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Whoever sold that is going nuts rn I bet


I like the craft but you paid WAY too much.... 400 is like 30-35% sticker value.... Two of those would have to be Kato14 Holos to justify that pricetag


Still way better than paying 10% for the same stickers on a sand dune The craft is actually good atleast


Yea all those "Sand Dune and Safari Mesh lmao meme skins" people are high on copium. Slapping stickers on a turd, gj


~40% sticker price. It’s realistically worth 20-30% sticker price.


if two of those would be Kato14 holos it would be worth way more


no it wouldnt lol, og skins and kat14s dont = huge prices.


1. Evil Daimyo is from Falchion which was released mid 2015 2. It has matching colours 3. It's popular gun 4. It's factory new 5. It would have 2 additional Kato15 foils which are 250$ each 6. Any 2x of same Kato14 holo that is not Fnatic Complexity or NIP would be easily worth more than 400$ on any skin


L. You overpaid


Tx guys .. guess I took one for the team .. was to emotionally invested in this craft . Also to complete my 3dmax load out . Not planing to sell any soon. ll hold for 30 plus years. Should be fine tho .. copium intensifies


If you bought it for your collection and didn’t mind paying the price tag, then it’s whatever at the end of the day. I’ve lost more money in worse ways lol


That’s the thing about skins, if you like it…the market value is irrelevant. It’s all up to what you’re willing to purchase it for. Especially with you keeping it, it’s a W regardless. Enjoy the skin mate


Lol 30% sp is nothing outrageous for a kato 15 1/1 (I’m assuming this a 1/1). Could be much worse


Yeah I think max 10% loss on sp.


Yep. He paid 38-40% sticker price but realistically you could get 25-30% sticker price on this. So he didn’t “overpay by like 300$” if he paid 400$ for it he only “overpaid 100-125$)


I know the struggle... I collect 4x ibp cologne paper crafts... that one guy is such an idiot. He has his 4x m4 for years now. I've offered 20% sticker which is really good imo probably the best offer he could get... but that asshole won't sell under 30-35% he isn't even collecting , he's just an asshole.... it's on the market 2-3 years by now blocked that mf... but I am still thinking about the m4. I will never get that one... even tho it would fit perfectly :/


A lot of high level crafts with desired stickers like that actually can collect 30-35% sticker price sadly


I know, usually I got for something around 25% which is a really fair price imo since it's mostly a pretty easy deal with me... i got cases, knifes, playskins , I even got multiple 4x ibp replacement crafts if you're really in love with the craft... some people are just so greedy or delusional I don't know... if there are multiple 4x crafts of the same skin no way it's worth more than 20%. I've also bought 1/1 3x for 25% and slapped the 4th sticker on there myself... my p250 is 1/2 4x craft and the other one is MW.... If you want to recreate the craft you have to buy 4 stickers cause there is no FN whiteout with another ibp cologne paper and the whiteout ofc.... this would might be ~35% but no way that's going to be sold 😂


I dont know about The price but to me thats a tier 1 m4


you got scammed gango


Who cares if he overpaid. He paid a price he was willing to and got a skin he wanted. OP gets to enjoy his skin for years to come, and the seller wins too. Realistically the dude posting the skin for 30% overpay would likely never come down because many people have a stick in their butt when it comes to listing skins and refuse to lower prices. Enjoy your new M4 man!


Huge overpay broski about 30% of sticker price.... crazy


40%… I believe these stickers are all going for ~250-260$ rn so yeah. If he’d paid 25% sticker price would’ve been a lot more reasonable.


Agree 100%


Pretty nice except for the price, you probably saw the other coments already.


I remember selling an evil daimyo for like 2 bucks back in csgo, so it's blowing my mind that this is 4 hunnid


It’s 10-15 .. only those katos (the craft itself) hold the “value”


That’s a massive L. Way overpay. You typically want to pay 3-10% if I applied price. You paid like 35%. I wouldn’t even pay 100 for this.




You have to wait months to find crafts at that price point. Often times people will pay more because they don’t want to wait that long. Heck I’ve done it multiple times. In my eyes you can save money by waiting long periods of time, or you can pay a little extra for the benefit of getting a craft much faster


Especially if you’re waiting for a specific craft to pop up on the market. 30% overpay is still cheaper than crafting yourself


If you have to wait months to find something at the price…that’s not the market price…


This is not a common craft…


4x k15 is very very very common




Find me the last time this craft has sold at 3-10% sp


He overpaid in this instance, yes, BUT, 3-10% overpay is NOT happening for GOOD crafts. Only with cheap stickers. He paid ~42% sticker price. So yeah. I think a bit overpay. 20-30% would’ve been the ideal sweet spot, but never in a million years would he find this for sub 10% sticker price. Crafts with old stickers, especially expensive desired stickers, sell for 15-35% sticker price all the time. Good luck finding a decent holo luminosity/keyd stars/Sk gaming/counter logic/etc foil/holo craft for 10% and under sticker price. And I don’t mean a random 1 off sticker on an ugly gun, I mean crafts on color matching guns that are pretty lol I paid ~23% sticker price for my frontside misty w a titan & 3x foil luminosity stickers. Nobody is gonna sell a gun with SK/luminosity/etc holos for 10% or less sticker price. I’ve been hunting and collecting a couple guns with SK Atlanta 2017 holos and have had little luck finding anything even below 25%. Hell, most crafts are listed for 30-50%. My “deals” have been getting a few good crafts for 15-20% sticker price lol


