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Sparkling water and black coffee.


Flavored black coffees have really upped the game for me


What do you mean by flavoured? Also where do you get them from?


I use a keurig, not sure if it’s available for loose coffee. If you type flavoured k-cups in Amazon a bunch show up. They also sell them at most grocery stores.


The true recipe for success


You don’t find black coffee too acidic for your stomach and teeth?


I haven't, no. But I think it's different for everyone. If you do find it too acidic you can stick to just sparkling water or tea (black or green) without sugar.


Consistency. Making my fasting part of my normal schedule.


This. Once it's a habit, you think less about it and your body adjusts. Or rather mine has when I do consistent OMAD/IF/fasting. Earlier days were so much more difficult.


Not a hack but I still have coffee with creamer every day. I know that it probably kills my fast, but I don’t think I could stay doing this if I had to cut that out.


Are you American? What exactly is creamer? Is it a powder or is it just your way of saying milk?


"Creamer" can be: milk, half-and-half, cream, double cream, butter, any nut/bean milk, artificial creamer crystals, and even more besides.


I just looked it up because I didn't know either. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-dairy_creamer): "... a liquid or granular product intended to substitute for milk or cream as an additive to coffee, tea, hot chocolate or other beverages. They do not contain lactose and therefore are commonly described as being non-dairy products, although many contain casein, a milk-derived protein."


Huh that’s interesting, I’m just wondering what would be the UK equivalent tbh.. I would buy it if I knew what it was.. I did use to buy this thing called coffee mate to put in my coffee while I was in a homeless shelter. That might be considered creamer?


Yes thats creamer


I’m in the US and creamer to me is plain half and half or plain heavy whipping cream. Creamer can also have 1000 different flavors+sweeteners (reg or artificial) added.


Okay, this is more confusing! What is half and half? Creamer is just cream now? Also cream with flavours and sweeteners added has got to be the most US thing I’ve ever heard of. Lol.


Creamer is a prepackaged/store bought creamy liquid or powder that you can add to coffee. It can be milk, fake milk, or anything really, and is usually presweetened. “Heavy cream” or whipping cream (or double cream in the UK) is milk with a higher fat (butter) content, which makes it thick and creamy. “Half & half” is a prepackaged/store bought container of half heavy cream + half regular (whole) milk.


The flavored ones IMO are ick. Lololol


Coffee Mate is creamer, yes


Cream/milk and sugar


Uk coffeemate is different from us coffeemate, not exactly sure how or why (possibly down to lacking some ingredients that are banned in the uk). US stuff just seems creamier and heavier than uk stuff - bit like whole milk is to skimmed milk. still worth a try though.


It’s just a sweetened flavored cream you can put in your coffee


Creamer is flavored sweet milk essentially. Add like 2 tbsp to a cup of coffee. Common flavors are French vanilla and hazelnut. I've seen Kahlua (non-alcoholic), and there are also seasonal flavors like pumpkin spice and peppermint mocha (the best one imo)


Liquid creamer*. There is also powdered creamer, as mentioned below.


I hate the word “creamer” personally. It can be powder or liquid. I only prefer liquid.


All i need is just a coffee with full fat milk. I could survive the whole day with this.


Yea, this is what I do as well. If I’m out near a solid coffee shop I can just have black coffee but at home I like half and half to start my morning coffee


i do same thing in morning and also have match w/ cream at lunch too. I eat my full meal at 3pm.




Creamer breaks a fast if you’re doing OMAD and having creamer you’re wasting your efforts


Tea helps a ton for me, and exercise sometimes does as well. Also just staying busier makes a big difference.


Exercise works for me. If I’m hungry before I go for a run, I’m not for a good hour afterwards. But then I’m usually starving. So I usually time my run towards the end of the fasting period.


Apple cider vinegar, lemon and water. Lots of water. Good fats like avocado, olive oil, macadamia nuts, etc with my one meal.


But lemon breaks a fast right ? it even has carbs


This is what I do with my version of OMAD. Went from 168 to 133. Everyone has to do what's best for them. If you feel it will break your fast then don't do it.


Wow how long did it take you to lose that weight doing OMAD ?


A little over a year and has stayed off going on 3 years now. I am mostly in maintenance mode but this is my new lifestyle now.


