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Force feeding your personal insecurities will turn anyone off


So, some foreplay first?


I think thats true but I don’t think trying to shutdown their insecurities and say “your insecurities make people uncomfortable” is not the way to help and, personally, I feel invalidating. I mean some of the posts in this subreddit are “my boyfriend is too small what do I do”. So to some extent it is a real issue.


Even the "my boyfriend is too small" posts are to be taken cautiously. Not big enough in comparison to porn is not the same as not big enough to have pleasant sensations.


Yeah I don't think a warning is necessary here. It'll just be a mood killer. Women know penises come in different sizes. It's either bracing for disappointment that may or may not come or deciding to be celibate.


It's not how much you got. It's what you do with it. Plus spend more time on foreplay. Be great in that.




Mentioning it at all will be a turn off. Trust me that the vast majority of women are more turned on by a man with self confidence rather than a man with a big penis.


This is your answer, OP.


Exactly. I find self confidence and a sense of humour more important than the size. My ex has a tiny willy but he knew what he was doing with it. We had 3 children together. Don't worry. Brush up on foreplay techniques and stuff, you'll be fine. If she makes a rude comment, she's not worth spending any more time with.


Deny the head eat her out. Longer make her cum eating her. Use fingers also and when she in super wet slide in. Get your nut if she calls back you did great if not welp. Try with another woman. Go get em tiger


Honestly, nobody can fix your insecurity for you. You just have to learn to be confident. You can’t control everyone else’s reactions to you, you’ll never be able to escape the feeling of rejection, even if they’re simply being honest and not disappointed EVEN THEN your insecurity will tell you they hate the size of your dick. Because the truth is, you hate the size of your dick. Learn to accept yourself and love yourself, then other people’s reactions will not matter and you’ll be able to escape this fear you have.


How small are you? As a women, I honestly wouldn't care much. For many women, p in v isn't the best part of sex anyway. Be good with your mouth (+hands/toys?), make her cum FIRST. Before you "go in". At that point, if you've already got her to an o, what does it matter how big you are?


I would advise against surprising her, but how she is going to react entirely depends on the woman. You don't have to have sex the first time things get sexual. Take it slow and work your way up to it. She'll figure out what you're working with before you get to actual sex. Give her the opportunity to bow out gracefully if she's not interested. And above all remember that your size does not define who you are or your worth as a person. Every man and woman has their preferences and there's nothing wrong with that.


have sex in the dark then? if it’s mind blowing for the both of you the next time with the lights on she won’t care.


To me my dick is small to most people but I'm happy with what I've got I've seen guys with really long dicks and I've seen guys with short dicks the women who like the longer dicks don't last very long in the sack the ones with the shorter dicks last a really long time in the sack and enjoy it better and it also depends on the foreplay before the intercourse


You got to love yourself brother. There are a lot of people who are insecure about something. I bet that girl must be insecure about something too. But I believe that u find her hot irrespective of what size of boobs or what style of vagina she has. The same goes for u. She finds u hot irrespective of the package u got. Just enjoy it well and as the other said, it matters not the size but what u do with it and yeah foreplay.


Bro I am below average. Be confident the girl is thinking less about your dick than you. If she’s into you and you’re into taking care of her and not drowning in insecurity looking for validation she won’t care what size it is. Key thing here is to pleasure her and make sure she’s having a good time and she’ll do the same for you.


Turn the lights off and do your best, most women arnt size queens looking for a big dick, as long and you do the job and treat her right your good. You just can’t be a crappy dude and have a small dick


Bro don’t tell her a damn thing. Bring that big dick energy to your foreplay game and captain your fking ship no matter how big or small your boat may be! Confidence is waaayyyy hotter than insecurity or self-doubt. Go forth and sail!


Hey, 25y girl here, do NOT tell her, what girls like is self confidence, if you dont act like its a big deal it wont be a big deal for some women. But dont make it a big deal or mention it bc then you can create an ick that wasnt there first.




A short guy pretending he’s tall? You have the total wrong perspective here. It is all about confidence. Height, dick size, facial features… it all comes second (or even *doesn’t really matter*) compared to confidence and the way you carry yourself. There are some girls that might be less excited about a small penis (with “small” being totally relative, also), but many more girls will be turned off by insecurity. Also, even if a girl is less excited that doesn’t mean she’ll be rude or won’t give you a chance. Love yourself first.