Bro 23% is way overpay. It took my less than 30 seconds to find a titan holo 2014 with 3x 2015 titan on a blue lam Ak about same desirability if not more than a frontside misty. 1.4% sticker price. Don’t get emotionally attached to the craft that you overpay for


Brother, blue lam is ugly as hell 😭 find and link me a 3x luminosity holo + a titan on a frontside misty for less than 15-20% sticker price lmao. Or even 4x luminosity holo. It’s not just not happening. Also I did the math wrong. I paid 16.7% sticker price, quite a fair price. You also realize I’m talking all in sub 100$ right. And don’t link me a FT/WW/BS lol.


Like I’ve found 100s under 3% with aks which are all more desirable than a frontside Misty. Frontside Misty is one of the lowest desirability aks…. I already found a Vulcan with best pos titan holo 3x kato 15 stickers for 3%. You’re attached to your gun. Accept it. It’s cool everyone does.


Brother, please show me a SINGLE ak you can find with luminosity holos for 5% or under. That ISNT a shitty ass BS elite build. Lol


Why are you so obsessed with luminosity holos lol they aren’t that expensive. You could pay 100% on those and 5% on the titan and save money


Just go on csfloat, you can filter it by stickers there are plenty of nice crafts, even 4x kato 2014s under 5%


I look at everything from a market standpoint, you’ll never get that money back out of the skin, but it’s all on what it’s worth to you as it’s not common to find the exact craft you want if you’re set on certain stickers


Titan papers don’t look THAT great in 4x, and I was specifically stating luminosity stickers because I like those stickers. Clearly, they are liked too, because nobody seems to be selling holos or foils on good crafts for sub 25%. Also, I want my stickers to be shiny and look good. It DOES NOT look good to me when I see a bunch of random Kato papers for 1-3% sticker price on a skin that look ugly as fuck One of my favorite stickers overall is SK gaming Atlanta 2017 holos. LOVE those. Unfortunately, all crafts with them seem very expensive. I want a 4x of those on an aquamarine revenge, but for months the only 4x crafts of those have been 30-50% sticker price :/


I’m talking 4x kato 2014 holo crafts, literally just actually do your research and search the sites. You could buy the luminosity holos and pay less than the 16% or whatever. The expensive sticker is the titan holo and you can find 100s if 3% or so and if you love luminosity you can literally buy them yourself and apply way cheaper than the 16%


I like the luminosity holos look really good on a frontside misty. And sadly, no, you will not find sub 10% on a 4x of those on a FN or MW frontside misty (especially if it’s stattrak too) 16% sticker price was maybe like 3-4% overpay? But I certainly didn’t overpay by going 16% sticker price instead of searching for months to maybe snag at 10-12% sticker price. Lol. As for kato holo crafts, yeah, you can find some for 3-5%, but your talking hundreds of dollars at 5% because the stickers cost thousands!




Frontside misty is definitely liked. Arguably more than blue lam. Frontside misty is not an S tier AK -> but it’s solid B tier. Blue lam is C at BEST. I’m an aquamarine enjoyer for A tier, or orbit Mk01 ☺️


Frontside Misty is cheap and from like 2015. The supply is way higher than demand and you don’t even see people use them as play skins they just sit in the back of inventories. I have multiple right now and everyone shits on the skin in game, I personally don’t mind the frontside Misty it’s in my rotation but everyone shits on it. It’s one of the lowest tier aks


I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on it with the stickers :)


And again I’m not saying I don’t like the skin frontside Misty, it’s one of my favorites but it’s not liked across the community, for a 2015 skin how cheap it is etc


Also if you can find me some SK holo 2017 Atlanta crafts under 20% sticker price PLEASE link me them bro 😂😭


Aquamarine revenge looks really good with some crafts. I really like it with 4x 2015 vox holo


Aquamarine revenge is a W.


20% overpay would only happen on super rate crafts on nice guns. Like 4x titan or ibp


Anyone who mentions any sort of “rule” like 3-10% is clueless Crafts are case by case and there is no other answer


so cool!


That much sticker percentage for a 1/2 craft really isn’t crazy. If you love this skin for the 3dmaxs then it’s a decent price


It’s not a bad price at all idk what everyone is going on avout


Sure you overpaid, but you know what would have been way more expensive? If you crafted it yourself. Not that big of an L. Technically any time you craft your own skin its a bigger L than this


I mean per CSFloat this is a 1 of 2 craft. So if you’re happy with it (I love it), I wouldn’t stress over paying on sticker price. Still beats the price of buying everything separate and crafting yourself!


hella scammed


L sadly, max 150 for this one


Looks nice, but you paid way too much. Sad L.


If you bought it for your 3DMax collection, it’s a personal W. but $500 is only worth it for you for that reason