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Lost 50 lbs in 6 months. And maintained 5½ years so far. From low end of morbid obesity to normal weight.


I love seeing your comments everywhere on this sub. It's so encouraging.


You can do it! 👍


Did you continue OMAD after reaching your goal weight


Yes, absolutely. I have eaten OMAD virtually every day.


I've been doing it unintentionally while on ozempic for a about two months. Did you have any problems with anxiety attacks when you started OMAD?


I’d discuss with your prescribing Dr. Haven’t heard of people mixing OMAD with OZ. No attacks, but I certainly had challengers. Especially in the early days/weeks as I was acclimating.


Lost 50 pounds in little under a year sitting on my ass not eating. Could have hit my goal weight, but wanted to improve strength and flexibility. So dropped another 50+ with consistent exercise over 4ish months.


Any tips for overcoming hunger or boredom? These are the two hardest things about losing weight for me.


Work and personal projects keep me busy. Stay hydrated and when hunger hits push through knowing your body is adjusting to a new lifestyle.


I am on my second week, and I find that flavors alone help, so I mix up my drinks throughout the day. Black coffee in the morning, a can of flavored (but unsweetened) sparkling water, unsweetened ice tea that I occasionally add a bit of citrus to, and just plain water. Zero-calorie cola definitely did not help; I just ended up feeling more hungry (which is apparently a thing, but was new to me).


I started at 280 on Feb, 1st. 5 months later I’m at 205. i‘m about 20 lbs from my goal weight. I don’t count calories but exercise 4-5 times a week (peloton cycle &rower) for 45 minutes. Roughly 3 lbs per week on average.


Nice! Great to see someone that was where I am now and be where I want to go. I’m only on my second week, but am down 11 pounds so far and am feeling like this could be it this time. Keep up the awesome work!


Any loose skin?


A bit around the triceps - I’m looking at some weight training to build muscle in that area to reduce that look. Surprisingly don’t have loose skin on the midsection where I carried most of my weight.


Did you do any weight lifting or just the cycle and rower? Also do you think 15min of max incline cardio would also suffice 4-5 week?


Just the cycle and the rower. I think the point is to get active. When I first started I had to constantly pause sessions because I couldn’t get through a thirty minute ride. Overtime I have been able to get myself to the point where 45-60 minute sessions are possible and usually I’m in the top 20% of participant (based on energy output). Start with what you can do and then keep building on it. I know I need to add weights to start putting muscle mass on which I know will also help increase metabolism and burn fat.


I'm OMADing my way to weight loss. I have lost 25 lbs in 50 days. I think I will use OMAD for the rest of my life. It simplifies things so much. And I have got to used to it now. I have even started doing a few 48 hour fasts.


Did you consistently lose 2 lbs/week?


No. Some times I have 3 days in a row at the same weight. Then on day 4 it goes down a lot. Consistency is key and not letting the plateaus disappoint you.


Needed to read this. Dealing with a small plateau when you’re doing everything right is so frustrating. I keep reminding myself to keep grinding and it will come off… in those moments when you’re faced with the same number for a few days in a row though, it feels like nothing will ever change.


started IF in february this year at ~260, currently at 208. still have another 30 pounds before my first goal weight but i’ve proven to myself that anything is possible with hard work and consistency!


I tried losing 5kg , I’ve lost 12kg in 6 weeks.


Do tell more!




I’m 4 pounds away from my goals weight and down 50lbs in 5.5 months. I ate clean and did OMAD about 80% of the time but weekly I had nachos at the theatre I live beside.


>ate clean and did OMAD about 80% of the time but weekly I had nachos at the theatre I live beside. This is real. We tend to do something that is real regular folk food like this once a week, and maybe go out to a restaurant once every two weeks. We usually pick Red Robin, which is up place that serves mostly Burger oriented food, but we get the chicken sandwich. It's grilled chicken and it's really delicious. Red Robin serves these amazing steak fries, which is really the driving force to go there LOL. Once we're there and have placed the order, we ask them to bring us each our side of broccoli steamed. When you order a burger or chicken sandwich, you can get a choice of side dishes including french fries or broccoli. We'll let them know in advance that we'd like the french fries with the sandwich, but the broccoli ahead of time. They look at us a little odd but it fills you up. That's typically why they had courses of food in old days. You know, soup, salad, fruit, you eventually get to the main dish, but it was all small portions. So the Red Robin thing is amazing, but for my omad, I tend to open up my window with a small snack sometimes an hour or two early when I'm at the office. It depends on my Hunger level. I'll have some sort of a raw vegetable, and either a Greek yogurt with fruit on it, or a high fiber 30 G protein shake. I'm hedging my bets on whatever we're eating for dinner to try to keep my protein up and ensure that I get enough vitamins.