Sex isn’t all about your dick bro. If you’re doing it right you should only be using it for like, half the session.


Talk to yourself more instead of listening to your thoughts. When you do a lot of positive self talk and somehow hammer in your brain that it doesn't matter then you'll start actually believing it. Look, just because something is a beauty standard it doesn't mean everyone likes that. For example: I don't like a lot of guys that are considered 10's bc I don't like toned cheekbones or that stuff. I fell in love with so many guys who were on the chubbier side and rejected guys with abs who fit the beauty standard for them. And that had a lot to do with character, their self confidence, they just were themselfs and weren't insecure. Some women may dislike guys with little dicks, you have to live with that. If you are blonde, some women dislike that too. If you are brunette, some women will dislike that. But there will be some who like it. But I'll tell you one thing: every single woman will dislike insecurity in a man. Focus on a passion rather than your dick.


The largest sex organ is the brain. brain is smart. let her brain fill in the blanks when the lights are off. go get her, tiger. I once informed my Mrs Robinson before we went all the way, that I was not super well endowed, and she somewhat scoffed at the insinuation that was what she required... turns out I wss plenty enough.


A 5'3 guy is short? Sure. But if he thinks I'm taller than 5'2 guys, that's what self confidence is. See the positive


Because caring for the size of your dick of your tallness is fucking bullshit. Only stupid people do that. Do not get on that wave. If shes gonna have issue with that or judge you by that. Well then shes not the girl for you, just get rid of her and move one, find someone who doesnt mind. It mind be unbelievable but there are still such people ;-)


If it curves it will hit her right spots and it being 4 inches won’t matter


Foreplay foreplay foreplay, then when she is all worked up tell her "just a fair warning it is not so big" she won't give a shit


I actually think this is kinda the best answer. Im a girl and i dont fully agree w the ppl saying “don’t tell her at all bc confidence is key” not bc I would necessarily care but bc as someone w a noticeable scar in an intimate place sometimes it takes the pressure off to tell the person what to expect and not be worried about their reaction, but i also don’t think it’s a good idea to tell her way way in advance in a super serious way since then it feels like super serious and nerve wracking. Unless ur EXTREMELY worried or don’t have other skills to back it up. If u get her super worked up like ^ said it honestly won’t matter I mean lesbian sex is literally a thing and there is, at times, no penetration involved at all. Confidence IS key but like, not in a way where you’re completely sacrificing your own sense of security if u wanna inform her. For sure get super good at giving head tho. If u don’t have much practice then ask her to tell u what she likes


Yep. Just like the original commenter said, set the mood, and mention it like you’re being asked what you want for dinner. Yeah, confidence is attractive, but blindly sacrificing your sense of security just to fake it till you make it isn’t always a great suggestion, especially if you just need some push. Chances are, you won’t worry too much about it once you get enough experience to accept that size doesn’t play that much role as you’re thinking it to be. If you’re good at foreplay, you’re already 80% there. The rest just depends on what type of person they are. There’s really only a small handful that actually goes “If small, then no sex” and that just means you’re not compatible.


I just read that you’re 4 inches… you have the ideal size, congrats.


one of my top three experiences was with a small dude. he didnt tell me ahead of time. and i was startled, but i did my best not to make him feel bad about it. that being said, he rocked my world. i still get flashbacks.


Haha are you me!?? I still think about this dude who rocked my world and probably was working with maybe 3inches full.




2-3 inches hard EDIT: definitely 2. i just took a tape measure.




im telling you, i still think about this dude randomly and it was like back in 2012-2013? i think it would have lasted longer if i didnt move. i will say he was super confident, which i think helped.


You've gotta get out of your head on this one. People are having a great time working with half of what you've got.


you watch too much porn


You shouldn't be working so hard to igore everyone. Dick size does not equal pleasure. You pleasuring does. You're going to self-sabotage.


so disclaimer is alright, but maybe when you share that info also add that you're all about making women feel good, that you're skilled with your mouth, and what you want to do with your fingers. if you build up enough sexual tension (varies for each person) then size is secondary. it's understandable to want acceptance of your body and keep expectations realistic. but if the girl youre after is judgemental and shallow, there are plenty of other chicks who aren't size queens


just please don’t ask her if she’s sure it’s not too small when you’re inside her. and definitely don’t ask that 6 more times whilst still inside her.


