfect size! Anything bigger will just hurt.


As a person with a narrow cervix, I'll show you just how awesome your average dick could be to someone like me lol


Dear OP, many people are correcg that these people are shitheads etc. and that 5 inch is perfectly fine. Let me add one more thing – there is a „shower“ and a „grower“. Shower looks already big when not hard, and when gets hard, it grows just a bit more. Grower appears small when not hard, but grows significantly when hard. From what u say you got the grower. They deffinitely shouldn't laugh and do all the mean stuff no matter what, however, yes, you might have a smaller penis when not hard (no person cares about that) and that's what they commented, but 5 inch is perfectly good size. EDIT: P.S. satysfying women's needs are not so much related to penis size. There are men with huge dick but completely shitty in bed and there are men with smaller or average penises who can throw us to a different dimension with their skills 😉


Bro, feeling sorry for you. None should have a friend like them, it could have been worse and a lifetime trauma for you but you did a good job leaving them behind. Fuck everyone and love your life.


A flaccid wang that is 1” just means you are a grower, not a shower.


Have you ever looked into Stoicism? I’ve been going through some things at the moment too and it’s really helped me. Essentially there are things within our control and things outside of our control. Don’t waste your energy on the things you cannot control and try to do the things you can control to the best of your ability.


Congrats your within average size, and can fill a lady. Vaginal cavities arent a foot deep. Researchers found vaginal depth ranged from approximately 2–5 inches. Your ex friends are gibbering morons who prolly fell for the 50's rhetoric.


I’m so sorry about that happening. As a woman I could never imagine myself taking photos of someone else’s penis and showing it around. Even when guys send me nudes (scary and unsolicited) I never screenshot or show anyone EVER. It’s a horrible breach of privacy not to mention illegal. Unless a girl is ruined by what she’s seen on porn, she’s not going to care about size. As a smaller girl myself (4,11) Anything over five-six would hurt really bad. take your time to heal from this and please go to the police if necessary. Best of luck:)


Why would you care about what a woman thinks? Or anyone for that matter? Therapy might help and if not therapy then look into philosophy. Philosophy helped me overcome alot of my insecurities and problems.


Sounds B.S unless you fcked a girl in a group prostitutes . No ... Iam same sizes like you. And i have did alot with women in the past never did i had problems. And women dont brag that they got shag. They usually keep to them selves.


You’ll recover when you allow yourself to recover. Please seek therapy. Your former friends were not friends. Just insecure bullies who used you to make themselves feel better. That girl you slept with is delusional, unacceptable behavior and I highly doubt she’ll have healthy relationships in the future with that type of mentality. And who the fuck takes pictures of the people they sleep with naked and use it to make them look bad. That is sexual harassment if not assault and if it was the other way around, the guy would have ate shit for it. Don’t give up dude, 5 inches is not small.


Grower not a shower, me too haha fuck em


Can you mark this as "serious"


What they did to you is horrid and are nothing but crappy people but listen you are enough no matter what anybody says. You just need to make sure you believe it. Especially with something you have absolutely no control over, feelings like that really cracks a man’s soul ;( you are enough and you deserve to feel like it.


No matter the size it is when it’s flaccid, has no bearing on anything. And 5 inches is considered average, so I don’t know why they were all hating on you when they probably also have 5 inches if they’re lucky. I think if you can get out of your head, you’ll understand that most women would be more than satisfied with 5 inches.


5 inches is average


>Its 5 inches erect ??? Isn't 5' literally the average size?


Sorry this happened to you. It is as many have said illegal in a lot of places. It's also childish, shallow and cruel. The size of your dick isn't the most important factor in good sex. If a woman thinks that she's got no imagination. Are you attentive, ask and listen to what she needs, prepared to try different things, open to vanilla or kinky, good with your hands / mouth. If she wants something bigger inside her toys are available. Remember lesbians get on just fine with (usually) no dick at all. Build your confidence back up and try to see what happened as protecting you from shitty people. Anyone who behaves like that doesn't deserve your friendship or penis.


