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It seems more intuitive to me this way. For example if I want to type Alt F4 and F4 is on layer 1, I would type Alt + MO(1) + 4. Using one shots I would equivalently type OSM(ALT) + OSL(1) + 4.


So, are you saying that it's wrong for me to want it the way I want it, and instead I should want it the way you want it?


You might be confusing counter intuitive with wrong. It's not wrong to want something that is counter-intuitive.


It sounds like you believe that "intuitive" is absolute, rather than subjective; and that your sense of what's intuitive is the correct one.


It honestly feels like you are putting a lot of words in my mouth. I've never mentioned "wrong" or "correct" or if you should want what I want. I was just saying that what you felt was un-intuitive actually felt intuitive to me. ​ Edit: I'm not a project maintainer shutting down your ticket with "Will not fix -- Working as intended" Im just another user saying that the way you claimed is unintuitive feels intuitive to me


Ah, maybe when I said that it felt counter-intuitive to me, you interpreted that as me saying it that QMK's behavior is wrong, and wanted to defend QMK? All I meant to say was that I want to customize it, not that they're wrong. Otherwise, I don't see the point in sharing what feels intuitive to you. I wasn't asking folks which they prefer, I was asking how I can change it, and your comment didn't address that at all.


I was gonna suggest looking at [Callum mods](https://github.com/callum-oakley/qmk_firmware/tree/master/users/callum), which is an implementation that allows "chaining" of OSM's similar to what you describe, but in looking for the above link, I found that someone actually adapted Callum's code to work for OSL's as well: https://blog.ffff.lt/posts/callum-layers/. As I just discovered this, I don't know too much about how it works, but it should be pretty close to what you're looking for. edit: and here's a more up to date version from an PR in progress of the second feature which the author is calling "flow"