No I wouldn't talk about it. The conversation might turn out to be a bigger turn off than the thing itself. As others said, give it your all, and you might be fine.


I’ve told women before when I was younger like 8 years ago when dealing with older women that I thought would care. I’m talking 5+ years older than me and 2-4 kids while I was 20 and just now getting good in the sheets lol. Every time the response was “it doesn’t matter as long as you know how to work it” Luckily I’ve picked up some tricks along the way. Speed, angle, pressure, elevation, de-elevation. All kinds of stuff matters differently to each woman. I bought a vibrating finger for a woman I was having trouble with 6 years ago where she wouldn’t finish but I would. Between that vibrating finger and me slowing my speed down and positioning one of her legs up, I had to put a towel down before me and her get into it cause she would make a mess. Let it go. Figure out what she likes and work towards it.


Most women won't care about size, honestly you can provide far more physical pleasure to a woman without penetration. If you're worried about disappointment in the bedroom it's not about size it's about communicating and trusting your partner.


How small are we talking?




4 inches isn't worth mentioning prior. The experience in general will make a bigger impression than just size.


Thats not bad brother, you can work with that. I would focus on becoming a tongue god and she wont be disappointed with any size afterwards


Oh, you’re fine! You are not far from the average. I suggest you do not say anything. What if she wasn’t even thinking that, and you brought it up and made it a thing? DON’T make it a thing! Like other commenters have said, tons of foreplay. Get good at it, be very sensitive to each woman as an individual, different things work for different people. Try to pay attention to what makes her feel good.


The g-spot is only two inches in my guy, you're good. Definitely second getting really good at giving head, simply because it's awesome. Most men won't even do it, meanwhile you could be incredible at it, and wanting to do it all the time. You'll have an immediate advantage just with that in your toolbelt. Wear her out with that and then give it to her good. You got this king


Soft size doesn't matter, erect your less than an inch from average(4.8in iirc). Stop worrying


Isn't that like only an inch below average? If I were you I wouldn't even care about it that much. It sounds like your main problem isn't your size down there, it's your inferiority complex. Don't tell her, just have fun!


I was way way more excited when I first felt the guy that I'm with right now and realized he's on the smaller side. He's around 4 3/4 and the sex is orders of magnitude better than when I was with a guy that is over 8. It legit made me more excited for moving on with sex whereas if he was over 6.5 I probably would have not let it go to sex that night until I figured out if he was one of those guys who thinks being big makes you a sex god who doesn't have to do anything besides slam his magic dick into your cervix. Guys that are average and below average generally have a lot better attitude towards sex. But the guy I'm with is great and he hits all the right spots and he's way more aware of me and it's great Figure out a way to get confident about your size. Read the millions of comments on Reddit across dozens of subs of women saying they prefer under average and why and then learn how to do oral and fingering well, make the girl feel wanted and paid attention to and you'll be golden


Hey dude in all honesty, it’s about how you present yourself. Be confident and listen to her body. Just because you’re not hungry like a horse doesn’t mean she will get turned off. Lots of foreplay, touching, caressing and again LISTEN TO HER BODY LANGUAGE! She will let you know what’s working and what isn’t. Don’t be discouraged bro! You got this!


Sorry brother not everyone can be Johnny Sins. Improvise, adapt, overcome. Get good at giving head. Request direction if needed. Good luck, soldier.