Noon p noon no no onion ollioobooooo bin l


...enjoy ur 5 incher...i am the same...was bullied and humiliated in 6th grade...took me till 1st yr university to realize women like guys like us...been fucking and still am at 61 now...🤣


Lemme know if you found any tips


Dude, I have the same size penis, and it sucks. I was made fun of a lot. Though if you can figure out the rite angles, it's the perfect size to hit the gspot during sex. Learn to use your fingers and tongue. After high school, my penis size never really came up. Through practice, you can overcome any perceived shortcomings. If the girls you've been with are so shallow, they have to put you down to build themselves up. Your picker is off, and you need to find a better quality of lady.


I dont know exactly how small your penis is because I know only in cm but mine is average probably a little under The average and I always fear that when ill have intercourse with someone ill get mocked


First off, I’m sorry your friends did that to you. Secondly, as a woman my best sex has been with men right at that size. Too big is just painful. Also you’re right at the average size. Don’t let it get to you (I know easier said than done). You will find someone who accepts you don’t worry.


That truly sucks, however, I have happily dated men with very a small penis for long periods of time, there’s plenty of ways to pleasure each other and I have definitely had terrible sex with large penises. I’m very sorry this happened but I guarantee you just need better friends and to find the right gal/guy to intimately be with


Bro it’s not the size of your sword, it’s how you swing it. Size is NOT the be-all and end-all of it. If they made you feel genuinely bad then they’re not good mates


Porn did soooo much damage to the younger generations lol 5 inch is literally average but now guys and girls will think that 9 inches must be a minimum. Also, had I been in your shoes, I would have been so petty that I would have called the police on them. I mean, taking pictures of you naked while sleeping? I could smell an easily winnable lawsuit against all people involved.


That's not bullying that's illegal. They just showed they weren't good people. Also 5in hrs hard is the a Lil above average. N your size classic doesn't fking matter. It'll be hard but I'm sure you will recover, and find people who appreciate you.


Dude, you should check your local laws, what they did is illegal in some places. Were you hanging with a bunch of pornstars or some shit? You're average, and I'm saying it in the most positive way. But seriously, get legal counsel, that shit is fucked up.


I know a guy who's got a dick about the same size as yours and he just tells everyone he's got a small dick and makes fun of himself so it basically takes the fun out of other people doing it. He's also 6'5 so his dick looks even smaller due to proportions. It doesn't sound like you're at that place, and that's ok. I'm sorry this happened to you. As a trans man, I would kill to have your dick. But also as a trans man, I understand how much it sucks when someone makes fun of your genitals.


On the upside of things, at least you got 5 inches when erect. All else considered, it could be worse


Those are just shitty friends who judge for shit and giggles, which is dumb. In the adult world, penis size doesn't matter. My bf has a big dick and we both hate it cause we can't have sex. I'm pretty sure 5 inchs is actually the normal/common. Any girl who doesn't watch porn 24/7 would be into 5 inches cause it doesn't rip their hole apart. Like seriously, the hole doesn't stretch, it is forever the size of a penny no matter how much you try to make it bigger so its a pain. So look for better friends. Those kinds of people are like highschool drug addicts, they get into drugs thinking it's cool and bully others who don't do it, then they get lung cancer at the age of 40.


bruh 5 inches isn’t small, 5 inches is pretty good.


5 is average. Get out of your head and find new friends. You can satisfy plenty of women just fine. And it isn’t all about your dick.


Bro, I'm literally 5 and a half inches long and my girl says that I'm too big sometimes. And I've honestly never had complaints except for 1 girl and that's because she was so loose I couldn't feel anything it was like walking down a hallway. And I've had my self-esteem issues when it comes to my penis but you need to get back out there and find that girl that loves your penis!


Woman here. There's the cliche saying, "It isn't about the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean". It's true. But more importantly, you said five while erect. That's nothing to laugh at, at all. That's a good size my dude. While flaccid is entirely irrelevant to sex.


I have a big one, not all it’s cracked up to be.


Bro welcome to the club I'm pretty sure if you saw your friends pick they would've had the exact same fucking size who gives af put on some cologne go out have fun and if you want call the cops on them for sexual harassment