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I’m guessing she enjoys reading Lee Child’s “Jack Reacher” series as that is what he does also. He only travels with a toothbrush, and buys what he needs whenever he needs it. If you had changed the ending of your post to: “then my Mom hands wash all of the clothes in the sink before donating” everyone in this sub would believe your Mom was incredibly resourceful.


I had the same thought. Although even Reacher no longer throws clothes away, he donates his stuff to thrift stores (Season 2 of the TV show).


Ecofriendly she ain't. Unless, of course, by throwing away she means donating, recycling, etc.


This is not a travel hack. Just wasteful


Throwing away useful clothing doesn’t seem like a great “hack” to me.


That’s really only sustainable for a short trip. I could see casting off as climate changes across a trip, like going from EU to North Africa, etc. I’m carrying such minimal quantities that there isn’t much to toss. If I’m walking all day with it, the quantities would be very Spartan, like worn plus 2x. Dry your on your hand washed socks on your pack as you walk.


This is a travel hack I learned from a stranger who travels the country on a motorcycle. He said to save T shirts, underwear and socks that get holes in them for a trip. After you use the item at your new destination, you simply throw it away. I have posted this "hack" on several forums and usually get blasted but I love it. It does free up space in your bag for purchases.


lol that Is one incredibly western “travel hack”. I hope she’s actually donating the clothes and not throwing them in the trash. That is wildly unnecessary for the sake of avoiding washing your shirt along with your body.


As a 67 year old woman I’m horrified at the waste. I’ll also note that women “of a certain age” are expected to dress better. Society will treat you less nice if you’re dressed poorly. It’s not fair, but there you go. What happens if she ever goes on a three week trip?


She travels a lot professionally abroad several times a year. She does this only on the Camino (mostly trails/mountains), so noone really looks at others' clothing.


Go Mom. Even if she throws them away at the end, they came from a thrift shop or her own closet, so they were getting thrown away later anyway. No one wants our non-designer second hand clothes, dropping them off to a thrift shop just passes on the problem. Seriously just don't buy new clothes, or only buy stuff you will keep for years, if this seems wasteful to you.


Well, I see your point. However, clothing usually found in our local second-hand shops are typically very worn, some are sold even with stains/holes, so they are not far from the end of their life anyway.


that's odd, the vast majority of clothing I find in thrift shops in the US is in pretty great condition, definitely closer to the beginning of its useful life than to the end. I try not to buy stuff with holes or stains, and that's not too difficult to do.