I’m a women and I have fucked a lot of men. (Unashamedly escorted at a hard time in life.) Some men had huge dongs and a couple of them had actual, real micro penises (one was literally a nub you could only hold with your thumb and finger, like a big clit I guess.) Generally sex could be good with both ends of the size spectrum, but what made it work was the attitude of the man attached to the Willy. The literal micropeen doesn’t even allow penetration, but boy could those guys still fill an evening lmao. If you come into the bedroom thinking ‘I’m too small’, ‘she’s going to laugh’, ‘she’s going to hate my dick’ etc etc. that vibe will permeate the entire room, it’ll kill the fun before you have any of it. What you need to do, is refocus your mind set. The vast majority of women don’t care about the size of the package, because on its own, it’s just a hard dick. You combine it with sensual touching, foreplay, lingering kisses… some nice fingering etc. you’ll be golden. (If you find yourself with a kinkier woman, she will care even less about the dick size as long as she’s getting her freak needs met lmao.) That being said - there are women who want size. They want that cervix banger, so they might not react kindly to a smaller peen. But that shouldn’t make YOU feel bad, you just met a woman that isn’t compatible with you and that can happen in literally every aspect of life. As with everything, I advise openness and honesty. Don’t bring it up over dinner, but don’t exaggerate to bag a girl and don’t hide it either.


I told a girl I was big down there and then she got disapointed 😔


Honestly the horror stories from my lawyer and doctor roommates about law hookups out of stress where it was like 2inches was the issue not an average guy 


Don't say anything because human want to agree with each other usually depending on person but if she want to have sex with u she probably gonna like to agree with stuff so by u talking don't on it her first thought is fuck better not be small and she gonna be looking for q small penis because that's what u told her just let her see it her self


Listen, having confidence in yourself and body plays a bigger role in how turned on she will be than your appendage size. If ultimately it’s not compatible with her for whatever reason, don’t let that make you think you’re any less. Feeling anxious makes it shrink so be bold and show what you can do with it when the time comes. Some parts of you can’t be changed, but your outlook and perception of yourself can be. I felt like you most of my life and only in my late 30’s have I come to accept who and what I am, and I’ve never had more attention from women. All the best.


Well said


Every artist comes to the eisel with their own tools. You may not have the biggest brush, but you can always use your "palette". The goal of the game is to paint the best picture for your partner, not receive the best one.


It’s like if you go to someone house for dinner and they say “the food will probably taste bad”


How small?


I mean everyone is different but I personally would like to know if you’re talking like under 4 inch lol


You can go 1 of 2 ways. 1- tell them it's super small. Smaller than what you actually got. If they stick around to see, they will tell you you lied and it isn't that small. (Still hurts, but still) 2- if they stay around after you say that you're about average, or less than, just make sure they are satisfied before you think you're done. Tbh it isn't the size of the boat, just the motion of the ocean.


You said you’re 4 inch erect in the comments. That’s not bad at all. I say this as a woman with past experience with 4. It’s perfectly fine, a good portion of women prefer 4-5 because it’s comfortable and not painful.


Most people create a monster that doesn't even exist with their insecurities. Telling her that will certainly draw attention to something that may not even be a big deal to her. Also, are you even small. Most dudes that are insecure about their manhood are influenced by porn so they think their shit is small when it's not. Don't fall into that trap. If you whip it out and it's a problem, y'all are just sexually incompatible. But honestly I doubt that will happen. You can be great in other areas to like using your fingers, mouth, even toys. Foreplay helps too. Maybe she doesn't like big dicks. Not every chick is a size queen like the Internet will have you thinking.


It looks like I might be in the minority here. My husband is on the lower average side - and like, I give 0 shits BUT he did warn me beforehand, cracked a couple of self-deprecating jokes, and so it wasn't a surprise. He's secure with his size, and himself, and THAT overcomes any "small penis" issues. And because he's secure, we get the opportunity to take advantage of any size jokes we can think up. So I think a lot of it comes down to your confidence level regardless of the size of your penis. And because he knows my reddit account.. babe if you see this, I'm genuinely satisfied 😂


ask her what she considers small


If they want to know before you get down to it, they'll ask. If not, don't bring it up. Just go with the flow. If it's a problem, they'll usually let you know.


As opposed to what? Telling her *after*?


Take the blue 💊


Side note: I got seriously emotionally involved with this woman.... pale redhead with curves. When we were getting more serious she warned me that she could never finish during intercourse because it hurt her so bad. She tried, but seeing a partner in pain is not great for me. If you're below average a bit, she probably could not take you. Which is to say, don't assume. Your perfect fit exists. Takes some time to be sure. I would say, for advice, unless you're literally a medical condition, don't voice that particular insecurity. You could say you havet had many partners or you just wanna make her feel good. Size is bad for everyone. Size of the penis, vagina, breasts, belly, legs, butt.... only speak of your or hers if it's positive.


