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Him or Stitt will have a cousin to buy from for this. That's their way.


*"This ad was paid for by the "Oklahoma Christian nationalists republican Americans for patriotism".


And any big money donors will have signed a NDA so we will never know who gave how much.


That’s all politicians way.


He’ll probably mandate trump bibles so it’ll be even more than that. Those go for like $60 each. Walters is such an idiot. There are numerous atheist/agnostic teachers in this state. They will treat this book as any other book of literature, and it will be criticized.


Grifters gonna grift


Calling him an idiot is definitely a mistake that discredits non-Rs. The people that vote R, in Oklahoma at least, are the idiots. He knows the consequences of his actions. I agree in sentiment. It's frustrating. I am essentially being forced to either homeschool my children or move away from my family and friends. My family's roots are as deep as they get in this state. It makes me so sad to leave. There is no hope in this state for those that value freedom.


I stick by what I said. He’s an idiot.


Doesn't everyone get their bibles from Big Dan? https://preview.redd.it/ntl633kinx9d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c2f2fa62c9655abe105c4447a85510b790dc021


Got mine from Moses Pray.


He oughta give ol RW one of his Bible sales lectures. Just like them soggy bottom boys


There are vast amounts of money to be made in the service of the Lord.


Most likely someone will donate them from a right wing religious organization as to not have public money go to it. There is always a game these people plan playing. Its the long game of pushing cases to the supreme court until they get their way. Its also why they plan on teaching the bible as "history" to give "context" to the constitution. which is just a ruse to force religion into the schools.


It doesn’t even make logical sense. The Bible is isn’t history anymore than The Iliad is, and it has zero bearing on the constitution.


to the point these people have been promoting the idea that the constitution was inspired by the bible. Its totally false but they believe it. Look up david barton he's been publishing books lying about history for a few decades and right wing evangelicals believe it.


Well, they are one of the most gullible groups.


I agree, they would probably be donated and someone will use it as a major tax write-off. I did see where the US Dept of Education addresses the legality and you’re right, they’re covered under the historical aspect… but I read it more as religious material *could* be taught, not that it *must*. The Bible is historical literature (even if a person doesn’t like or agree with it). Many many of the oldest texts including prophecies of the events occurring centuries later. However, the hypocrisy lies in the push to keep any inappropriate/graphic/sexualized material out of school as the Bible is also full of this content, especially Old Testament.


They'll be using the Trump Bible with its 10 commandments inside.


The trump bible is what will eventually be the norm. Then the new king trump version after they establish that 'the bad parts of the bible were written by woke people" and modify it to serve them better.


Then there is the question of which Bible? Catholic bibles have 73 books, while Protestant bibles have 66. Then, which translation? The KJV is more 'old-english' with a lot of thee's and thou's, so that can make it difficult to understand. NAB or NRSV are decent translations, but the Catholics tend to use those more so will that be a consideration? The NKJV utilizes a more modern English, so it's easier to understand, but that doesn't take into account the Jehovah's Witnesses and their Bible, or the Mormon's and their religious books.


Let's be unique and go with the 88 book Ethiopian Orthodox Bible. That way everything is there.


His response to this question recently was "the most historically accurate bible".




Designate every classroom as a hotel and the Gideon fairies will have them fully stocked overnight


They're obviously going to stock OK schools with Trump Bibles. Why just fuck over tax payers when you can fuck over taxpayers *and* support a criminal running for office?


Shock: there are many different Christian bibles. There are numerous translations, with different books included in various editions. Scholars disagree as to which translations are the closest in meaning to the original languages in which the books were written Which version will the State of Oklahoma "establish" as the official Oklahoma Bible? The Trump Bible is the obvious choice.


If that happens, then I would think that it's so clear as to be transparent that it's in violation of the First Amendment 'Establishment' Clause. It's even in the word itself!


Do you trust that this Supreme Court would see that obvious violation? I do not.


Unfortunately, you make a good point.


They will make the parents bring it along with Kleenex etc.


He probably figures the teachers will buy these the same way they pay for their other materials.


In a semi-serious thought, I would recommend The Jefferson Bible. It’s clearly founding father approved. If a teacher is to comply, I strongly encourage malicious compliance.


This is all performative nonsense. The likelihood of Bibles and 10 Commandments posters being in every OK classroom is basically 0. The Supreme Court will see to that. Walters knows this and for some reason has chosen to pick a fight he cannot win to make some asinine political statement. I say all this as a Southern Baptist preacher who would love to have everyone study the Bible. I don’t want it taught in classrooms, though. Why would I want people who are unbelievers or perhaps even anti-Bible teaching it? Furthermore, mandating this would also open the door to mandating the use of the Koran or the Vedas or any number of other religious texts. This is a fools errand put forth by a fool.


