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I think the first question to ask is how much do you eat?


Last night for example I ate a big bowl of pasta and tomato sauce roasted vegetables, several different fruits and some nuts/raisins. Plus plenty to drink throughout the day - water, tea, coffee etc


Carbs from the pasta can cause you to have an insulin spike and then hunger not long after. Even if it feels filling and fills you up for hours, the hunger pangs are stronger usually after carbs, that’s what I find for me anyway. Was it wholewheat pasta? Like complex carbs?


Thanks. No just regular dried fusilli pasta with homemade tomato sauce.


Its possible that it’s because of white pasta. Or white refined carbs in general. These aren’t slow release and will cause hunger pains more than complex carbs, such as wholemeal breads, wholewheat pastas etc. I found that replacing refined carbs with complex carbs kept me fuller for longer and also gave me lasting energy.


That’s great, thanks ☺️


I can’t end on a thing of pasta unless a ton of protein is included too. Pasta fills me up quickly but honestly in start to feel hungry just a few hours after it. So I have to add protein to it. Lots of protein. If you are vegetarian or vegan, I’d suggest a vegan protein shake with protein powder and peanut butter to go along with your meal.


Great shout, thanks ☺️


I agree with the other people, you need to up your protein intake to prevent the hunger spike.


What did you use for your protein shake? I’m also trying to stay clear of possible from high UPF products and I know a lot of protein powders fall into this category.


Why not eat real food for your protein? Are you vegan? Eat some chicken, turkey, beef, fish, eggs. You're waking up hungry b/c you're not eating enough calories, and it's high carb. You need to eat another entire meal's worth of calories in addition to what you listed.


Thanks. Yes I’m vegetarian so don’t eat meat, but eggs area great shout. Think I need to be eating more as you say!


This is one vegan protein powder certified by the Clean Label Project that I have found to be pretty tasteless, so easy to add to things: https://a.co/d/0m8pAZk


Thanks ☺️


The only REAL tip anyone can offer you, just shut the hell up and keep the promise to yourself. Pain is a part of life, either deal with it or stuff your face and fail. You can do it, no one puts the food in your mouth for you. Make a choice, STICK TO IT


You seem nice.


Hunger pains 😂


How close together is your meal and bedtime?


I ate between 6pm-7pm and go to bed around 11pm


What time do you eat? This is why I could never do early day omad lol


Around 6pm ish!


Are you eating to lose weight, also are you vegetarian / vegan? Might want to eat more nutrient dense foods and more in general


Yes I’m vegetarian, having been for years. And I’m trying OMAD to lose weight, I need to shift about 4 stone to get to a healthy weight.


How much do you eat, what time do you eat ?


Last night for example I ate a big bowl of pasta and tomato sauce roasted vegetables, several different fruits and some nuts/raisins. Plus plenty to drink. I eat around 6pm


Theres your problem right there. “A big bowl of pasta” high carb intake will leave you feeling hungry.


Based on what you ate last night, you need more protein before wrapping it up for the day. I always have a protein smoothie as my dessert. I tried carnivore for about a month, and I was never hungry. Protein makes you feel fuller for much longer. Try it tonight and see.


Will give this a go, thanks!


What did you use for your protein shake? I’m also trying to stay clear of possible from high UPF products and I know a lot of protein powders fall into this category.


Following this!


I use these premade shakes. Either drink them straight or throw them in a blender with a couple of ice cubes and some frozen fruit. If you're in the United States they sell these at Costco. Most of our supermarkets have them too but much more expensive.[Premier Protein Shake ](https://www.premierprotein.com/products/vanilla-protein-shake)