As a woman, I don’t care about dick size as long as you don’t care, and are good in other ways. If someone told me about their penis size before we got into it, it would give me the biggest ick


don’t say anything… Just tell her how much you want to worship her clit. Focus on using your other attributes to pleasure her but also remember your needs to. so in short yes it will probably turn her off or at the very least be distracting.


Yes, because then I know that he thinks penis size is the most important thing for women, while in reality only a minority of women orgasm from PiV alone.


You'd be surprised what women actually think about size. It's really not how big but how you use it that matters. If you get a negative reaction, then you continue looking for someone who is compatible.


Honesty IS the best policy. I usually wait a while before getting things sexual. That’s just my preference though. I like to get to know the person and not have things be just about sex or having sex be a big thing within the relationship. This also builds up trust enough to let them know about any short comings.


Unless you’re under 4” you will be fine, dont let porn ruin your perspective on sex and women :/ Good luck champ, remember ladies first and what you lack in size you can make up for in many other ways!


Don’t tell her that. I’ve been surprised by size before (both big and small) and it’s better if she just finds out for herself. Telling her you are small is gonna make her feel some kinda way that your actual (potentially but maybe not actually) small dick will not. If she isn’t literally horrible, she won’t make fun of you or anything. Size isn’t everything. I think most men would be surprised by how small other men’s penises are. But sexually active women know. My husband thought he was small, but he’s definitely above average— he just watched too much pornography and got a complex about it. As long as you’re up for foreplay and such, just give her a good time! Bonus of a smaller one is that blowjobs are magnificently easy and I don’t feel like I’m gonna puke halfway through. It’s fun to be rocked by a big one, but it’s also fun to have something manageable enough that I can properly blow this man’s mind.




As a man with decidedly average equipment, it's about confidence. Not every woman wants to have Johnny Sins impaling them, despite what the internet tells you. Also, if you're that insecure eating out your partner will do wonders and earn some bonus points.


I personally wouldn't be turned off, if the guy felt the need to tell me that's fine, it won't change anything for me


I read a quote recently... Uncommunicated expectations are premeditated resentments. You guys need to do a lot of communicating before you even do anything. You need to be able to manage each others' expectations. Honesty is best.


Nope, your confidence or lack there of about it will be the turn on or off.


If she values you and your honesty it won't. If she doesn't value you it's over


Don’t tell her. Just enjoy each other.


Use your tongue, it’s about the use of the tools not the size of them


Hearing This shit bothers me. And would definitely bother her. When you make the switch, to get out of your head. the insecurities fear of judgement or fear of losing and failing start to disappear. You’re manifesting all the things that will result in those fears or insecurities by focusing on them, you will get confirmation bias for all of it. Instead you should be doubling down on things that you’re solid at, your personality? Are you funny? How about your physique? Are you fit? Are you an addict? What can you do to improve so the things your insecure about aren’t even a thought anymore, when you get your own house in order you genuinely have no issue if you’re insecurities get validated because your sitting on a mountain of your own successes you realize you’re worth through the process, tiny dick? So what!? Are you fucking awesome or aren’t you fucking awesome. You gotta do positive self talk! And not to be completely rude or vulgar, but would it not be fucking awesome to have sex with a girl where the feelings are mutual? Get ready for some foreplay, your mouth and hands are gonna be yours and her best friends. Keep your insecurities to yourself. bringing them up in regards to intimacy is wild “hey sorry before we do this I have a small dick” okay 👍 you just ruined that for both parties. “Hey sorry I’m balding” okay 👍 weird time to bring this up “sorry I’m so skinny” 👍 ok weird. As men we need to portray confidence and security. Can you protect and provide? Are you confident in your abilities? Now if you do seal the deal, you do need to be a communicator. Without overdoing it, asking every two seconds if she “likes this” is just as worse as saying hey sorry for my small penis will you still fuck me? You have to talk with her through it conservatively, if you cum fast your bread and butter is gonna be foreplay, you’re going to ask her questions about that, how do you like it? where do you like it? how fast or how slow do you like it? don’t just attack this women aimlessly hoping your doing it right and asking if she likes it the whole time let her tell you where to go and what to do if that makes sense. Good luck brother.




you dont need to say it early yk. just go with the flow and explore eachother and yes you should definitely spend some time in foreplay.