Does ACV break a fast


Im not sure I bend the rules a little to what works for me. It helps me immensely with bloating, sugar cravings, and energy. Research if that is important to you.


I should try that! How often do you drink water with ACV per day? Do you always combine it with lemon?


I have a big 55 Oz hydrojug of water and try to drink 1-2 full ones a day. I squeeze half a lemon and 2 tbsp of ACV in the jug daily and sip on it throughout the day.


What do you mix your olive oil with in your meal?


Drizzle it on salads or my meal.


Do you consider the oil’s calorie count?


Yes I include that with my 1700 calories I eat for omad. I'm in maintenance right now and exercise 4x a week


I chose to take a break from OMAD today and cooked a small breakfast. I feel like I will never need to eat again. Otherwise is is green tea, but maybe breakfast is the answer🤢


Been thinking the same


Have you reincorporated breakfast into your routine?


Figuring out when you should actually eat And lower carb keeps the cravings away. So I do keto Bought a Sodastream to make my own tonic. It's almost like booze


Would love to learn your tonic recipe!


I haven't pulled the trigger on real tonic. I just use their premade mix. Cocktail Time with Kevin Kos, his recipe would be the first one I try


I have coffee in the morning and lots of water during the day. When I get my first hunger pangs I drink water with a effervescent magnesium tablet and some salt, afterwards the hunger is gone. When I get my second hunger pangs about 4 to 5 hours later, I go to the gym, this makes me forget about food and afterwards I could easily go on for some more hours without eating. Sometimes I have a second cup of coffee during the day and when I'm at home all day, I get these LaCroix type of sparkling water cans and might have several cups of tea as well, to trick myself into believing I am snacking, which I feel like doing when I am at home, lol. Just the act of going into the kitchen and getting something, even if it is calorie free, helps me.


water with splash of lemon juice and black coffee ☕️


Bubly, black coffee and green tea. Every day. All day. ☕🍵🫧


Do you feel bloated because of the "bubly"? Is bubly sparkling water?


Time. Honestly, after a while, I just don't get hungry that much anymore.


focus in on that hunger. Dont ignore it. Feel it with your whole body. take some time with it. Acknowledge what that feeling means and why you’re choosing to feel it. then, honor it Also, i would have accepted, black coffee


Higher protein. If I keep the protein high when I'm eating, it keeps me full all day. Even just eating what you eat normally but adding a protein shake to it will be a huge game changer.






I’ve started to drink caffeine free teas like ginger and turmeric tea or vanilla chai tea etc they all say there 1 calorie and they have amazingly healthy ingredients in them


Cole zero and black coffee with stevia.


I suck on salty almonds and spit the almonds out. Whenever I annoy my coworker, she says, "oh go suck on your nuts"




Lol! Please tell me you eat the nuts the same day. I’d be worried about bacterial growth


No! Lol. I throw them out! Sounds like a waste of nuts, but it helps me


I lick the shells of pistachios then crack them open and save the actual nuts in a pile for later lol


That is wild




Maldon salt flakes


Black coffee blended with MCT oil and sweetened with monk fruit in the mornings - closest thing to coffee with creamer there is. Also decaffeinated earl gray with lemon and monk fruit in the evenings


I find that incorporating superfoods into my diet makes a huge difference. They're not just filling but also immensely beneficial for overall health.  I’ve been enjoying nomz Daily Nourish - it's a blend of 12 nutrient-dense superfoods like sprouted flax, chia seed powder, hemp hearts, and bee pollen, designed to boost your energy, nourish your gut, and support your immune system. With 11g of fiber, 11g of healthy fats, and 10g of protein per serving, it's an easy-to-use mix that can be added to smoothies or simply enjoyed with water.


Diet Coke. Water. Vaping.


I don't believe there is a hack nor you need a hack. Once you are habituated to OMAD, you'll be able to last the day without a sweat. Perhaps if there is one bit of advice I find true, is to eat plenty of whole foods in your meal. Get extra protein and healthy fats.


Chugging water when I have a bad pang. As much as a liter.


Green tea and jasmine tea. I drink about 8 cups a day.


Alkaline water


Decaf black coffee- too much caffeine spikes your cortisol which in turn makes you hungrier.


Ginger tea for the win


Black coffee and 10+ minute walk.