I lost 55lb. From obese to healthy. Took about 8 months. I am at a stable weight now, but still OMAD.


I've lost 5 kg in 4 weeks. 4 more weeks and I get to my goal weight


57 lbs down since November. Still nede to loose 12 lbs more!


Started 248 on Jan 1. Currently weigh 185. It’s absolutely doable. I started at 18:6 and quickly moved to OMAD. I am not quite at my goal just yet (165), but OMAD has been very sustainable for me.


Loose skin?


Yeah a bit, but to be expected. I’m 37 and this is not my first weight-loss rodeo. Once I reach goal and maintain for 18 months I’ll look into removal/tummy tuck. It’s not bad just right at my gut where you’d expect. I’m proud of it though if I’m honest. I don’t love the way it looks obviously but it is proof that I am kicking obesity’s ass.


Any working out or just omad? Also how long did your plateaus last for if u had any and how did u get past them?


I lost 50 lbs with Keto and IF. Some times the Intermittent Fasting was an OMAD meal, some times not.


Were those one meals relatively bigger meals or small meals?


My OMAD meal would be slightly larger than a normal meal for me, and then I’d top it off with drinking a Keto Chow shake (600 cal). So in the end, it was like I was eating 2 and some change meals. Ex: 4 egg scramble (onions, green pepper, bacon, cheese), a pork chop and an avocado and my Keto Chow shake. I tend to eat my OMAD meal in the morning, so it’s a lot of breakfast items.


I’m thinking of doing my meals in the morning as well.


10 lbs in 5 weeks but I cheat 1 day a week.


Thanks for posting this question. I’ve just restarted OMAD after falling off the wagon last year. It helps to read so many positive comments. Just have to keep going.


Yes. After each baby. First time lost 25lbs second time lost 45. I’m still at my goal weight 18months later. Still do Omad when I’m not in a training block.


I started OMAD and no sugar to lose weight. I lost 70 pounds and am still OMAD. I lost the weight in 2020. I decided to stay OMAD because I just function much better than way.


Did you exercise too or strictly omad and no sugar?


Yes. I vigorously exercise for two hours whilst my body is in ketosis and autophagy.


This is the answer I was looking for. I’m about to try OMAD lol


Lost 35 lbs on OMAD over 5 months. Went from bordering on obesity to the middle of my healthy BMI. I followed OMAD pretty strictly, only eating outside my window infrequently for special occasions. I also increased my exercise and steps to speed things up a bit. Now that I'm practicing at maintenance, I've had to open up my window a bit more (20:4) to get all my calories in easier. Still plan on staying on a mostly OMAD diet, probably forever. I just feel better, and it's easier to enjoy food and my lifestyle this way.


What kind of exercises did you do? Was it a mix of cardio and weights or just one or the other?


Pretty much cardio only. I love to hike and bike, and hate going to gyms.


Down 80lbs took 6 months


Am down 80 pounds over the last 14 months. Am at my goal weight currently. Started at 262 and am at 182. Could have worked out more. But a bum shoulder, that I just had a total replacement on, held me back a lot. Still working through recovery just walking about 5 miles a day. Omad is a way of life for me now. Stay mentally strong and stick with it. You will not starve


Loose skin?


What is it with you and loose skin?




From the comments: Yes, if you can keep it up. No if not. Quite binary really.


I tried OMAD at first, I was 82 kg, about 23% bf (while doing strength calisthenics 3 times a week, no cardio) but couldn't handle it. I was shaking and very light headed by the end of the day. Then I switched to 16/8, and after two-three weeks to 17/7 for another two. Nowadays I'm doing OMAD on rest days and have a pre workout sandwich 2-3 hours before on lifting days. Lost about 10 kilos in 3 months. You can be flexible, just don't lose sight of your goal. Edit: 10 kilos loss may not seem like much, but considering that I was mostly doing strength training, I think it's probably because I put on some muscle


Lost 70 lbs in about a year. I didn’t maintain it though. A cross country move, relaxation and happiness from the move and eventually getting pregnant, I gained it all back after 2 years. Just trying to find the motivation to start again.




I’m only doing it 2 days a week and lost lots of body fat already.


I've been on OMAD or 22:2 since March and down 47 pounds. Working very well for me.


I lost 40ish lbs eating one meal a day for 6 months but there's were definitely chest day's in there!


Yes, lost 6 kg in 1 month doing 1121233 (meals per day along 7 days, variable) Keep going 😎


I’m 48 with recent back surgery so exercise is out. I went omad and nothing else and lost 40 lbs in 3 months. It’s all about self discipline.


Can you walk or are you wheelchair bound?