Your insecurity will be the biggest turn off, not your 4 inch NORMAL sized dick. Please work on your confidence, maybe with some therapy. You're not going to get the help you need posting every other day talking about your 'small dick'. Also 4 inches is the perfect size. Big dicks HURT. Stop having this idea in your head that all women want big dicks. Women 80% don't even cum from penetration. We enjoy foreplay a lot more.


People are saying 4 inches is normal now? Last I was told, 6 inches is micro and 8 inches is average. Maybe I need a better taste in women...


look I am giving you some real advice like if you are able to use it right or even just master your tongue or fingers cause let's be honest if you can make a girl feel good your size won't matter like frfr also, there is no point in telling her I would suggest making her feel good before taking out your things also do it when she is in the moment cause when you put it in her she gonna feel different levels also push on her stomach when thrusting in her cause it will make your thing feel bigger in her👍 if a guy can use his thing well then I would choose him over an 8 inch mf I'm a girl and my ex-boyfriend worked his thing so fuckin well😩 (dw was he is small I sometime wanna crawl back to him)


It seems as though you’re confident enough to get to the point she wants to sleep with you. Maintain that


Idk I'd rather have been told then to find out the way I did. I really should have just left


A friend of mine used to joke about being "hung like a cold two years old" he got more ass than anyone I know. It's absolutely about the game and not your size. Confidence and building your skills (in the bedroom and out) will get you there every time. Good luck!


Don't say anything. Women are different maybe you are huge to her. Most women don't orgasm from intercourse alone. Most need fingers, tongues and a connection. So just be quiet and don't put ideas in her head.


Be confident and she won't care. And if she does, confidently tell her to fuck right off


From my own experience and everything I’ve heard from friends, so much more value is placed in the foreplay and how good you are using your mouth or fingers. Every person with a dick thinks the size is the be all and end all but honestly you could have a nicely sized dick and be terrible at knowing how to make a girl cum. Also, if it makes you feel better, most lesbians don’t have dicks, but they make girls cum easier than men do 🤷🏻‍♀️ its facts. You don’t need a big dick to make sex good sir 🫡 good luck


Shit, I make fun of my junk and girls get intrigued. Even a Smokey link at 60 mph is gonna put a dent in somethin ya know?


Aside from this specific scenario, forcing insecurities in any form is such a turn off


Here's the thing. If you genuinely have a micro penis or something, like bottom 20% size (3 inches or less for example) then I'm not really sure what to say. Some people are born unlucky, unfortunately. Telling her before some semblance of attachment is formed will definitely scare her off. Generally you disclose insecurities once attachment and personal investment has been made. You can't really control the size of your penis so nothing can be done other than to just bear with it. Just be prepared to use your mouth/tongue and other toys to get her off, be open minded, and try focusing on pleasing her rather than yourself in bed. Good luck!


If it’s really small then you should give her a warning first


Confidence + oral will be your best friends. Most women aren’t size queens and clearly you aren’t compatible with those who are.


I’m small and I don’t care. I know how to make her cum with my mouth and fingers. Toys are a bonus.


If you don’t feel comfortable showing your dick, don’t bring it right before sex. Do it when there’s not a lot of sexual tension.


If that’s a deal breaker for them, they aren’t the right person regardless of endowment size.


i slept with a guy once who had so much confidence in how he sweet talked and handled me that when he went inside me and i realized it was small, it still didn't really matter and i got off just fine. he didn't warn me, nor did he have to. i think that's just setting yourself up for failure 🤷🏻‍♀️


whats the size


I think some men forget that sometimes it’s not the size, it’s what you do to make her feel good. Your insecurities are not her problem. Just make her feel good.


You can be honest with her about it. I have experience where the big ones didn't do much. Also, believe me, size does not matter. It's how good you are at sex, which you can read and learn. Just focus on some foreplay and give her a great time. More foreplay means amazing sex. Also, if she doesn't do it because you are small down there, then you dodged a bullet. Most women I know actually don't care about the size that much. They care about how great you are in bed.