Coffee with unsweetened almond milk




Coffee. I am so eccentric at my age, 7, I am sure all of the locals make fun of me. In my car, I keep a bottle of sucra drops and imitation vanilla. I put 3 drops and a big squeeze of vanilla in my 28 oz Yeti mug before I leave my car. Then, I go in the local convenience store with my old cinnamon shaker. In the shaker are powders of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and matcha. I fill the cup 1/3rd of the way with caffeinated coffee, shake some powder in, then top off with decaf. In the evenings I make a sort of alcohol free cocktail. At home a recipe for an evening alcohol free cocktail has evolved. Focused on taste, satisfaction, and being healthy. It evolved to it's current state over a few years. I don't drink alcohol. I have an RO filtration system in my home connected to a spigot at the kitchen sink and connected to the ice maker of my refer. And, I purchased a soda stream counter top carbonator. So, today I use these for my cocktail. Previous to the soda stream, I used canned seltzer, I liked the grapefruit the best. In a tall glass 1/3rd ice one shot lemon juice one shot apple cider vinegar 3 drops iodine dash of redmond salt dash of no salt 5 sucra drops filled to the brim with carbonated water. It tastes terrific. Acidy, sweet, lemony, and appley. Very refreshing. Unexpectedly, I found this drink vaporizes my sweet tooth. We went out to dinner with another couple last night. They ordered wine and mixed drinks, I ordered a fancy quart bottle of seltzer. Out of my pocket I pulled out a bottle of sucra drops, and, a small plastic hand held garlic press in a baggie. I ordered some lemon and lime wedges with my seltzer. They had to watch me squeeze the lemon and lime and add my sucra drops. Decaffeinated green tea with sucra drops helps with cravings. I often add a little lemon juice, and a dash of redmond and no salt. Sometimes add 2 or 3 drops of iodine too.


I’m a simple guy. Just water and black tea


First thing in the morning (6am), I roll over and grab a cup of coffee with a tbsp of lime juice in it that's on my bedside table. It satisfies me until I eat my noon meal. If I do occasionally get hungry beforehand, I'll have a cup of tea, usually one of these (Celestial Seasonings Peppermint/Raspberry Zinger, Tazo Wild Sweet Orange, or Taylor Rose Lemonade) do the trick and keep me satisfied until my meal. Love tea now.


Coffee… with lime juice? Together?




High protein at 1g per your ideal weight for your height, imo. Might seem high to you but protein is the most satiating macro. Eating higher means eating less carbs & fat


Eating as low carb and sugar as possible the previous few days.


Fasting and burning body fat. No hunger with fatty acids and ketones, minimal glucose from the liver.


Honestly, what's worked is meals that have a lot of fat, protein, and complex carbs in them. It's the only way because anything else really makes me hungry sooner. Also if you're not busy, staying in bed/away from the kitchen as long as possible lol


I just don't swallow anything but water until it's time to eat. I don't feel hungry or even think about food during the day


OMAD Breakfast. I load up on as much animal fats as is appetizing in the morning and my protein quota for the day. No carbs. What follows is a slow burn with stable energy for the rest of the day till the next morning. I do this 6 days a week.


How about your electrolytes??


Well I eat 1-2 different kinds of organ meats each week, with small amounts eaten once a day, and that keeps my electrolyte needs met. I eat only raw animal foods, mind you, so that keeps my electrolytes in balance I feel. Once a week I'll have some fruit juice and rice/potatoes. Lemon water now and then when I feel like it.


Eating the meal in the midday instead of night


tea and coffee with milk does a body good


Water and personal commitment. Seriously, no snark. It works and I want to keep reaping the benefits so I am committed.


Am not hunger just bored self advice to myself


TBH diet sweet tea throught the day and coffee in the morning. I also try to eat a really large, bitchin' salad at my meal (4pm). It has everything from homemade blue cheese dressing to julienned beets and nuts and seeds on top. I try to eat a good amount of protein and have an entree I really like and a small dessert. I rarely get food cravings.


Nothing, to be honest. After day 5-6 of OMAD I just don't get hungry during the day.


I’m addicted to sparkling water in general. I’m sure this is it for me. Speaking of. If anyone lives near a Harris Teeter, they often have buy 2 get 3 free on their various brands!




Staying positive and not focusing on the hunger