No I can walk and do daily activities. Just no exercise. Lifting jogging etc


I (43F, 5’4”, SW 147, CW 125) started OMAD on 1/16/24. I reached my goal weight of 125 lbs on 6/13 - so about 20 lbs lost in 6 months. And the best part is it felt pretty easy! I do OMAD Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri and then eat somewhat normally on Thursday and on the weekends- I try not to go too crazy though. I always skip breakfast each day which has been my norm for years due to lack of hunger. I do cheat every morning though and have a latte so not perfect OMAD by any means! I don’t count calories at all. I have a fairly active job and I almost always hit my 10k steps a day goal from being at work + a 45 min walk on my lunch break. I also do some stair climbing at the gym for about 30 min approx 3-4 times a week and play soccer for 1.5 hours once a week. I love that it’s possible to lose weight with this method even if you are not doing it perfectly. This feels sustainable to me. I feel better than I have in years. My mood is up, food noise is way down, and holy crap am I saving money on food!


I lost 3 kg in 1 week after switching from OMAD night to afternoon omad. My current weight is 83 planning to go 65 kg in 2 months. Hopefully with little exercise and afternoon omad I can reach my goal.


57lb since October last year. Thats with Xmas, birthdays, holidays etc eating what I want too. Rest of the time strict omad and a takeaway a week


I did OMAD and some weight lifting but very casually and lost 66Lbs to my goal weight and have still kept it off for over a year I am doing OMAD as a diet maintenance to keep it off for good.


48 lb since Mid Feb. I've OMAD for most part, but had a few 24+ hours fast. I've also had some instances of esting 2 times a day (kinda IF but not really). My thing is to push for OMAD for the calorie control, and I also do weight training 4-6/week.


So y’all work out doing OMAD? I want to try it, but I actually like working out and I don’t want to pass out trying to work out on little food lol


I was at 249, dropped to 149 in almost exactly one year. I wasn't like crazy strict on a day to day basis, sometimes I just wanted to treat myself, but on the whole I was consistent over that time period. I've been hovering in the 147-152 range for some months now. I'd like to drop another 10 or 15 pounds, but I have a bunch of other stuff going on at the moment, so I haven't been too worried about it lately. Kinda hit the pause button for a little bit


Yes literally thousands of people…it’s not magic just requires willpower


In about a year and a half after starting with intermittent fasting 18/6 and slowly narrowing my Eating window, I’ve lost 115 pounds in a little over a year. In my opinion, it’s really hard to go straight to one meal but if you ease into it, it’s easier not to be hungry all the time. I’m committed to Omad for the rest of my life with an occasional 2 smaller meals when girlfriends want to go to lunch, etc. I am 5’4” (was 5 foot six and I’m shrinking! What happens when you get old! Now you have to look at a different line on the BMI chart!) I am at 120 down from 235. Plateaus are a real thing and so frustrating but you just have to keep on keeping on! It’s worth it. Actually, I was up to 253 at one point. Wow, I hadn’t thought about it but that actually makes it a 133 loss. I’ve never been so excited in my life when I finally hit the overweight category! Call it cheating if you want, but I’m so bad at cooking and shopping that I started using Factor meals. That way I kept junk out of my house and snacking stuff. I never had to go to the grocery store except for fruits. They are delicious amazing what they can do with cauliflower for sauces and rice, etc. Things II would never do in my own kitchen. Four meals a week for $69 which includes shipping. So $276 a month is cheaper than what I was spending on groceries. I can’t even eat a whole meal now it’s just too much. If anybody is interested, they’re always sending me discount codes for friends. I look forward to it every night and it’s like splurging when you can eat everything that’s on the plate! Meals for keto, low-carb, low-cal, vegan, but I just pick what looks good, didn’t stick to one. Granted it is a little harder if you have a family or spouse, but my husband even likes them on occasion when I get behind and have extras…thank goodness he likes soup! He says he hasn’t had a bad one yet. It really takes the worry of planning off your shoulders. I try to do salads and grilled protein on the weekends and I’ve learned how to order if we go out to eat. Didn’t mean to run on for so long, but maybe this will help someone if they are concerned about Omad really working. Leaving next week for Italy, Croatia, and Greece with some time on the Greek Isles! You better believe I’m rocking a swimsuit! Not bad at 73 years old!


I found it incredibly hard because I need to be able to think during day for job and I couldn't. I can't sleep if hungry so eating at lunchtime didn't work either.


yessir 70kg to 55kg


I’m OMAD for six months, have lost 45 pounds, am now at a healthy weight and BMI but am trying for another 10 pounds - just vanity pounds really! Losing weight on OMAD/keto was so easy. Weight loss never stalled and was steady the whole time. No breaks, no cheat days. I adore the good I eat!! I also workout while fasted - lifting 3x a week and cardio 6x a week for 60-90 minutes, lots of high impact, super sweaty workouts. I’ve never felt better. I’m doing this for life!