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Cool collection, but the knife is a weird fit for me… why not like a BS urban masked to fit the vibe, or maybe just vanilla bayo or something


The knife was the one exception. Autotronic are my favorite knives, all the other options that would vaguely match my blackiimov collection were ugly, in my opinion.


Fair play man as long as you like it that’s what matters, not our opinions!


Damascus steel knives work good with the gloves too


Have u considered bs lore.... would match so good with the gloves and overall aesthetic. w collection :)


Honestly the knife kinda jumpscared me when I scrolled the post


That’s crazy that you have a .9908 and there’s 617 higher floats than that lol


was the m4 considered blackiimov too? i thought it was the awp only


They're all max float Asiimovs, I just call them all Blackiimovs, though you're correct the name originated from the awp's black scope.


Love it bro!! What about a tiger tooth bayonet?


Tiger Tooth were the closest options I had, so good idea there, but figured since the gold/yellow was still far off of orange I'd go with a knife I loved anyways.


Dig it. Really nice collection man\~!


Cool collection man


I kinda of hope you play rigid and only buy these guns. E.g P250 always in pistol/eco rounds. P90 as a force even though that makes me cringe. Then the mains as your mains


I definitely havent bought the M4A4 more times in the last 2 days than I have in the last 10 years 👀 that'd be crazy. And I definitely haven't found a new love for the P90 seemingly out of the blue. Also I promise the P250 is just the superior sidearm, no other reason I pick it over every other pistol 👀


Hahaha. And I bet you've never looked at an ak with a bad skin on the ground and decided to avoid swapping your M4 because of the skin... Right? Because who would do that... ? Surely not? W collection btw, forgot to say it in my original post, right down to the simple stickers and glove combo. Nice.


Greyiimov* I sincerely hope you didn’t start this collection before cs2.


I've owned the AWP for at least 8 years I would assume, I definitely preferred the way the black looked in csgo, but I love the way the orange and the rest of the paint looks in cs2 hence why I continued adding onto the collection well into cs2. They still all look incredible.


That’s unfortunate. Hopefully they fix at some point.


I figured it was a stylistic choice or byproduct of the better looking graphics engine, if they fix it that'd be great, but I'm not sweating it if they don't.


W collection. Asiimov is one of the very few skins that looks amazing in literally any float imo.


im smiling and very happy for you on the other hand tho im crying bcs i was stupid enough to gamble my .990 awp blackiimov away. its great to see someone with a good taste tho! congratz brother!!! whatever happens keep that awp


I mean yeah it definitely is complete


Not a blackiimov fan myself but if you're gonna do it atleast do it right, knife is way too clean


Nice! What about some fade knife, with max orange / gray pattern seed?