Ooooo. I've been waiting for a comment like this from someone like you. The idea that a book that someone has to go to school to study BEFORE they can teach it, is the main point I've been getting at. I've never seen anyone accept Jesus by being hit in the head with a Bible. I would love to see recorded video messages from Preachers, Reverends, Priests, and any experts in the field of religion telling Mr Walters that he is a fool and he will do more damage than anything else. But....The SCOTUS just overturned a whole lotta stuff, so I wouldn't say the chances are 0. What say you Padre?


Conversion does not happen at the end of a sword. Compliance, perhaps, but not true conversion. Do I think our society has something to learn morally and ethically from the Bible? Of course I do. But you will never make true believers by force (this applies to any dogma, tbh). Truthfully, I don’t believe trying this is about making genuine converts. It’s a wink and a nod to a certain segment of the populace who are themselves nominally Christian or at best immature in their faith. 


I'm more interested in how, science, band, home ec, foreign language, sports, ag, math, etc, will incorporate the Bible. English and History, while not teaching explicitly teaching from the Bible, do discuss elements/allusions that come from the bible. Is this a daily requirement, weekly, or can I just hold the Bible up on day one and say this is the Bible? A lot of us are going to lose our jobs.


I'm wondering if Walters would take offense if I give a lesson on how Trump aligns with the biblical definition of the antichrist? I'd use quotes from the Bible to make my point.


I'd say there's a huge chunk of it that can't be mentioned/taught in schools now. Slavery, executions, rape, incest...will the schools then have to ban certain books or passages? Because I think I remember seeing a certain clause near the beginning of that book about doing that... I do not envy you. Whatever messages I want my child to get from the Bible, we go to church for. In school, I want my kid to focus on being able to read, spell, and correctly do math. Maybe some really cool science experiments sprinkled in there too. Maybe it'll be like nurses during covid? Teachers being hailed as Frontline heroes while making serious bank. There had better be large pay increases coming with the extra responsibilities and time dealing with upset parents.


Bet he buys the Trump Bible at $60 each, that's $1.1 million, and it just so happens he has $1.4 million he hasn't spent yet.


Hell, just ask the Gideons to place a bible in each classroom rather than hotel rooms. Gideon checked out….


and he left it, no doubt


To help with good Rocky's revival


I would like to see the actual data on classrooms in Oklahoma. I bet it's more like 150k rooms.


There are far fewer than 50k teachers, so I'm not sure why we'd have 100k empty classrooms


Well, I guess we know who bought all the Trump bibles for sale.


Pay for it with weed taxes and then use the bible pages to roll joints.


"It's the circle of life" 🎶🎶


Walters will just have OSDE cut another staffer or two to cover the cost of the Bibles. I mean, it's not like he is using the the staff to apply for and keep Federal Ed grant dollars in Oklahoma.


I would imagine The Gideons will be more than happy to provide the Bibles for free.




Somehow this will be the one thing in a classroom that the teachers won’t have to pay for out of their own pockets.


He’s a damn moron!!


Mardel's is about to get paid. Walter's must own stock. Lol


Off topic, but I just realized I've owned multiple bibles and never paid for a single one.


Only the worst people run Oklahoma currently


The cost is the least important thing. The fact that it shouldn’t be in public schools is the issue. Textbooks cost money, these morons will say it’s a textbook. Even though an editor would tear it up.


The point of the post was to point out that he might be getting some type of kickback from this decision, it needs to be investigated he's already shown that he's going to spend frivolously by spending over $100,000 on a PR firm.


I am only too aware.


You can subtract $10 from that total. There will be no Bible in my classroom. Can you imagine the outrage if it had been the Quran that had been mandated to be in the classroom? I have no legal background and very little knowledge, but I’m pretty sure I cannot be coerced into being a part of the establishment of a state religion. If Walters forces me to have a Bible in my classroom, and no other religious texts, he is saying the Bible is the official book in my classroom.


My intent is to get people angry, fired up. I want people to contact his office. I want people to post on social media. I want people to make videos. it doesn't matter if you're Christian if you're Muslim if you're an atheist no one should be pleased with the job that he's doing or the decision to try to make some type of State religion. If you're a teacher please contact his office and get your fellow teachers to contact his office.


I’ve already written my state representative and state senator. My next letters will be to my district superintendent and my principal. They are going to need our support when they fight this. I hope many, many teachers will refuse to have a Bible in their classrooms. If only 10% of us refuse, he’ll have to revoke over 4,000 licenses.


He'll be ordering the Trump bible for each and every school at the budget price of 59.99


They'll buy them from trump.