I believe your delivery would detour the influence of the activity. Be confident


Why do you feel you have to justify that? Like, are you going to be sorry and excuse yourself? That would place her in a power position, and you are not responsible for what you have. I mean, you were born with what you were born. If she mocks you or makes you feel bad, then she is not the one


Would a woman telling you she's wide down there turn you off?


Don't sell yourself short... so to speak. No reason to setup the expectation. Let it be a surprise unless it's... like... startling. Average size is about 5-5.5", and in my personal experience, that number is skewed a little high. I'd say most of the people I've been with were closer to 5 than 5.5 and many were under... and you know what? Most of them perform just fine... I've been around the block, I've done a lot of people and sizes, and what you should know is that not all dicks are created equal... but not how you think. Yeah, there are women out there that want the biggest, thickest, wang that they can get, but I wouldn't honestly say it's even a majority. Very few people I know wanna get split in half, and the ones that do don't tend to want it ALL the time anyways. At the end of the day, the PiV aspect of sex is far from my favorite regardless which set of equipment we're working with. My husband is not the biggest, but he is the best lay I've ever had... why? Cuz he makes it fun. Be present, be engaged with your partner, if you're not sure what they like ask them, and just... remember it's supposed to be FUN and a good time... Everyone has nerves, but overall you're just having fun... Use a condom.


I would causally bring it up in conversation about sex and then say I am small but I love foreplay and know how to work it. Confidence is key. Ladies love a confident man.


So I feel like if you let them know beforehand and they decide it's ok you won't get that disappointment face but if you say nothing and you whip it out you might get the sad face?


Are you really small? Says who? Porn? Because nothing much about porn is normal, just be aware of that. You have three choices: be rejected before, be rejected after, or both be rejected. Just don’t say anything. Your chances of being rejected are probably the same as if you do say something in advance. Only, you run a higher risk of being the right size.


Dude just be honest. As long as you know how to put the rest of yourself to work it'll be fine. And if it's not, then she's not someone you should waste your time on.


4 inches ain't that bad. Also realise that even guys with monster cocks need to learn that pleasure means more than pounding. Learn how she likes her foreplay, get her all hot and sweaty and then see how she won't give a shit how big it is.


Unless we’re talking literally micro-penis here, don’t say anything cause it will turn her off. Not because of the small penis, but the insecurity. Micro-penis it might make sense to be like, “look, this is a little embarrassing, but I’m really small down there. Like, it’s gonna be smallest you’ve seen. I feel fine about it, but I don’t want you to be surprised and react badly, even if you don’t mean it. Trust me, I make up for it in other ways😏”


just smash & don't say a word


If she wants to suck your dick, she will. Don’t sell yourself short. Rock what ya got and enjoy the moment, you could be as small as a needle but if you fuck like a sewing machine.. who cares


I was honestly happy when I found out my fiance was not huge tbh  Or a micro


Tell her. Don’t make it about your insecurity. Make it…fun. “Oh hey, I’m not like huge down there or anything. But I like to think I’m more like a stick of dynamite—ready to explode, rock your world, and make a mess. So y’know, just to keep you safe, gotta keep the stick of dynamite a small one. A little dynamite goes a long way.” :D Grin. Joke. Make it clear you’re telling her just so she knows but…in a flirty way that says you’re still down to have a good time and that you’re confident you can give her a good time. Self-confident humor is sexy.


I have been told I have big d*** energy despite having an average weiner, so when i was single girls would always ask me if I have a big schlong. Id say "Nope I'm average as f*** but I've got big fingers" or something stupid like that. Most found my response funny, or didn't care at all. Best response was "Well that means we can do @n@l!" If a woman is interested in you, it has absolutely nothing to do with the size of your joystick. Have you ever worried about what a ladies lasagne looks like before you eat it? Just sit at the table and enjoy that sweet sweet home made Italian food like the rest of us


Don't tell her your small down there, because it will show her your negative about yourself. Just pull it out, and pretend you don't know better. If she starts yapping, you gaslight her.


Different people like different things. The only person who can know if it’ll turn her off is her.


Hell yes! Look just try to channel whatever you think your hero or spirit animal would do. Insist on focusing on her pleasure , at least spend 7 minutes minimum absorbing the beauty and tastes of the flower. You have not one but two labias! You gotta greet em the British royal way like a kiss on two cheeks, lick ur way up to the clitoris - crown of the princess btw, activate the technique of suck with ya Bruce Lee face lips. Okay okay walk with me , kiss the whole thing or at least be gentle as can be. Enjoy and test the level of the waterfall too; now when u go in as big as you may be I'm assuming at least 5 inches, go all in? You've already prepared her engines, so grab her love handles, the hips or the waist depending on where feels more comfortable and be dragging her onto you as you go in deeper such as you'd imagine you're riding a championship horse and all your money's on the line. Good luck 🐉




Be confident. Don’t say anything


Sometimes the dick size doesn’t matter, being the confident man is really what matters. But if this doesn’t work for you. Maybe you need to work on things like your overall stamina, foreplay methods and losing a bit of weight. Sometimes the pubic area gives the illusion that we guys have small dicks.


Possibly it’s better to be honest imo


Let her be the judge if she's satisfied or not, not your insecurities.


You turn the girl on it doesn't matter how big your dick is. There are a lot of us out there who have had great sex with small dicks. A small dick can be a lot of fun. And despite what the internet might tell you, there is a large amount of people out there who prefer something smaller. Do you tell her? Hell no. Insecurities alert! No one wants to hear that. When the foreplay comes along she'll find out. And when she finds out you pay absolutely no mind to it. You just keep on doing whatever you're doing in the foreplay.


Looking at your post history, I think that either a.) you have a very severe anxiety around this topic that might be a response to some kind of trauma you've been through, that would benefit from going to therapy and talking it over with a professional, or b.) you are phishing for people to belittle you about this for some weird kink thing.


Soooo. Just own it. Anyone who takes the time to belittle you about size is a pos not worth your time. Flick then quicker than a booger and move on.


Kama Sutra was written by an Indian


Give her oral till she cums first, so at least she will enjoy it. Then just dim the lights down or do it under a blanket if you’re so insecure about it. Otherwise just don’t mention it and dont show that you’re insecure. Also if you compare yourself to porn actors you’re always gonna come up short. The avg size is like 5-6 inches. Relax, it’ll be fine


Just get drunk and high, then fuck her and thats the shit


And if shes gonna have some fucking issue with that just tell her to go fuck herself


Are you seeing that girl in a serious way? Then I'd say talk to her about it before it actually happens. It seems important to you that she knows beforehand. If that's a deterrent to her, then good riddance. In order to avoid it being a turnoff, I'd suggest talking about it in a non apologetic, open, and honest way. While the size might not be the most attractive thing , to lots of women, a confident and emotionally intelligent man who is a competent communicator is very attractive. And then when you go about it, try to be forward and confident. Be a good lover outside of penetration, and the sex should still be good. You acting very ashamed or apologetic might be more of a turnoff than the size itself.


Good riddance? There’s nothing against or wrong with anyone for what they are or are not attracted to, as long as it’s morally acceptable lol. He shouldn’t feel bad or low for it, but if she turns him down she shouldn’t feel bad if she’s not attracted to him or his penis either.


Did I say she should feel bad? Or that he should make her feel bad. She can feel however she wants about it. But if she rejects him for a small penis, it's a good thing she's been filtered out of his dating pool. Of course, people have the right to reject anyone for any reason. No matter what it is. But I think you should embrace the rejection as a good thing. This person just removed themselves, and you can go on and find someone who wants what you offer.


Focus on trying to bring sexual pleasure to your partner, how do you warm them up, touch various parts of the body not just the vagina or penis, a lot of kissing and other types of foreplay. Pay attention during intercourse, are they physically and verbally responding to penetration with that stroke, etc. I also wouldn’t mention that you have a small penis unless they are specifically asking for a certain size. Also, if you’re size conscious they have sheaths available which is something you can put over your penis to make it longer and thicker, they may need to have a dab of kinky to be into that but nothing is better than a guy that is interesting in using toys